Re-Evaluating Newt..

Ah, yes. Let's go back to the Roaring Twenties, and get government out of the banking industry.

Seems to me you get the same result, either way, doesn't it?

HOw about this. Common sense laws, and if you fuck up and lose their money, you go to jail.

How many 'banksters' has Obama sent to jail?

Come on, how many?

I mean, if HOlder could figure out a way to get automatic weapons into the hands of drug dealers, he could get a banker in front of a judge, right?
Ah, yes. Let's go back to the Roaring Twenties, and get government out of the banking industry.

Seems to me you get the same result, either way, doesn't it?

HOw about this. Common sense laws, and if you fuck up and lose their money, you go to jail.

How many 'banksters' has Obama sent to jail?

Come on, how many?

I mean, if HOlder could figure out a way to get automatic weapons into the hands of drug dealers, he could get a banker in front of a judge, right?

We had a common sense law, and Clinton and a GOP Congress got rid of it.

Obama has not sent any banksters to jail, and yes, I agree, Holder should have prosecuted them. By which I mean I agree with the Joe of the moment. If Holder prosecutes them, you'd be having fits over it.

Holder didn't "figure out a way to get automatic weapons into the hands of drug dealers".

Operation Fast and Furious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are consistently half informed on any number of topics.
Hard for anyone to follow, Joe. You are reaching in the grab bag and trying to find something that you can throw that might stick. A law HAS BEEN PASSED that the banksters do not like. :)

Murder laws are hard to enforce. Murderers will find ways around detection. But we still have laws against murder, and we still keep tracking them down.

Clinton, Reagan, Bush the Elder, and Bush the Lesser led us to this banking crisis. The bankers know it's not good for banking. I can explain more later. Work calls. :eusa_angel:

Yeah, that would be the law passed by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.

Chris Dodd, Senator from AIG and Barney Frank, Congressman from Herb Moses' bunghole. (Herb Moses was a Fannie Mae exec who Barney was stuping...)

Talk about letting the Foxes design the new henhouse.

But, wait, that's liable to confuse you further, you have some special form of ADHD.
Could you kindly tell me what bill that was?
I like Newt Gingrich, reallly, I do. He made a contract with America that truly kept the lid on spending in the 1990s, for which others are given credit, but Newt was the driving force.

Unfortunately, Bloomberg is reporting Newt was hired by Freddie Mac to change the Conservative attitude toward their history of bad loans. There's an article at this link. If you want Newt, and he gets nominated, we need to let him know the people of the United States must not be used as a piggy bank as we've been used by a number of spendthrift Congresses who can't say no to any bridge to nowhere, it seems.

Our taxes are through the roof locally and nationally. I hope we can run an efficient government but not throw people's good money after bad.

As near as I can tell, they DID pay him to be a consultant, and then proceeded to not do a single thing that he advised them to do. So he can't be blamed for the bad actions they actually took if none of them were part of his advice.
I believe you're deep in denial.

Newt's problems are not manufactured by anyone other than Newt.

Gingrich has a past that will match many of Americans today. You seem to forget about his intelligence, wisdom and experience in drafting resolutions to problems and tackling foreign affairs in an appropriate manner. Just take a look at his Contract for America 2011 and see who can think about ideas and actions to put us on the road of recovery.

Lumpy 1 is right. Democrats are scared of Gingrich because he would take Obama apart in any debate. There's "street smarts" and real intelligence. We all have learned what our present president has, and it is not real intelligence for a leader.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

While I can't deny that female voters DO tend to be dumb enough to vote for candidates as though they're choosing a date on ("He's so CUTE, and I love his hair" :puke:) I continue to maintain that anyone who is focusing on personal drivel like that during a national crisis deserves to live in a country that falls apart around them. I'm a woman, and I frankly don't give a shit about his marital problems 15 years or more ago. I'm not looking to date him.

Gingrich is whole worlds smarter than McCain, AND a much more accomplished public speaker.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

Your post begs the question as to why the liberal Gals voted Clinton in for a second term given the proven sexual harassments and his more than likely rapes given his history... Are you in essence saying that conservative Gals are far superior to liberal Gals in morals controlling their votes. :eusa_whistle:

What allegations of sexual harassment were proven against Clinton by 1996? With Newt, it's well established that he cheated on his wives and divorced them when they were sick. The first one from cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis.

Are you kidding me? First of all, can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Where were YOU during Clinton's first campaign?

Second of all, I can only assume we're saying "well-established" in the same way it's "well-established" that Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials died from eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Pepsi. What kind of dumbass goes to a man's ex-wife for an objective, unbiased account of his character, for Christ's sake? Her own daughters have contradicted her on her bitter, self-serving diatribe, insisting that their parents told them they were divorcing well before their mother went into the hospital to have a non-cancerous growth removed. As for multiple sclerosis, last time I checked, one doesn't recover from multiple sclerosis, so what was he supposed to do? Stay married to her forever just because she was sick?

Jesus Criminy, I hope he gets the nomination just so some reporter - almost certainly a conservative, because liberal reporters couldn't investigate the location of their own asses - will finally get us the goods on all this crap, and I won't have to listen to it any more.
Liberals worried about Newt and Freddie Mac- nothing more than a smear campaign.. put your money where your fat mouths are:

about Senator Obama’s statement earlier today is he kept bringing up greed on Wall Street. He’s got two economic advisors. One was leading up his vice-presidential selection campaign, Jim Johnson. He used to work at Fannie Mae. He was a top exec at Lehman Brothers. He made tens of millions of dollars. And the Washington Post had reported that Frank Raines made $90 million in six years as the head of Fannie Mae and that he has been an economic advisor for — for Barack Obama.

It isn’t just Fannie Mae where Obama has a problem. Another close political adviser, in fact the one man responsible for rallying support for Obama early on among Congressional Democrats, is Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who served on the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac after leaving the Clinton White House. According to Freddie Mac insiders, Emanuel during his time on the board opposed every reform proposed by the Bush Administration that would have impacted Freddie and Fannie Mae.

Now all of a sudden it becomes an outrage with libs.. No matter Chris Dodd, no matter Barney Franks, no matter Obama, no matter Rahmbo.. Barack Obama – Fannie Mae Lobbyists’ second favorite senator « JuggaMyNuggaWhat?

Fannie and Freddie have also been places for big Washington Democrats to go to work in the semi-private sector and pocket millions. The Clinton administration's White House Budget Director Franklin Raines ran Fannie and collected $50 million. Jamie Gorelick — Clinton Justice Department official — worked for Fannie and took home $26 million. Big Democrat Jim Johnson, recently on Obama's VP search committee, has hauled in millions from his Fannie Mae CEO job.

Read more: Barack Obama's Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Connection | Fox News

If it's a NOW a big deal then your messiah needs to resign as well as all the Clintonites.

So a Retardplican who sticks his pecker into multiple women and resigned disgracefully is more honorable than any Democrat? LMBO!

No, just more honorable than a Democrat who sticks his pecker into multiple women - including at least one who wasn't willing - and prefers to drag his country through an embarrassing ordeal rather than resign.

Not that anyone would expect a leftist to understand the concept of "honor", anyway. It's one of those tough words to define, like "is".
Let's see it liberal hacks.. Call for Barry to resign today over his role in Fannie and Freddie.. after all, you're demanding Newt not be considered due to 1.6 million in consulting fees and here your messiah is associated with them to the tune of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS.. that same messiah who resides over bail outs and extravagant bonuses for Freddie and Fannie execs

Obama Still Silent On Extravagant Bonuses For Fannie And Freddie Execs | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

Call for Newt to step down, you haven't wavered in your support of Newt PERSONALLY profitting. Stupid fuck.

Unlike Obama, there's nothing illegal OR unethical about a private consultant being paid to consult.
Your post begs the question as to why the liberal Gals voted Clinton in for a second term given the proven sexual harassments and his more than likely rapes given his history... Are you in essence saying that conservative Gals are far superior to liberal Gals in morals controlling their votes. :eusa_whistle:

What allegations of sexual harassment were proven against Clinton by 1996? With Newt, it's well established that he cheated on his wives and divorced them when they were sick. The first one from cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis.

Are you kidding me? First of all, can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Where were YOU during Clinton's first campaign?

Second of all, I can only assume we're saying "well-established" in the same way it's "well-established" that Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials died from eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Pepsi.
"well-established" as in proven. In 1996, all there were, were allegations. Not too different than the allegations being made against Herman Cain. i.e., unproven and potentially false. The same way I give Cain the benenfit of the doubt amid allegations of sexual abuse which appear to me to be nothing more than character assasination during an election season, I did for Clinton as well. Allegations like that are made all the time. Sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not.

What kind of dumbass goes to a man's ex-wife for an objective, unbiased account of his character, for Christ's sake? Her own daughters have contradicted her on her bitter, self-serving diatribe, insisting that their parents told them they were divorcing well before their mother went into the hospital to have a non-cancerous growth removed. As for multiple sclerosis, last time I checked, one doesn't recover from multiple sclerosis, so what was he supposed to do? Stay married to her forever just because she was sick?
I like how you try to minimize a philanderer's disgusting actions. Newt himself is not denying his first wife's charge that he wanted to discuss the terms of their divorce while she lay in a hospital bed; what he is denying is the media's portayal that he tried to get her to sign divorce papers.

If he can so easily (and repeatedly) break his vows (till death do us part) in front of G-d, why should we expect him to take the vow of presidency any more seriously? He has proven that he is a coward with no character, who when the going gets tough, he gets going ... out the door with another whore.

Jesus Criminy, I hope he gets the nomination just so some reporter - almost certainly a conservative, because liberal reporters couldn't investigate the location of their own asses - will finally get us the goods on all this crap, and I won't have to listen to it any more.
I wouldn't mind seeing him get the nomination either. He has more baggage than Louie Vuitton. And despite your eager forgiveness of a two-time cheater, many Conservatives will not vote for him due to his lack of character.
Hard for anyone to follow, Joe. You are reaching in the grab bag and trying to find something that you can throw that might stick. A law HAS BEEN PASSED that the banksters do not like. :)

Murder laws are hard to enforce. Murderers will find ways around detection. But we still have laws against murder, and we still keep tracking them down.

Clinton, Reagan, Bush the Elder, and Bush the Lesser led us to this banking crisis. The bankers know it's not good for banking. I can explain more later. Work calls. :eusa_angel:

Yeah, that would be the law passed by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.

Chris Dodd, Senator from AIG and Barney Frank, Congressman from Herb Moses' bunghole. (Herb Moses was a Fannie Mae exec who Barney was stuping...)

Talk about letting the Foxes design the new henhouse.

But, wait, that's liable to confuse you further, you have some special form of ADHD.
Could you kindly tell me what bill that was?

Look it up yourself... Hint. It has those two guys names in it...
We had a common sense law, and Clinton and a GOP Congress got rid of it.

Obama has not sent any banksters to jail, and yes, I agree, Holder should have prosecuted them. By which I mean I agree with the Joe of the moment. If Holder prosecutes them, you'd be having fits over it.

Holder didn't "figure out a way to get automatic weapons into the hands of drug dealers".

Operation Fast and Furious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are consistently half informed on any number of topics.

Oh, please. I'm spot on with Fast and Furious. Holder and his boys let guns get to Mexican Drug Cartels to they could clamp down on the second Amendment.

But as long as we are on the subject, HEY WHERE'S THE INDICTMENT OF JON CORZINE?

I mean, you've got Dudd-Fwank on the books, right. I mean, those crooked bankers should be quaking in their boots. So why isn't Corzine in prison getting gang raped tonight?

Because when Obama is bought, he stays bought.
Newt's consultant fees pail in comparison to Barney Frank and Criss Dodd who flat out lied about the performance of fred/fannie and they were reelected. Criss Dodd how got kick backs from mohican sun casinos recorded revenue of $1.3B received $54m from tarp/stimulus. Double standard media reporting is blatant in your face...unacceptable. How about Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson bailout?
Newt's consultant fees pail in comparison to Barney Frank and Criss Dodd who flat out lied about the performance of fred/fannie and they were reelected. Criss Dodd how got kick backs from mohican sun casinos recorded revenue of $1.3B received $54m from tarp/stimulus. Double standard media reporting is blatant in your face...unacceptable. How about Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson bailout?

Those facts don't hurt newt when reported correctly so why would the main stream media report them honestly?

We all already know the media wants to get democrats elected over republicans regardless of the consequences to the country or the media's reputation.
What allegations of sexual harassment were proven against Clinton by 1996? With Newt, it's well established that he cheated on his wives and divorced them when they were sick. The first one from cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis.

Are you kidding me? First of all, can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Where were YOU during Clinton's first campaign?

Second of all, I can only assume we're saying "well-established" in the same way it's "well-established" that Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials died from eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Pepsi.
"well-established" as in proven. In 1996, all there were, were allegations. Not too different than the allegations being made against Herman Cain. i.e., unproven and potentially false. The same way I give Cain the benenfit of the doubt amid allegations of sexual abuse which appear to me to be nothing more than character assasination during an election season, I did for Clinton as well. Allegations like that are made all the time. Sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not.

Wow, you have a crappy memory. He denied it, and Gennifer Flowers turned out to have him on tape. How much more "proven" would you like? Seems Mr. Clinton has a bad habit of leaving behind incriminating evidence. Not too bright for a lawyer.

Call me when Mr. Cain's accusers turn up with tapes . . . or a stained dress.

What kind of dumbass goes to a man's ex-wife for an objective, unbiased account of his character, for Christ's sake? Her own daughters have contradicted her on her bitter, self-serving diatribe, insisting that their parents told them they were divorcing well before their mother went into the hospital to have a non-cancerous growth removed. As for multiple sclerosis, last time I checked, one doesn't recover from multiple sclerosis, so what was he supposed to do? Stay married to her forever just because she was sick?
I like how you try to minimize a philanderer's disgusting actions. Newt himself is not denying his first wife's charge that he wanted to discuss the terms of their divorce while she lay in a hospital bed; what he is denying is the media's portayal that he tried to get her to sign divorce papers.

I like how you're trying to maximize something completely personal to someone else's relationship that happened several decades ago. And I like even better how you're trying to claim evidence that never happened.

Contrary to your claim that "Newt has never denied it", Newt not only has consistently denied it, he's still doing so. And as I pointed out, so are the woman's own daughters, who were there for that visit. So unless you'd like to link me to some place Newt has said, "I tried to discuss the divorce with her at the hospital" - I just LOVE that hyperdramatic "while she lay in a hospital bed"; are you SURE you aren't a woman? - I'm going to have to continue to call bullshit.

If he can so easily (and repeatedly) break his vows (till death do us part) in front of G-d, why should we expect him to take the vow of presidency any more seriously? He has proven that he is a coward with no character, who when the going gets tough, he gets going ... out the door with another whore.

I'm sure you were DEEPLY concerned about the possibility that Clinton was a lying horndog when HE was running as well. Tell me, at what point did you finally leave Denial Land, realize he was a serial philanderer, and start calling publicly for his removal from office because fucking around made him unfit to be President? Yeah, that's what I thought.

And coward? Project much? You're assuming a whole bunch of shit we don't know about his relationships with his wives. We weren't there, and we have no idea what happened, but you're just assuming, and I think we both know it's because you want to attack him, and you don't have anything better.

Jesus Criminy, I hope he gets the nomination just so some reporter - almost certainly a conservative, because liberal reporters couldn't investigate the location of their own asses - will finally get us the goods on all this crap, and I won't have to listen to it any more.
I wouldn't mind seeing him get the nomination either. He has more baggage than Louie Vuitton. And despite your eager forgiveness of a two-time cheater, many Conservatives will not vote for him due to his lack of character.

I don't HAVE to forgive him, Sparkles. I wasn't married to him. I don't even know the guy. Despite the soap-opera mentality this nation has acquired somewhere, and no matter what Oprah tells you, it's not my place to run around forgiving people for things they didn't do to me. Grow up.

If "many conservatives" are that shallow and juvenile, then this country is doomed, and it really doesn't matter who gets elected, because the population's going to be too stupid and sheeplike to do what needs to be done to fix it, anyway.
Yeah, that would be the law passed by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.

Chris Dodd, Senator from AIG and Barney Frank, Congressman from Herb Moses' bunghole. (Herb Moses was a Fannie Mae exec who Barney was stuping...)

Talk about letting the Foxes design the new henhouse.

But, wait, that's liable to confuse you further, you have some special form of ADHD.
Could you kindly tell me what bill that was?

Look it up yourself... Hint. It has those two guys names in it...
Why would I take the time and effort to prove you right when you're too lazy to do so yourself? I'll just let this one fall harmlessly to the cutting room floor unproven and the owner of it not willing to back it up.
Our national taxes haven't gone up, Cecille. If your local taxes have gone up, it's in response to the recession, lack of state revenues, and GOP insistence that the federal government should just let the states sink.

Newt as a consultant for FM, after announcing that anyone involved with FM should be in jail, is pretty hilarious.

We had a common sense law, and Clinton and a GOP Congress got rid of it.

Obama has not sent any banksters to jail, and yes, I agree, Holder should have prosecuted them. By which I mean I agree with the Joe of the moment. If Holder prosecutes them, you'd be having fits over it.

Holder didn't "figure out a way to get automatic weapons into the hands of drug dealers".

Operation Fast and Furious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are consistently half informed on any number of topics.

Oh, please. I'm spot on with Fast and Furious. Holder and his boys let guns get to Mexican Drug Cartels to they could clamp down on the second Amendment.

But as long as we are on the subject, HEY WHERE'S THE INDICTMENT OF JON CORZINE?

I mean, you've got Dudd-Fwank on the books, right. I mean, those crooked bankers should be quaking in their boots. So why isn't Corzine in prison getting gang raped tonight?

Because when Obama is bought, he stays bought.

Sorry, that is not spot on. That is

Dodd-Frank is insufficient, but it's a start.
Are you kidding me? First of all, can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Where were YOU during Clinton's first campaign?

Second of all, I can only assume we're saying "well-established" in the same way it's "well-established" that Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials died from eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Pepsi.
"well-established" as in proven. In 1996, all there were, were allegations. Not too different than the allegations being made against Herman Cain. i.e., unproven and potentially false. The same way I give Cain the benenfit of the doubt amid allegations of sexual abuse which appear to me to be nothing more than character assasination during an election season, I did for Clinton as well. Allegations like that are made all the time. Sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not.

Wow, you have a crappy memory. He denied it, and Gennifer Flowers turned out to have him on tape. How much more "proven" would you like? Seems Mr. Clinton has a bad habit of leaving behind incriminating evidence. Not too bright for a lawyer.

Call me when Mr. Cain's accusers turn up with tapes . . . or a stained dress.
Why would I? I said the claims against Cain are nothing more than unproven allegations.

I like how you're trying to maximize something completely personal to someone else's relationship that happened several decades ago. And I like even better how you're trying to claim evidence that never happened.
I have not said anything that has not been reported.

He cheated on both of his first two wives and left them both while they were sick. He discussed the terms of his divorce with his first wife while she was in the hospital. Newt did not deny that; he denied media reports that he brought divorce papers for her to sign.

Contrary to your claim that "Newt has never denied it", Newt not only has consistently denied it, he's still doing so. And as I pointed out, so are the woman's own daughters, who were there for that visit. So unless you'd like to link me to some place Newt has said, "I tried to discuss the divorce with her at the hospital" - I just LOVE that hyperdramatic "while she lay in a hospital bed"; are you SURE you aren't a woman? - I'm going to have to continue to call bullshit.
Well he hasn't denied it. Saying he doesn't remember isn't a denial. The daughter never denied it either, all she did was say, "Dad took my sister and me to the hospital to see our mother."

And coward? Project much? You're assuming a whole bunch of shit we don't know about his relationships with his wives. We weren't there, and we have no idea what happened, but you're just assuming, and I think we both know it's because you want to attack him, and you don't have anything better.
Anyone who dumps their wife while they are sick is a coward and Newt's done it twice.

I don't HAVE to forgive him, Sparkles. I wasn't married to him. I don't even know the guy. Despite the soap-opera mentality this nation has acquired somewhere, and no matter what Oprah tells you, it's not my place to run around forgiving people for things they didn't do to me. Grow up.

If "many conservatives" are that shallow and juvenile, then this country is doomed, and it really doesn't matter who gets elected, because the population's going to be too stupid and sheeplike to do what needs to be done to fix it, anyway.
Obviously, you're in the group that doesn't care about character when voting for president. Not every Conservative shares your lack of standards.
I like Newt Gingrich, reallly, I do. He made a contract with America that truly kept the lid on spending in the 1990s, for which others are given credit, but Newt was the driving force.

Unfortunately, Bloomberg is reporting Newt was hired by Freddie Mac to change the Conservative attitude toward their history of bad loans. There's an article at this link. If you want Newt, and he gets nominated, we need to let him know the people of the United States must not be used as a piggy bank as we've been used by a number of spendthrift Congresses who can't say no to any bridge to nowhere, it seems.

Our taxes are through the roof locally and nationally. I hope we can run an efficient government but not throw people's good money after bad.

As near as I can tell, they DID pay him to be a consultant, and then proceeded to not do a single thing that he advised them to do. So he can't be blamed for the bad actions they actually took if none of them were part of his advice.

That's Newt's story, anyway. And why question Newt? After all, he's always been so honest and above board. :eusa_whistle:
Our national taxes haven't gone up, Cecille. If your local taxes have gone up, it's in response to the recession, lack of state revenues, and GOP insistence that the federal government should just let the states sink.

Newt as a consultant for FM, after announcing that anyone involved with FM should be in jail, is pretty hilarious.

We had a common sense law, and Clinton and a GOP Congress got rid of it.

Obama has not sent any banksters to jail, and yes, I agree, Holder should have prosecuted them. By which I mean I agree with the Joe of the moment. If Holder prosecutes them, you'd be having fits over it.

Holder didn't "figure out a way to get automatic weapons into the hands of drug dealers".

Operation Fast and Furious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are consistently half informed on any number of topics.

Oh, please. I'm spot on with Fast and Furious. Holder and his boys let guns get to Mexican Drug Cartels to they could clamp down on the second Amendment.

But as long as we are on the subject, HEY WHERE'S THE INDICTMENT OF JON CORZINE?

I mean, you've got Dudd-Fwank on the books, right. I mean, those crooked bankers should be quaking in their boots. So why isn't Corzine in prison getting gang raped tonight?

Because when Obama is bought, he stays bought.

Sorry, that is not spot on. That is

Dodd-Frank is insufficient, but it's a start.

I have no fucking clue what you're talking about, or why you're addressing it to me (or a misspelled version of me). Here's a hint, Einstein: if you're going to respond to someone's post, it's a good idea to quote the post being responded to, instead of expecting us all to whip out magnifying glasses in order to read your tiny mind.
"well-established" as in proven. In 1996, all there were, were allegations. Not too different than the allegations being made against Herman Cain. i.e., unproven and potentially false. The same way I give Cain the benenfit of the doubt amid allegations of sexual abuse which appear to me to be nothing more than character assasination during an election season, I did for Clinton as well. Allegations like that are made all the time. Sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not.

Wow, you have a crappy memory. He denied it, and Gennifer Flowers turned out to have him on tape. How much more "proven" would you like? Seems Mr. Clinton has a bad habit of leaving behind incriminating evidence. Not too bright for a lawyer.

Call me when Mr. Cain's accusers turn up with tapes . . . or a stained dress.
Why would I? I said the claims against Cain are nothing more than unproven allegations.

Because you seem to have such a fuzzy idea of what "unproven allegations" actually are, as demonstrated by your laughable belief that Clinton during his first campaign is comparable to Mr. Cain now. Therefore, if you wish to equate them, then I invite you to do so by showing me the same proof against Cain that existed - and was ignored, or forgotten, by you - concerning Clinton during his campaign.

I just love having to draw you dimwits pictures. I'm going to need a new box of crayons at this rate.

I have not said anything that has not been reported.

Oh, REPORTED. Well, if you can find someone who'll say it in print, then that's settled, isn't it? A report is as good as a conviction. :cuckoo:

He cheated on both of his first two wives and left them both while they were sick. He discussed the terms of his divorce with his first wife while she was in the hospital. Newt did not deny that; he denied media reports that he brought divorce papers for her to sign.

Why is it that when I ask for proof from you droolers, every damned one of you comes back with a repetition, as though your word for it is suddenly going to become gospel carved in stone by the finger of God NOW, when it wasn't worth jack shit to me the FIRST time you said it?

Here's a little tip: If I'm asking you for proof, that means I wouldn't believe you if you told me the sky was blue. I'd go outside and check. (Nothing personal. I don't take much of anyone's word for anything.) So if all you're going to do is say it again, don't even waste my time. It just makes me that much more sure that nothing you say is worth the time it takes to type it.

When you're ready to pull on your big-boy Underoos and SHOW me Newt admitting that he went to the hospital to discuss the divorce "while his wife lay in her sickbed" - I can only imagine that you have your wrist dramatically pressed to your forehead, Gothic novel-style, when you type this - feel free to revisit it. Until then, two unsubstantiated assertions = bullshit.

Well he hasn't denied it. Saying he doesn't remember isn't a denial. The daughter never denied it either, all she did was say, "Dad took my sister and me to the hospital to see our mother."

Can your hairsplitting be any more pathetic?

And coward? Project much? You're assuming a whole bunch of shit we don't know about his relationships with his wives. We weren't there, and we have no idea what happened, but you're just assuming, and I think we both know it's because you want to attack him, and you don't have anything better.
Anyone who dumps their wife while they are sick is a coward and Newt's done it twice.

I don't HAVE to forgive him, Sparkles. I wasn't married to him. I don't even know the guy. Despite the soap-opera mentality this nation has acquired somewhere, and no matter what Oprah tells you, it's not my place to run around forgiving people for things they didn't do to me. Grow up.

If "many conservatives" are that shallow and juvenile, then this country is doomed, and it really doesn't matter who gets elected, because the population's going to be too stupid and sheeplike to do what needs to be done to fix it, anyway.
Obviously, you're in the group that doesn't care about character when voting for president. Not every Conservative shares your lack of standards.

Obviously, what you know about judging character wouldn't fill an egg cup. Your so-called standards shift with the wind, depending on who you're applying them to, so I'd suggest you hold onto your lofty moral judgements until you're talking to someone stupid enough to award you the authority you sure as hell haven't earned.

Let me know when you have something more than "His ex-wife said bad things about him twenty years ago." I'm betting you have some people in YOUR life from twenty years ago who think you were a piece of shit, then, so should I decide you're a piece of shit NOW based solely on their opinions? Is THAT you're idea of "character" and "standards"? :eusa_hand:

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