Rating wars


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
Hi guys, you know I was thinking about out political system and as a result I`m sure we should change it from the top to the bottom. Just think about it: both parties (and president too) don`t even want to solve our real problems. They live in the media world where they have to follow trends instead of solving our problems.

Remember that story with gays and pizza? Do you remember for how long were they talking about it? FOR THE WHOLE WEEK. Guys, do you really think that we don`t have problems more important that couple of gays that can`t eat this f*cking Pizza? What about homeless? Vets? Police brutality? Education our people can`t afford? Hell with it. Who cares about it? You can`t tell to the crowd: we were working on *put your problem here* and we here is what we have now.

Who`ll need it? Nobody... That`s why they care only about ratings like in evening shows... And I can`t say that this is onlt their`s problem. The whole America is guilty because nobody cares about fundamental problems... Because it`s much more easier to post gay-pics instead of thinking about sh*t you`ll meet in future.

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