Re-alignment! spineless Putin's poodle Trump dances for treats in Hamburg.

"Russia is prepping the battlefield in the United States for what comes next"
Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By Molly K. McKew

July 07, 2017
President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

... snip

And this only assesses what we know was discussed. What about what wasn’t discussed? Did Trump raise expanded Russian intelligence activities inside the United States? How about attempts by Russian agents to target U.S. military members with disinformation and for recruitment? What about whether or not Russia has been involved in cyberattacks on critical U.S. infrastructure, including nuclear facilities? And these are just pressing issues of U.S. national security. How about escalating fighting in eastern Ukraine, or how Russian forces moved forward the occupation line in Georgia, again? Was King Abdullah right that getting a solution on Syria will mean making concessions on Ukraine? No one knows—because no one asked. “Move on.”

Former director of national intelligence James Clapper put the matter well this week: Russia is prepping the battlefield in the United States for what comes next. It is clear the president does not believe this—and it is increasingly clear that his definition of who and what we are as a nation is problematic and dark. If we choose to ignore these warnings—as a government and as a society—we all bear responsibility, and we will all pay the price.

More: Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

The USSR offically wins the cold war! Trump is a russian drone and must be removed!

The only thing that needs to be removed is this duplicate thread.

Trump is the greatest threat to human freedom since Hitler.

Apparently, he's already invaded Poland ...

"Russia is prepping the battlefield in the United States for what comes next"
Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By Molly K. McKew

July 07, 2017
President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

... snip

And this only assesses what we know was discussed. What about what wasn’t discussed? Did Trump raise expanded Russian intelligence activities inside the United States? How about attempts by Russian agents to target U.S. military members with disinformation and for recruitment? What about whether or not Russia has been involved in cyberattacks on critical U.S. infrastructure, including nuclear facilities? And these are just pressing issues of U.S. national security. How about escalating fighting in eastern Ukraine, or how Russian forces moved forward the occupation line in Georgia, again? Was King Abdullah right that getting a solution on Syria will mean making concessions on Ukraine? No one knows—because no one asked. “Move on.”

Former director of national intelligence James Clapper put the matter well this week: Russia is prepping the battlefield in the United States for what comes next. It is clear the president does not believe this—and it is increasingly clear that his definition of who and what we are as a nation is problematic and dark. If we choose to ignore these warnings—as a government and as a society—we all bear responsibility, and we will all pay the price.

More: Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

The USSR offically wins the cold war! Trump is a russian drone and must be removed!

Please let us know what drug induced this illusion so that we might all avoid it in future.

Please also do not expect much by way of sympathy with the nasty hangover you'll have come dawn's early light.
Trump is the greatest threat to human freedom since Hitler.

Every day it becomes clearer how scary it is having the orange shitlord in charge. This stolen election might actually be the death of western democracy as we know it. Dark times ahead.


Maybe you and Matthew can run around in your pink panties and yell freedom or something ...


Why do you oppose our right to do so? Are you anti-freedom or something?
You know, OP, here's the #1 reason why you liberals are such a walking abomination: you'd be perfectly happy to see this entire country crash and burn if it meant Trump crashing and burning along with it. You liberals' deep-seated obsessional hatred of Trump eclipses ANY love you could feel for your country or anything else - and that's generously pretending you liberal psychopaths are capable of feeling any real human emotion at all. Why can't you violent, murderous, spittle-flying liberals accept that you are NOT human and crawl back into the bus station men's room, rust-speckled chrome urinal you creatures crawled out of? EVERYTHING about you liberals is an exercise in malice and destruction. You pig.
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.
Oldstyle, post: 17674362
utter nonsense...other than to say that it's utter nonsense?

One major common denominator shared by both authoritarian/kleptocratic Putin and authoritarian/kleptocratic wannabe Trump is the need for repression and elimination of a free press to achieve certain goals.

Putin trained as a KGB agent has mastered the use of propaganda and has succeeded within Russia to subvert most if not just about all bad press about his undemocratic rule. Trump as a more Hollywood experienced huckster and self-promotion artist has turned his experience and celebrity status into very useful means for discrediting the entire free press of the western world. His Trump medicine man swallowers give way too much support and enthusiasm for the lie a day President attempts at demoting freedom of the press to its most dangerous low common regard I would think ever in its history.

Putin surely adores tweetstorm Trump's methods at promoting anti-liberty anti-fact propaganda to the point where Putin cannot believe his own ears and eyes at the God's gift to authoritarian rule that Americans voted into office in Putin's favor.

You call a threat to freedom of the press and that freedom's relationship to all western democratic cite values NONSENSE.

Now you know why Trump voters deserve the label "deplorables" - because calling this discussion of this threat "nonsense" is deplorable.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
You are quite free with the bot slur but you're the mindless autobot. I saw his speech in Poland, he criticized Russia and talked repeatedly about freedom and its' core values and all those who have suffered and died for it. And how committed he will be in preserving it. It was well received. You know nothing but lies, stupid demonstrably wrong propaganda.
DJT for Life, post: 17674966
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is... why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

It is precisely that Trump being so weak in the shadow of Putin that Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

Trump's answer in public and through Tillerson is - Nothing. I'm going to reward you with great respect no matter what you do.
Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.

You'll only get deplorable reactions I'm afraid, everyone should be able to see that it's treason to even talk to Russians, preparing for WWIII is the only option since Hillary was robbed of her rightful crown...

So the Russian reset was treason?
DJT for Life, post: 17674966
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is... why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

It is precisely that Trump being so weak in the shadow of Putin that Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

Trump's answer in public and through Tillerson is - Nothing. I'm going to reward you with great respect no matter what you do.
...which is yet another dumb lie. You want war with Russia all of a sudden? Where were you during the previous administration?
You are quite free with the bot slur but you're the mindless autobot. I saw his speech in Poland, he criticized Russia and talked repeatedly about freedom and its' core values and all those who have suffered and died for it. And how committed he will be in preserving it. It was well received. You know nothing but lies, stupid demonstrably wrong propaganda.

Read Donald Trump’s Remarks at the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

Let's see:

. We urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities in Ukraine and elsewhere, and its support for hostile regimes -- including Syria and Iran -- and to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself. (Applause.)

FULL TRANSCRIPT: President Trump's Freedom Address to Poland

That's it. Is that the criticizm of Russia you heard?

You Trumpbot status is secure.

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