Re-alignment! spineless Putin's poodle Trump dances for treats in Hamburg.

SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
There is way too much spin in that article from Politico.
I didn't find the summary of the talk between Trump and Putin at all surprising. The one everyone seems focused on was the topic of Russian hacking and meddling in the election.
First, the United States will “move on” from election hacking issues with no accountability or consequences for Russia; in fact, the U.S. will form a “framework” with Russia to cooperate on cybersecurity issues, evaluating weaknesses and assessing potential responses jointly.

First, Obama already gave the Russians consequences for their actions by booting out two spy hives and placing additional sanctions on Russia for their cyber crimes. Trump let Nikki Haley off her leash and she gave the Russians what-for at the UN. What else should be done?

Did anyone expect Putin to admit he and his government were involved in the cyber crimes? Did we expect Trump would waterboard him during their meeting? Putin is a lying shit and everyone knows it. We have evidence of who did it and so does Europe, who had similar problems.
Given the expected outcome that Putin would continue to deny everything, and given that Trump can't "prove" it without giving away NSA information we hope the Russians don't have, what was he supposed to do?

I think it was a good idea to say, Okay, let's come up with an agreement about how to proceed if in the future that should happen... It's better than nothing. It won't come to anything, because the next time it happens, Putin will again deny it and we'll be exactly where we are now, but THERE IS NOTHING TRUMP CAN DO ABOUT IT AT THIS POINT.

Do you want to nuke Russia for it? Commit payback cyber crimes like shutting off the lights in Sochi while Putin and his buddies are vacationing? Dunno. What further actions do you think are in order? I certainly didn't hear anything about lifting sanctions on Russia.

Tillerson was right--this is an intractable issue between the two countries. There are reasons to continue to work with Russia where we can (like ala Syria). So moving on makes sense.

If anyone can explain WITHOUT all the vituperative Trump hate why his reaction was terrible, I'd like to hear it. I'm supposed to be a leftie here, and I'm not feeling it right now.
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

From your link:

"6]. Of particular note is the author’s specific identification of Russian Orthodoxy as the prime threat to European globalism."

Pro-Democracy Russians have long feared the marriage of church and state under Putin.

It is a valid objection by freedom lovers everywhere.

What's your point of posting the link.
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

From your link:

"6]. Of particular note is the author’s specific identification of Russian Orthodoxy as the prime threat to European globalism."

Pro-Democracy Russians have long feared the marriage of church and state under Putin.

It is a valid objection by freedom lovers everywhere.

What's your point of posting the link.

Your "author" is a wannabe, Foo.

I'd be cautious with anyone involved with Podesta but you have your ax to grind so carry on.
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.

A set of balls in a body which lacks common sense and experience is the last thing we need in the oval office.

The rhetoric in the pages above in this thread must give Putin aid and comfort; there is no doubt that his cyber specialists see allies in the American Right Wing and will continue to exploit this asset.
Today Trump gave Putin exactly what he wanted. An American President who does not give one shit about preserving core democratic western values.

Trump proves to be a well trained dog that loves, respects and obeys his owner.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By MOLLY K. MCKEW July 07, 2017

. President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.
Get off the stage Foo. Your part in this play is over!
SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
There is way too much spin in that article from Politico.
I didn't find the summary of the talk between Trump and Putin at all surprising. The one everyone seems focused on was the topic of Russian hacking and meddling in the election.
First, the United States will “move on” from election hacking issues with no accountability or consequences for Russia; in fact, the U.S. will form a “framework” with Russia to cooperate on cybersecurity issues, evaluating weaknesses and assessing potential responses jointly.

First, Obama already gave the Russians consequences for their actions by booting out two spy hives and placing additional sanctions on Russia for their cyber crimes. Trump let Nikki Haley off her leash and she gave the Russians what-for at the UN. What else should be done?

Did anyone expect Putin to admit he and his government were involved in the cyber crimes? Did we expect Trump would waterboard him during their meeting? Putin is a lying shit and everyone knows it. We have evidence of who did it and so does Europe, who had similar problems.
Given the expected outcome that Putin would continue to deny everything, and given that Trump can't "prove" it without giving away NSA information we hope the Russians don't have, what was he supposed to do?

I think it was a good idea to say, Okay, let's come up with an agreement about how to proceed if in the future that should happen... It's better than nothing. It won't come to anything, because the next time it happens, Putin will again deny it and we'll be exactly where we are now, but THERE IS NOTHING TRUMP CAN DO ABOUT IT AT THIS POINT.

Do you want to nuke Russia for it? Commit payback cyber crimes like shutting off the lights in Sochi while Putin and his buddies are vacationing? Dunno. What further actions do you think are in order? I certainly didn't hear anything about lifting sanctions on Russia.

Tillerson was right--this is an intractable issue between the two countries. There are reasons to continue to work with Russia where we can (like ala Syria). So moving on makes sense.

If anyone can explain WITHOUT all the vituperative Trump hate why his reaction was terrible, I'd like to hear it. I'm supposed to be a leftie here, and I'm not feeling it right now.

From my perspective Trump would be better off to staff the Dept of State with competent professionals, and not attempt to meet with Putin ever again. Trump needs to admit he is way over his head, something I doubt he will ever acknowledge, and let career diplomats do their thing.

It seems, and I hope, that the DOD is responsibly staffed, I have doubts for most every other appointments he has made. As I've posted time and again, Trump is unfit to be POTUS. He is incompetent, and flips and flops on issues mindful of a very large tuna on a boat deck.
Last edited:
Today Trump gave Putin exactly what he wanted. An American President who does not give one shit about preserving core democratic western values.

Trump proves to be a well trained dog that loves, respects and obeys his owner.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By MOLLY K. MCKEW July 07, 2017

. President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.
Get off the stage Foo. Your part in this play is over!

Idiot-gram ^^^

For those in Europe and around the globe please understand that most of the posts on this thread - as is the one above - do not represent the higher intelligence and education of most Americans. Most American's recognize the long term dissonance between Russia, and what was once the USSR, and the United States. A situaton which has existed since the days of Stalin and FDR and we've learned that the Russian Leadership has never been trustworthy.

The simple truth is, Russian leaders fear democracy, it threatens them to their core. Detente will never be achieved while Putin is in office, and the best course IMO is for Trump to listen to professional diplomats and his intelligence agencies, and keep his mouth shut and close his twitter account.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
There is way too much spin in that article from Politico.
I didn't find the summary of the talk between Trump and Putin at all surprising. The one everyone seems focused on was the topic of Russian hacking and meddling in the election.
First, the United States will “move on” from election hacking issues with no accountability or consequences for Russia; in fact, the U.S. will form a “framework” with Russia to cooperate on cybersecurity issues, evaluating weaknesses and assessing potential responses jointly.

First, Obama already gave the Russians consequences for their actions by booting out two spy hives and placing additional sanctions on Russia for their cyber crimes. Trump let Nikki Haley off her leash and she gave the Russians what-for at the UN. What else should be done?

Did anyone expect Putin to admit he and his government were involved in the cyber crimes? Did we expect Trump would waterboard him during their meeting? Putin is a lying shit and everyone knows it. We have evidence of who did it and so does Europe, who had similar problems.
Given the expected outcome that Putin would continue to deny everything, and given that Trump can't "prove" it without giving away NSA information we hope the Russians don't have, what was he supposed to do?

I think it was a good idea to say, Okay, let's come up with an agreement about how to proceed if in the future that should happen... It's better than nothing. It won't come to anything, because the next time it happens, Putin will again deny it and we'll be exactly where we are now, but THERE IS NOTHING TRUMP CAN DO ABOUT IT AT THIS POINT.

Do you want to nuke Russia for it? Commit payback cyber crimes like shutting off the lights in Sochi while Putin and his buddies are vacationing? Dunno. What further actions do you think are in order? I certainly didn't hear anything about lifting sanctions on Russia.

Tillerson was right--this is an intractable issue between the two countries. There are reasons to continue to work with Russia where we can (like ala Syria). So moving on makes sense.

If anyone can explain WITHOUT all the vituperative Trump hate why his reaction was terrible, I'd like to hear it. I'm supposed to be a leftie here, and I'm not feeling it right now.

From my perspective Trump would be better off to staff the Dept of State with competent professionals, and not attempt to meet with Putin ever again. Trump needs to admit he is way over his head, something I doubt he will ever acknowledge, and let career diplomats do their thing.

It seems, and I hope, that the DOD is responsibly staffed, I have doubts for most every other appointment he has made. As I've posted time and again, Trump is unfit to be POTUS. He is incompetent, and flips and flops on issues mindful of a very large tuna on a boat deck.
Fair enough. Maybe someone else can answer my questions.
I agree Trump is in over his head, that he brought his ill-informed and half-baked "opinions" to the highest office on the world stage; the light is slowly beginning to dawn on him that U.S. is no longer the only actor in world affairs who needs to be listened to. I was very concerned to read a piece on the front page of my paper this morning saying the other 19 leaders at the G20 are aligned AGAINST us regarding free trade and climate solutions and that his isolationist rhetoric is also potentially isolating US from ongoing deals and cooperation with the others who amongst us comprise 80% of the world's economy. That my friends is not good.
I suppose those who agree with Trump's positions will say the other countries are just pissed off we are going to stop buying their steel. Or that we won't contribute billions to help them build windmills. But there is actually more to it than that. The global economy and all the relationships and deals that support it are not going to fall apart because the U.S. doesn't like it. The other powers that be will keep playing, without us. Is it really better not to be playing the game? I have a feeling we are about to find out.
Iceweasel, post: 17675438
I called you on it.

Just the point. You didn't call me on anything. You misread what I wrote and made fake news out of it.

Lying is nothing for a Trumpbot.
You're a liar. You said:

"From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world."

So I pointed out that he criticized them instead, to which you replied "is that all?" To which I replied that's good enough to prove you're a lying jackass and he wasn't going to make a declaration of war. It was quite well enough for a speech and it would be stupid to go further than that.

Now you claim I misread it? You pathetic little maggot, you have NO credibility!

QED....'Lying Liberal Low-Lives'

Alliterative, catchy, and true.
The democrats are butthurt because their extensive collusion with Russia failed to put Crooked Hillary in office. Thank God we have The Donald as President and they worked several deals already. Hopefully, The Donald invited Putin to visit one of his clubs so they can do a round of golf. Russia is still one of the few remaining manufacturers of the best quality audiophile tubes for guitar amps and home stereos.
Putin don't do golf.
President Trump will have to corral some of BONOBO's WHITE unicorns he had grazing on the White house grounds and let them loose on one of President Trump's golf courses for Putin to kill using a bow and arrow.
The American left is consumed with the manufactured Russian hacking tale. The Russians barely laugh. All the left has is to run around bleating "why don't you care! Care dammit. We matter!"

Well you don't. The public is already bored.
Today Trump gave Putin exactly what he wanted. An American President who does not give one shit about preserving core democratic western values.

Trump proves to be a well trained dog that loves, respects and obeys his owner.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By MOLLY K. MCKEW July 07, 2017

. President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.
Get off the stage Foo. Your part in this play is over!

Idiot-gram ^^^

For those in Europe and around the globe please understand that most of the posts on this thread - as is the one above - do not represent the higher intelligence and education of most Americans. Most American's recognize the long term dissonance between Russia, and what was once the USSR, and the United States. A situaton which has existed since the days of Stalin and FDR and we've learned that the Russian Leadership has never been trustworthy.

The simple truth is, Russian leaders fear democracy, it threatens them to their core. Detente will never be achieved while Putin is in office, and the best course IMO is for Trump to listen to professional diplomats and his intelligence agencies, and keep his mouth shut and close his twitter account.
Just as libtards fear democracy and seek the bosom of big government and free shit.
DJT for Life, post: 17674966
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is... why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

It is precisely that Trump being so weak in the shadow of Putin that Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

Trump's answer in public and through Tillerson is - Nothing. I'm going to reward you with great respect no matter what you do.
Putin's message leaving the over two hour love fest was "Yeah, we do it, and will keep doing it. What are you going to do about it."

I was paraphrasing a hypothetical quote by Putin, trumpbot.

Can you argue that was not Putin's message following the meeting. If not what was it?

Paraphrasing a hypothetical quote? were making shit up? You should go work for CNN, Notfooled! They LOVE guys like you!
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.

A set of balls in a body which lacks common sense and experience is the last thing we need in the oval office.

The rhetoric in the pages above in this thread must give Putin aid and comfort; there is no doubt that his cyber specialists see allies in the American Right Wing and will continue to exploit this asset.

We just had someone in the Oval Office who lacked a set of balls (leading from behind?) didn't have common sense and zero executive experience! Putin played Barry for a sucker for eight years. You think Trump could possibly do worse?
Today Trump gave Putin exactly what he wanted. An American President who does not give one shit about preserving core democratic western values.

Trump proves to be a well trained dog that loves, respects and obeys his owner.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By MOLLY K. MCKEW July 07, 2017

. President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.
Get off the stage Foo. Your part in this play is over!

Idiot-gram ^^^

For those in Europe and around the globe please understand that most of the posts on this thread - as is the one above - do not represent the higher intelligence and education of most Americans. Most American's recognize the long term dissonance between Russia, and what was once the USSR, and the United States. A situaton which has existed since the days of Stalin and FDR and we've learned that the Russian Leadership has never been trustworthy.

The simple truth is, Russian leaders fear democracy, it threatens them to their core. Detente will never be achieved while Putin is in office, and the best course IMO is for Trump to listen to professional diplomats and his intelligence agencies, and keep his mouth shut and close his twitter account.
Just as libtards fear democracy and seek the bosom of big government and free shit.

You've proven to be able to echo the talking points, i.e. RW propaganda, someday offer some evidence you can think for yourself.
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.

A set of balls in a body which lacks common sense and experience is the last thing we need in the oval office.

The rhetoric in the pages above in this thread must give Putin aid and comfort; there is no doubt that his cyber specialists see allies in the American Right Wing and will continue to exploit this asset.

We just had someone in the Oval Office who lacked a set of balls (leading from behind?) didn't have common sense and zero executive experience! Putin played Barry for a sucker for eight years. You think Trump could possibly do worse?

Trump will do much worse, and your description of President Obama could not be further from reality. You simply echo the same bullshit we've read over and over, and of course as are all of such echoes, it lacks any evidence to support it.
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.

A set of balls in a body which lacks common sense and experience is the last thing we need in the oval office.

The rhetoric in the pages above in this thread must give Putin aid and comfort; there is no doubt that his cyber specialists see allies in the American Right Wing and will continue to exploit this asset.

We just had someone in the Oval Office who lacked a set of balls (leading from behind?) didn't have common sense and zero executive experience! Putin played Barry for a sucker for eight years. You think Trump could possibly do worse?

Trump will do much worse, and your description of President Obama could not be further from reality. You simply echo the same bullshit we've read over and over, and of course as are all of such echoes, it lacks any evidence to support it.

He didn't coin the phrase "Leading from behind"?

He had executive experience?

I'm sorry, Catcher but my observations of Barack Obama ARE based on reality...yours are based on what liberals hoped Barry would be!
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.

A set of balls in a body which lacks common sense and experience is the last thing we need in the oval office.

The rhetoric in the pages above in this thread must give Putin aid and comfort; there is no doubt that his cyber specialists see allies in the American Right Wing and will continue to exploit this asset.

We just had someone in the Oval Office who lacked a set of balls (leading from behind?) didn't have common sense and zero executive experience! Putin played Barry for a sucker for eight years. You think Trump could possibly do worse?

Trump will do much worse, and your description of President Obama could not be further from reality. You simply echo the same bullshit we've read over and over, and of course as are all of such echoes, it lacks any evidence to support it.

He didn't coin the phrase "Leading from behind"?

He had executive experience?

I'm sorry, Catcher but my observations of Barack Obama ARE based on reality...yours are based on what liberals hoped Barry would be!
I thought this thread was about TRUMP.
Who here remembers how the Democrats and previous President mocked Mitt Romney for saying Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe? He had it right and the response from the left was the 80s called and wanted their foreign policy back.
I heard this tonight. What was the first thing Putin did when he
met with Trump? He lied to him, about not hacking into the election.

If Trump was weak like the folks who whine constantly say he is...
why lie to him? Just tell him..."Yeah, we did it, what are you going to do
about it."

Nah, they all fear the Donald, because they don't know what he'll do.
It feels good knowing we have a President that not only has a set of balls,
but the rest of the world knows he has that set.

Far cry from the last 8 years, of a gutless scumbag, fucking
up the country.

A set of balls in a body which lacks common sense and experience is the last thing we need in the oval office.

The rhetoric in the pages above in this thread must give Putin aid and comfort; there is no doubt that his cyber specialists see allies in the American Right Wing and will continue to exploit this asset.

We just had someone in the Oval Office who lacked a set of balls (leading from behind?) didn't have common sense and zero executive experience! Putin played Barry for a sucker for eight years. You think Trump could possibly do worse?

Trump will do much worse, and your description of President Obama could not be further from reality. You simply echo the same bullshit we've read over and over, and of course as are all of such echoes, it lacks any evidence to support it.

He didn't coin the phrase "Leading from behind"?

He had executive experience?

I'm sorry, Catcher but my observations of Barack Obama ARE based on reality...yours are based on what liberals hoped Barry would be!

Obama filled posts rapidly, studied and chose policies which benefited the many, not the few. Did he make mistakes? Sure, but far fewer and less toxic than his predecessor and successor.

Obama sought win-win solutions; Trump plays and will lose his zero sum antics. Obama is gracious, Trump pushed people - including the leaders of a NATO Nation out if his way; Trump is a liar, that cannot be denied, but will be by his supporters; Obama was mocked for a few missteps ad nausea, his 57 states comment and you can keep you doctor statements, both of which were not an attempt to mislead anyone.

Trump is a narcissist and a megalomaniac. He is dangerous, incompetent and flip flops on most everything; no one can trust what he says from day to day, and sometimes from hour to hour.

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