Rasmussen: Newt 45 Obama 43

Liberal tactics to get Barry re-elected.. BLAME BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH and smear your opponent. Thats it.
Well that record got Bush re-elected -- why is it you think it won't get Obama re-elected?

Of course, I'm asking the same person who claimed Liberals were behind Cain's destruction, but then couldn't actually back it up, so I'm not exactly holding my breath.
Obama has doubled down on the debt/Deficit.

No escaping it. The Democrats helped him along. They too, will face the ire of the people.

The Democrats will also double down on class warfare rhetoric that they created.

YOU obviously are on the dole like alot of the Statists on this board and are threatened that your gravy train and days as a moocher are close to an end.
Show us the records Hussein.. Where are they?

Keep it up, brainwashed one- you lose votes every time. 90% of that is just for racist idiots...

That inaugaration day vs today chart is ALSO ridiculous. The SECOND Pub Great Depression wasn't ENDED by the stimulus until 11/2009- only the brainwashed Rush/Fox/Moonie/Kochheads don't know it....hoping for your recovery...change the channel.

This poll...it's as high as Newt will ever get. Newt 2012!! And I don't give a damn about his personal life if there's no crime. I'll leave that up to ignorant gossipy morons....90% Pub dupes.
LOL! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and Santa is bringing an early present to Newt! GO Newt GO!

2012 Presidential Matchups - Rasmussen Reports™
Wait....you expect rational people to take a bunk pole from Rasmussen seriously? Seriously? RASMUSSEN....?



Too funny. *wipes tears from eyes*
Didn't the left tell us that was none of our business when Clinton was having sex with interns in the oval office?

We'll let Obama run on his record.


Let's see who wins.
Well Bush's record was worse than that in most regards and he won his re-election.
NO they weren't. Try again.
Sure they were. Let's start with the very first one, shall we?

Unemployment. Your chart shows Obama started with 12 million unemployed and is currently as 14.1 million unemployed. First of all, the current number of unemployed according to the BLS is 13.9 million, not 14.1 million, but even going with that 2.1 million gain in unemployment under Obama ...

During Bush's first 33 months in office, he went from 6 million unemployed when he started to 8.7 million unemployed 33 months later ... a gain of 2.7 million additional unemployed and .6 million (according to your incorrect chart) worse than Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Shall we proceed to the next item in your chart?

I'm still waiting ... what did Obama call Americans lazy about?

Have you considered using Google, Ask Jeeves, Bing and a host of others?

11 million hits for me. You?

Obama, Nov. 12: "Well, this is an issue, generally. I think it's important to remember that the United States is still the largest recipient of foreign investment in the world. And there are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the U.S. as a great opportunity — our stability, our openness, our innovative free market culture. But we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted — well, people will want to come here and we aren't out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new business into America. And so one of the things that my administration has done is set up something called SelectUSA that organizes all the government agencies to work with state and local governments where they're seeking assistance from us, to go out there and make it easier for foreign investors to build a plant in the United States and put outstanding U.S. workers back to work in the United States of America."

Fact check: Obama's 'lazy' comment

Is this what you mean?
Yes, that's it. Seems Obama said 'the U.S. has gotten lazy about promoting and attracting new business to America,' not that Americans are lazy. I can't imagine Conservatives disagree with that, though reading his quote in context sure does explain why they quote him out of context.

Well Bush's record was worse than that in most regards and he won his re-election.
NO they weren't. Try again.
Sure they were. Let's start with the very first one, shall we?

Unemployment. Your chart shows Obama started with 12 million unemployed and is currently as 14.1 million unemployed. First of all, the current number of unemployed according to the BLS is 13.9 million, not 14.1 million, but even going with that 2.1 million gain in unemployment under Obama ...

During Bush's first 33 months in office, he went from 6 million unemployed when he started to 8.7 million unemployed 33 months later ... a gain of 2.7 million additional unemployed and .6 million (according to your incorrect chart) worse than Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Shall we proceed to the next item in your chart?


Wow- you win. O's gonna walk into his second term. Who can beat that? :cuckoo:

PS - He's also run up the debt to over $15 trillion...the chart is from last year.
NO they weren't. Try again.
Sure they were. Let's start with the very first one, shall we?

Unemployment. Your chart shows Obama started with 12 million unemployed and is currently as 14.1 million unemployed. First of all, the current number of unemployed according to the BLS is 13.9 million, not 14.1 million, but even going with that 2.1 million gain in unemployment under Obama ...

During Bush's first 33 months in office, he went from 6 million unemployed when he started to 8.7 million unemployed 33 months later ... a gain of 2.7 million additional unemployed and .6 million (according to your incorrect chart) worse than Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Shall we proceed to the next item in your chart?


Wow- you win. O's gonna walk into his second term. Who can beat that? :cuckoo:
Well, again, Bush's record was worse at this point, yet he was re-elected despite inheriting an economy not nearly as bad as the one he handed Obama. So if Bush can win with a record worse than Obama's, what makes you think Obama can't defeat the 7 dwarfs threatening to run against him next year?

PS - He's also run up the debt to over $15 trillion...the chart is from last year.
And that's surprising given the debt increased by $1.4 trillion during the year before he became president?
I still prefer Romney, but Newt will do. I am an "anyone but Obama" voter. I'd take Stalin over this flake.....:lol:

Either three and you will continue with the same.

Maybe, but at least Obamacare will be gone.

It figures............that's why we rate 37th in the world. You "Real Americans" can't stand the thoughts of 500 companies not getting their bottom line profit and everybody's grandma qualifying for good, single payer health insurarance. After all.....that's what it really boils down to....the rich and their stock trades and pure greed.

See...we're a country where the rich used to pay their way but in the last 10 years instead of doing that they've quadrupled their wealth while ordinary American's wages have totally and completely stagnated. Guess where the rich's new money came from.......borrowed from foreign banks. Reagan cut taxes, kept spending and quadrupled the debt. The Clinton years raised taxes and in two terms balanced the bidget and generated surpluses. George W. Bush cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition, began to borrow from Communist China for the first time in America's history and doubled the debt again. It's not rocket science. When you spend more and take in less...........YOU PHUCKIN GO IN DEBT..
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Sure they were. Let's start with the very first one, shall we?

Unemployment. Your chart shows Obama started with 12 million unemployed and is currently as 14.1 million unemployed. First of all, the current number of unemployed according to the BLS is 13.9 million, not 14.1 million, but even going with that 2.1 million gain in unemployment under Obama ...

During Bush's first 33 months in office, he went from 6 million unemployed when he started to 8.7 million unemployed 33 months later ... a gain of 2.7 million additional unemployed and .6 million (according to your incorrect chart) worse than Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Shall we proceed to the next item in your chart?


Wow- you win. O's gonna walk into his second term. Who can beat that? :cuckoo:
Well, again, Bush's record was worse at this point, yet he was re-elected despite inheriting an economy not nearly as bad as the one he handed Obama. So if Bush can win with a record worse than Obama's, what makes you think Obama can't defeat the 7 dwarfs threatening to run against him next year?

PS - He's also run up the debt to over $15 trillion...the chart is from last year.
And that's surprising given the debt increased by $1.4 trillion during the year before he became president?

Dwarfs...I love it. I have been calling them clowns.
Wow- you win. O's gonna walk into his second term. Who can beat that? :cuckoo:
Well, again, Bush's record was worse at this point, yet he was re-elected despite inheriting an economy not nearly as bad as the one he handed Obama. So if Bush can win with a record worse than Obama's, what makes you think Obama can't defeat the 7 dwarfs threatening to run against him next year?

PS - He's also run up the debt to over $15 trillion...the chart is from last year.
And that's surprising given the debt increased by $1.4 trillion during the year before he became president?

Dwarfs...I love it. I have been calling them clowns.

Michelle Bachmann can play the part of Snow White. :lol:
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Real Clear Politics (Average): Obama 48.7 Gingrich 43 (SPREAD: Obama +5.7)

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates
Polls mean nothing at this point. Just wait until the women Newt cheated on his wife with start coming forward. That'll be the end of Newt. Polls at this point don't capture that.

Who would admit having sex with him?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAYBp7VkE9E&feature=related]Bachmann: Palestine Should Die for Israel to Live - YouTube[/ame]

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