Rasmussen Reports - 33% more Americans 'strongly disapprove' of Trump than 'strongly approve' of him

I wonder if any Trumpbots will say that the OP title is wrong?
If titles could be longer, we could get a more accurate picture from the Rasmussen report. Like that almost the same % approve of Trump as disapprove.

48% to 51%. Yesterday it was even closer 48% to 50%. A week ago it was 49% to 49%. And in 3 consecutive days, the report shows Trump's approval was GREATER than the disapproval.

And as is the case with polls (including Rasmussen), generally Republicans don't respond to them. Far more Democrats do. So results typically wind up skewed to make Democrats look better than they are, and Republicans to look worse. As we saw in November 2016.
I never respond to polls because I know they're operated by liars who report to liberal news agencies.

I assume many other Trump supporters also refuse to co-operate in lying polls.

Elections matter. Polls don't.
The left and the right both think polling is B.S. when it doesn't show them what they want to see.

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