Re-Evaluating Newt..

And we're off in another direction! You're tough to follow sometimes, Joe.

Only hard for you, Rain Man. I mean, are you like some kind of special retard that you can't see that when the banking industry is giving the Community Organizer millions of dollars, they aren't going to be that worried about laws or enforcement?

I thought we were talking about Newt's lobbying fees. As in your party would seem to have a problem with it.

Well,that's what YOU want to talk about. I don't care. Especially since he didn't actually do any lobbying.

There aren't enough laws on the books dealing with financial transactions, because some of what happened in the mortgage crisis was legal.

The banking system is in need of reform.

Obama is too beholden to Wall Street for donations. I hear that they're less enthusiastic about him this time. ;)

It's not in need of reform, it's in need of enforcement.

You can write all the laws you want. And the banks will hire clever accountants and clever lawyers to get around them. And why not? They know they won't ever be prosecuted. Not when they OWN the politicians.

And you know what, we all kind of want it that way. If we really had banks that only loaned to people who could pay it back, none of us would get car loans, mortgages or credit cards.

Hard for anyone to follow, Joe. You are reaching in the grab bag and trying to find something that you can throw that might stick. A law HAS BEEN PASSED that the banksters do not like. :)

Murder laws are hard to enforce. Murderers will find ways around detection. But we still have laws against murder, and we still keep tracking them down.

Clinton, Reagan, Bush the Elder, and Bush the Lesser led us to this banking crisis. The bankers know it's not good for banking. I can explain more later. Work calls. :eusa_angel:
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Newt Gingrich is merely the target of the moment. Democrats have all kinds of things to say about every republican. It doesn't matter. It's predictable and getting boring. We get it, a democrat isn't going to vote for a republican. Who the republican is, isn't the problem at all. Democrats at some time are going to have to deal with the fact that obama has been worse than a failure. He's been antagonistic towards America and the American people. Obama is decidedly one of, if not they, most ignorant presidents we have ever have. Hey MR. Presidebt, Japan lost the war and Hawaii isn't part of Asia.

If obama's record isn't bad enough, and it is abysmal, the democrats are going to have to figure out a way to crawl out from under the rock of OWS. So far, democrats have been successful in deluding themselves by denying reality and believing that OWS is supported by the majority. That can't go on forever.
Gingrich has a past that will match many of Americans today. You seem to forget about his intelligence, wisdom and experience in drafting resolutions to problems and tackling foreign affairs in an appropriate manner. Just take a look at his Contract for America 2011 and see who can think about ideas and actions to put us on the road of recovery.

Lumpy 1 is right. Democrats are scared of Gingrich because he would take Obama apart in any debate. There's "street smarts" and real intelligence. We all have learned what our present president has, and it is not real intelligence for a leader.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

His own daughters REFUTE your lies.. I guess they're lying and you're telling the truth, right? Pathetic attempt at a smear campaign.. something you libs have done to every one of our candidates, looking to destroy each and every one of them. Too bad your precious Barry was spared a true vetting. He NEVER would have won the Presidency had the truth come out.. Hell, even today all of his records are sealed and here you liberal zombies sit crucifying all of our candidates. Who the hell do you think you are? Shove it.


Setting the Record Straight by Jackie Gingrich Cushman on - A Syndicate Of Talent
His daughter runs his business for him and knows which side of the bread is buttered.

She will gladly lie for him to continue making her big paycheck.

Newt's just pulled ahead of Romney in the Fox News Poll.

You should run for the GOP nomination.

At the rate candidates are climbing to the top of the polls then collapsing, you'll be at the front of the pack in about a month.

Awwww, you upset people are finally getting wise to the Weird Mormon Robot really being a liberal?

No. I have not decided who I'm going to support.
You should run for the GOP nomination.

At the rate candidates are climbing to the top of the polls then collapsing, you'll be at the front of the pack in about a month.

Awwww, you upset people are finally getting wise to the Weird Mormon Robot really being a liberal?

No. I have not decided who I'm going to support.
I think you should support Obama.
Newt's past affairs, 20 years ago.. don't really make a shit to any of us... but seeing how you foaming liberals are sooo concerned about the sanctity of marriage now, I'm certain you;ll be contacting Bubba Clinton and Historians, asking them to blacken his name as a serial cheater , the new liberal catch phrase.. LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol:

But Bill Clinton's do which is why you keep bringing it up to smear liberals.

So if Clinton is brought up, it's a smear. But bring up the marriage of three women in 20 years is a fact based reservation why this man shouldn't be president?

Where were your standards with "Rev." White, the mentor of our present president calling out G-D America! and his best friends Bill Ayers. Hell, he wouldn't even wear the flag pin for months until that got people thinking about him, too.

Really wonder about your objectivity.

Let's just watch a Obama -Gingrich debate and then make the final judgments. Shall we?
I'm not saying being a cheater dismisses him from being president. I am pointing out that many people, including Conservatives, will have a problem giving a cheater their vote. I voted for Clinton twice amid allegations he had cheated. If I knew the allegations were true, I would not have voted for him. If he could run now I wouldn't vote for him, I think what he did was a disgrace. But anyone who attacked him for cheating on his wife who now votes for Gingrich is a hypocrite, though I strongly suspect that doesn't matter to them.
Gingrich has a past that will match many of Americans today. You seem to forget about his intelligence, wisdom and experience in drafting resolutions to problems and tackling foreign affairs in an appropriate manner. Just take a look at his Contract for America 2011 and see who can think about ideas and actions to put us on the road of recovery.

Lumpy 1 is right. Democrats are scared of Gingrich because he would take Obama apart in any debate. There's "street smarts" and real intelligence. We all have learned what our present president has, and it is not real intelligence for a leader.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

His own daughters REFUTE your lies.. I guess they're lying and you're telling the truth, right? Pathetic attempt at a smear campaign.. something you libs have done to every one of our candidates, looking to destroy each and every one of them. Too bad your precious Barry was spared a true vetting. He NEVER would have won the Presidency had the truth come out.. Hell, even today all of his records are sealed and here you liberal zombies sit crucifying all of our candidates. Who the hell do you think you are? Shove it.


Setting the Record Straight by Jackie Gingrich Cushman on - A Syndicate Of Talent
I'm not sure where the disconnect is but she doesn't actually refute anything I said about Newt. I said he cheated on both of his first two wives and that he left them both while they were sick. The first with cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis. Kindly point out where in that article you posted, his daughter says otherwise?

Much obliged.
You should run for the GOP nomination.

At the rate candidates are climbing to the top of the polls then collapsing, you'll be at the front of the pack in about a month.

Awwww, you upset people are finally getting wise to the Weird Mormon Robot really being a liberal?

No. I have not decided who I'm going to support.

I would be happy if some OTHER canidate popped up out of no where that no one expected, provided the person has a good history, record, and values I agree with.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

His own daughters REFUTE your lies.. I guess they're lying and you're telling the truth, right? Pathetic attempt at a smear campaign.. something you libs have done to every one of our candidates, looking to destroy each and every one of them. Too bad your precious Barry was spared a true vetting. He NEVER would have won the Presidency had the truth come out.. Hell, even today all of his records are sealed and here you liberal zombies sit crucifying all of our candidates. Who the hell do you think you are? Shove it.


Setting the Record Straight by Jackie Gingrich Cushman on - A Syndicate Of Talent
I'm not sure where the disconnect is but she doesn't actually refute anything I said about Newt. I said he cheated on both of his first two wives and that he left them both while they were sick. The first with cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis. Kindly point out where in that article you posted, his daughter says otherwise?

Much obliged.
Is the new liberal meme that a husband should force his wife to stay married to him if she gets sick after SHE asks for a divorce?

well, OK then.
His own daughters REFUTE your lies.. I guess they're lying and you're telling the truth, right? Pathetic attempt at a smear campaign.. something you libs have done to every one of our candidates, looking to destroy each and every one of them. Too bad your precious Barry was spared a true vetting. He NEVER would have won the Presidency had the truth come out.. Hell, even today all of his records are sealed and here you liberal zombies sit crucifying all of our candidates. Who the hell do you think you are? Shove it.


Setting the Record Straight by Jackie Gingrich Cushman on - A Syndicate Of Talent
I'm not sure where the disconnect is but she doesn't actually refute anything I said about Newt. I said he cheated on both of his first two wives and that he left them both while they were sick. The first with cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis. Kindly point out where in that article you posted, his daughter says otherwise?

Much obliged.
Is the new liberal meme that a husband should force his wife to stay married to him if she gets sick after SHE asks for a divorce?

well, OK then.

That's the thing. Newt's former wives and his daughter have disputed the liberal meme on all that. I don't condone Newt's cheating in any way or form, nor does he, but none of us know the dynamics within the family at that time. I would prefer a candidate that has no baggage or sour spots in his resume, but unfortunately God isn't running for high office and we're unlikely to find a saint to run.

So we're stuck with sorting out people with smarts, experience, savvy, and ambition along with some sins, missteps, and mistakes to their credit and occasionally feet of clay.

I think the intellectually honest are focused on who is the best qualified, has the best temperament, a character that will stand up under testing, and the best vision to lead this country.

In my opinion, the small minded, blindly partisan, and tunnel visioned seem to mostly focus on the small stuff and don't really care anything about credentials.
I think you should support Obama.

I haven't decided. But Obama has been far from good.
Did you really expect a lot of 'good' in the 4 years following such a massive collapse of our financial institutions? I was expecting (hoping) for stabilization. Good comes next. If we get back to work.

We certainly expected some honest and responsible policy from the government that would allow the economy to begin to repair itself. We certainly did not expect threats of massive tax increases or a healthcare plan only the most dedicated big government leftist could love. We did expect improvement and confidence that we were beginning to dig ourselves out.

The Obama administration has promoted almost every concept that has kept the economy stagnant and stalled and in danger of another shoe dropping while increasing the debt by 5 trillion and projecting deficits in the trillion dollar plus range as far as the eye can see and a President wanting to add hundreds of billions more to that. We had and have every right to expect more 'good' than that.

Whatever anybody thinks about Newt Gingrich in any capacity, he would NOT have condoned any of the irresponsible spending and policy and, if he had been at the helm, we would be far better off now than we are.
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I'm not sure where the disconnect is but she doesn't actually refute anything I said about Newt. I said he cheated on both of his first two wives and that he left them both while they were sick. The first with cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis. Kindly point out where in that article you posted, his daughter says otherwise?

Much obliged.
Is the new liberal meme that a husband should force his wife to stay married to him if she gets sick after SHE asks for a divorce?

well, OK then.

That's the thing. Newt's former wives and his daughter have disputed the liberal meme on all that. I don't condone Newt's cheating in any way or form, nor does he, but none of us know the dynamics within the family at that time. I would prefer a candidate that has no baggage or sour spots in his resume, but unfortunately God isn't running for high office and we're unlikely to find a saint to run.

So we're stuck with sorting out people with smarts, experience, savvy, and ambition along with some sins, missteps, and mistakes to their credit and occasionally feet of clay.

I think the intellectually honest are focused on who is the best qualified, has the best temperament, a character that will stand up under testing, and the best vision to lead this country.

In my opinion, the small minded, blindly partisan, and tunnel visioned seem to mostly focus on the small stuff and don't really care anything about credentials.

Well, no, his first wife doesn't dispute it at all. According to her, the divorce was a "complete surprise" and she confirms that the infamous hospital visit later that year included him wanting to discuss the terms of their divorce.

For some time, Jackie tried to hold on. "He can say that we had been talking about it for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise," she told Lois Romano of The Washington Post. "He walked out in the spring of 1980...By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said, 'Daddy is downstairs. Could he come up?' When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from my surgery."
Is the new liberal meme that a husband should force his wife to stay married to him if she gets sick after SHE asks for a divorce?

well, OK then.

That's the thing. Newt's former wives and his daughter have disputed the liberal meme on all that. I don't condone Newt's cheating in any way or form, nor does he, but none of us know the dynamics within the family at that time. I would prefer a candidate that has no baggage or sour spots in his resume, but unfortunately God isn't running for high office and we're unlikely to find a saint to run.

So we're stuck with sorting out people with smarts, experience, savvy, and ambition along with some sins, missteps, and mistakes to their credit and occasionally feet of clay.

I think the intellectually honest are focused on who is the best qualified, has the best temperament, a character that will stand up under testing, and the best vision to lead this country.

In my opinion, the small minded, blindly partisan, and tunnel visioned seem to mostly focus on the small stuff and don't really care anything about credentials.

Well, no, his first wife doesn't dispute it at all. According to her, the divorce was a "complete surprise" and she confirms that the infamous hospital visit later that year included him wanting to discuss the terms of their divorce.

For some time, Jackie tried to hold on. "He can say that we had been talking about it for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise," she told Lois Romano of The Washington Post. "He walked out in the spring of 1980...By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said, 'Daddy is downstairs. Could he come up?' When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from my surgery."

And his daughter has subsequently gone on the record to defend her dad saying that she was there, and it was not that way at all, and in fact the mother had requested the discussion on the terms of the divorce and had requested the divorce.

So I say that the rest of us, not having been privy to any of the conversations and because being informed by sensationalist journalism does not make us the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, it is their business and we don't know what went down, why, or how.
I haven't decided. But Obama has been far from good.
Did you really expect a lot of 'good' in the 4 years following such a massive collapse of our financial institutions? I was expecting (hoping) for stabilization. Good comes next. If we get back to work.

We certainly expected some honest and responsible policy from the government that would allow the economy to begin to repair itself. We certainly did not expect threats of massive tax increases or a healthcare plan only the most dedicated big government leftist could love. We did expect improvement and confidence that we were beginning to dig ourselves out.

The Obama administration has promoted almost every concept that has kept the economy stagnant and stalled and in danger of another shoe dropping while increasing the debt by 5 trillion and projecting deficits in the trillion dollar plus range as far as the eye can see and a President wanting to add hundreds of billions more to that. We had and have every right to expect more 'good' than that.

Whatever anybody thinks about Newt Gingrich in any capacity, he would NOT have condoned any of the irresponsible spending and policy and, if he had been at the helm, we would be far better off now than we are.
There were no "threats" of a "massive tax increase." That's a gross misinterpretation of tax cuts which had an expiration date of 12/31/2011 for ten years. It was expected they would expire. As far as his healthcare plan, he campaigned on that. Another expectation was that he was going to push to get one passed, so that too was expected. As far as the deficits, they are a byproduct of the recession and began before he was even sworn in. In early January, 2009, the CBO projected a $1.2 trillion shortfall for FY2009. Now while Obama certainly contributed to that, he is not to blame for the state of the economy he took over.
That's the thing. Newt's former wives and his daughter have disputed the liberal meme on all that. I don't condone Newt's cheating in any way or form, nor does he, but none of us know the dynamics within the family at that time. I would prefer a candidate that has no baggage or sour spots in his resume, but unfortunately God isn't running for high office and we're unlikely to find a saint to run.

So we're stuck with sorting out people with smarts, experience, savvy, and ambition along with some sins, missteps, and mistakes to their credit and occasionally feet of clay.

I think the intellectually honest are focused on who is the best qualified, has the best temperament, a character that will stand up under testing, and the best vision to lead this country.

In my opinion, the small minded, blindly partisan, and tunnel visioned seem to mostly focus on the small stuff and don't really care anything about credentials.

Well, no, his first wife doesn't dispute it at all. According to her, the divorce was a "complete surprise" and she confirms that the infamous hospital visit later that year included him wanting to discuss the terms of their divorce.

For some time, Jackie tried to hold on. "He can say that we had been talking about it for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise," she told Lois Romano of The Washington Post. "He walked out in the spring of 1980...By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said, 'Daddy is downstairs. Could he come up?' When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from my surgery."

And his daughter has subsequently gone on the record to defend her dad saying that she was there, and it was not that way at all, and in fact the mother had requested the discussion on the terms of the divorce and had requested the divorce.

So I say that the rest of us, not having been privy to any of the conversations and because being informed by sensationalist journalism does not make us the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, it is their business and we don't know what went down, why, or how.
I'm fairly certain the wife was present too. I can't say the daughter was present for Newt's entire visit and if the wife's version is accurate, would hope that Newt at least had the decency not to fight about his divorce in front of his 13 year old daughter.
Did you really expect a lot of 'good' in the 4 years following such a massive collapse of our financial institutions? I was expecting (hoping) for stabilization. Good comes next. If we get back to work.

We certainly expected some honest and responsible policy from the government that would allow the economy to begin to repair itself. We certainly did not expect threats of massive tax increases or a healthcare plan only the most dedicated big government leftist could love. We did expect improvement and confidence that we were beginning to dig ourselves out.

The Obama administration has promoted almost every concept that has kept the economy stagnant and stalled and in danger of another shoe dropping while increasing the debt by 5 trillion and projecting deficits in the trillion dollar plus range as far as the eye can see and a President wanting to add hundreds of billions more to that. We had and have every right to expect more 'good' than that.

Whatever anybody thinks about Newt Gingrich in any capacity, he would NOT have condoned any of the irresponsible spending and policy and, if he had been at the helm, we would be far better off now than we are.
There were no "threats" of a "massive tax increase." That's a gross misinterpretation of tax cuts which had an expiration date of 12/31/2011 for ten years. It was expected they would expire. As far as his healthcare plan, he campaigned on that. Another expectation was that he was going to push to get one passed, so that too was expected. As far as the deficits, they are a byproduct of the recession and began before he was even sworn in. In early January, 2009, the CBO projected a $1.2 trillion shortfall for FY2009. Now while Obama certainly contributed to that, he is not to blame for the state of the economy he took over.

Baloney. I was watching in real time before any edits could be done in the tapes or context when Obama has repeatedly called for higher taxes on the 'rich' meaning anybody making more than $250k a year with their business. Obama is to blame for the state of the economy he took over via the votes he had cast or didn't cast in the years he was in the Senate and in his endorsement of TARP as a candidate for the Presidency, in the unconscionable pork laden appropriations bills that he didn't veto when he vowed, as a candidate he would, and in the stimulus package, irresponsible use of the TARP funds he had access to, and in his proposed tax policies and in his choosing a jobs 'czar' who was shipping tens of thousands of American jobs overseas and in his failure to deal with crushing regulation and taxes and other policy that keeps the economy stalled. Not to mention pushing through a healthcare bill that has contributed a LOT to the bad economy, is a huge tax increase on just about everybody, and is structured in a way only a Marxist could love.

There comes a time when he and those who support him cannot continue to 'blame Bush' without looking thoroughly dishonest or like clueless idiots.
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We certainly expected some honest and responsible policy from the government that would allow the economy to begin to repair itself. We certainly did not expect threats of massive tax increases or a healthcare plan only the most dedicated big government leftist could love. We did expect improvement and confidence that we were beginning to dig ourselves out.

The Obama administration has promoted almost every concept that has kept the economy stagnant and stalled and in danger of another shoe dropping while increasing the debt by 5 trillion and projecting deficits in the trillion dollar plus range as far as the eye can see and a President wanting to add hundreds of billions more to that. We had and have every right to expect more 'good' than that.

Whatever anybody thinks about Newt Gingrich in any capacity, he would NOT have condoned any of the irresponsible spending and policy and, if he had been at the helm, we would be far better off now than we are.
There were no "threats" of a "massive tax increase." That's a gross misinterpretation of tax cuts which had an expiration date of 12/31/2011 for ten years. It was expected they would expire. As far as his healthcare plan, he campaigned on that. Another expectation was that he was going to push to get one passed, so that too was expected. As far as the deficits, they are a byproduct of the recession and began before he was even sworn in. In early January, 2009, the CBO projected a $1.2 trillion shortfall for FY2009. Now while Obama certainly contributed to that, he is not to blame for the state of the economy he took over.

Baloney. I was watching in real time before any edits could be done in the tapes or context when Obama has repeatedly called for higher taxes on the 'rich' meaning anybody making more than $250k a year with their business. Obama is to blame for the state of the economy he took over via the votes he had cast or didn't cast in the years he was in the Senate and in his endorsement of TARP as a candidate for the Presidency, in the unconscionable pork laden appropriations bills that he didn't veto when he vowed, as a candidate he would, and in the stimulus package, irresponsible use of the TARP funds he had access to, and in his proposed tax policies and in his choosing a jobs 'czar' who was shipping tens of thousands of American jobs overseas and in his failure to deal with crushing regulation and taxes and other policy that keeps the economy stalled.

There comes a time when he and those who support him cannot continue to 'blame Bush' without looking thoroughly dishonest or like clueless idiots.
The "baloney" is yours. The tax cuts were set to expire. There was a sunset clause built into the tax cuts to expire on 12/31/2010 (I accidently put 2011 in my last post). His call for increasing taxes on families earning $250K, single income on $200K, stemmed from allowing only the top income tax bracket to expire but extending Bush's tax cuts on the other brackets. Still, the tax cuts were not permanent and it was known for ten years that they would expire. That is not a surprise nor was it a "threat." As far as the state of the economy, this is the result of the recession which was caused by the housing & credit markets crash, none of which Obama had anything to do with. It's a mess he inherited and it's a mess which is still affecting the economy today. And again, before he became president, before he passed his stimulus, before he spent any TARP funds, the CBO estimated a $1.2 trillion shortfall for FY2009. That's what Obama inherited.
There were no "threats" of a "massive tax increase." That's a gross misinterpretation of tax cuts which had an expiration date of 12/31/2011 for ten years. It was expected they would expire. As far as his healthcare plan, he campaigned on that. Another expectation was that he was going to push to get one passed, so that too was expected. As far as the deficits, they are a byproduct of the recession and began before he was even sworn in. In early January, 2009, the CBO projected a $1.2 trillion shortfall for FY2009. Now while Obama certainly contributed to that, he is not to blame for the state of the economy he took over.

Baloney. I was watching in real time before any edits could be done in the tapes or context when Obama has repeatedly called for higher taxes on the 'rich' meaning anybody making more than $250k a year with their business. Obama is to blame for the state of the economy he took over via the votes he had cast or didn't cast in the years he was in the Senate and in his endorsement of TARP as a candidate for the Presidency, in the unconscionable pork laden appropriations bills that he didn't veto when he vowed, as a candidate he would, and in the stimulus package, irresponsible use of the TARP funds he had access to, and in his proposed tax policies and in his choosing a jobs 'czar' who was shipping tens of thousands of American jobs overseas and in his failure to deal with crushing regulation and taxes and other policy that keeps the economy stalled.

There comes a time when he and those who support him cannot continue to 'blame Bush' without looking thoroughly dishonest or like clueless idiots.
The "baloney" is yours. The tax cuts were set to expire. There was a sunset clause built into the tax cuts to expire on 12/31/2010 (I accidently put 2011 in my last post). His call for increasing taxes on families earning $250K, single income on $200K, stemmed from allowing only the top income tax bracket to expire but extending Bush's tax cuts on the other brackets. Still, the tax cuts were not permanent and it was known for ten years that they would expire. That is not a surprise nor was it a "threat." As far as the state of the economy, this is the result of the recession which was caused by the housing & credit markets crash, none of which Obama had anything to do with. It's a mess he inherited and it's a mess which is still affecting the economy today. And again, before he became president, before he passed his stimulus, before he spent any TARP funds, the CBO estimated a $1.2 trillion shortfall for FY2009. That's what Obama inherited.

But don't you see? By threatening to let the tax policy expire, that imposed a huge tax increase on almost every viable business, at least those who hire people? You don't DO that in an economic downturn. You just don't do that. It either illustrates Obama's absolute ignorance on what free market and private enterprise is all about, or he is doing it intentionally to bring the economy further to its knees for whatever purpose.

I try to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is simply incompetent and not evil.

I want somebody of the caliber of a Newt Gingrich who will not be incompetent re the economy.

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