rdean right about science- deniers in Repub party

Do any of these scientists, being polled have real jobs, or are they all working off of some government grant?

Government grants are just high-end welfare.

Do you have a real job, or are you just another useless parasitical paperpusher?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies that have stated unequivocally that AGW is real, and they represent scientists in universities, government employ, and those working for private businesses.

And once again for the slow and stupid, no warming since 1998, even the scientists admit it now.
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".

oh really, like we haven't read anything on it...you just spew any shit don't you...

and how dare the people form their OWN OPONION without worshipping some scientist and kissing the ground they walk on..we realize you lefties are incapable of thinking FOR YOUSELF and need others to tell you what is going on..

The "Turd Lady" proves my point about right wingers believing science is a "faith".

Look at Rick Perry, praying for rain, that's right wing "science". How did it work out? Did Gawd "listen"?

It's scary how both parties are now on the extremes. Both have their screwed up area's. :eek: Democrats like making victim "groups" that are protected and no one can debate the realities of such and the Republicans don't believe in science or modern first world civilization. NUTS.
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Of course I knew that.

Is it your contention that a nuclear power plant wouldn't work correctly without government inspection? Does the government have a monopoly on all nuclear knowledge?

When it comes to private business and public safety, considering the record of private business, if government isn't looking out for us, who will?

What the fuck is wrong with you? That didn't have to be explained. It's obvious!

The republican party has become the party of PURE capitalism of the 19th and early 20th century. He just doesn't believe that the government should have any roll in business.

Whenever government's role in business is reduced/eliminated there is a subsequent economic collapse to a greater or lesser degree. In essence the drive for profits overrides the inherent risks and without any restraints the system overheats and collapses. The track record speaks for itself and there is no point in debating the cause and effect after this many failures. The only rational thing to discuss is how to prevent them from happening again in the future.
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".

oh really, like we haven't read anything on it...you just spew any shit don't you...

and how dare the people form their OWN OPONION without worshipping some scientist and kissing the ground they walk on..we realize you lefties are incapable of thinking FOR YOUSELF and need others to tell you what is going on..

The "Turd Lady" proves my point about right wingers believing science is a "faith".

Look at Rick Perry, praying for rain, that's right wing "science". How did it work out? Did Gawd "listen"?

^ that
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".

it seems like you have many opinions yourself Dean.....when you say Republicans HATE this or that.....you never have a link.....just your opinion.....when righties here tell you they dont hate what you are saying they do.....you just ignore that and keep posting even more opinions.....you have said how Republicans HATE minorities.....i have said then if that was true.....why do so many live here with all these Mexicans and have even married some?......i notice of course you never respond to that.....as i have said Dean.....you aint fooling no one.....well maybe "Dottie"....

Actions are all the proof a thinking person needs dipshit.
you are right.....so then since i mentioned the thing about Republicans out here living side by side with Mexicans....your statement about Republicans HATING Minorities is bullshit....right Dipshit?....Ooops!.....
Sad news people but its true. No wonder conservatives only make up 4-6% of scientists :boohoo:

5:05 onwards

Newsmakers with Representative Henry Waxman - C-SPAN Video Library
Newsmakers with Representative Henry Waxman
Jul 19, 2013

Henry Waxman is one of the biggest scientific illiterates in Congress.. Want to hear him address GWarming in his OWN WORDS??

“We’re seeing the reality of a lot of the North Pole starting to evaporate, and we could get to a tipping point. Because if it evaporates to a certain point – they have lanes now where ships can go that couldn’t ever sail through before. And if it gets to a point where it evaporates too much, there’s a lot of tundra that’s being held down by that ice cap..”

You are such a useful tool.. This thread illustrates a post I made just hours ago on another thread..


Simple fact --- there are MORE statists on the left than the right. Statists see the bloated govt as a source of sustenance and safety and want more.. Would NEVER IMAGINE in their wildest dreams that THEIR POLITICIANS and Govt WHORE scientists would EVER EVER lie to them.. The have no skepticism of govt power ... It's consistent with this split..

One side is a lot more gullible because they LOVE the liars that run the place...

Is that YOUR problem?

They also have no fear of sense of self-preservation from Govt power. Which is why I'm a Liberal and they are not..

So I repeat -- Is THAT your problem? That you're unfaltering faith in your handlers just makes you accept every assertion that comes out of their mouths or asses??
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That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. This is why Republicans are viewed as just silly people by so many. Just one example. Nuclear power plants. A couple of years ago on this board, I pointed out that nuclear power plants can't be unregulated. Some asked "why not? Let business take care of it", after my guffaw, I pointed out that inspecting a nuclear power plant is not the same as inspecting a Hostess Cupcake factory and some said, "Why not? Can't they just follow a manual or something?".

It's this determined ignorance that gets in the way of the Republican Party and normal people. Fox viewers will say scientists are lazy people who leech off the government, but do people at Fox really believe that or are they just making money from ignorant yokels like snake oil salesmen used to do a hundred years ago? My bet is "snake oil".

Aren't most nuclear power plants built and operated by private businesses?

well out here San Onofre is.....and there have been many problems with it over the years .....i believe they are shutting it down.....

Problems with san onofre have little to do with the reactor portion of the plant.. They replaced the steam generation section about 20 years ago and it went to the lowest bidder. Wore out 20 yrs ahead of plan...

failure to connect the dots = gay


Ahem. Speaking of failing to connect the dots - A little bit of info about your pals at IER:

1) Previously received funding from ExxonMobil, but ExxonMobil has not given to IER since 2007.

2) The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. He has written seven books, including Capitalism at Work and Edison to Enron, and he maintains the website Political Capitalism. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

3) Benjamin Cole, a spokesman for American Energy Alliance told Politico in October 2012 that, "Our [American Energy Alliance] goal is to make the United States Wind Energy Policy#Wind Production Tax Credit so toxic that it makes it impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid and say, ‘Yeah, I can bend on this one.’”

4) The Institute for Energy Research has a political arm, the American Energy Alliance, which is responsible for multi-million dollar television advertising campaigns that have attacked energy policy, ideas and positions of the Obama Administration that are contrary to the those held by IER. The American Energy Alliance is run by Thomas (Tom) Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. According the its website, the Alliance engages in "grassroots public policy advocacy and debate" regarding energy.

Both IER and the American Energy Alliance are partly funded by the Koch Brothers and their donor network, according to Politico's research, sources - and to reports by Koch-controlled charitable foundations themselves. The American Energy Alliance, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the names of its donors.

5) advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.

6) The Director is Wayne Gable, Managing Director of Federal Affairs at Koch Industries, and president of the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.

You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources.. Think those numbers are wrong.. Then tell us.. Not interested in your petty jihads against the Koch Bros who are principle funders of NOVA and so many life-saving med facilities that you should be kissing their science loving feet...

If all ya wanna do is give us bios --- that's not science either.. is it?
These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part
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With government inspection. Duh! How can you not know that?

Of course I knew that.

Is it your contention that a nuclear power plant wouldn't work correctly without government inspection? Does the government have a monopoly on all nuclear knowledge?

No, but the government does have a constitutional obligation to protect the American people. The harm that a Chernobyl or Fukushima event can do is not only the immediate damage but the long term toxicity of the surrounding areas. Corporations are in business to make profits and if they believe that they can cut costs they will do so. That is SOP and it is rewarded by Wall Street. However when it comes to cutting costs at a nuclear plant the repercussions could be far more serious. So this is where the government steps in to ensure the safety of the people under the authority granted to it by the Constitution.

Why is "common sense" apparently so "uncommon"?
oh really, like we haven't read anything on it...you just spew any shit don't you...

and how dare the people form their OWN OPONION without worshipping some scientist and kissing the ground they walk on..we realize you lefties are incapable of thinking FOR YOUSELF and need others to tell you what is going on..

The "Turd Lady" proves my point about right wingers believing science is a "faith".

Look at Rick Perry, praying for rain, that's right wing "science". How did it work out? Did Gawd "listen"?

It's scary how both parties are now on the extremes. Both have their screwed up area's. :eek: Democrats like making victim "groups" that are protected and no one can debate the realities of such and the Republicans don't believe in science or modern first world civilization. NUTS.

Democrats like making victim "groups" that are protected and no one can debate the realities

These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part

There is a difference between blindly following anyone and at least listening to experts that have been studying and contributing for decades. What do you contribute? You breed? What else?
failure to connect the dots = gay


Ahem. Speaking of failing to connect the dots - A little bit of info about your pals at IER:

1) Previously received funding from ExxonMobil, but ExxonMobil has not given to IER since 2007.

2) The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. He has written seven books, including Capitalism at Work and Edison to Enron, and he maintains the website Political Capitalism. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

3) Benjamin Cole, a spokesman for American Energy Alliance told Politico in October 2012 that, "Our [American Energy Alliance] goal is to make the United States Wind Energy Policy#Wind Production Tax Credit so toxic that it makes it impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid and say, ‘Yeah, I can bend on this one.’”

4) The Institute for Energy Research has a political arm, the American Energy Alliance, which is responsible for multi-million dollar television advertising campaigns that have attacked energy policy, ideas and positions of the Obama Administration that are contrary to the those held by IER. The American Energy Alliance is run by Thomas (Tom) Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. According the its website, the Alliance engages in "grassroots public policy advocacy and debate" regarding energy.

Both IER and the American Energy Alliance are partly funded by the Koch Brothers and their donor network, according to Politico's research, sources - and to reports by Koch-controlled charitable foundations themselves. The American Energy Alliance, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the names of its donors.

5) advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.

6) The Director is Wayne Gable, Managing Director of Federal Affairs at Koch Industries, and president of the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.

You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources.. Think those numbers are wrong.. Then tell us.. Not interested in your petty jihads against the Koch Bros who are principle funders of NOVA and so many life-saving med facilities that you should be kissing their science loving feet...

If all ya wanna do is give us bios --- that's not science either.. is it?

On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF
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These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part

There is a difference between blindly following anyone and at least listening to experts that have been studying and contributing for decades. What do you contribute? You breed? What else?

and what do you contribute? not one damn thing but spreading hate for anyone Republican
The "Turd Lady" proves my point about right wingers believing science is a "faith".

Look at Rick Perry, praying for rain, that's right wing "science". How did it work out? Did Gawd "listen"?

It's scary how both parties are now on the extremes. Both have their screwed up area's. :eek: Democrats like making victim "groups" that are protected and no one can debate the realities of such and the Republicans don't believe in science or modern first world civilization. NUTS.

Democrats like making victim "groups" that are protected and no one can debate the realities


Blacks 49% of all murders based on the DOJ crime data. Can't be talked about without being called out as a racist. Twice as many black on white murders, but All you will hear is how whites KILL blacks in the media.

I think crime is crime. Everything about it is wrong. Anyone that supports one side of it is being bias.
These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part

There is a difference between blindly following anyone and at least listening to experts that have been studying and contributing for decades. What do you contribute? You breed? What else?

You're very right...I'd rather follow someone that has studied the stuff for decades. ;)
These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part

There is a difference between blindly following anyone and at least listening to experts that have been studying and contributing for decades. What do you contribute? You breed? What else?

You're very right...I'd rather follow someone that has studied the stuff for decades. ;)

yeah ok, they also studied the effects of coffee, eggs etc and warned about them and then I'll be damned if they didn't come out and say, Oops we were wrong about that...

so you all go follow and bow down to scientist over global warming, aka CLIMATE CHANGE, you look like pathetic sheep
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These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part

There is a difference between blindly following anyone and at least listening to experts that have been studying and contributing for decades. What do you contribute? You breed? What else?

Where were YOU when this Admin issued a report contradicting decades of work and wisdom on women doing self-breast exams and getting early mammos when they and their doctor think they are at risk?

Where were you when the EPA poisoned muni wells with MTBE mandates designed to clear the air? When they were WARNED by science that this would happen?

Where were you when science told you that other methods of harvesting stem cells would make fetal tissue lines irrelevent in the long run but your posse insisted on embarrassing GW Bush?

Where are you now that this Admin has turned NASA into a Moslem outreach org and grounded the space program?

Where were you when NOAA got embarrased trying to kill innocent baby oysters with huge amounts of CO2 and failed to do so?

WHere is your hero Waxman when there are hundreds of rotting barrels of nuclear waste from his own Nuclear Weapons plants that represent a clear and absolute enviro disaster in progress? Oh -- he's making political points on CSPAN?

Where were you last week when your Dear Leader proclaimed that "the current rate of warming is ACCELERATING --- faster than anyone predicted?"

GTG to work --- you got nothing..
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