RCP poll average (weeks ago Hillary ahead by 8%) shrinks to just 2.2%, with a week still to go

2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing.
Total Aside: Is populist the right word for Trump?

I'd agree with that during the GOP primaries as Trump had clearly tapped into something that was galvanizing a plurality of GOP voters. But in the general Trump hasn't proven to be all that populist. He's not pulling from the DNC ranks of voters. He's not reaching across demographic lines. There's a lot of evidence that he's got maybe 40% of the electorate that really like him, and the rest either hate him or are lukewarm.

So I'm not sure populist is the right word here. His followers are clearly VERY fired up to support him, the problem is that his followers are just about it. I'd think that in this election, a true populist would have caught fire in the electorate and that just hasn't happened.

I think he is pulling in the Rust Belt area rank and file union people, to me it explains the lack of Loud and Out Union support for Hillary.

He is a Populist, but one with a ton of baggage which in a normal election would preclude his even coming close to winning, but again, this is a weird election.
Ok. I knew he was doing well in the Rust belt, hence the expectation he's taking Ohio and the fact it's moved out of the tipping point position it usually has. I hadn't noticed the Unions at all this election. I'd chalked that up to the fact the last 8 years have been rough for Unions at the state level. In a lot of states the Unions are effectively broken.
You don't think Flint residents are mad at Republicans? You don't think Republicans are going to be punished for Rick Snyder poisoning blacks? Boy are you dumb then. You must think those people are stupid. Well of course because you gave them lead poisoning.

And you don't think the muslim capital of the world is going to punish trump? You are fucking StUPID then!

Then why is the vote within 5% and tightening?

And your Flint claims of responsibility are partisan hackery and not worthy of an answer.
I don't see it that way, black people don't see it that way, and you wouldn't see it that way if Jennifer Granholm were the governor you hack.

Just wait and see Mr. Polls.

Should I go back 4 or 8 years and show you what polls were saying about McCain and Romney?

2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing. It's a different dynamic, and missing the monolithic black vote seen in those elections.

Women may skew toward Hillary, but in nowhere near the numbers blacks skewed towards Obama.

The people responsible in Flint were the ones who decided not to treat the water with Phosphoric acid to reduce leaching caused by the change in water supply. Considering dems run that city, the person is more likely to have D next to their name than an R.

Are you kidding me? You don't think the gender gap will be bigger this year than it was in 2012?

Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

If Hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate it should have been even bigger. It may be the biggest, but not by much, and not by as much as it should have been.

It is not the monolithic black vote by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said, the GOP screwed themselves in Michigan with the Flint fiasco. Then Trump went and insulted them.

Bill Clinton, once nicknamed the “first black president,” embarks on a North Florida bus tour Friday in an attempt to draw African-American crowds. At the same time, Clinton herself will host events in Broward and St. Lucie counties, which have black populations higher than the statewide average.

and then
Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time
2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing.
Total Aside: Is populist the right word for Trump?

I'd agree with that during the GOP primaries as Trump had clearly tapped into something that was galvanizing a plurality of GOP voters. But in the general Trump hasn't proven to be all that populist. He's not pulling from the DNC ranks of voters. He's not reaching across demographic lines. There's a lot of evidence that he's got maybe 40% of the electorate that really like him, and the rest either hate him or are lukewarm.

So I'm not sure populist is the right word here. His followers are clearly VERY fired up to support him, the problem is that his followers are just about it. I'd think that in this election, a true populist would have caught fire in the electorate and that just hasn't happened.

I think he is pulling in the Rust Belt area rank and file union people, to me it explains the lack of Loud and Out Union support for Hillary.

He is a Populist, but one with a ton of baggage which in a normal election would preclude his even coming close to winning, but again, this is a weird election.
Ok. I knew he was doing well in the Rust belt, hence the expectation he's taking Ohio and the fact it's moved out of the tipping point position it usually has. I hadn't noticed the Unions at all this election. I'd chalked that up to the fact the last 8 years have been rough for Unions at the state level. In a lot of states the Unions are effectively broken.
And no doubt they like Trump's anti nafta talk.

If unions voted for Rick Snyder who made us a right to work state then they're dumb enough to vote for Trump that's for sure.
I don't see it that way, black people don't see it that way, and you wouldn't see it that way if Jennifer Granholm were the governor you hack.

Just wait and see Mr. Polls.

Should I go back 4 or 8 years and show you what polls were saying about McCain and Romney?

2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing. It's a different dynamic, and missing the monolithic black vote seen in those elections.

Women may skew toward Hillary, but in nowhere near the numbers blacks skewed towards Obama.

The people responsible in Flint were the ones who decided not to treat the water with Phosphoric acid to reduce leaching caused by the change in water supply. Considering dems run that city, the person is more likely to have D next to their name than an R.
Turns out this isn't even about Trump and Hillary. The GOP knows she's going to win. This FBI thing was a desperate hail mary. And it wasn't even about saving Trump. It's about the Senate

According to polls the Republicans’ chances of maintaining a majority in the upper chamber are down to 17 percent ― a precipitous fall from a couple of weeks ago when they had about a 60 percent shot at holding on.

Trump has outs in the EV if the numbers keep skewing to him, and again, anything in the MOV is susceptible to the "hidden trump vote" which may or may not exist.

There's a huge number of us hidden Hillary supporters. We don't want to argue with co workers or neighbors who have hated the Clinton's since 1992. Fuck em. They're just going to have to get used to 4-8 more years of Clinton being our leader.

No, there isn't. Nice attempt at trying to get on another bandwagon.
Yes there is for example no one has called me or my father to have us tell them we are voting for Hillary.

Well, Trump supporters called us but they didn't like what we were telling them so they quickly rushed us off the phone.

You see, Trump is going to use his database for evil after he loses.
Under 5, which is why the polls being within the MOE makes me thing we may be in for a surprise.
But frankly Hillary winning by 100 or so EV's wouldn't surprise me either. The electorate is simply too volatile for accurate predictions.
I think the under represented Trump supporters are higher than that, as it was an 8% swing with Brexit and some studies put it at 5%.

Considering the continued roll out of the BI story and its affect on those who have not yet heard it but will by election day, and I think 10%+ is reasonable.

And I cannot see any other event taking such a huge impact on the election, except maybe a terrorist attack on USA soil, and that would help Trump, not Hillary.

What ammo does Hillary have left? She has fired it all.

10% seems a stretch to me, and of course we all know the national poll is only an indicator.

The State that interests me most if Michigan. If THAT goes red, Trumps got it.
North Carolina. He doesn't have a path without it and Pennsylvania and we will see North Carolina come in first. If he loses North Carolina, I'd go to bed.

Check out the maps on Electoral-Vote.com and RCP. Trump's path even with the FBI release remains narrow. He can win Ohio and Florida and actually lose the race.
If Trump wins Florduh and Ohio he has won the election, in essence. While it is mathematically possible for him to lose having won those states, they are so representative of the electorate that it is implausible he can win both and still lose.
Ohio isn't a bellweather state anymore. It simply isn't necessary. Check the polling and you'll see that Hillary can easily win North Carolina and Pennsylvania without winning Florida and Ohio and win. Here, created from 270towin.com is a very plausible map for Hillary. It represents in some cases her worst scenario that she still wins:


Early voting in Colorado and Nevada show Clinton is probably going to win those states. New Mexico is surprisingly Blue still. Notice here that Trump is winning Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida and STILL LOSING.

So what states flip on that map? I think his only shot there is North Carolina.
Dude, if Trump carries Pennsylvania, and he likely will, he will also carry Nevada, N Carolina, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Dont be stupid, Trump is doing better in each of those states than he is in PA, so if he take PA he takes the other states too, in all likelihood..

The RealClearPolitics average of polls has had Hillary ahead by 6 to 8 percentage points for the last 6 months.

But now in the last few weeks, as people are finding out more and more about Hillary's crimes, her lead has steadily shrunk to just 2%. And there's still a week to go.

Her lead in electoral votes is also shrinking.

And there's still a week to go.

The bell is tolling, Hillary... it's tolling for you.
2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing.
Total Aside: Is populist the right word for Trump?

I'd agree with that during the GOP primaries as Trump had clearly tapped into something that was galvanizing a plurality of GOP voters. But in the general Trump hasn't proven to be all that populist. He's not pulling from the DNC ranks of voters. He's not reaching across demographic lines. There's a lot of evidence that he's got maybe 40% of the electorate that really like him, and the rest either hate him or are lukewarm.

So I'm not sure populist is the right word here. His followers are clearly VERY fired up to support him, the problem is that his followers are just about it. I'd think that in this election, a true populist would have caught fire in the electorate and that just hasn't happened.

I think he is pulling in the Rust Belt area rank and file union people, to me it explains the lack of Loud and Out Union support for Hillary.

He is a Populist, but one with a ton of baggage which in a normal election would preclude his even coming close to winning, but again, this is a weird election.
Ok. I knew he was doing well in the Rust belt, hence the expectation he's taking Ohio and the fact it's moved out of the tipping point position it usually has. I hadn't noticed the Unions at all this election. I'd chalked that up to the fact the last 8 years have been rough for Unions at the state level. In a lot of states the Unions are effectively broken.

Yes, they have taken a hit, but in that case wouldn't they want to be all in on a candidate they think would help them? I have a feeling there is a disconnect between the Union leadership and the rank and file, similar to what we are seeing in the Republican party.

The only unions that are solid for Hillary now are the public sector ones.
Then why is the vote within 5% and tightening?

And your Flint claims of responsibility are partisan hackery and not worthy of an answer.
I don't see it that way, black people don't see it that way, and you wouldn't see it that way if Jennifer Granholm were the governor you hack.

Just wait and see Mr. Polls.

Should I go back 4 or 8 years and show you what polls were saying about McCain and Romney?

2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing. It's a different dynamic, and missing the monolithic black vote seen in those elections.

Women may skew toward Hillary, but in nowhere near the numbers blacks skewed towards Obama.

The people responsible in Flint were the ones who decided not to treat the water with Phosphoric acid to reduce leaching caused by the change in water supply. Considering dems run that city, the person is more likely to have D next to their name than an R.

Are you kidding me? You don't think the gender gap will be bigger this year than it was in 2012?

Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

If Hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate it should have been even bigger. It may be the biggest, but not by much, and not by as much as it should have been.

It is not the monolithic black vote by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said, the GOP screwed themselves in Michigan with the Flint fiasco. Then Trump went and insulted them.

Bill Clinton, once nicknamed the “first black president,” embarks on a North Florida bus tour Friday in an attempt to draw African-American crowds. At the same time, Clinton herself will host events in Broward and St. Lucie counties, which have black populations higher than the statewide average.

and then
Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

And again, Flint was mostly a democratic fuck up that progressives are trying to pin on the Governor.
2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing. It's a different dynamic, and missing the monolithic black vote seen in those elections.

Women may skew toward Hillary, but in nowhere near the numbers blacks skewed towards Obama.

The people responsible in Flint were the ones who decided not to treat the water with Phosphoric acid to reduce leaching caused by the change in water supply. Considering dems run that city, the person is more likely to have D next to their name than an R.
Turns out this isn't even about Trump and Hillary. The GOP knows she's going to win. This FBI thing was a desperate hail mary. And it wasn't even about saving Trump. It's about the Senate

According to polls the Republicans’ chances of maintaining a majority in the upper chamber are down to 17 percent ― a precipitous fall from a couple of weeks ago when they had about a 60 percent shot at holding on.

Trump has outs in the EV if the numbers keep skewing to him, and again, anything in the MOV is susceptible to the "hidden trump vote" which may or may not exist.

There's a huge number of us hidden Hillary supporters. We don't want to argue with co workers or neighbors who have hated the Clinton's since 1992. Fuck em. They're just going to have to get used to 4-8 more years of Clinton being our leader.

No, there isn't. Nice attempt at trying to get on another bandwagon.
Yes there is for example no one has called me or my father to have us tell them we are voting for Hillary.

Well, Trump supporters called us but they didn't like what we were telling them so they quickly rushed us off the phone.

You see, Trump is going to use his database for evil after he loses.

Now that is tinfoil hat territory.
I don't see it that way, black people don't see it that way, and you wouldn't see it that way if Jennifer Granholm were the governor you hack.

Just wait and see Mr. Polls.

Should I go back 4 or 8 years and show you what polls were saying about McCain and Romney?

2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing. It's a different dynamic, and missing the monolithic black vote seen in those elections.

Women may skew toward Hillary, but in nowhere near the numbers blacks skewed towards Obama.

The people responsible in Flint were the ones who decided not to treat the water with Phosphoric acid to reduce leaching caused by the change in water supply. Considering dems run that city, the person is more likely to have D next to their name than an R.

Are you kidding me? You don't think the gender gap will be bigger this year than it was in 2012?

Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

If Hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate it should have been even bigger. It may be the biggest, but not by much, and not by as much as it should have been.

It is not the monolithic black vote by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said, the GOP screwed themselves in Michigan with the Flint fiasco. Then Trump went and insulted them.

Bill Clinton, once nicknamed the “first black president,” embarks on a North Florida bus tour Friday in an attempt to draw African-American crowds. At the same time, Clinton herself will host events in Broward and St. Lucie counties, which have black populations higher than the statewide average.

and then
Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

And again, Flint was mostly a democratic fuck up that progressives are trying to pin on the Governor.
Sure. And that's why Snyder is being sued personally you partisan fool. And the judge didn't throw out the case. If Snyder wasn't personally responsible he wouldn't be going to court.

Listen fool, I'm not even going to discuss it with a right wing idiot who will never blame Republicans for anything. We already knew what you thought before it even happened.

To think all the evidence that PROVES Snyder was responsible/negligible and stupid you has decided because flint is a poor black city that liberals must be to blame.

I wish I could slap the stupid out of you
Turns out this isn't even about Trump and Hillary. The GOP knows she's going to win. This FBI thing was a desperate hail mary. And it wasn't even about saving Trump. It's about the Senate

According to polls the Republicans’ chances of maintaining a majority in the upper chamber are down to 17 percent ― a precipitous fall from a couple of weeks ago when they had about a 60 percent shot at holding on.

Trump has outs in the EV if the numbers keep skewing to him, and again, anything in the MOV is susceptible to the "hidden trump vote" which may or may not exist.

There's a huge number of us hidden Hillary supporters. We don't want to argue with co workers or neighbors who have hated the Clinton's since 1992. Fuck em. They're just going to have to get used to 4-8 more years of Clinton being our leader.

No, there isn't. Nice attempt at trying to get on another bandwagon.
Yes there is for example no one has called me or my father to have us tell them we are voting for Hillary.

Well, Trump supporters called us but they didn't like what we were telling them so they quickly rushed us off the phone.

You see, Trump is going to use his database for evil after he loses.

Now that is tinfoil hat territory.
The people who's kids got lead poisoning are going to sue whoever is to blame. If it was the liberal flint city governments fault they would be the ones being sued. But we know blame starts at the top.

And imagine if a democratic governor did this. Imagine them asking voters to vote for them. Lol

You're just lucky blacks are too stupid and racist to show up and vote
2008 and 2012 rules don't apply to a populist wave like we are seeing. It's a different dynamic, and missing the monolithic black vote seen in those elections.

Women may skew toward Hillary, but in nowhere near the numbers blacks skewed towards Obama.

The people responsible in Flint were the ones who decided not to treat the water with Phosphoric acid to reduce leaching caused by the change in water supply. Considering dems run that city, the person is more likely to have D next to their name than an R.

Are you kidding me? You don't think the gender gap will be bigger this year than it was in 2012?

Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

If Hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate it should have been even bigger. It may be the biggest, but not by much, and not by as much as it should have been.

It is not the monolithic black vote by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said, the GOP screwed themselves in Michigan with the Flint fiasco. Then Trump went and insulted them.

Bill Clinton, once nicknamed the “first black president,” embarks on a North Florida bus tour Friday in an attempt to draw African-American crowds. At the same time, Clinton herself will host events in Broward and St. Lucie counties, which have black populations higher than the statewide average.

and then
Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

And again, Flint was mostly a democratic fuck up that progressives are trying to pin on the Governor.
Sure. And that's why Snyder is being sued personally you partisan fool. And the judge didn't throw out the case. If Snyder wasn't personally responsible he wouldn't be going to court.

Listen fool, I'm not even going to discuss it with a right wing idiot who will never blame Republicans for anything. We already knew what you thought before it even happened.

To think all the evidence that PROVES Snyder was responsible/negligible and stupid you has decided because flint is a poor black city that liberals must be to blame.

I wish I could slap the stupid out of you

Being sued does not equate to culpability. And it can take years for a case to reach a point where it is thrown out of court. Stop watching law and order reruns for your legal information.

You are blaming Snyder out of partisan hackery, the city was Dem run, and the City ran the water works. You are doing the typical duck and dodge and it smells of progressive desperation, you gutless, dime store hack.
Trump has outs in the EV if the numbers keep skewing to him, and again, anything in the MOV is susceptible to the "hidden trump vote" which may or may not exist.

There's a huge number of us hidden Hillary supporters. We don't want to argue with co workers or neighbors who have hated the Clinton's since 1992. Fuck em. They're just going to have to get used to 4-8 more years of Clinton being our leader.

No, there isn't. Nice attempt at trying to get on another bandwagon.
Yes there is for example no one has called me or my father to have us tell them we are voting for Hillary.

Well, Trump supporters called us but they didn't like what we were telling them so they quickly rushed us off the phone.

You see, Trump is going to use his database for evil after he loses.

Now that is tinfoil hat territory.
The people who's kids got lead poisoning are going to sue whoever is to blame. If it was the liberal flint city governments fault they would be the ones being sued. But we know blame starts at the top.

And imagine if a democratic governor did this. Imagine them asking voters to vote for them. Lol

You're just lucky blacks are too stupid and racist to show up and vote

it only goes to the top in your addled mind because you have an axe to grind with Snyder, and your dim bulb cranium only sees political advantage.

Flint ran the water works, the water works changed supplies to a more corrosive water and did not add the proper chemical to counteract that.
Are you kidding me? You don't think the gender gap will be bigger this year than it was in 2012?

Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

If Hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate it should have been even bigger. It may be the biggest, but not by much, and not by as much as it should have been.

It is not the monolithic black vote by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said, the GOP screwed themselves in Michigan with the Flint fiasco. Then Trump went and insulted them.

Bill Clinton, once nicknamed the “first black president,” embarks on a North Florida bus tour Friday in an attempt to draw African-American crowds. At the same time, Clinton herself will host events in Broward and St. Lucie counties, which have black populations higher than the statewide average.

and then
Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

And again, Flint was mostly a democratic fuck up that progressives are trying to pin on the Governor.
Sure. And that's why Snyder is being sued personally you partisan fool. And the judge didn't throw out the case. If Snyder wasn't personally responsible he wouldn't be going to court.

Listen fool, I'm not even going to discuss it with a right wing idiot who will never blame Republicans for anything. We already knew what you thought before it even happened.

To think all the evidence that PROVES Snyder was responsible/negligible and stupid you has decided because flint is a poor black city that liberals must be to blame.

I wish I could slap the stupid out of you

Being sued does not equate to culpability. And it can take years for a case to reach a point where it is thrown out of court. Stop watching law and order reruns for your legal information.

You are blaming Snyder out of partisan hackery, the city was Dem run, and the City ran the water works. You are doing the typical duck and dodge and it smells of progressive desperation, you gutless, dime store hack.
You do know that Flint was taken over by the State Government, which appointed an emergency manager that held a lot of the decision making power. That person was a Republican appointed by a Republican. So there's a lot of blame that flows naturally upward.

BTW: That situation was ridiculous from the get go. Why does the State of Michigan have the power to outright take over a local community? That makes about as much sense as the Federal Government outright taking over one of the states.
If Hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate it should have been even bigger. It may be the biggest, but not by much, and not by as much as it should have been.

It is not the monolithic black vote by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said, the GOP screwed themselves in Michigan with the Flint fiasco. Then Trump went and insulted them.

Bill Clinton, once nicknamed the “first black president,” embarks on a North Florida bus tour Friday in an attempt to draw African-American crowds. At the same time, Clinton herself will host events in Broward and St. Lucie counties, which have black populations higher than the statewide average.

and then
Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

And again, Flint was mostly a democratic fuck up that progressives are trying to pin on the Governor.
Sure. And that's why Snyder is being sued personally you partisan fool. And the judge didn't throw out the case. If Snyder wasn't personally responsible he wouldn't be going to court.

Listen fool, I'm not even going to discuss it with a right wing idiot who will never blame Republicans for anything. We already knew what you thought before it even happened.

To think all the evidence that PROVES Snyder was responsible/negligible and stupid you has decided because flint is a poor black city that liberals must be to blame.

I wish I could slap the stupid out of you

Being sued does not equate to culpability. And it can take years for a case to reach a point where it is thrown out of court. Stop watching law and order reruns for your legal information.

You are blaming Snyder out of partisan hackery, the city was Dem run, and the City ran the water works. You are doing the typical duck and dodge and it smells of progressive desperation, you gutless, dime store hack.
You do know that Flint was taken over by the State Government, which appointed an emergency manager that held a lot of the decision making power. That person was a Republican appointed by a Republican. So there's a lot of blame that flows naturally upward.

BTW: That situation was ridiculous from the get go. Why does the State of Michigan have the power to outright take over a local community? That makes about as much sense as the Federal Government outright taking over one of the states.

Yes, but is there evidence that he denied funding for a phosphoric acid addition to the treated water to lessen the lead leaching in the water?
If there is evidence of that, THEN there may be a case against him. However if the local guys just ignored the water quality data, or just didn't care or know, then its on them.

As for your question on States overtaking local communities, in most if not all States, sovereignty flows UP to the State from the People, and then back down to the local subdivisions of the State, County, Town, Village, City, etc. Home rule is set by State law, and ultimate authority still lies with the State. It is why you are a Citizen of said State, AND the US as a whole, and not a citizen of Podunk YourStateHere.

The Feds taking over a State is an entirely different thing, as the Federal Constitution restricts what the Feds can do to a State. In the case of local communities, the State still maintains the power, and there is no similar separation of powers such as found on the US constitution.
If Hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate it should have been even bigger. It may be the biggest, but not by much, and not by as much as it should have been.

It is not the monolithic black vote by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said, the GOP screwed themselves in Michigan with the Flint fiasco. Then Trump went and insulted them.

Bill Clinton, once nicknamed the “first black president,” embarks on a North Florida bus tour Friday in an attempt to draw African-American crowds. At the same time, Clinton herself will host events in Broward and St. Lucie counties, which have black populations higher than the statewide average.

and then
Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit campaign trail together for the first time

And again, Flint was mostly a democratic fuck up that progressives are trying to pin on the Governor.
Sure. And that's why Snyder is being sued personally you partisan fool. And the judge didn't throw out the case. If Snyder wasn't personally responsible he wouldn't be going to court.

Listen fool, I'm not even going to discuss it with a right wing idiot who will never blame Republicans for anything. We already knew what you thought before it even happened.

To think all the evidence that PROVES Snyder was responsible/negligible and stupid you has decided because flint is a poor black city that liberals must be to blame.

I wish I could slap the stupid out of you

Being sued does not equate to culpability. And it can take years for a case to reach a point where it is thrown out of court. Stop watching law and order reruns for your legal information.

You are blaming Snyder out of partisan hackery, the city was Dem run, and the City ran the water works. You are doing the typical duck and dodge and it smells of progressive desperation, you gutless, dime store hack.
You do know that Flint was taken over by the State Government, which appointed an emergency manager that held a lot of the decision making power. That person was a Republican appointed by a Republican. So there's a lot of blame that flows naturally upward.

BTW: That situation was ridiculous from the get go. Why does the State of Michigan have the power to outright take over a local community? That makes about as much sense as the Federal Government outright taking over one of the states.
Not really. I thought that at first too but who's the boss of Michigan government? The governor is
View attachment 96358

The RealClearPolitics average of polls has had Hillary ahead by 6 to 8 percentage points for the last 6 months.

But now in the last few weeks, as people are finding out more and more about Hillary's crimes, her lead has steadily shrunk to just 2%. And there's still a week to go.

Her lead in electoral votes is also shrinking.

And there's still a week to go.

The bell is tolling, Hillary... it's tolling for you.

Now it's down to a Hillary lead of just 1.7%. Trump is closing in steadily. And Hillary seems unable to stop him.

And her former lead in the Electoral College of 130+ votes, has crashed to 46 votes.

And there's six days left to go.

The bell is tolling, Hillary... it's tolling for you.
No one knows, its a toss up. every one hopes there person will win. worst election ever.
It's the trend, not the momentary position. Trump has been closing steadily, and there's six more days for him to keep it up. Any reason to think he won't?

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