Rasmussen: Newt 45 Obama 43

Newt dodged the draft better than even Clinton. Even got married at 19 to avoid the draft.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar

Fail! Married men were drafted.

Gingrich received an educational defferment...
but... I must throw in, so did Clinton.

OBAMA never served, period.

Gore spent a whole 5 months, asked for and received a early discharge, in Vietnam as a 'journalist'..

So, what's your point?
“our country must take action to address climate change” - da Newt

Newt 2006 during Congressional election cycle:

“We can embrace the immigrant without endorsing illegal immigration. Granting citizenship to people who are here illegally is not just amnesty ... it's anarchy. We are a country of immigrants, yes. But we are also a nation of laws. People who want to be citizens will want to do it the right way.”

Newt 2011 during Presidential Election:

"'Let's be humane in enforcing the law without giving them citizenship but by finding a way to create legality so that they are not separated from their families.' "

This guy is great.

Newt on Paul RyaN's Conservative love-tool plan:

“I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering,” Gingrich said, calling the plan “too big a jump” for the country. “I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate.”

lol love this dude, then he calls Mitt a flip flopper. What cojones.
This thread isn't about Bubba.. please stay on topic.:razz:

Newt dodged the draft better than even Clinton. Even got married at 19 to avoid the draft.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar

So one draft dodger is better than the other? How does that equate?

Well, we have already established that Clinton was a draft dodging philanderer who was unworthy of being our president....


So is Newt
I don't know who Nobama is but you're endorsement for her viewpoint is worth its weight in gold I'm sure.

You can't support newt without supporting obama and Bush.

Here's the thing about Newt. He has said some great things, e.g; he said in a debate he'd audit the FED. The problem is, do you believe him?

I believe that he'll try to do what he says. His past record indicates that he does his best to keep campaign promises. Whether or not he'll actually be able to accomplish his goals, I can't say.
LMFAO What does Clinton being a Rhodes Scholar have to do with anything?? Wow.. do you liberals walk around with DNC propaganda sound bites taped to your foreheads? Lastly, I didn't realize that getting married allowed one to be exempt from the draft? Quite frankly, I don't really give a damn to be honest.. it's an all volunteer army.. who gives a shit about the draft anyhow?

Nothing at all. ;)

But seriously....people chiding republicans over supporting newt due to newts past transgressions saying they are the party of "Church Values". That shit is funny.

You do realize the church teaches FORGIVENESS for sins right? That attack on newt is just so stupid.

His character is that of an adulterer who gets head in his car in the parking lot during political events from not his wife - just pointing out the facts.

I'm not a member of the Church, and quite frankly - I think if you make your bed - you should lay in it. Meaning - if he wanted to be such a hot shot womanizer in the past, then it's okay to be brought up over and over when he runs for President because the choices and actions in your life deserve consequences.

And let the voters judge it thereafter. Just like they did Obama's and Bush's drug use.

I don't think that is his character at all but then again I don't view Bill Clinton that way either........:eusa_whistle:
You can't support newt without supporting obama and Bush.

Here's the thing about Newt. He has said some great things, e.g; he said in a debate he'd audit the FED. The problem is, do you believe him?

I believe that he'll try to do what he says. His past record indicates that he does his best to keep campaign promises. Whether or not he'll actually be able to accomplish his goals, I can't say.

Newt goes with how the political winds blow. back in the 90's he was for a healthcare mandate but now deny's he was for one
Real Clear Politics (Average): Obama 48.7 Gingrich 43 (SPREAD: Obama +5.7)

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates



And with that, a swift blow to the face, the thread was defeated.


Swing and a miss update your info turd.........
Newt dodged the draft better than even Clinton. Even got married at 19 to avoid the draft.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar

So one draft dodger is better than the other? How does that equate?

Well, we have already established that Clinton was a draft dodging philanderer who was unworthy of being our president....


So is Newt

I'm not defending Newt but you are defending Clinton.
So one draft dodger is better than the other? How does that equate?

Well, we have already established that Clinton was a draft dodging philanderer who was unworthy of being our president....


So is Newt

I'm not defending Newt but you are defending Clinton.

I'm not the one who made the argument that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger.......that came from Republicans
It's seriously all they can do.. they cannot run on Barry's record. I've seen absolutely NOTHING but the politics of personal destruction from the left..
Who's "Barry?" You mean the America hating Kenyan Moslem with no U.S. birth certificate but a dozen SS numbers who won't release his college records and who palled around with a terrorist and a racist minister for 20 years who also hates America?
Well, we have already established that Clinton was a draft dodging philanderer who was unworthy of being our president....


So is Newt

I'm not defending Newt but you are defending Clinton.

I'm not the one who made the argument that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger.......that came from Republicans

But did anyone in this thread make that claim? That is the true question...if yes then ok if no then strawmen shall burn.
It's seriously all they can do.. they cannot run on Barry's record. I've seen absolutely NOTHING but the politics of personal destruction from the left..
Who's "Barry?" You mean the America hating Kenyan Moslem with no U.S. birth certificate but a dozen SS numbers who won't release his college records and who palled around with a terrorist and a racist minister for 20 years who also hates America?

He also can't speak without a Telepromter and plays too much golf
I'm not defending Newt but you are defending Clinton.

I'm not the one who made the argument that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger.......that came from Republicans

But did anyone in this thread make that claim? That is the true question...if yes then ok if no then strawmen shall burn.

Yes, I made that claim

When Clinton was president, Republicans made the claim that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger
They also claimed he could not be respected by the American people and was unworthy of the presidency because he was a philanderer

Gingrich is both
I'm not the one who made the argument that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger.......that came from Republicans

But did anyone in this thread make that claim? That is the true question...if yes then ok if no then strawmen shall burn.

Yes, I made that claim

When Clinton was president, Republicans made the claim that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger
They also claimed he could not be respected by the American people and was unworthy of the presidency because he was a philanderer

Gingrich is both
You missed the part about "forgiveness," didn'tcha?
I'm not the one who made the argument that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger.......that came from Republicans

But did anyone in this thread make that claim? That is the true question...if yes then ok if no then strawmen shall burn.

Yes, I made that claim

When Clinton was president, Republicans made the claim that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger
They also claimed he could not be respected by the American people and was unworthy of the presidency because he was a philanderer

Gingrich is both

See what I bolded? I think you misunderstood my post....or you're CRAZY :lol:
The left is taking a big risk in bashing Newt Gingrich, it's Bash-Boredom. It becomes the broken record and just irritating. The politics of personal destruction work, but like everything that works, it only works up to a point.
But did anyone in this thread make that claim? That is the true question...if yes then ok if no then strawmen shall burn.

Yes, I made that claim

When Clinton was president, Republicans made the claim that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger
They also claimed he could not be respected by the American people and was unworthy of the presidency because he was a philanderer

Gingrich is both

See what I bolded? I think you misunderstood my post....or you're CRAZY :lol:

I perfectly understood your post. You asked who on this thread had brought up the claim and I stated that I had made the claim that it was an issue with Republicans when Clinton was President

It is a valid contention given the visibility that Republicans gave the issue when Clinton was President

So I will pose a question to Republicans out there

. Given Newt Gingrich's status as a draft dodger, is he qualified to be commander in chief?
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Yes, I made that claim

When Clinton was president, Republicans made the claim that Clinton was unfit to be Commander in Chief because he was a draft dodger
They also claimed he could not be respected by the American people and was unworthy of the presidency because he was a philanderer

Gingrich is both

See what I bolded? I think you misunderstood my post....or you're CRAZY :lol:

I perfectly understood your post. You asked who on this thread had brought up the claim and I stated that I had

It is a valid contention given the visibility that Republicans gave the issue when Clinton was President

So I will pose a question to Republicans out there

. Given Newt Gingrich's status as a draft dodger, is he qualified to be commander in chief?

Ok well at least you admit to that strawman. No one here is saying clinton wasn't qualified based on any draft dodging.

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