Re-Evaluating Newt..

odd how you can't explain how?

The people responsible for the crisis are the government, the FED, mortgage brokers, Fanny and freddy (more of the government) and the deadbeats who took out loans and couldn't pay them back.

I did explain how, and you responded to it. Wall Street bankers are responsible for the crisis. Government is responsible for the lack of oversight.

You need to read up on fascism. It is NOT entering into a lawful agreement with a company and its union members so that the company can survive and then pay back the loan.

Wall Street bankers were following the mandates, arm twisting pressure, and regulation imposed on them by the U.S. Congress. It started with Carter, continued in a reasonable manner during Reagan and Bush 41, began to escalate when we had a Democratic president AND Democratic Congress during Clinton and continued from there through Bush 43 until the housing bubble it created burst in the last half of 2008.

If you want to fix the problem you start with Congress and make it illegal to push Wall Street to do anything via flawed regulation and unsustainable policy that created the housing bubble in the first place. And you reinstate sensible banking policy that requires people to have an investment in the property they borrow if the government is going to back the loans and/or the money and that people have a track record of repayment of the loans they take out before they get one.

I think if Newt Gingrich and the Republicans had been in Congress when the dangers in the housing bubble first surfaced, he would have acted to mitigate the damage and would have reversed the process. Unfortunately we had a Democratic Congress with the process being ignored by Pelosi and Reid and being spearheaded by Frank and Dodd who repeatedly reassured everybody that all was well.
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odd how you can't explain how?

The people responsible for the crisis are the government, the FED, mortgage brokers, Fanny and freddy (more of the government) and the deadbeats who took out loans and couldn't pay them back.

I did explain how, and you responded to it. Wall Street bankers are responsible for the crisis. Government is responsible for the lack of oversight.
How funny, you think that you blaming one of the parties that was involved is an "explanation" of how the OWS morons make sense... :cuckoo: No, wall street bankers are not solely responsible for the crisis, they are responsible for some of the crisis. so are the ratings agencies and so is ben bernanke and turbo tax timmy along with Bawney Fwank and Chrissy Dodd who probobly share a good portion of the blame. But the truth of the matter is if the deadbeats who took out the mortgages paid them there would be no crisis. The banks were wrong for lending those deadbeats money, but they did so as a result of government and FED policy going back more than 30 years. If the government didn't make it possible through Fanny and freddy, the loans would have never happenned. if anything, the bankers are the LEAST responsible of all the responsible parties, and the government is the MOST responsible of all the responsible parties. They all however share culpability.

What would you like to hold the bankers accountable for? What laws did they break?

You need to read up on fascism. It is NOT entering into a lawful agreement with a company and its union members so that the company can survive and then pay back the loan.
their is no loan, the company was taken over when the loan was converted into common stock, and the money never will be recouped because to do so that stock would have to sell for much, much more than it'sd ever been worth. And what the fuck is lawful about ignoring 200 years of law?

And who gives a shit about union scum and their pampered asses?

It is funny that it is somehow OK to bailout GM by "loaning" them money that will never be paid back but it's not OK to bailout banks by loaning them money thats allready been paid back. Interesting... but still funny.

And actually, it's you who needs to study fascist policy because it's obvious that without the jackoots you just can't reccognize it.
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Have you actually listened to Newt recently?

And what is Newt saying, lately, that contradicts any of the above?

Does he not want to cut taxes? Does he want to cut defense? Is he not promising to balance the budget?

You tell us.

You gave your bullet list as Gingrich's entire plan.

If you think that is his entire plan, my suspicion was that you hadn't listened to him lately. I'll take your deflection as confirmation that you have not. I don't know his entire plan, but I know enough to know that you don't have it right.

I'm still learning about him. I'll let someone else address your details, if they're interested in talking to someone who would pigeonhole Gingrich without listening to him.

Well, then the challenge is for anyone who wants to defend Newt contrary to what I said can show all of us, in detail, what elements of his 'plans' conflict with the 3 themes I set out.
Remember also that what conservatives perceive to be ‘wonderful’ and ‘intelligent’ with regard to things Gingrich says is not perceived as such by non-conservatives.

That's part of what makes them so brilliant: they don't appeal to extreme left dimwits like you.

Please don't flatter yourself that you are representative of all "non-conservatives".

And that’s the trick: fielding a candidate whom is attractive to a majority of voters, and that’s certainly not Gingrich, with regard to democrats in particular.

I expect the voter turnout to break down thus: the people who always vote no matter what will show up, obviously. The people on the right and right-center who are energized about removing Obama will show up. The people who are enthusiastic supporters of whoever the GOP candidate is will show up. Some people who don't like the GOP, but reluctantly admit that Obama is a disaster will show up. And the rabid Obamettes will show up. I think a whole bunch of the left and left-center are going to have Obama Malaise Syndrome and stay home.

Bush is not the president any longer…
Thank goodness.

But we’ll be living with the disastrous consequences of his failed administration for years to come. Consequently, the concerns of OWS or any other American as to current economic issues are relevant with regard to criticism of Bush, and their concern that the failed economic policies of the GOP not be repeated.

The only thing we'll "be living with" - or are really living with now - is the childish desire of the left to blame their own problems on anyone else. Honestly, listening to you twerps scream, "Bush's fault! Bush's failed economy!" reminds me of listening to a little kid blaming Mom's broken vase on his imaginary friend.
And what is Newt saying, lately, that contradicts any of the above?

Does he not want to cut taxes? Does he want to cut defense? Is he not promising to balance the budget?

You tell us.

You gave your bullet list as Gingrich's entire plan.

If you think that is his entire plan, my suspicion was that you hadn't listened to him lately. I'll take your deflection as confirmation that you have not. I don't know his entire plan, but I know enough to know that you don't have it right.

I'm still learning about him. I'll let someone else address your details, if they're interested in talking to someone who would pigeonhole Gingrich without listening to him.

Well, then the challenge is for anyone who wants to defend Newt contrary to what I said can show all of us, in detail, what elements of his 'plans' conflict with the 3 themes I set out.
well for starters, newt is calling for more defense spending, he's calling for modernizing government systems and using the money that saves to revitalize the military.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

LOL. He is still the same asshole that he has always been.:eek:
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

LOL. He is still the same asshole that he has always been.:eek:
Yes, the same COMPETENT asshole, as opposed to the incompetent nit wit currently residing in the WH.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

LOL. He is still the same asshole that he has always been.:eek:

A man who led the "Revolution" to create jobs and pay down the debt. A Leader with the intelligence and backbone to get it done.. Unlike that smarmy jellyfish who can't stop apologizing for America and Americans everywhere he goes.. Newt loves this country and is proud to be an American. Barry and Michelle were never proud of this nation until it benefited them.. Michelle's own words.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

I would hapily vote for Newt Gingrich.

I have no beef with him at all, I prefer Cain to Newt but wouldn't be upset voting for voting for Romney on the other hand I would have to swallow a bit that is distasteful to me, voting for Obama would be swallowing even more I find distasteful.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

LOL. He is still the same asshole that he has always been.:eek:

Thats a positive in today's environment where common sense and the truth are in short supply. His bluntness is refreshing.
You gave your bullet list as Gingrich's entire plan.

If you think that is his entire plan, my suspicion was that you hadn't listened to him lately. I'll take your deflection as confirmation that you have not. I don't know his entire plan, but I know enough to know that you don't have it right.

I'm still learning about him. I'll let someone else address your details, if they're interested in talking to someone who would pigeonhole Gingrich without listening to him.

Well, then the challenge is for anyone who wants to defend Newt contrary to what I said can show all of us, in detail, what elements of his 'plans' conflict with the 3 themes I set out.
well for starters, newt is calling for more defense spending, he's calling for modernizing government systems and using the money that saves to revitalize the military.
I thought wing nuts told us that we didn't have money for anything, and everything that we spend is borrowed money. Why do you want to borrow more money from the Chinese to increase defense spending?
Today is the anniversary of the day that Newt shut down the government!
and look... Anniversery presents!!!!

Mitt 24%
Newt 22%
Cain 14%

Newt 28%
Cain 25%
Mitt 18%

YAY!!!!!! presents!!!!

HOLY CRAP newt at 28%! What poll is has cain at 25%, thats wild.

It's the headline on Drudge :)

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