Ray Epps: “I Was in the Front … I Also Orchestrated It”


Mr Epps was accused by various far right Trump-aligned media personalities of being an FBI plant using the thinnest of reasoning — though he was at one time on the FBI’s wanted list, Mr Epps never ended up facing criminal charges over his involvement in the riot at the Capitol.

“It really, really started when Congressman [Thomas] Massie started his deal,” Mr Epps said, referring to the conspiracies and the resulting fallout. “I mean, it’s real crazy stuff and he brought that kind of stuff to the floor of the House.”

He continued: “It got really, really difficult after that. The crazies starting coming out of the woodwork. We’ve got one guy that has been in prison and shot by the police once, and he’s out on bail right now, and he’s trying to contact me...I can’t have my wife live in my home, and I’ve got to protect my property.”
The evidence has been posted in this thread, Simp.
The video doesn’t show Epps smashing a sign over the head of police.

In fact, the video cuts off right as Epps is standing up to say something to the crowd. Pretty convenient editing. Seems to me like they’re hiding something.
Lame-assed fucking puff piece, that doesn't explain away the videos of Epps telling people to enter the capitol or what it was he said to the goon at the barrier moments before he assaulted it.

What he said to that "goon," was ... “Dude, relax, the cops are doing their job.”

I know, screams, I'm with the FBI!!!!
You asked for my take, Dumbass.

How do you explain that he was on the Most Wanted list in the days after Jan 6, only to be abruptly removed without explanation, and his testimony that he was a ringleader and instigated breaching the Capitol, and is on video attacking cops with a sign…….and yet not a single charge?

What is your take on why he hasnt been charged?

Link to that video...
Doxx him , Yank his carry permit and suspend his pension ( Pensions)
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No, the trouble is you rw fools believe whatever the fuck you want to and peddle insane conspiracies to each other to feel better about the reality.

You don't want to believe MAGAs attacked the Congress because your Dear Leader is a lying fucking loser, and so you concoct some half baked conspiracy theory about how it was the deep state that somehow manipulated those good people into doing bad things.
You act like Jan 6 was a big deal, when hundreds of riots occured all from leftist lunatics, all year long in 2020, all over the country. You're a laughingstock.

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