Rdean, am I good or what?

Its easy to declare yourself "good" when you don't acknowledge misinformation you spread as it is pointed out (claiming a recipient list is a donor list). You just disappear from that thread and its like you never even saw it. That way, you can still count it as a win.
If there is misinformation, I was hoping you guys would point it out. But since you haven't, it probably indicates you can't.

We did point it out. You disappeared. The list you posted of Trump's veterans charity donors, the one you repeatedly said proves he TOOK from veteran charities so only moved money around, was actually a list of Trump's veterans charity recipients, meaning it was who Trump GAVE the money to.

You used the recipient list to claim he took $5 mil+ from veterans. It was misinformation and it was pointed out to you. You would have gotten alerts, as you were quoted, but you never returned to the thread. It was a driveby smear that turned out to be untrue.
Its easy to declare yourself "good" when you don't acknowledge misinformation you spread as it is pointed out (claiming a recipient list is a donor list). You just disappear from that thread and its like you never even saw it. That way, you can still count it as a win.
If there is misinformation, I was hoping you guys would point it out. But since you haven't, it probably indicates you can't.

We did point it out. You disappeared. The list you posted of Trump's veterans charity donors, the one you repeatedly said proves he TOOK from veteran charities so only moved money around, was actually a list of Trump's veterans charity recipients, meaning it was who Trump GAVE the money to.

You used the recipient list to claim he took $5 mil+ from veterans. It was misinformation and it was pointed out to you. You would have gotten alerts, as you were quoted, but you never returned to the thread. It was a driveby smear that turned out to be untrue.
True, even though I did misunderstand the story, still, Trump didn't pay out until forced. We know that for a fact. Probably not a great example since it reminds everyone what a creep Trump is. Treating our vets as political props and then being forced to do what he promised.
Or, maybe it was only a "suggestion".
Which was it? A promise or a suggestion?
Its easy to declare yourself "good" when you don't acknowledge misinformation you spread as it is pointed out (claiming a recipient list is a donor list). You just disappear from that thread and its like you never even saw it. That way, you can still count it as a win.
If there is misinformation, I was hoping you guys would point it out. But since you haven't, it probably indicates you can't.

We did point it out. You disappeared. The list you posted of Trump's veterans charity donors, the one you repeatedly said proves he TOOK from veteran charities so only moved money around, was actually a list of Trump's veterans charity recipients, meaning it was who Trump GAVE the money to.

You used the recipient list to claim he took $5 mil+ from veterans. It was misinformation and it was pointed out to you. You would have gotten alerts, as you were quoted, but you never returned to the thread. It was a driveby smear that turned out to be untrue.
True, even though I did misunderstand the story, still, Trump didn't pay out until forced. We know that for a fact. Probably not a great example since it reminds everyone what a creep Trump is. Treating our vets as political props and then being forced to do what he promised.
Or, maybe it was only a "suggestion".
Which was it? A promise or a suggestion?

I already conceded Trump is a blowhard egomaniac. I also speculated he possibly could have kept the money if he hadn't been pressured. I doubt it, but would not put a dime on that bet. My point was that his funds got distributed faster than Clinton Foundation funds and with less overhead (zero), so HRC and her supporters are throwing stones from glass houses.

Trump is not the one who issued government grants (taxpayer money) to a scam diploma mill funded by Soros and "Chancellored" by Bill Clinton (who was paid millions for his position). That was Hillary.

I dislike Trump intensely; however, the more Hillary and her camp speak, the angrier I get. More and more, she and hers turn my stomach.
Remember a couple of months back, I said if the GOP makes Trump their nominee, people were going to be crawling out of the woodwork with stories about how he scammed them or ruined their lives?

Well, it's not even into the general election and already there are Trump's greatest hits:

The press is tired of the abuse and has finally decided the free ride is over.

His scams:
Trump Network
Trump University
Trump Mortgage

His second wife went to New York's Supreme Court to make him pay his alimony. He was showing her what would happen if she didn't keep her mouth shut.

He cheated on this first with with his second wife until he got tired of her.

He tried to scam veterans and got shamed into keeping his promise.

He said they weren't promises, they were "suggestions".

He is fighting multiple lawsuits on both coasts.

He said his sexcapades make Bill Clinton look tame. Can't wait until those start making the headlines.

We've seen Trump's kind before.

Who else besides Martha Stewart has this many law suits going on?

Exclusive: Trump's 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee
Exclusive: Trump's 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee

Remember a couple of months back, I said if the GOP makes Trump their nominee, people were going to be crawling out of the woodwork with stories about how he scammed them or ruined their lives?

Well, it's not even into the general election and already there are Trump's greatest hits:

The press is tired of the abuse and has finally decided the free ride is over.

His scams:
Trump Network
Trump University
Trump Mortgage

His second wife went to New York's Supreme Court to make him pay his alimony. He was showing her what would happen if she didn't keep her mouth shut.

He cheated on this first with with his second wife until he got tired of her.

He tried to scam veterans and got shamed into keeping his promise.

He said they weren't promises, they were "suggestions".

He is fighting multiple lawsuits on both coasts.

He said his sexcapades make Bill Clinton look tame. Can't wait until those start making the headlines.

We've seen Trump's kind before.

That's it?
Soros isn't going to pay you five cents for your astroturf post asshole.
What a lame ass piece of shit you are.
After Trump becomes the next president you'll be one of the first assholes here I put on ignore. Until then go ahead and keep proving what a loser you are.

The losers are Trump's minions: under-educated, angry, short-fingered vulgarians, like you. If he's elected, we all lose.
Trump should have been proud to stand up before the press and announce the vet organizations that received the money. Instead he acted like it was an invasion of his privacy, an insult, a slap across his fat, puffy, spray-tanned face.... He made it a public spectacle HIMSELF several months before by announcing this charity event. So he simply cannot own something after he creates it. He's not used to being held accountable. He is a baby-man.

How thick are the skulls of those who don't see his shit?

Trump is on par w/hiLIARy when it comes to sleaziness rdean

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Trump has had thousands of lawsuits against him, many of which he lost.

Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies against her. None of which she's lost.

That makes the exactly the same.

Uh, thanks for pointing that out.
Holy shit is this thread backfiring on RDean. I've never seen someone get their ass handed to them with more hilarious posts than this one. I thank the good Lord above for drawing me to this thread. :lmao:

Just a quick word from the wise for you RDean:

"And whoever will exalt himself will be humbled, and whoever will humble himself will be exalted." - Matthew 23:12
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Trump is on par w/hiLIARy when it comes to sleaziness rdean
Trump has had thousands of lawsuits against him, many of which he lost.

Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies against her. None of which she's lost.

That makes the exactly the same.

Uh, thanks for pointing that out.
So everything against Hillary is just a bunch of coordinated conspiracies??? :cuckoo:

Tinfoil hat much, RDean?
Deano is just a SHEEP for anything Leftist....
Once again the liberal left has it ass backwards. The only thing that's "crawling out of the woodwork" is the legion of sleazy (tax exempt) Media Matters investigators and lawyers who combed through Trump's life and came up with junk. Anybody who saw what the (tax exempt) Soros funded Media Matters did to a good person like Sara Palin who set an example for what women could do in politics could have expected that Soros would have hired a freaking army of sleaze bags to investigate Trump's life. Meanwhile Hillary is facing multiple felony charges and the only thing that saved her husband from an indictment for rape was the statute of limitations and the support of the mainstream media.
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Once again the liberal left has it ass backwards. The only thing that's "crawling out of the woodwork" is the legion of sleazy (tax exempt) Media Matters investigators and lawyers who combed through Trump's life and came up with junk. Anybody who saw what the (tax exempt) Soros funded Media Matters did to a good person like Sara Palin who set an example for what women could do in politics could have expected that Soros would have hired a freaking army of sleaze bags to investigate Trump's life. Meanwhile Hillary is facing multiple felony charges and the only thing that saved her husband from an indictment for rape was the statute of limitations and the support of the mainstream media.
Thousands of lawsuits? Of course they're junk. To Republican minions.
Holy shit is this thread backfiring on RDean. I've never seen someone get their ass handed to them with more hilarious posts than this one. I thank the good Lord above for drawing me to this thread. :lmao:

Just a quick word from the wise for you RDean:

"And whoever will exalt himself will be humbled, and whoever will humble himself will be exalted." - Matthew 23:12
Oh please. A right winger on this site said Bush is humble. That's why he stays away from the Republican Conventions.
Think he'll stay humble this time?
Remember a couple of months back, I said if the GOP makes Trump their nominee, people were going to be crawling out of the woodwork with stories about how he scammed them or ruined their lives?

Well, it's not even into the general election and already there are Trump's greatest hits:

The press is tired of the abuse and has finally decided the free ride is over.

His scams:
Trump Network
Trump University
Trump Mortgage

His second wife went to New York's Supreme Court to make him pay his alimony. He was showing her what would happen if she didn't keep her mouth shut.

He cheated on this first with with his second wife until he got tired of her.

He tried to scam veterans and got shamed into keeping his promise.

He said they weren't promises, they were "suggestions".

He is fighting multiple lawsuits on both coasts.

He said his sexcapades make Bill Clinton look tame. Can't wait until those start making the headlines.

We've seen Trump's kind before.

I vote for "or what", because you have yet to be good at anything.
Holy shit is this thread backfiring on RDean. I've never seen someone get their ass handed to them with more hilarious posts than this one. I thank the good Lord above for drawing me to this thread. :lmao:

Just a quick word from the wise for you RDean:

"And whoever will exalt himself will be humbled, and whoever will humble himself will be exalted." - Matthew 23:12
Oh please. A right winger on this site said Bush is humble. That's why he stays away from the Republican Conventions.
Think he'll stay humble this time?
You're kidding, right? There are quite a few negative things that can be said about Bush. But his humility is not one of them. Time and time again he has stated to the press "President Obama deserves my silence". Think the ego maniac known as Barack Obama will show that kind of humility should a Republican become president next? He is very humble - even cracks jokes about himself and his gaff's. If Obama could literally be 1/100th as humble as George W. Bush has been we could begin to stomach him. He is rivaled only by Trump and Hilldabeast when it comes to ego's. And...apparently....yourself.
Once again the liberal left has it ass backwards. The only thing that's "crawling out of the woodwork" is the legion of sleazy (tax exempt) Media Matters investigators and lawyers who combed through Trump's life and came up with junk. Anybody who saw what the (tax exempt) Soros funded Media Matters did to a good person like Sara Palin who set an example for what women could do in politics could have expected that Soros would have hired a freaking army of sleaze bags to investigate Trump's life. Meanwhile Hillary is facing multiple felony charges and the only thing that saved her husband from an indictment for rape was the statute of limitations and the support of the mainstream media.
Thousands of lawsuits? Of course they're junk. To Republican minions.
Let's be very clear on this. You are 100% correct on your assessment of Republican minions. However, to true conservatives (such as myself) - these lawsuits are not "junk". They show that Trump has a long and ugly history of unethical behavior. And someone like that shouldn't be a nominee for president of the United States.

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