Rasmussen: Newt 45 Obama 43

Oh yes.. it's all about "vetting" for the liberal zombies until it comes to their messiah.. he's off limits..
Looky Looky, oh wait.. we can't. Obama will not release his records.. Imagine that? The same Bozo who has now sealed the records of an American border agent being slaughtered in Barry's Fast N Furious fiasco, has sealed his own identity and background. WHY? What is Barry trying to hide? If there's nothing to hide, why not release the records?

Records? You got the birth certificate you were so concerned about

Now......let's look and see what Ole Newts been up to

Ain't going to be pretty

You Zombies sound like broken records over your messiahs birth certificate. LMAO-- Barry, release all of your academic records, come on.. You can do it Barry..

Go for it sweetheart.......

You go after Obamas birth certificate, college transcripts and whatever

We will go after Newts list of lovers

Let's see who wins
You'll have your chance to do that, but I don't see enough of the electorate voting for snake rapists to beat Obama in the election.

I do. It's 1980 all over again - anybody but Carter/Obama wins...ANYBODY.



:clap2::lol::lol: :)
Records? You got the birth certificate you were so concerned about

Now......let's look and see what Ole Newts been up to

Ain't going to be pretty

You Zombies sound like broken records over your messiahs birth certificate. LMAO-- Barry, release all of your academic records, come on.. You can do it Barry..

Go for it sweetheart.......

You go after Obamas birth certificate, college transcripts and whatever

We will go after Newts list of lovers

Let's see who wins

I'm not going after anything.. just asking your messiah to release his academic records.. it isn't difficult.. in regard to Newts affairs.. <yawn>
Records? You got the birth certificate you were so concerned about

Now......let's look and see what Ole Newts been up to

Ain't going to be pretty

You Zombies sound like broken records over your messiahs birth certificate. LMAO-- Barry, release all of your academic records, come on.. You can do it Barry..

Go for it sweetheart.......

You go after Obamas birth certificate, college transcripts and whatever

We will go after Newts list of lovers

Let's see who wins

Didn't the left tell us that was none of our business when Clinton was having sex with interns in the oval office?

We'll let Obama run on his record.


Let's see who wins.
I'd vote for Cain (or any of the Republicans) if he fucked a snake......O's gotta go.
You'll have your chance to do that, but I don't see enough of the electorate voting for snake rapists to beat Obama in the election.

I do. It's 1980 all over again - anybody but Carter/Obama wins...ANYBODY.

Umm, two major components separate Carter's position going into re-election from Obama's. One, unlike Obama, Carter didn't inherit the worst recession any president received from his predecessor since Hoover handed FDR the Great Depression; and two, Obama isn't presiding over a hostage situation where 52 Americans were being held by terrorists for over a year and going into the election.
You Zombies sound like broken records over your messiahs birth certificate. LMAO-- Barry, release all of your academic records, come on.. You can do it Barry..

Go for it sweetheart.......

You go after Obamas birth certificate, college transcripts and whatever

We will go after Newts list of lovers

Let's see who wins

Didn't the left tell us that was none of our business when Clinton was having sex with interns in the oval office?

We'll let Obama run on his record.


Let's see who wins.

Wow.. I knew it was horrible but that's beyond pathetic!
Newt's baggage has been out in public for years so there will be no "october" surprise. He's a formidable candidate with an excellent grasp of the issues. Obama will make a grave error if he takes him lightly (assuming he is the nominee).

Newt will get crush by Obama in the 2012 general election.

You'll have your chance to do that, but I don't see enough of the electorate voting for snake rapists to beat Obama in the election.

I do. It's 1980 all over again - anybody but Carter/Obama wins...ANYBODY.

Umm, two major components separate Carter's position going into re-election from Obama's. One, unlike Obama, Carter didn't inherit the worst recession any president received from his predecessor since Hoover handed FDR the Great Depression; and two, Obama isn't presiding over a hostage situation where 52 Americans were being held by terrorists for over a year and going into the election.
Then YOU weren't around during the FORD years and W I N...? (Whip Inflation NOW)


Carter made it worse. And chastised the people for it SAME as Obama is doing.
Looky Looky, oh wait.. we can't. Obama will not release his records.. Imagine that? The same Bozo who has now sealed the records of an American border agent being slaughtered in Barry's Fast N Furious fiasco, has sealed his own identity and background. WHY? What is Barry trying to hide? If there's nothing to hide, why not release the records?
Yeah! And where's his birth certificate??

I said nothing of a birth certificate, never have.. but I noticed you did. Barry, RELEASE YOUR RECORDS.. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?
Umm, relax, it was just a joke. Just how far up your ass does that stick go?
You Zombies sound like broken records over your messiahs birth certificate. LMAO-- Barry, release all of your academic records, come on.. You can do it Barry..

Go for it sweetheart.......

You go after Obamas birth certificate, college transcripts and whatever

We will go after Newts list of lovers

Let's see who wins

I'm not going after anything.. just asking your messiah to release his academic records.. it isn't difficult.. in regard to Newts affairs.. <yawn>

Give me? Give me?

What is it with conservatives and actually doing some work? Go out there and dig up your own information. Find some students who went to school with him, find a professor who will tell how bad a student Obama is

We don't ask Newt to release a list of the babes he has been banging for the last five years. We will find them ourselves

Conservatives are always begging for handouts
You Zombies sound like broken records over your messiahs birth certificate. LMAO-- Barry, release all of your academic records, come on.. You can do it Barry..

Go for it sweetheart.......

You go after Obamas birth certificate, college transcripts and whatever

We will go after Newts list of lovers

Let's see who wins

I'm not going after anything.. just asking your messiah to release his academic records.. it isn't difficult.. in regard to Newts affairs.. <yawn>
Remember how it mattered Kerry vs. Bush in '04? Bush slammed Kerry.

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