rdean right about science- deniers in Repub party

Green energy is the biggest hoax every perpetuated upon the American people. The suckers buy into it while the few soak up the profits. Its all a ruse.....its always been a ruse. Al Gore goes to bed laughing at the climate OCD's.

Don't you love these stupid labels the left comes up with..

birther's- how dumb...deniers-totally fucking stupid..

but one label that the poor dotty is, she is an non thinking parrot who has to follow the herd of Democrat sheep or she would probably get lost
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Green energy is the biggest hoax every perpetuated upon the American people. The suckers buy into it while the few soak up the profits. Its all a ruse.....its always been a ruse. Al Gore goes to bed laughing at the climate OCD's.


failure to connect the dots = gay


Driving a vehicle that gets 40+ mpg is the same as paying under $2 a gallon for gas. :D By 2040 there will be more vehicles on the road but they will all be getting better mileage figures. If that wasn't the case the demand for gasoline would be twice what is shown on your graph and the high cost of gas would be the determining factor in reducing the number of vehicles.
Liberals ignore the science of hydraulic fracturing and replace it with lies, hype, and fear.
They ignore the social and economic benefits of such science for the sake of spreading their false agendas.
Liberals ignore the science of hydraulic fracturing and replace it with lies, hype, and fear.
They ignore the social and economic benefits of such science for the sake of spreading their false agendas.

pretty much all they spread is lies, hype and fear...And what gets me is it's like, how dare people have a different OPINION on MAN made global warming and not just fall all the hype from people like Al the bore Gore who is making MONEY money money by hyping global warming, but if you do disagree with their cultish following of science and scientist you get labeled a DENIER...
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Do any of these scientists, being polled have real jobs, or are they all working off of some government grant?

Government grants are just high-end welfare.

That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. This is why Republicans are viewed as just silly people by so many. Just one example. Nuclear power plants. A couple of years ago on this board, I pointed out that nuclear power plants can't be unregulated. Some asked "why not? Let business take care of it", after my guffaw, I pointed out that inspecting a nuclear power plant is not the same as inspecting a Hostess Cupcake factory and some said, "Why not? Can't they just follow a manual or something?".

It's this determined ignorance that gets in the way of the Republican Party and normal people. Fox viewers will say scientists are lazy people who leech off the government, but do people at Fox really believe that or are they just making money from ignorant yokels like snake oil salesmen used to do a hundred years ago? My bet is "snake oil".
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".

oh really, like we haven't read anything on it...you just spew any shit don't you...

and how dare the people form their OWN OPONION without worshipping some scientist and kissing the ground they walk on..we realize you lefties are incapable of thinking FOR YOUSELF and need others to tell you what is going on..
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Do any of these scientists, being polled have real jobs, or are they all working off of some government grant?

Government grants are just high-end welfare.

That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. This is why Republicans are viewed as just silly people by so many. Just one example. Nuclear power plants. A couple of years ago on this board, I pointed out that nuclear power plants can't be unregulated. Some asked "why not? Let business take care of it", after my guffaw, I pointed out that inspecting a nuclear power plant is not the same as inspecting a Hostess Cupcake factory and some said, "Why not? Can't they just follow a manual or something?".

It's this determined ignorance that gets in the way of the Republican Party and normal people. Fox viewers will say scientists are lazy people who leech off the government, but do people at Fox really believe that or are they just making money from ignorant yokels like snake oil salesmen used to do a hundred years ago? My bet is "snake oil".

Aren't most nuclear power plants built and operated by private businesses?
Do any of these scientists, being polled have real jobs, or are they all working off of some government grant?

Government grants are just high-end welfare.

That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. This is why Republicans are viewed as just silly people by so many. Just one example. Nuclear power plants. A couple of years ago on this board, I pointed out that nuclear power plants can't be unregulated. Some asked "why not? Let business take care of it", after my guffaw, I pointed out that inspecting a nuclear power plant is not the same as inspecting a Hostess Cupcake factory and some said, "Why not? Can't they just follow a manual or something?".

It's this determined ignorance that gets in the way of the Republican Party and normal people. Fox viewers will say scientists are lazy people who leech off the government, but do people at Fox really believe that or are they just making money from ignorant yokels like snake oil salesmen used to do a hundred years ago? My bet is "snake oil".

Aren't most nuclear power plants built and operated by private businesses?

With government inspection. Duh! How can you not know that?
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".

oh really, like we haven't read anything on it...you just spew any shit don't you...

and how dare the people form their OWN OPONION without worshipping some scientist and kissing the ground they walk on..we realize you lefties are incapable of thinking FOR YOUSELF and need others to tell you what is going on..

The "Turd Lady" proves my point about right wingers believing science is a "faith".

Look at Rick Perry, praying for rain, that's right wing "science". How did it work out? Did Gawd "listen"?
That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. This is why Republicans are viewed as just silly people by so many. Just one example. Nuclear power plants. A couple of years ago on this board, I pointed out that nuclear power plants can't be unregulated. Some asked "why not? Let business take care of it", after my guffaw, I pointed out that inspecting a nuclear power plant is not the same as inspecting a Hostess Cupcake factory and some said, "Why not? Can't they just follow a manual or something?".

It's this determined ignorance that gets in the way of the Republican Party and normal people. Fox viewers will say scientists are lazy people who leech off the government, but do people at Fox really believe that or are they just making money from ignorant yokels like snake oil salesmen used to do a hundred years ago? My bet is "snake oil".

Aren't most nuclear power plants built and operated by private businesses?

With government inspection. Duh! How can you not know that?

Of course I knew that.

Is it your contention that a nuclear power plant wouldn't work correctly without government inspection? Does the government have a monopoly on all nuclear knowledge?
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".

it seems like you have many opinions yourself Dean.....when you say Republicans HATE this or that.....you never have a link.....just your opinion.....when righties here tell you they dont hate what you are saying they do.....you just ignore that and keep posting even more opinions.....you have said how Republicans HATE minorities.....i have said then if that was true.....why do so many live here with all these Mexicans and have even married some?......i notice of course you never respond to that.....as i have said Dean.....you aint fooling no one.....well maybe "Dottie"....
Do any of these scientists, being polled have real jobs, or are they all working off of some government grant?

Government grants are just high-end welfare.

That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. This is why Republicans are viewed as just silly people by so many. Just one example. Nuclear power plants. A couple of years ago on this board, I pointed out that nuclear power plants can't be unregulated. Some asked "why not? Let business take care of it", after my guffaw, I pointed out that inspecting a nuclear power plant is not the same as inspecting a Hostess Cupcake factory and some said, "Why not? Can't they just follow a manual or something?".

It's this determined ignorance that gets in the way of the Republican Party and normal people. Fox viewers will say scientists are lazy people who leech off the government, but do people at Fox really believe that or are they just making money from ignorant yokels like snake oil salesmen used to do a hundred years ago? My bet is "snake oil".

Aren't most nuclear power plants built and operated by private businesses?

well out here San Onofre is.....and there have been many problems with it over the years .....i believe they are shutting it down.....

Green energy is the biggest hoax every perpetuated upon the American people. The suckers buy into it while the few soak up the profits. Its all a ruse.....its always been a ruse. Al Gore goes to bed laughing at the climate OCD's.


failure to connect the dots = gay


Ahem. Speaking of failing to connect the dots - A little bit of info about your pals at IER:

1) Previously received funding from ExxonMobil, but ExxonMobil has not given to IER since 2007.

2) The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. He has written seven books, including Capitalism at Work and Edison to Enron, and he maintains the website Political Capitalism. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

3) Benjamin Cole, a spokesman for American Energy Alliance told Politico in October 2012 that, "Our [American Energy Alliance] goal is to make the United States Wind Energy Policy#Wind Production Tax Credit so toxic that it makes it impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid and say, ‘Yeah, I can bend on this one.’”

4) The Institute for Energy Research has a political arm, the American Energy Alliance, which is responsible for multi-million dollar television advertising campaigns that have attacked energy policy, ideas and positions of the Obama Administration that are contrary to the those held by IER. The American Energy Alliance is run by Thomas (Tom) Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. According the its website, the Alliance engages in "grassroots public policy advocacy and debate" regarding energy.

Both IER and the American Energy Alliance are partly funded by the Koch Brothers and their donor network, according to Politico's research, sources - and to reports by Koch-controlled charitable foundations themselves. The American Energy Alliance, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the names of its donors.

5) advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.

6) The Director is Wayne Gable, Managing Director of Federal Affairs at Koch Industries, and president of the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.
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Aren't most nuclear power plants built and operated by private businesses?

With government inspection. Duh! How can you not know that?

Of course I knew that.

Is it your contention that a nuclear power plant wouldn't work correctly without government inspection? Does the government have a monopoly on all nuclear knowledge?

When it comes to private business and public safety, considering the record of private business, if government isn't looking out for us, who will?

What the fuck is wrong with you? That didn't have to be explained. It's obvious!
The right wing only has "opinion" and nothing else. No study. No investigation. No "science".

it seems like you have many opinions yourself Dean.....when you say Republicans HATE this or that.....you never have a link.....just your opinion.....when righties here tell you they dont hate what you are saying they do.....you just ignore that and keep posting even more opinions.....you have said how Republicans HATE minorities.....i have said then if that was true.....why do so many live here with all these Mexicans and have even married some?......i notice of course you never respond to that.....as i have said Dean.....you aint fooling no one.....well maybe "Dottie"....

Actions are all the proof a thinking person needs dipshit.
Aren't most nuclear power plants built and operated by private businesses?

With government inspection. Duh! How can you not know that?

Of course I knew that.

Is it your contention that a nuclear power plant wouldn't work correctly without government inspection? Does the government have a monopoly on all nuclear knowledge?

No, but the government does have a constitutional obligation to protect the American people. The harm that a Chernobyl or Fukushima event can do is not only the immediate damage but the long term toxicity of the surrounding areas. Corporations are in business to make profits and if they believe that they can cut costs they will do so. That is SOP and it is rewarded by Wall Street. However when it comes to cutting costs at a nuclear plant the repercussions could be far more serious. So this is where the government steps in to ensure the safety of the people under the authority granted to it by the Constitution.
With government inspection. Duh! How can you not know that?

Of course I knew that.

Is it your contention that a nuclear power plant wouldn't work correctly without government inspection? Does the government have a monopoly on all nuclear knowledge?

When it comes to private business and public safety, considering the record of private business, if government isn't looking out for us, who will?

What the fuck is wrong with you? That didn't have to be explained. It's obvious!

The republican party has become the party of PURE capitalism of the 19th and early 20th century. He just doesn't believe that the government should have any roll in business.

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