Re-alignment! spineless Putin's poodle Trump dances for treats in Hamburg.

OldLady, post: 17675749
If anyone can explain WITHOUT all the vituperative Trump hate why his reaction was terrible, I'd like to hear it. I'm supposed to be a leftie here, and I'm not feeling it right now.

It goes back to the campaign when Trump called Putin a "great leader" before the public knew about the election interference.

Putin is not. And a candidate for US President should not refer to an authoritarian who is overseeing a horribly weak economy while enriching himself some say to be the wealthiest man in the world, a great leader.

I don't expect to change Putin's ambitions and behavior. Not much can be done more than has been done for that. But I can demand my President get over the Putin admiration society membership that Trump seems to lead.

Obama handled Putin much better, by getting military cooperation, the Chem Weapons removed from Syria and the Iran Nuclear deal as an expected duty on Putin's part with no need for praising Putin in public amid his serious problems at home and his unwelcome meddling abroad.

This two plus hour meeting was too much under existing conditions.

Negotiations on resolving critical matters can be done in private after putting down certain markers for what a much stronger America and EU and NATO alliance members expect.

Just pointing out that Trump is weak on Putin

Trump is seriously out of Trump's league.

The old expression about chess and checkers does not apply.

In the geopolitical level Putin is playing 3D chess and Trump is picking his nose.

Mission Accomplished Putin.
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Trump solidified his position as Putin's cock-holster.

And the Republicans in Congress are silent.
OldLady, post: 17675749
If anyone can explain WITHOUT all the vituperative Trump hate why his reaction was terrible, I'd like to hear it. I'm supposed to be a leftie here, and I'm not feeling it right now.

It goes back to the campaign when Trump called Putin a "great leader" before the public knew about the election interference.

Putin is not. And a candidate for US President should not refer to an authoritarian who is overseeing a horribly weak economy while enriching himself some say to be the wealthiest man in the world, a great leader.

I don't expect to change Putin's ambitions and behavior. Not much can be done more than has been done for that. But I can demand my President get over the Putin admiration society membership that Trump seems to lead.

Obama handled Putin much better, by getting military cooperation, the Chem Weapons removed from Syria and the Iran Nuclear deal as an expected duty on Putin's part with no need for praising Putin in public amid his serious problems at home and his unwelcome meddling abroad.

This two plus hour meeting was too much under existing conditions.

Negotiations on resolving critical matters can be done in private after putting down certain markers for what a much stronger America and EU and NATO alliance members expect.

Just pointing out that Trump is weak on Putin

Trump is seriously out of Trump's league.

The old expression about chess and checkers does not apply.

In the geopolitical level Putin is playing 3D chess and Trump is picking his nose.

Mission Accomplished Putin.
What I found interesting when this morning I saw a little discussion of yesterday's G20 goings-on was a lot of concern that the meeting was not recorded or notes taken, and the chickens are coming home to roost for Trump--people are suspicious of what was ACTUALLY said. For some reason, they are not totally assured by Tillerson's description of the discussion. LOL
(Trumpsters don't immediately jump on the MSM--I was watching CSPAN and she was reading news articles from somewhere, and taking live calls)

I looked though, and it seems this is how meetings with Putin went when Obama was in office, too. The public didn't have access to anything other than the President's spokesman, who told us what the discussion had been about. I don't know if notes were taken or the conversation was recorded for posterity in Obama's meetings, but the bigger point is that the public trusted what they heard from Obama's administration about the meeting. Of course, Obama himself also briefed the press afterward.

I don't know why Trump has been acting so "camera shy" lately about his meetings with Russians (that WH one where no cameras were allowed) and about press briefings in general being off camera. Even Tillerson's brief on the meeting between Putin and Trump was off camera. It's kind of like the old days of sitting around the parlor listening to the radio. Is Trump trying to slowly wean us from press coverage altogether?

The basic lack of trust among the journalists and many of the American people is notable, and at least partly deserved.
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.

A set of balls in a body which lacks common sense and experience is the last thing we need in the oval office.

The rhetoric in the pages above in this thread must give Putin aid and comfort; there is no doubt that his cyber specialists see allies in the American Right Wing and will continue to exploit this asset.

We just had someone in the Oval Office who lacked a set of balls (leading from behind?) didn't have common sense and zero executive experience! Putin played Barry for a sucker for eight years. You think Trump could possibly do worse?

Trump will do much worse, and your description of President Obama could not be further from reality. You simply echo the same bullshit we've read over and over, and of course as are all of such echoes, it lacks any evidence to support it.

He didn't coin the phrase "Leading from behind"?

He had executive experience?

I'm sorry, Catcher but my observations of Barack Obama ARE based on reality...yours are based on what liberals hoped Barry would be!

Obama filled posts rapidly, studied and chose policies which benefited the many, not the few. Did he make mistakes? Sure, but far fewer and less toxic than his predecessor and successor.

Obama sought win-win solutions; Trump plays and will lose his zero sum antics. Obama is gracious, Trump pushed people - including the leaders of a NATO Nation out if his way; Trump is a liar, that cannot be denied, but will be by his supporters; Obama was mocked for a few missteps ad nausea, his 57 states comment and you can keep you doctor statements, both of which were not an attempt to mislead anyone.

Trump is a narcissist and a megalomaniac. He is dangerous, incompetent and flip flops on most everything; no one can trust what he says from day to day, and sometimes from hour to hour.

You're really claiming that Obama didn't deliberately mislead the American people about both how the ACA would work and what the ACA would cost? In order to sell THAT,'d have to posit that Obama didn't know what people like Jonathon Gruber knew all along! So either he lied through his teeth about the ACA...or he was totally clueless about what was in the legislation! Pick your poison...
OldLady, post: 17676573
I thought this thread was about TRUMP.

They are lost without having Obama and Hillary to kick around to cover their inability to defend Trump.

So let me see how this works, Notfooled...after watching Barack Obama and most of you liberals blame George W. Bush for pretty much everything that went wrong for the Obama Administration for eight that Barry isn't in the Oval Office we're not allowed to point out what a mess Obama left for Trump?

It must be nice to be a get to eat your cake and have it too...
Oldstyle, post: 17677926
You're really claiming that Obama didn't deliberately mislead the American people about both how the ACA would work and what the ACA would cost?

The CBO cost projections on the ACA have actually come in pretty close. And Republican obstruction is the main reason the CBO's projections were not 99% accurate.

The CBO is saying the ACA itself and the proposed Trump-care Bill will keep medical markets stable. It's just that you have 22 million less insured under Trump.

So Trump will have outlied everbody after promising to deliver health care for everybody.
Today Trump gave Putin exactly what he wanted. An American President who does not give one shit about preserving core democratic western values.

Trump proves to be a well trained dog that loves, respects and obeys his owner.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By MOLLY K. MCKEW July 07, 2017

. President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.
Get off the stage Foo. Your part in this play is over!

Idiot-gram ^^^

For those in Europe and around the globe please understand that most of the posts on this thread - as is the one above - do not represent the higher intelligence and education of most Americans. Most American's recognize the long term dissonance between Russia, and what was once the USSR, and the United States. A situaton which has existed since the days of Stalin and FDR and we've learned that the Russian Leadership has never been trustworthy.

The simple truth is, Russian leaders fear democracy, it threatens them to their core. Detente will never be achieved while Putin is in office, and the best course IMO is for Trump to listen to professional diplomats and his intelligence agencies, and keep his mouth shut and close his twitter account.
Just as libtards fear democracy and seek the bosom of big government and free shit.

You've proven to be able to echo the talking points, i.e. RW propaganda, someday offer some evidence you can think for yourself.
How about a simple GFY...will that suffice?
Oldstyle, post: 17677958
So let me see how this works, Notfooled...after watching Barack Obama and most of you liberals blame George W. Bush for pretty much everything that went wrong for the Obama Administration for eight that Barry isn't in the Oval Office we're not allowed to point out what a mess Obama left for Trump?

Answer this honestly Oldstyle, regarding the Bush mess vs Obama mess. Let's say during the first month after inauguration.

Which is worse?

1. An economy shedding nearly a million jobs a month.

2. An economy adding roughly 200,000 jobs a month for nearly seven years in a Row.
Today Trump gave Putin exactly what he wanted. An American President who does not give one shit about preserving core democratic western values.

Trump proves to be a well trained dog that loves, respects and obeys his owner.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By MOLLY K. MCKEW July 07, 2017

. President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.
Even in all 57 states and under sniperfire?
Oldstyle, post: 17677958
So let me see how this works, Notfooled...after watching Barack Obama and most of you liberals blame George W. Bush for pretty much everything that went wrong for the Obama Administration for eight that Barry isn't in the Oval Office we're not allowed to point out what a mess Obama left for Trump?

Answer this honestly Oldstyle, regarding the Bush mess vs Obama mess. Let's say during the first month after inauguration.

Which is worse?

1. 120,000 US troops stationed in Iraq under a SOFA signed by Bush that required those troops to be totally gone in two years.

2. 5000 US troops stationed in Iraq as trainers and advisers 75% complete with the mission of driving ISIS out of Mosul, to end their declared Caliphate on Iraq soil.
Oldstyle, post: 17677958
So let me see how this works, Notfooled...after watching Barack Obama and most of you liberals blame George W. Bush for pretty much everything that went wrong for the Obama Administration for eight that Barry isn't in the Oval Office we're not allowed to point out what a mess Obama left for Trump?

Answer this honestly Oldstyle, regarding the Bush mess vs Obama mess. Let's say during the first month after inauguration.

Which is worse?

1.The entire auto industry on the verge of financial collapse. With a prominent GOP perennial Presidential candidate writing an OP-Ed giving advice to let them go bankrupt.

Opinion | Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

2. The US auto industry setting two years of record sales in a row.

Automakers sell record 17.55M vehicles in U.S. in 2016 - Detroit Free Press › money › cars › 2017/01/04
Jan 4, 2017 - Automakers sold 17.55 million new vehicles in 2016 in U.S., setting a record for 2nd straight year.
This is nothing but another attempted distraction to prevent Americans from spying attention to the fact that the DNC. REFUSE TO RELEASE THE SERVER THEY CLAIM WAS HACKED BY THE RUSSIANS.

Their entire claim against Trump is based on that server and it being hacked....yet they refuse to release it to anyone for confirmation of their story.

If their server was hacked, THEY KNOW who did it:


Even after she had given the 3 access to classified House files when they had no security clearances, even after they were banned from the House, and even after they were being investigated for espionage, DWS gave them access AGAIN to DNC emails and classified House files.

The Pakistani spies have now fled to Pakistan where they (at least 1) are being protected by the govt of Pakistan.

DWS should have already been perp-walked in chains and sent to GITMO!
This is nothing but another attempted distraction to prevent Americans from spying attention to the fact that the DNC. REFUSE TO RELEASE THE SERVER THEY CLAIM WAS HACKED BY THE RUSSIANS.

Their entire claim against Trump is based on that server and it being hacked....yet they refuse to release it to anyone for confirmation of their story.

If their server was hacked, THEY KNOW who did it:


Even after she had given the 3 access to classified House files when they had no security clearances, even after they were banned from the House, and even after they were being investigated for espionage, DWS gave them access AGAIN to DNC emails and classified House files.

The Pakistani spies have now fled to Pakistan where they (at least 1) are being protected by the govt of Pakistan.

DWS should have already been perp-walked in chains and sent to GITMO!

You have it backwards. Trump's attempted deflection back to Podesta, Obama and the DNC is to deflect from the Russian hacking which helped elect Trump.

If Hillary and Obama were really colluding to help Putin, why didn't he support them in the election? Why did he works so hard to undermine abd destroy her? Answer: he wanted the idiot Trump because Trump is his bitch.
Are democrats trying to pretend that Putin is NOT a great leader?

ONLY obama is a great leader and that only because he's black.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
And they really believe their dump ah had a 2 hour conversation with putin??? LOL the interpreters took more than an hour Moron trump came up lame Let Putin slide Drumph is a real coward
Oldstyle, post: 17677958
So let me see how this works, Notfooled...after watching Barack Obama and most of you liberals blame George W. Bush for pretty much everything that went wrong for the Obama Administration for eight that Barry isn't in the Oval Office we're not allowed to point out what a mess Obama left for Trump?

Answer this honestly Oldstyle, regarding the Bush mess vs Obama mess. Let's say during the first month after inauguration.

Which is worse?

1. Unemployment Rate @ 8.3% and rising to 10% by mid summer.

2. Unemployment Rate @ 4.7% and falling to 4.4% by mid summer.

Where are you Oldstyle?

Who left the biggest mess? Bush or Obama?

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