Re-alignment! spineless Putin's poodle Trump dances for treats in Hamburg.

Trump is the greatest threat to human freedom since Hitler.

Every day it becomes clearer how scary it is having the orange shitlord in charge. This stolen election might actually be the death of western democracy as we know it. Dark times ahead.
Dark times ahead.

for you, maybe

You are quite free with the bot slur but you're the mindless autobot. I saw his speech in Poland, he criticized Russia and talked repeatedly about freedom and its' core values and all those who have suffered and died for it. And how committed he will be in preserving it. It was well received. You know nothing but lies, stupid demonstrably wrong propaganda.

Read Donald Trump’s Remarks at the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

Let's see:

. We urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities in Ukraine and elsewhere, and its support for hostile regimes -- including Syria and Iran -- and to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself. (Applause.)

FULL TRANSCRIPT: President Trump's Freedom Address to Poland

That's it. Is that the criticizm of Russia you heard?

You Trumpbot status is secure.
The bot puked in the forum again. Yep, that's a criticism not a compliment. You wanted threats of a nuclear war? Dumbfuck.
DJT for Life, post: 17674966
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is... why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

It is precisely that Trump being so weak in the shadow of Putin that Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

Trump's answer in public and through Tillerson is - Nothing. I'm going to reward you with great respect no matter what you do.
Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."
Iceweasel, post: 17675310,
...which is yet another dumb lie. You want war with Russia all of a sudden? Where were you during the previous administration?

No. We don't need war with Russia. I don't want it. My wife is Russian. She works for our Defense Department. The Great American she is.

Russian Interference in our election came the last six months of the Obama Andministration.

Prior to that wanting a more militaristic engagement over Ukraine and Syria has been the main goal of the Republican Party.
DJT for Life, post: 17674966
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is... why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

It is precisely that Trump being so weak in the shadow of Putin that Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

Trump's answer in public and through Tillerson is - Nothing. I'm going to reward you with great respect no matter what you do.
Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

I was paraphrasing a hypothetical quote by Putin, trumpbot.

Can you argue that was not Putin's message following the meeting. If not what was it?
Iceweasel, post: 17675391
Yep, that's a criticism not a compliment.

I didn't say it was not criticism, moron. I asked another if "that's it". A real nothingburger of Trump criticizing Putin prior to the two hour lovefest.

We "urge"? Real tough guy you got in DJT. Wow!
Last edited:
Iceweasel, post: 17675310,
...which is yet another dumb lie. You want war with Russia all of a sudden? Where were you during the previous administration?

No. We don't need war with Russia. I don't want it. My wife is Russian. She works for our Defense Department. The Great American she is.

Russian Interference in our election came the last six months of the Obama Andministration.

Prior to that wanting a more militaristic engagement over Ukraine and Syria has been the main goal of the Republican Party.
What did the Russians do? You never say.
Yep, that's a criticism not a compliment.

I didn't say it was not criticism, moron. I asked another if "that's it". A real nothingburger of Trump criticizing Putin prior to the two hour lovefest.

We "urge"? Real tough guy you got in DJT. Wow!
Yep, you squealed like a girl and I called you on it. You call it nothing but you are a highly opinionated jackass so....
DJT for Life, post: 17674966
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is... why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

It is precisely that Trump being so weak in the shadow of Putin that Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

Trump's answer in public and through Tillerson is - Nothing. I'm going to reward you with great respect no matter what you do.
Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

I was paraphrasing a hypothetical quote by Putin, trumpbot.

Can you argue that was not Putin's message following the meeting. If not what was it?
DJT for Life, post: 17674966
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is... why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

It is precisely that Trump being so weak in the shadow of Putin that Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

Trump's answer in public and through Tillerson is - Nothing. I'm going to reward you with great respect no matter what you do.
Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

I was paraphrasing a hypothetical quote by Putin, trumpbot.

Can you argue that was not Putin's message following the meeting. If not what was it?
I was paraphrasing a hypothetical quote by Putin, trumpbot
In other words, you pulled it out of your ass.

Can you argue that was not Putin's message following the meeting. If not what was it?

See ya at dinner?
LordBrownTrout, post: 17673920
Funny stuff.

What's funny about it? The American President has withdrawn as the leader of the free world. And says it's an honor to spend over two hours with the leader of the unfree world who interferes in the free world's elections to promote the authoritarian global realignment he's been pursuing the past 17 years.
Tipsycatlover, post: 17673943
It is. It's hilarious. The Kremlin is the greatest threat. I expected obama to run up and start bleating about 80s foreign policy AGAIN.

The author in the OP said.

"First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin."

Threat to that alliance as described.

The prominent members members of that alliance take the threat seriously. Trumpbots put politics over patriotism as clearly we can see on this thread.



True. Obama would have more flexibilty on nuclear arms reduction in Congress after the partisan political time of running for reelection had passed.

What's the point of posting pictures? Putin was not actively engaged in election meddling at that time. You seem to be lost mentally on this current event's topic.
Iceweasel, post: 17675438
I called you on it.

Just the point. You didn't call me on anything. You misread what I wrote and made fake news out of it.

Lying is nothing for a Trumpbot.
You're a liar. You said:

"From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world."

So I pointed out that he criticized them instead, to which you replied "is that all?" To which I replied that's good enough to prove you're a lying jackass and he wasn't going to make a declaration of war. It was quite well enough for a speech and it would be stupid to go further than that.

Now you claim I misread it? You pathetic little maggot, you have NO credibility!
Tipsycatlover, post: 17673943
It is. It's hilarious. The Kremlin is the greatest threat. I expected obama to run up and start bleating about 80s foreign policy AGAIN.

The author in the OP said.

"First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin."

Threat to that alliance as described.

The prominent members members of that alliance take the threat seriously. Trumpbots put politics over patriotism as clearly we can see on this thread.

That's all you are capable of. You can't even understand what he said.

Pathetic. What a good little liberal you are, completely full of shit and dishonest as a human can be.

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