Re-Evaluating Newt..

Gingrich has a past that will match many of Americans today. You seem to forget about his intelligence, wisdom and experience in drafting resolutions to problems and tackling foreign affairs in an appropriate manner. Just take a look at his Contract for America 2011 and see who can think about ideas and actions to put us on the road of recovery.

Lumpy 1 is right. Democrats are scared of Gingrich because he would take Obama apart in any debate. There's "street smarts" and real intelligence. We all have learned what our present president has, and it is not real intelligence for a leader.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

Your post begs the question as to why the liberal Gals voted Clinton in for a second term given the proven sexual harassments and his more than likely rapes given his history... Are you in essence saying that conservative Gals are far superior to liberal Gals in morals controlling their votes. :eusa_whistle:
Seems that Clinton didn't have a problem attracting willing women.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

Your post begs the question as to why the liberal Gals voted Clinton in for a second term given the proven sexual harassments and his more than likely rapes given his history... Are you in essence saying that conservative Gals are far superior to liberal Gals in morals controlling their votes. :eusa_whistle:

What allegations of sexual harassment were proven against Clinton by 1996? With Newt, it's well established that he cheated on his wives and divorced them when they were sick. The first one from cancer and the second with multiple sclerosis.

I like the way you think Faun.. you missed the trap..:clap2:

Of course there were allegations previous to 1996 and of course they were never investigated by the liberal media, do you wonder why? eh.. no matter.

I believe if you peruse this thread these issues are more clearly defined and far easier to accept than your blunted version of the facts...I can't help but wonder why Democrats are passing such judgments given there rationalizations of the past in regards to personal issues..

Me.. I can accept that Newt is far from perfect and I do believe Newt & Mitt are far more capable of getting this country on the right track again...

Newt has quite a political history, 42 years as I recall, a mud suckers delight really but he has consistently stepped up to the plate and made his views known, many I disagree with in fact.
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Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

Your post begs the question as to why the liberal Gals voted Clinton in for a second term given the proven sexual harassments and his more than likely rapes given his history... Are you in essence saying that conservative Gals are far superior to liberal Gals in morals controlling their votes. :eusa_whistle:
Seems that Clinton didn't have a problem attracting willing women.

No doubt, poor women's rights liberated Hillary....:razz:
I believe you're deep in denial.

Newt's problems are not manufactured by anyone other than Newt.

Gingrich has a past that will match many of Americans today. You seem to forget about his intelligence, wisdom and experience in drafting resolutions to problems and tackling foreign affairs in an appropriate manner. Just take a look at his Contract for America 2011 and see who can think about ideas and actions to put us on the road of recovery.

Lumpy 1 is right. Democrats are scared of Gingrich because he would take Obama apart in any debate. There's "street smarts" and real intelligence. We all have learned what our present president has, and it is not real intelligence for a leader.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

His own daughters REFUTE your lies.. I guess they're lying and you're telling the truth, right? Pathetic attempt at a smear campaign.. something you libs have done to every one of our candidates, looking to destroy each and every one of them. Too bad your precious Barry was spared a true vetting. He NEVER would have won the Presidency had the truth come out.. Hell, even today all of his records are sealed and here you liberal zombies sit crucifying all of our candidates. Who the hell do you think you are? Shove it.

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Gingrich has a past that will match many of Americans today. You seem to forget about his intelligence, wisdom and experience in drafting resolutions to problems and tackling foreign affairs in an appropriate manner. Just take a look at his Contract for America 2011 and see who can think about ideas and actions to put us on the road of recovery.

Lumpy 1 is right. Democrats are scared of Gingrich because he would take Obama apart in any debate. There's "street smarts" and real intelligence. We all have learned what our present president has, and it is not real intelligence for a leader.
Gingrich has a past of cheating on his wives. He did it to two wives out of the three he's had. Plus the two he left were sick when he left them. While there are many Conservatives who will vote for him despite that because they either like him or because they are casting an anti-Obama vote, many Conservatives will not vote for him because of it. Especially women. Not saying they will vote for Obama, but many will vote for another candidate if there is one or they won't vote at all.

As far as him taking Obama apart in the debates, that didn't happen in 2008 against McCain and I don't see Gingrich being much smarter than McCain. I don't think we'll ever see that matchup anyway because in the end, I see Romney getting the nod.

His own daughters REFUTE your lies.. I guess they're lying and you're telling the truth, right? Pathetic attempt at a smear campaign.. something you libs have done to every one of our candidates, looking to destroy each and every one of them. Too bad your precious Barry was spared a true vetting. He NEVER would have won the Presidency had the truth come out.. Hell, even today all of his records are sealed and here you liberal zombies sit crucifying all of our candidates. Who the hell do you think you are? Shove it.


Setting the Record Straight by Jackie Gingrich Cushman on - A Syndicate Of Talent


Bob Cesca: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Newt Gingrich

I'm not sure what conservatives expect to discover about Gingrich this time around the horn. As far as I can tell, Herman Cain and Rick Perry, the previous two clown car passengers to endure their messianic 45 days, merely stumbled over some words and blanked out on live television, respectively. But Newt Gingrich is a full-on disaster from top to bottom. He flip-flops on the issues like Romney, he shoves his foot in his mouth like Cain and Perry, he says fringy things like Bachmann and Santorum, but he also has money-management problems, marital fidelity problems, ethics problems, resigned-from-office-in-disgrace problems and constitutionality problems.
Liberals worried about Newt and Freddie Mac- nothing more than a smear campaign.. put your money where your fat mouths are:

about Senator Obama’s statement earlier today is he kept bringing up greed on Wall Street. He’s got two economic advisors. One was leading up his vice-presidential selection campaign, Jim Johnson. He used to work at Fannie Mae. He was a top exec at Lehman Brothers. He made tens of millions of dollars. And the Washington Post had reported that Frank Raines made $90 million in six years as the head of Fannie Mae and that he has been an economic advisor for — for Barack Obama.

It isn’t just Fannie Mae where Obama has a problem. Another close political adviser, in fact the one man responsible for rallying support for Obama early on among Congressional Democrats, is Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who served on the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac after leaving the Clinton White House. According to Freddie Mac insiders, Emanuel during his time on the board opposed every reform proposed by the Bush Administration that would have impacted Freddie and Fannie Mae.

Now all of a sudden it becomes an outrage with libs.. No matter Chris Dodd, no matter Barney Franks, no matter Obama, no matter Rahmbo.. Barack Obama – Fannie Mae Lobbyists’ second favorite senator « JuggaMyNuggaWhat?

Fannie and Freddie have also been places for big Washington Democrats to go to work in the semi-private sector and pocket millions. The Clinton administration's White House Budget Director Franklin Raines ran Fannie and collected $50 million. Jamie Gorelick — Clinton Justice Department official — worked for Fannie and took home $26 million. Big Democrat Jim Johnson, recently on Obama's VP search committee, has hauled in millions from his Fannie Mae CEO job.

Read more: Barack Obama's Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Connection | Fox News

If it's a NOW a big deal then your messiah needs to resign as well as all the Clintonites.
Liberals worried about Newt and Freddie Mac- nothing more than a smear campaign.. put your money where your fat mouths are:

about Senator Obama’s statement earlier today is he kept bringing up greed on Wall Street. He’s got two economic advisors. One was leading up his vice-presidential selection campaign, Jim Johnson. He used to work at Fannie Mae. He was a top exec at Lehman Brothers. He made tens of millions of dollars. And the Washington Post had reported that Frank Raines made $90 million in six years as the head of Fannie Mae and that he has been an economic advisor for — for Barack Obama.

It isn’t just Fannie Mae where Obama has a problem. Another close political adviser, in fact the one man responsible for rallying support for Obama early on among Congressional Democrats, is Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who served on the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac after leaving the Clinton White House. According to Freddie Mac insiders, Emanuel during his time on the board opposed every reform proposed by the Bush Administration that would have impacted Freddie and Fannie Mae.

Now all of a sudden it becomes an outrage with libs.. No matter Chris Dodd, no matter Barney Franks, no matter Obama, no matter Rahmbo.. Barack Obama – Fannie Mae Lobbyists’ second favorite senator « JuggaMyNuggaWhat?

Fannie and Freddie have also been places for big Washington Democrats to go to work in the semi-private sector and pocket millions. The Clinton administration's White House Budget Director Franklin Raines ran Fannie and collected $50 million. Jamie Gorelick — Clinton Justice Department official — worked for Fannie and took home $26 million. Big Democrat Jim Johnson, recently on Obama's VP search committee, has hauled in millions from his Fannie Mae CEO job.

Read more: Barack Obama's Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Connection | Fox News

If it's a NOW a big deal then your messiah needs to resign as well as all the Clintonites.

So a Retardplican who sticks his pecker into multiple women and resigned disgracefully is more honorable than any Democrat? LMBO!
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check

Obama gives blank check to Freddie and Fannie. Corruption?

On Christmas Eve, President Obama quietly signed an executive order removing the caps of $200 billion dollars that the Treasury was authorized to spend on each of the two mortgage underwriters. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now will have access to unlimited Treasury funds through 2012 — this despite the fact that Treasury has so far provided $61 billion to Fannie and $50 billion to Freddie, both formidable sums, but a far cry from the now-abolished $200 billion ceiling.

So let's get this straight.. Obama gives Fannie and Freddie a BLANK CHECK.. these same bozos give themselves OBSCENE bonuses with taxpayer money but NEWT is not qualified and is "done" as our candidate over 1.6 million dollars in consulting fees??? Obama - TENS OF MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS and this is just fine with leftists??? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Zombies are a bunch of moronic hypocrites.
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Let's see it liberal hacks.. Call for Barry to resign today over his role in Fannie and Freddie.. after all, you're demanding Newt not be considered due to 1.6 million in consulting fees and here your messiah is associated with them to the tune of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS.. that same messiah who resides over bail outs and extravagant bonuses for Freddie and Fannie execs

Obama Still Silent On Extravagant Bonuses For Fannie And Freddie Execs | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

Call for Newt to step down, you haven't wavered in your support of Newt PERSONALLY profitting. Stupid fuck.
Intellectual idiot - The Portland Freelancer: Newt Gingrich: An Intellectual Idiot

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) - Draft Deferment: Vietnam

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations - Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High Infidelity

By Steve Benen

But the most notorious of them all is undoubtedly Gingrich, who ran for Congress in 1978 on the slogan, "Let Our Family Represent Your Family." (He was reportedly cheating on his first wife at the time). In 1995, an alleged mistress from that period, Anne Manning, told Vanity Fair's Gail Sheehy: "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" Gingrich obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton.

"High Infidelity" by Steve Benen

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - SERIAL ADULTERER - SEX ADDICT - Democratic Underground
Dear Barry Hussein,

Your bedwetting Zombies demand your resignation over your giving HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of OUR money, the taxpayer money, to Fannie and Freddie.

:) There.. let's be consistent, shall we? When Barry steps down for the good of the nation, I'll withdraw my support for Newt..
Intellectual idiot - The Portland Freelancer: Newt Gingrich: An Intellectual Idiot

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) - Draft Deferment: Vietnam

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations - Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High Infidelity

By Steve Benen

But the most notorious of them all is undoubtedly Gingrich, who ran for Congress in 1978 on the slogan, "Let Our Family Represent Your Family." (He was reportedly cheating on his first wife at the time). In 1995, an alleged mistress from that period, Anne Manning, told Vanity Fair's Gail Sheehy: "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" Gingrich obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton.

"High Infidelity" by Steve Benen

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - SERIAL ADULTERER - SEX ADDICT - Democratic Underground

Newt's past affairs, 20 years ago.. don't really make a shit to any of us... but seeing how you foaming liberals are sooo concerned about the sanctity of marriage now, I'm certain you;ll be contacting Bubba Clinton and Historians, asking them to blacken his name as a serial cheater , the new liberal catch phrase.. LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Intellectual idiot - The Portland Freelancer: Newt Gingrich: An Intellectual Idiot

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) - Draft Deferment: Vietnam

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations - Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High Infidelity

By Steve Benen

But the most notorious of them all is undoubtedly Gingrich, who ran for Congress in 1978 on the slogan, "Let Our Family Represent Your Family." (He was reportedly cheating on his first wife at the time). In 1995, an alleged mistress from that period, Anne Manning, told Vanity Fair's Gail Sheehy: "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" Gingrich obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton.

"High Infidelity" by Steve Benen

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - SERIAL ADULTERER - SEX ADDICT - Democratic Underground

Newt's past affairs, 20 years ago.. don't really make a shit to any of us... but seeing how you foaming liberals are sooo concerned about the sanctity of marriage now, I'm certain you;ll be contacting Bubba Clinton and Historians, asking them to blacken his name as a serial cheater , the new liberal catch phrase.. LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol:

But Bill Clinton's do which is why you keep bringing it up to smear liberals.
Poor Zombies.. truly.. if you're going to sling dirt honestly, wipe your own shit-stained feet!

:) Friendly advice mind you.. don't thank me...
Intellectual idiot - The Portland Freelancer: Newt Gingrich: An Intellectual Idiot

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) - Draft Deferment: Vietnam

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations - Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - SERIAL ADULTERER - SEX ADDICT - Democratic Underground

Newt's past affairs, 20 years ago.. don't really make a shit to any of us... but seeing how you foaming liberals are sooo concerned about the sanctity of marriage now, I'm certain you;ll be contacting Bubba Clinton and Historians, asking them to blacken his name as a serial cheater , the new liberal catch phrase.. LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol:

But Bill Clinton's do which is why you keep bringing it up to smear liberals.

So if Clinton is brought up, it's a smear. But bring up the marriage of three women in 20 years is a fact based reservation why this man shouldn't be president?

Where were your standards with "Rev." White, the mentor of our present president calling out G-D America! and his best friends Bill Ayers. Hell, he wouldn't even wear the flag pin for months until that got people thinking about him, too.

Really wonder about your objectivity.

Let's just watch a Obama -Gingrich debate and then make the final judgments. Shall we?
Vitter Questions Continuing Taxpayer Bailouts for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Latest Headlines -

Nov 04, 2011 (Congressional Documents and Publications/ContentWorks via COMTEX) -- (Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Sen. David Vitter today made the following statement after reports that Freddie Mac is seeking a $6 billion bailout from U.S. taxpayers to cover its losses in the third financial quarter. Fannie Mae is expected to follow suit next week with another multi-billion-dollar bailout request, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency just approved $12.79 million in bonuses to be paid to 10 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives.

Hmmm, the Federal Housing Finance Agency approved bonuses to Freddie and Fannie execs.. FEDERAL AGENCY, BARRY.. BARRY - FEDERAL AGENCY...
Vitter Questions Continuing Taxpayer Bailouts for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Latest Headlines -

Nov 04, 2011 (Congressional Documents and Publications/ContentWorks via COMTEX) -- (Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Sen. David Vitter today made the following statement after reports that Freddie Mac is seeking a $6 billion bailout from U.S. taxpayers to cover its losses in the third financial quarter. Fannie Mae is expected to follow suit next week with another multi-billion-dollar bailout request, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency just approved $12.79 million in bonuses to be paid to 10 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives.

Hmmm, the Federal Housing Finance Agency approved bonuses to Freddie and Fannie execs.. FEDERAL AGENCY, BARRY.. BARRY - FEDERAL AGENCY...

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac phase-out plan due from Obama - Feb. 9, 2011

And I like your fucked up, retarded way of trying to smear Obama indirectly with no direct evidence, true hack you are.

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