rdean right about science- deniers in Repub party

And when you are reduced to pointing out someone using, IF...It show's you have NOTHING at all to contribute...


and you a mean hateful vulture...ugly on the inside and out, who devours others with vicious attacks of your warped view of them...
sad little person

That's hilarious coming from your kind. Your posts are some of the worst and most ignorant I've ever had the misfortune to waste my time reading.
Dean you know and 90% of the posters here know.....that what i said is absolutely true....it must suck when the only people you can blow smoke at are your fellow Far Lefties.....you do know that a LOT of the Moderate and Conservative Democrats here think you are somewhat of an ass...right?.......no friends in Deans Friends list = Dean is an ass.....

I'm not looking for "popularity". I just like to write the truth. I'm certainly not looking for invisible "computer friends".

And let me say it again just so it's "clear":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

Dean you must be a real dipshit....im sure some of your groupies like "Dottie" and Lakota asked if they can be in your Posse....and you said no?.....do realize how you must have made them feel?....LaKota thinks you are a great American.....that poor fucker must have been mortified......and let me say it again just so its "clear".....
if Koch was a Democrat.....you would be defending that guy with all your usual bullshit....and the best part about that......you know that 90% of the people in this forum think the same thing......and because we all know who and what you are.....there aint a fucking thing you can do about it.....:eusa_angel:

Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

And you know what 90% of the people think? You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

And let me say it again because the first two times apparently didn't "take":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

You don't seem to "get it". "IF" isn't an argument. "IF" Harry could prove me wrong, he would have. "IF" Harry wasn't inbred, then he could write a coherent sentence. "If" Harry wasn't "fixated", then he's probably been "fixed". "IF" Harry had facts that supported his delusions, then he would probably be more calm and stop spewing spittle onto his keyboard. See how that works. I'm not saying those things are "true". I'm simply guessing. But from your posts, they are probably pretty good guesses "IF" I'm any judge of character.
IF rw'ers didn't willfully bury their heads in the sand, they might have more scientists.
WE need to remove all extremist from power in 2014!!! Moderates for SCIENCE!!!

I'll be fighting all people that are anti-science!
IF rw'ers didn't willfully bury their heads in the sand, they might have more scientists.

"IF" they hadn't discredited their party. They will have a hard time finding anyone under 50 with their zany positions and bankrupt policies.
IF rw'ers didn't willfully bury their heads in the sand, they might have more scientists.

nobody cares s0n......

Global surveys show environmental concerns rank low among public concerns

All the climate science guys are committed lefties.....they dominate the landscape. And guess what? They haven't moved the goalposts a single yard in the past 25 years in terms of their "consensus" science impacting climate policy. In fact, since 2007, its all moving in reverse ( see the death of Cap and Trade.....dozens of links to google))

Indeed.......the topic of rightwingers and scientists is only a topic amongst people on the fringe left.......nobody else gives a flying fuck.:funnyface::fu::funnyface:

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I'm not looking for "popularity". I just like to write the truth. I'm certainly not looking for invisible "computer friends".

And let me say it again just so it's "clear":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

Dean you must be a real dipshit....im sure some of your groupies like "Dottie" and Lakota asked if they can be in your Posse....and you said no?.....do realize how you must have made them feel?....LaKota thinks you are a great American.....that poor fucker must have been mortified......and let me say it again just so its "clear".....
if Koch was a Democrat.....you would be defending that guy with all your usual bullshit....and the best part about that......you know that 90% of the people in this forum think the same thing......and because we all know who and what you are.....there aint a fucking thing you can do about it.....:eusa_angel:

Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

And you know what 90% of the people think? You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

And let me say it again because the first two times apparently didn't "take":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

You don't seem to "get it". "IF" isn't an argument. "IF" Harry could prove me wrong, he would have. "IF" Harry wasn't inbred, then he could write a coherent sentence. "If" Harry wasn't "fixated", then he's probably been "fixed". "IF" Harry had facts that supported his delusions, then he would probably be more calm and stop spewing spittle onto his keyboard. See how that works. I'm not saying those things are "true". I'm simply guessing. But from your posts, they are probably pretty good guesses "IF" I'm any judge of character.
Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

yea you do....Dottie and Lakota being 2 of them.....you can have people who think you are great and not accept their request to be on your friends list....DUH....

And you know what 90% of the people think?

yea its kinda like how you know what 90% of what Republicans think.....

You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

i told you Dean.....your threads are like a movie so bad its fun to watch....and yea no one ever proves you wrong....i notice you dont seem to address the questions people put to you that you know you have no answer for....because it would prove you wrong....so with those ones you Dance away or do what you do best....leave the thread.....and if i am pathetic what does that make you?.....your threads end up almost immediately as lets goof on Dean threads.....people treat you like shit ......you have no friends......90% of your threads end up in the flame zone......you have no rep.....you start threads and leave 90% of them because you know you will have to defend what you have said......the best part about it is.....everyone here knows you Dean....and you are not fooling anyone....except Dottie.....and there aint a dam thing you can do about that......:eusa_angel:
IF rw'ers didn't willfully bury their heads in the sand, they might have more scientists.

"IF" they hadn't discredited their party. They will have a hard time finding anyone under 50 with their zany positions and bankrupt policies.

"IF" you were an honest person you would probably get treated with a little more respect around here......
IF rw'ers didn't willfully bury their heads in the sand, they might have more scientists.

"IF" they hadn't discredited their party. They will have a hard time finding anyone under 50 with their zany positions and bankrupt policies.

"IF" you were an honest person you would probably get treated with a little more respect around here......

I am honest. "If" the propaganda hadn't fried your brain, you would know. And that's an "honest" assessment.
IF rw'ers didn't willfully bury their heads in the sand, they might have more scientists.

"IF" they hadn't discredited their party. They will have a hard time finding anyone under 50 with their zany positions and bankrupt policies.

it would help if they read more books than just Ayn Rand (Lyin' Ryan (R-WS) read all of them :thup: ) & Tim LeHaye :eusa_pray: books :rolleyes:
Dean you must be a real dipshit....im sure some of your groupies like "Dottie" and Lakota asked if they can be in your Posse....and you said no?.....do realize how you must have made them feel?....LaKota thinks you are a great American.....that poor fucker must have been mortified......and let me say it again just so its "clear".....
if Koch was a Democrat.....you would be defending that guy with all your usual bullshit....and the best part about that......you know that 90% of the people in this forum think the same thing......and because we all know who and what you are.....there aint a fucking thing you can do about it.....:eusa_angel:

Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

And you know what 90% of the people think? You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

And let me say it again because the first two times apparently didn't "take":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

You don't seem to "get it". "IF" isn't an argument. "IF" Harry could prove me wrong, he would have. "IF" Harry wasn't inbred, then he could write a coherent sentence. "If" Harry wasn't "fixated", then he's probably been "fixed". "IF" Harry had facts that supported his delusions, then he would probably be more calm and stop spewing spittle onto his keyboard. See how that works. I'm not saying those things are "true". I'm simply guessing. But from your posts, they are probably pretty good guesses "IF" I'm any judge of character.
Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

yea you do....Dottie and Lakota being 2 of them.....you can have people who think you are great and not accept their request to be on your friends list....DUH....

And you know what 90% of the people think?

yea its kinda like how you know what 90% of what Republicans think.....

You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

i told you Dean.....your threads are like a movie so bad its fun to watch....and yea no one ever proves you wrong....i notice you dont seem to address the questions people put to you that you know you have no answer for....because it would prove you wrong....so with those ones you Dance away or do what you do best....leave the thread.....and if i am pathetic what does that make you?.....your threads end up almost immediately as lets goof on Dean threads.....people treat you like shit ......you have no friends......90% of your threads end up in the flame zone......you have no rep.....you start threads and leave 90% of them because you know you will have to defend what you have said......the best part about it is.....everyone here knows you Dean....and you are not fooling anyone....except Dottie.....and there aint a dam thing you can do about that......:eusa_angel:

The only 90% I know for sure is the 90% of the Republican Party that's "white". That's undisputed.

Oh stop, I have no invisible computer "friends". Woe is me! Here is me "crying":


Clearly, I don't have to know what Republicans "think". What's important is what the people they put into office think and worse, what they do.

And what do they do? Destroy the economy. Give tax cuts to billionaires. Screw the middle class. Teach their base to mock education. Try to frame the president. Lie, cheat, steal. Go back to Reagan and tell us what a successful Republican policy is on anything. You guys scream about four Americans who were killed 12 thousand miles away when there were deadly riots going on all over the world. Where is the outrage from Iraq? Thousands dead, tens of thousands maimed for life. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But Bin Laden did, and Republicans Let The Fucker Go.

So spare me your whining pinhead. It's not working.
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"IF" they hadn't discredited their party. They will have a hard time finding anyone under 50 with their zany positions and bankrupt policies.

"IF" you were an honest person you would probably get treated with a little more respect around here......

I am honest. "If" the propaganda hadn't fried your brain, you would know. And that's an "honest" assessment.
sure you are.....lets test that.....answer these questions....

1...are all Republicans racist and HATE Minorities?....
2...do all Republicans hate gays?....
3...do all Republicans hate education and want to end it?....
now lets see you answer these different then what you have been posting here....lets see how "honest" you are....
Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

And you know what 90% of the people think? You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

And let me say it again because the first two times apparently didn't "take":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

You don't seem to "get it". "IF" isn't an argument. "IF" Harry could prove me wrong, he would have. "IF" Harry wasn't inbred, then he could write a coherent sentence. "If" Harry wasn't "fixated", then he's probably been "fixed". "IF" Harry had facts that supported his delusions, then he would probably be more calm and stop spewing spittle onto his keyboard. See how that works. I'm not saying those things are "true". I'm simply guessing. But from your posts, they are probably pretty good guesses "IF" I'm any judge of character.
Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

yea you do....Dottie and Lakota being 2 of them.....you can have people who think you are great and not accept their request to be on your friends list....DUH....

And you know what 90% of the people think?

yea its kinda like how you know what 90% of what Republicans think.....

You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

i told you Dean.....your threads are like a movie so bad its fun to watch....and yea no one ever proves you wrong....i notice you dont seem to address the questions people put to you that you know you have no answer for....because it would prove you wrong....so with those ones you Dance away or do what you do best....leave the thread.....and if i am pathetic what does that make you?.....your threads end up almost immediately as lets goof on Dean threads.....people treat you like shit ......you have no friends......90% of your threads end up in the flame zone......you have no rep.....you start threads and leave 90% of them because you know you will have to defend what you have said......the best part about it is.....everyone here knows you Dean....and you are not fooling anyone....except Dottie.....and there aint a dam thing you can do about that......:eusa_angel:

The only 90% I know for sure is the 90% of the Republican Party that's "white". That's undisputed.

Oh stop, I have no invisible computer "friends". Woe is me! Here is me "crying":


Clearly, I don't have to know what Republicans "think". What's important is what the people they put into office think and worse, what they do.

And what do they do? Destroy the economy. Give tax cuts to billionaires. Screw the middle class. Teach their base to mock education. Try to frame the president. Lie, cheat, steal. Go back to Reagan and tell us what a successful Republican policy is on anything. You guys scream about four Americans who were killed 12 thousand miles away when there were deadly riots going on all over the world. Where is the outrage from Iraq? Thousands dead, tens of thousands maimed for life. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But Bin Laden did, and Republicans Let The Fucker Go.

So spare me your whining pinhead. It's not working.
more dancing Dean?....you avoid answering what you dont want to talk about every time.....so let me ask you this....

.do you agree with every Democrat in congress and should ALL Democrats be lumped in with the ones who make some stupid statement?......Maxine Waters says some stupid shit every now and then....so when she does you and all Democrats agree with her right?....because you guys voted her in.....
Groupies? I have groupies? You just said I had no friends. And I have a "Posse"?

yea you do....Dottie and Lakota being 2 of them.....you can have people who think you are great and not accept their request to be on your friends list....DUH....

And you know what 90% of the people think?

yea its kinda like how you know what 90% of what Republicans think.....

You stalk me and you never prove me wrong. You cry and scream and whine. It's unbecoming and even pathetic.

i told you Dean.....your threads are like a movie so bad its fun to watch....and yea no one ever proves you wrong....i notice you dont seem to address the questions people put to you that you know you have no answer for....because it would prove you wrong....so with those ones you Dance away or do what you do best....leave the thread.....and if i am pathetic what does that make you?.....your threads end up almost immediately as lets goof on Dean threads.....people treat you like shit ......you have no friends......90% of your threads end up in the flame zone......you have no rep.....you start threads and leave 90% of them because you know you will have to defend what you have said......the best part about it is.....everyone here knows you Dean....and you are not fooling anyone....except Dottie.....and there aint a dam thing you can do about that......:eusa_angel:

The only 90% I know for sure is the 90% of the Republican Party that's "white". That's undisputed.

Oh stop, I have no invisible computer "friends". Woe is me! Here is me "crying":


Clearly, I don't have to know what Republicans "think". What's important is what the people they put into office think and worse, what they do.

And what do they do? Destroy the economy. Give tax cuts to billionaires. Screw the middle class. Teach their base to mock education. Try to frame the president. Lie, cheat, steal. Go back to Reagan and tell us what a successful Republican policy is on anything. You guys scream about four Americans who were killed 12 thousand miles away when there were deadly riots going on all over the world. Where is the outrage from Iraq? Thousands dead, tens of thousands maimed for life. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But Bin Laden did, and Republicans Let The Fucker Go.

So spare me your whining pinhead. It's not working.
more dancing Dean?....you avoid answering what you dont want to talk about every time.....so let me ask you this....

.do you agree with every Democrat in congress and should ALL Democrats be lumped in with the ones who make some stupid statement?......Maxine Waters says some stupid shit every now and then....so when she does you and all Democrats agree with her right?....because you guys voted her in.....

About a third of Democrats call themselves liberal, about a quarter call themselves Conservative and the rest call themselves moderate. You can check it out at Gallup.

What do you think the percentages are for Republicans?

And that's just ideology. The diversity is even more spread out among races, religion and sexual orientation. Simply the fact that the Democratic Party is a coalition party makes it impossible to support every position.

Do I really have to say something so fucking obvious?????

Every time you try to "make a point", you prove you know nothing. How is it possible to be so arrogant and so uninformed "at the same time"????

The next time you feel the need to post a bit of your "knowledge", Google it first. Just to see if you have a leg to stand on.
WE need to remove all extremist from power in 2014!!! Moderates for SCIENCE!!!

I'll be fighting all people that are anti-science!

And I'll be fighting anyone who attempts to EVEN USE Wash DC as a tool to subvert science from EITHER side.. It's on man...
"IF" they hadn't discredited their party. They will have a hard time finding anyone under 50 with their zany positions and bankrupt policies.

it would help if they read more books than just Ayn Rand (Lyin' Ryan (R-WS) read all of them :thup: ) & Tim LeHaye :eusa_pray: books :rolleyes:

this one's just as funny/true lol. 2:35 especially :rofl:

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The only 90% I know for sure is the 90% of the Republican Party that's "white". That's undisputed.

Oh stop, I have no invisible computer "friends". Woe is me! Here is me "crying":


Clearly, I don't have to know what Republicans "think". What's important is what the people they put into office think and worse, what they do.

And what do they do? Destroy the economy. Give tax cuts to billionaires. Screw the middle class. Teach their base to mock education. Try to frame the president. Lie, cheat, steal. Go back to Reagan and tell us what a successful Republican policy is on anything. You guys scream about four Americans who were killed 12 thousand miles away when there were deadly riots going on all over the world. Where is the outrage from Iraq? Thousands dead, tens of thousands maimed for life. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But Bin Laden did, and Republicans Let The Fucker Go.

So spare me your whining pinhead. It's not working.
more dancing Dean?....you avoid answering what you dont want to talk about every time.....so let me ask you this....

.do you agree with every Democrat in congress and should ALL Democrats be lumped in with the ones who make some stupid statement?......Maxine Waters says some stupid shit every now and then....so when she does you and all Democrats agree with her right?....because you guys voted her in.....

About a third of Democrats call themselves liberal, about a quarter call themselves Conservative and the rest call themselves moderate. You can check it out at Gallup.

What do you think the percentages are for Republicans?

And that's just ideology. The diversity is even more spread out among races, religion and sexual orientation. Simply the fact that the Democratic Party is a coalition party makes it impossible to support every position.

Do I really have to say something so fucking obvious?????

Every time you try to "make a point", you prove you know nothing. How is it possible to be so arrogant and so uninformed "at the same time"????

The next time you feel the need to post a bit of your "knowledge", Google it first. Just to see if you have a leg to stand on.

geezus you are a good dancer.....hey stupid fuck....you said...."What's important is what the people they put into office think and worse, what they do"......

there have been righties here telling you they dont follow some of the Far Righties you have put up as your shining example of what you say is a Republican and have said they would not have voted for the person....and yet to you, they are full of shit, they must follow them because they got elected....

does this not work for Democrats too?.....or is that different?.....should a republican that lives in cal be responsible for some far right winger getting elected in Alabama?.....you seem to think so.....but yet you wont take responsibility for a moron like Maxine Waters.....why is that Dean?....here let me clear a space out here so you can dance some more............................................................................ok go ahead.....
"IF" you were an honest person you would probably get treated with a little more respect around here......

I am honest. "If" the propaganda hadn't fried your brain, you would know. And that's an "honest" assessment.
sure you are.....lets test that.....answer these questions....

1...are all Republicans racist and HATE Minorities?....
2...do all Republicans hate gays?....
3...do all Republicans hate education and want to end it?....
now lets see you answer these different then what you have been posting here....lets see how "honest" you are....

Dean .....dont want to answer?....might expose you for the dishonest fuck you are?......i understand.....you can run from this thread now.....

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