rdean right about science- deniers in Repub party

These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part

There is a difference between blindly following anyone and at least listening to experts that have been studying and contributing for decades. What do you contribute? You breed? What else?

You're very right...I'd rather follow someone that has studied the stuff for decades. ;)

You mean like WAXMAN??? That's what this thread is about. TO admire the wisdom and the scientific leadership of that mental midget.. Or that's what the OP WAS about...

The tundra is floating away Waxman fans...
Ahem. Speaking of failing to connect the dots - A little bit of info about your pals at IER:

1) Previously received funding from ExxonMobil, but ExxonMobil has not given to IER since 2007.

2) The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. He has written seven books, including Capitalism at Work and Edison to Enron, and he maintains the website Political Capitalism. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

3) Benjamin Cole, a spokesman for American Energy Alliance told Politico in October 2012 that, "Our [American Energy Alliance] goal is to make the United States Wind Energy Policy#Wind Production Tax Credit so toxic that it makes it impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid and say, ‘Yeah, I can bend on this one.’”

4) The Institute for Energy Research has a political arm, the American Energy Alliance, which is responsible for multi-million dollar television advertising campaigns that have attacked energy policy, ideas and positions of the Obama Administration that are contrary to the those held by IER. The American Energy Alliance is run by Thomas (Tom) Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. According the its website, the Alliance engages in "grassroots public policy advocacy and debate" regarding energy.

Both IER and the American Energy Alliance are partly funded by the Koch Brothers and their donor network, according to Politico's research, sources - and to reports by Koch-controlled charitable foundations themselves. The American Energy Alliance, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the names of its donors.

5) advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.

6) The Director is Wayne Gable, Managing Director of Federal Affairs at Koch Industries, and president of the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.

You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources.. Think those numbers are wrong.. Then tell us.. Not interested in your petty jihads against the Koch Bros who are principle funders of NOVA and so many life-saving med facilities that you should be kissing their science loving feet...

If all ya wanna do is give us bios --- that's not science either.. is it?

On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF

and if he was a Democrat you would be saying he is a great charitable man.....and telling "RW's" what dopes they are for saying what you are about him now.....your not fooling anyone Dean....well maybe "Dottie".....
Ahem. Speaking of failing to connect the dots - A little bit of info about your pals at IER:

1) Previously received funding from ExxonMobil, but ExxonMobil has not given to IER since 2007.

2) The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. He has written seven books, including Capitalism at Work and Edison to Enron, and he maintains the website Political Capitalism. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

3) Benjamin Cole, a spokesman for American Energy Alliance told Politico in October 2012 that, "Our [American Energy Alliance] goal is to make the United States Wind Energy Policy#Wind Production Tax Credit so toxic that it makes it impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid and say, ‘Yeah, I can bend on this one.’”

4) The Institute for Energy Research has a political arm, the American Energy Alliance, which is responsible for multi-million dollar television advertising campaigns that have attacked energy policy, ideas and positions of the Obama Administration that are contrary to the those held by IER. The American Energy Alliance is run by Thomas (Tom) Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. According the its website, the Alliance engages in "grassroots public policy advocacy and debate" regarding energy.

Both IER and the American Energy Alliance are partly funded by the Koch Brothers and their donor network, according to Politico's research, sources - and to reports by Koch-controlled charitable foundations themselves. The American Energy Alliance, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the names of its donors.

5) advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.

6) The Director is Wayne Gable, Managing Director of Federal Affairs at Koch Industries, and president of the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.

You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources.. Think those numbers are wrong.. Then tell us.. Not interested in your petty jihads against the Koch Bros who are principle funders of NOVA and so many life-saving med facilities that you should be kissing their science loving feet...

If all ya wanna do is give us bios --- that's not science either.. is it?

On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF

He didn't HAVE to SHARE any of the research with MILLIONS of other sufferers did he?

You can't even THINK straight.. I AGREE more of his billionaire pals ought to pony up for these ventures.. Better this research has some BUSINESS folks to perform for -- than an unresponsive, unproductive "FEDERAL" effort. Look at the shitwad of debt that Calif. got when they insisted on having their own Fetal Cell research center -- just to be politically spiteful with no SCIENCE involved..

Or maybe you prefer the model of Billionaires like Musk sucking off the taxpayers to make trophy cars for Millionaires...
You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources.. Think those numbers are wrong.. Then tell us.. Not interested in your petty jihads against the Koch Bros who are principle funders of NOVA and so many life-saving med facilities that you should be kissing their science loving feet...

If all ya wanna do is give us bios --- that's not science either.. is it?

On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF

and if he was a Democrat you would be saying he is a great charitable man.....and telling "RW's" what dopes they are for saying what you are about him now.....your not fooling anyone Dean....well maybe "Dottie".....

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.
You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources.. Think those numbers are wrong.. Then tell us.. Not interested in your petty jihads against the Koch Bros who are principle funders of NOVA and so many life-saving med facilities that you should be kissing their science loving feet...

If all ya wanna do is give us bios --- that's not science either.. is it?

On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF

He didn't HAVE to SHARE any of the research with MILLIONS of other sufferers did he?

You can't even THINK straight.. I AGREE more of his billionaire pals ought to pony up for these ventures.. Better this research has some BUSINESS folks to perform for -- than an unresponsive, unproductive "FEDERAL" effort. Look at the shitwad of debt that Calif. got when they insisted on having their own Fetal Cell research center -- just to be politically spiteful with no SCIENCE involved..

Or maybe you prefer the model of Billionaires like Musk sucking off the taxpayers to make trophy cars for Millionaires...

He didn't HAVE to SHARE any of the research with MILLIONS of other sufferers did he?

Sure he did. He needed some of the "little people" to experiment on. We know that!
These idiots who call people, DENIERS...they act like the scientist is god and can wave their magic wand and change OUR CLIMATE..I mean REALLY...
now who is the denier that they just blindly follow what some scientist and an idiot like Obama who has no degree in science or the climate ? that is the scary part

There is a difference between blindly following anyone and at least listening to experts that have been studying and contributing for decades. What do you contribute? You breed? What else?

and what do you contribute? not one damn thing but spreading hate for anyone Republican

Dean says he is here to....now hold on....."educate" Republicans......yea i know.....i laughed too.....he is considered a joke....his threads turn into lets goof on Dean almost immediately....90% of the posters here either goof on him or just mildly pay attention to him.....no friends on his friends list.....:(.....poor guy....no wonder he is so bitter.....he probably blames no friends on Republicans too .....that tea bagging back in HS by the Quarterback in front of everybody must have really affected the poor basterd.....
On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF

and if he was a Democrat you would be saying he is a great charitable man.....and telling "RW's" what dopes they are for saying what you are about him now.....your not fooling anyone Dean....well maybe "Dottie".....

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

And when you are reduced to pointing out someone using, IF...It show's you have NOTHING at all to contribute...
On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF

He didn't HAVE to SHARE any of the research with MILLIONS of other sufferers did he?

You can't even THINK straight.. I AGREE more of his billionaire pals ought to pony up for these ventures.. Better this research has some BUSINESS folks to perform for -- than an unresponsive, unproductive "FEDERAL" effort. Look at the shitwad of debt that Calif. got when they insisted on having their own Fetal Cell research center -- just to be politically spiteful with no SCIENCE involved..

Or maybe you prefer the model of Billionaires like Musk sucking off the taxpayers to make trophy cars for Millionaires...

He didn't HAVE to SHARE any of the research with MILLIONS of other sufferers did he?

Sure he did. He needed some of the "little people" to experiment on. We know that!

Don't know why I only have one poster on ignore and it's NOT RDean.. Maybe it's because of the morbid curiousity I have for statements like that one..

Seriously man --- turn off your computer.. Go bird watching. Dish meatloaf at the rescue mission.. Do something else.. You suck at this...
On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them

Only a billionaire can have a disease, throw a billion dollars at that disease and then have dumbfuck right wingers praise them for being "charitable". Yea, I said it. "Dumbfuck". Cuz that's what they are. DF

and if he was a Democrat you would be saying he is a great charitable man.....and telling "RW's" what dopes they are for saying what you are about him now.....your not fooling anyone Dean....well maybe "Dottie".....

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.
Dean you know and 90% of the posters here know.....that what i said is absolutely true....it must suck when the only people you can blow smoke at are your fellow Far Lefties.....you do know that a LOT of the Moderate and Conservative Democrats here think you are somewhat of an ass...right?.......no friends in Deans Friends list = Dean is an ass.....
failure to connect the dots = gay


Ahem. Speaking of failing to connect the dots - A little bit of info about your pals at IER:

1) Previously received funding from ExxonMobil, but ExxonMobil has not given to IER since 2007.

2) The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. He has written seven books, including Capitalism at Work and Edison to Enron, and he maintains the website Political Capitalism. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

3) Benjamin Cole, a spokesman for American Energy Alliance told Politico in October 2012 that, "Our [American Energy Alliance] goal is to make the United States Wind Energy Policy#Wind Production Tax Credit so toxic that it makes it impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid and say, ‘Yeah, I can bend on this one.’”

4) The Institute for Energy Research has a political arm, the American Energy Alliance, which is responsible for multi-million dollar television advertising campaigns that have attacked energy policy, ideas and positions of the Obama Administration that are contrary to the those held by IER. The American Energy Alliance is run by Thomas (Tom) Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. According the its website, the Alliance engages in "grassroots public policy advocacy and debate" regarding energy.

Both IER and the American Energy Alliance are partly funded by the Koch Brothers and their donor network, according to Politico's research, sources - and to reports by Koch-controlled charitable foundations themselves. The American Energy Alliance, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the names of its donors.

5) advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.

6) The Director is Wayne Gable, Managing Director of Federal Affairs at Koch Industries, and president of the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.

You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources..

When you make your own bed, you lay in it. People have a right to know who these people are, and why they are doing what they are doing. Does that frighten you to know that some of us are not afraid to expose them for who and what they are? Are you proud to know that these are the people who are behind the global warming "skeptic" campaign? You must be proud.
and if he was a Democrat you would be saying he is a great charitable man.....and telling "RW's" what dopes they are for saying what you are about him now.....your not fooling anyone Dean....well maybe "Dottie".....

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.
Dean you know and 90% of the posters here know.....that what i said is absolutely true....it must suck when the only people you can blow smoke at are your fellow Far Lefties.....you do know that a LOT of the Moderate and Conservative Democrats here think you are somewhat of an ass...right?.......no friends in Deans Friends list = Dean is an ass.....

I'm not looking for "popularity". I just like to write the truth. I'm certainly not looking for invisible "computer friends".

And let me say it again just so it's "clear":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.
Ahem. Speaking of failing to connect the dots - A little bit of info about your pals at IER:

1) Previously received funding from ExxonMobil, but ExxonMobil has not given to IER since 2007.

2) The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. He has written seven books, including Capitalism at Work and Edison to Enron, and he maintains the website Political Capitalism. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

3) Benjamin Cole, a spokesman for American Energy Alliance told Politico in October 2012 that, "Our [American Energy Alliance] goal is to make the United States Wind Energy Policy#Wind Production Tax Credit so toxic that it makes it impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid and say, ‘Yeah, I can bend on this one.’”

4) The Institute for Energy Research has a political arm, the American Energy Alliance, which is responsible for multi-million dollar television advertising campaigns that have attacked energy policy, ideas and positions of the Obama Administration that are contrary to the those held by IER. The American Energy Alliance is run by Thomas (Tom) Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. According the its website, the Alliance engages in "grassroots public policy advocacy and debate" regarding energy.

Both IER and the American Energy Alliance are partly funded by the Koch Brothers and their donor network, according to Politico's research, sources - and to reports by Koch-controlled charitable foundations themselves. The American Energy Alliance, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the names of its donors.

5) advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.

6) The Director is Wayne Gable, Managing Director of Federal Affairs at Koch Industries, and president of the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.

You seem to be fixated on impeaching the sources..

When you make your own bed, you lay in it. People have a right to know who these people are, and why they are doing what they are doing. Does that frighten you to know that some of us are not afraid to expose them for who and what they are? Are you proud to know that these are the people who are behind the global warming "skeptic" campaign? You must be proud.

Not as proud as you must be of "trimming" my posts eh? Like I said, I'm interested in the FACTS --- not the bios...

I get the feeling that in 1960, you'd be reminding everyone of what Werner von Braun had done for the Nazis...

BTW: Being on the Board of a charitable org does not make you an SOB... Even if you don't like who's money is being managed.. You got nothing remotely scientific to contribute in this manner..
and if he was a Democrat you would be saying he is a great charitable man.....and telling "RW's" what dopes they are for saying what you are about him now.....your not fooling anyone Dean....well maybe "Dottie".....

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

And when you are reduced to pointing out someone using, IF...It show's you have NOTHING at all to contribute...

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.
Dean you know and 90% of the posters here know.....that what i said is absolutely true....it must suck when the only people you can blow smoke at are your fellow Far Lefties.....you do know that a LOT of the Moderate and Conservative Democrats here think you are somewhat of an ass...right?.......no friends in Deans Friends list = Dean is an ass.....

I'm not looking for "popularity". I just like to write the truth. I'm certainly not looking for invisible "computer friends".

And let me say it again just so it's "clear":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

the truth...from you who has such hateful heart and soul...you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked in the head
When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.
Dean you know and 90% of the posters here know.....that what i said is absolutely true....it must suck when the only people you can blow smoke at are your fellow Far Lefties.....you do know that a LOT of the Moderate and Conservative Democrats here think you are somewhat of an ass...right?.......no friends in Deans Friends list = Dean is an ass.....

I'm not looking for "popularity". I just like to write the truth. I'm certainly not looking for invisible "computer friends".

And let me say it again just so it's "clear":

When you are reduced to using the word "if", you have lost the argument.

Dean you must be a real dipshit....im sure some of your groupies like "Dottie" and Lakota asked if they can be in your Posse....and you said no?.....do realize how you must have made them feel?....LaKota thinks you are a great American.....that poor fucker must have been mortified......and let me say it again just so its "clear".....
if Koch was a Democrat.....you would be defending that guy with all your usual bullshit....and the best part about that......you know that 90% of the people in this forum think the same thing......and because we all know who and what you are.....there aint a fucking thing you can do about it.....:eusa_angel:
And when you are reduced to pointing out someone using, IF...It show's you have NOTHING at all to contribute...


and you a mean hateful vulture...ugly on the inside and out, who devours others with vicious attacks of your warped view of them...
sad little person

Steph....the guy has no friends on his list.......as miserable and bigoted as the guy from Houston who said he made words rhyme was......he had friends on his list......sad bitter little fella is right.....:(

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