RE The 2 Beheaded Scandinavian Girls

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Lone yachtsmen go sailing in the Indian Ocean, assuming nothing will happen to them. There was the case of two British pensioners, kidnapped and held to random by Somali pirates. Europeans are 'currency' to those people.

And if they fell into the water a shark might have eaten them... what's your point?

Somalia wouldn't be the hot mess it is if the west hadn't screwed with it for decades.
Lone yachtsmen go sailing in the Indian Ocean, assuming nothing will happen to them. There was the case of two British pensioners, kidnapped and held to random by Somali pirates. Europeans are 'currency' to those people.

And if they fell into the water a shark might have eaten them... what's your point?

Somalia wouldn't be the hot mess it is if the west hadn't screwed with it for decades.

We're done. I think.:bye1:
BTW, Joe.

The new Dr.Who is a female.

You're lagging behind the times.

If you've been paying attention to what I have been doing through the year, I started out with William Hartnell in January and am at Peter Capaldi in December. Get it? First Doctor, First month, Twelfth doctor, 12 month.

August I split between Paul McGann and John Hurt.

I will probably put a picture of Jodie up there in January, but I don't think I will use that as a permanent avi, since that would cause confusion. Also, she's really not very good in the role... I'm underwhelmed with her performance.
BTW, Joe.

The new Dr.Who is a female.

You're lagging behind the times.

If you've been paying attention to what I have been doing through the year, I started out with William Hartnell in January and am at Peter Capaldi in December. Get it? First Doctor, First month, Twelfth doctor, 12 month.

August I split between Paul McGann and John Hurt.

I will probably put a picture of Jodie up there in January, but I don't think I will use that as a permanent avi, since that would cause confusion. Also, she's really not very good in the role... I'm underwhelmed with her performance.

Paying attention?? Seriously?

I was just trying to explain to you what I was doing with my AVI. Since this is the 55th Anniversary of the show, it seemed like a nice touch.
Getting killed by a terrorist overseas is kind of like getting killed by a wild animal in Australia... kind of shocking,b ut it doesn't happen that often. So to lighten the mood.

It's not liberalism per se. It's sheltering kids from the realities of the world. Something that happens a lot at home or at church or in school or on TV by political leadership.. It's what happens when folks try to control the dialogue and the language by "censoring" terms like Islamic terrorists, or not educating about the world.


Here's the problem with that mentality. "Islamic Terrorism" (really, just people of the third world taking a shot at their oppressors, but we won't have THAT discussion, too scary for most of you people) are kind of like shark attacks. Really kind of scary, but statistically rare.

You are, of course, more likely to be murdered by a family member, lover or neighbor than a scary Muslim. Or just some poor kid who wants to boost your wallet because no one bothered to teach him how to read... but again... not sensational like "Terrorism" (a word I would TRULY like to expunge from the English language).

So these girls went to a tourist spot that millions of Europeans go to every year, and they ran into the wrong angry guys...

Islamic terrorism is just a SYMPTOM of a larger viral tendency to violence in the Arab world. Not SOLELY inspired by religion, so you're partly justified. It's the "re-mapping" of the Middle East that was done by Sikes-Picot agreement after the fall of the Ottoman empire that CREATED the tribal, sectarian, familial violence that you see in pictures of COMPLETE devastation in Syria today.

That caused the rise of "nation-states" which is a totally foreign concept in the Arab culture. They are NOT governance built around the preferred Arab system of LOCAL, tribal, sectarian, familial rule. And they REQUIRE a ruthless SOB dictator to stop the blood flow.

We become PART of those conflicts when we topple dictators or nation-build the nation-states that the Arabs don't trust because of corruption and consolidation of power. So Islamic terrorism is a large threat when Western countries take in huge influxes of folks from that Arab culture that DONT WANT TO BE French, British or American. They just don't want to DIE in totally pulverized hell hole during a war. They are NOT shark attacks. Because sharks don't commit heinous crimes. And to minimize and ACCEPT the impact of those crimes moves a nation away from security thru the rule of law.

Those girls DID NOT just visit a "tourist spot".. They went out of their way to validate their concept that "Islamic terror attacks" are as rare as lightning. And they got hoodwinked by folks like you agreeing with their conviction.. Feel free to go "camping" in the wilds of Morocco to prove your point.. Bring your "world peace" banner with you... And post a "no beheading zone" sign for your protection... :badgrin:

Islamic terrorism is just a SYMPTOM of a larger viral tendency to violence in the Arab world. Not SOLELY inspired by religion, so you're partly justified. It's the "re-mapping" of the Middle East that was done by Sikes-Picot agreement after the fall of the Ottoman empire that CREATED the tribal, sectarian, familial violence that you see in pictures of COMPLETE devastation in Syria today.

Pay attention. We aren't talking about Syria, we are talking about Morocco...

Our problem with the Middle East is we don't mind our own effin' business.

Or as I like to say, we stick our dicks in the hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.

That caused the rise of "nation-states" which is a totally foreign concept in the Arab culture. They are NOT governance built around the preferred Arab system of LOCAL, tribal, sectarian, familial rule. And they REQUIRE a ruthless SOB dictator to stop the blood flow.

Again, that sounds a bit patronizing... they don't do it our way, so they must be wrong... given how we've messed up "Democracy" in this country in 2016, we really don't have much cause criticizing what anyone else is doing.

Morocco has a parliament, and the king is a constitutional monarch.

We become PART of those conflicts when we topple dictators or nation-build the nation-states that the Arabs don't trust because of corruption and consolidation of power. So Islamic terrorism is a large threat when Western countries take in huge influxes of folks from that Arab culture that DONT WANT TO BE French, British or American. They just don't want to DIE in totally pulverized hell hole during a war. They are NOT shark attacks. Because sharks don't commit heinous crimes. And to minimize and ACCEPT the impact of those crimes moves a nation away from security thru the rule of law.

Actually, the thing is, when Bin Laden was killing Russians, he was a freedom fighter. Ronnie Reagan said so. And when he started killing Americans, he became a terrorist committing henious crimes. So, yeah, you might get killed by a young Muslim man who feels alienated in the west... but you might get killed by a young American man who hated the last Batman movie. Or you might get killed by a dog. Dogs kill more Americans every year than terrorists.


"Alpo Akbark!!"

Just not going to let the Zionists and Oil companies manipulate me at this point.
Pay attention. We aren't talking about Syria, we are talking about Morocco...

Our problem with the Middle East is we don't mind our own effin' business.

Or as I like to say, we stick our dicks in the hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.

Can't go there with taking fatal wounds from your own hypocrisy.. Who badmouthed the toppling of Saddam and then came RIGHT BACK and toppled Khadafi in Libya? Wanted even MORE intervention in Syria? NEITHER party has EVER gotten Mid East policy right. MY party has been correct on NO Middle East intervention short of an attack on US assets for the past 30 years. You don't have that kind of principled leadership or vision to brag about..

Again, that sounds a bit patronizing... they don't do it our way, so they must be wrong... given how we've messed up "Democracy" in this country in 2016, we really don't have much cause criticizing what anyone else is doing.

Morocco has a parliament, and the king is a constitutional monarch.

You COMPLETELY misunderstood what I said about the PREFERRED NATURAL choice for Arab governance. I wasted my time on you because you just REACT and don't think.. The WEST (largely Britain/France/Russia FORCED nation-states on the Arabs. And the only STABLE implementation of an Arab state is brutal shotgun-wielding dictator holding his people and neighbors in check.

Morocco largely is an exception because it's remote enough from the tribal, sectarian battles to have some INHERENT stability in the borders it was GIVEN.. But again, they are not totally immune from the divisions that were CAUSED by (non-USA) Western Imperialism.

Actually, the thing is, when Bin Laden was killing Russians, he was a freedom fighter. Ronnie Reagan said so. And when he started killing Americans, he became a terrorist committing henious crimes. So, yeah, you might get killed by a young Muslim man who feels alienated in the west... but you might get killed by a young American man who hated the last Batman movie. Or you might get killed by a dog. Dogs kill more Americans every year than terrorists.

Again, neither dogs nor sharks or lightning create heinous CRIMINAL attacks. When you naively accept refugees from Arab cultures and put them into societies that they FUNDAMENTALLY ABHOR -- you are an ACCOMPLICE to crime. Very few of these refugees from Arab conflict have STATED that they WANT to be British, Australian or American. They just want to escape death by war. But the culture shock reminds them how alien the rest of the world is from the Middle East.
Given the choice of being drafted into a hopeless conflict at home in Iraq, Syria, Somalia killing FELLOW Muslim Arabs, or getting exposed to the "depravity, vileness, and apostate" West and dying for Allah by Jihad -- guess what the preferred choice would be?
It's not liberalism per se. It's sheltering kids from the realities of the world. Something that happens a lot at home or at church or in school or on TV by political leadership.. It's what happens when folks try to control the dialogue and the language by "censoring" terms like Islamic terrorists, or not educating about the world.


Here's the problem with that mentality. "Islamic Terrorism" (really, just people of the third world taking a shot at their oppressors, but we won't have THAT discussion, too scary for most of you people) are kind of like shark attacks. Really kind of scary, but statistically rare.

You are, of course, more likely to be murdered by a family member, lover or neighbor than a scary Muslim. Or just some poor kid who wants to boost your wallet because no one bothered to teach him how to read... but again... not sensational like "Terrorism" (a word I would TRULY like to expunge from the English language).

So these girls went to a tourist spot that millions of Europeans go to every year, and they ran into the wrong angry guys...

Islamic terrorism is just a SYMPTOM of a larger viral tendency to violence in the Arab world. Not SOLELY inspired by religion, so you're partly justified. It's the "re-mapping" of the Middle East that was done by Sikes-Picot agreement after the fall of the Ottoman empire that CREATED the tribal, sectarian, familial violence that you see in pictures of COMPLETE devastation in Syria today.

That caused the rise of "nation-states" which is a totally foreign concept in the Arab culture. They are NOT governance built around the preferred Arab system of LOCAL, tribal, sectarian, familial rule. And they REQUIRE a ruthless SOB dictator to stop the blood flow.

We become PART of those conflicts when we topple dictators or nation-build the nation-states that the Arabs don't trust because of corruption and consolidation of power. So Islamic terrorism is a large threat when Western countries take in huge influxes of folks from that Arab culture that DONT WANT TO BE French, British or American. They just don't want to DIE in totally pulverized hell hole during a war. They are NOT shark attacks. Because sharks don't commit heinous crimes. And to minimize and ACCEPT the impact of those crimes moves a nation away from security thru the rule of law.

Those girls DID NOT just visit a "tourist spot".. They went out of their way to validate their concept that "Islamic terror attacks" are as rare as lightning. And they got hoodwinked by folks like you agreeing with their conviction.. Feel free to go "camping" in the wilds of Morocco to prove your point.. Bring your "world peace" banner with you... And post a "no beheading zone" sign for your protection... :badgrin:
So despite that Morocco is many times safer than the US.
It's not liberalism per se. It's sheltering kids from the realities of the world. Something that happens a lot at home or at church or in school or on TV by political leadership.. It's what happens when folks try to control the dialogue and the language by "censoring" terms like Islamic terrorists, or not educating about the world.


Here's the problem with that mentality. "Islamic Terrorism" (really, just people of the third world taking a shot at their oppressors, but we won't have THAT discussion, too scary for most of you people) are kind of like shark attacks. Really kind of scary, but statistically rare.

You are, of course, more likely to be murdered by a family member, lover or neighbor than a scary Muslim. Or just some poor kid who wants to boost your wallet because no one bothered to teach him how to read... but again... not sensational like "Terrorism" (a word I would TRULY like to expunge from the English language).

So these girls went to a tourist spot that millions of Europeans go to every year, and they ran into the wrong angry guys...

Islamic terrorism is just a SYMPTOM of a larger viral tendency to violence in the Arab world. Not SOLELY inspired by religion, so you're partly justified. It's the "re-mapping" of the Middle East that was done by Sikes-Picot agreement after the fall of the Ottoman empire that CREATED the tribal, sectarian, familial violence that you see in pictures of COMPLETE devastation in Syria today.

That caused the rise of "nation-states" which is a totally foreign concept in the Arab culture. They are NOT governance built around the preferred Arab system of LOCAL, tribal, sectarian, familial rule. And they REQUIRE a ruthless SOB dictator to stop the blood flow.

We become PART of those conflicts when we topple dictators or nation-build the nation-states that the Arabs don't trust because of corruption and consolidation of power. So Islamic terrorism is a large threat when Western countries take in huge influxes of folks from that Arab culture that DONT WANT TO BE French, British or American. They just don't want to DIE in totally pulverized hell hole during a war. They are NOT shark attacks. Because sharks don't commit heinous crimes. And to minimize and ACCEPT the impact of those crimes moves a nation away from security thru the rule of law.

Those girls DID NOT just visit a "tourist spot".. They went out of their way to validate their concept that "Islamic terror attacks" are as rare as lightning. And they got hoodwinked by folks like you agreeing with their conviction.. Feel free to go "camping" in the wilds of Morocco to prove your point.. Bring your "world peace" banner with you... And post a "no beheading zone" sign for your protection... :badgrin:
So despite that Morocco is many times safer than the US.

That's not what we are talking about.
It's not liberalism per se. It's sheltering kids from the realities of the world. Something that happens a lot at home or at church or in school or on TV by political leadership.. It's what happens when folks try to control the dialogue and the language by "censoring" terms like Islamic terrorists, or not educating about the world.


Here's the problem with that mentality. "Islamic Terrorism" (really, just people of the third world taking a shot at their oppressors, but we won't have THAT discussion, too scary for most of you people) are kind of like shark attacks. Really kind of scary, but statistically rare.

You are, of course, more likely to be murdered by a family member, lover or neighbor than a scary Muslim. Or just some poor kid who wants to boost your wallet because no one bothered to teach him how to read... but again... not sensational like "Terrorism" (a word I would TRULY like to expunge from the English language).

So these girls went to a tourist spot that millions of Europeans go to every year, and they ran into the wrong angry guys...

Islamic terrorism is just a SYMPTOM of a larger viral tendency to violence in the Arab world. Not SOLELY inspired by religion, so you're partly justified. It's the "re-mapping" of the Middle East that was done by Sikes-Picot agreement after the fall of the Ottoman empire that CREATED the tribal, sectarian, familial violence that you see in pictures of COMPLETE devastation in Syria today.

That caused the rise of "nation-states" which is a totally foreign concept in the Arab culture. They are NOT governance built around the preferred Arab system of LOCAL, tribal, sectarian, familial rule. And they REQUIRE a ruthless SOB dictator to stop the blood flow.

We become PART of those conflicts when we topple dictators or nation-build the nation-states that the Arabs don't trust because of corruption and consolidation of power. So Islamic terrorism is a large threat when Western countries take in huge influxes of folks from that Arab culture that DONT WANT TO BE French, British or American. They just don't want to DIE in totally pulverized hell hole during a war. They are NOT shark attacks. Because sharks don't commit heinous crimes. And to minimize and ACCEPT the impact of those crimes moves a nation away from security thru the rule of law.

Those girls DID NOT just visit a "tourist spot".. They went out of their way to validate their concept that "Islamic terror attacks" are as rare as lightning. And they got hoodwinked by folks like you agreeing with their conviction.. Feel free to go "camping" in the wilds of Morocco to prove your point.. Bring your "world peace" banner with you... And post a "no beheading zone" sign for your protection... :badgrin:
So despite that Morocco is many times safer than the US.

Sounds strange coming from the left. I thought "hate crimes" were FAR more horrible than normal murders.. :rolleyes:

Not hard to get low homicide rates in non-multicultural, low diversity societies that ALL agree on what the culture should look like..

It's not liberalism per se. It's sheltering kids from the realities of the world. Something that happens a lot at home or at church or in school or on TV by political leadership.. It's what happens when folks try to control the dialogue and the language by "censoring" terms like Islamic terrorists, or not educating about the world.


Here's the problem with that mentality. "Islamic Terrorism" (really, just people of the third world taking a shot at their oppressors, but we won't have THAT discussion, too scary for most of you people) are kind of like shark attacks. Really kind of scary, but statistically rare.

You are, of course, more likely to be murdered by a family member, lover or neighbor than a scary Muslim. Or just some poor kid who wants to boost your wallet because no one bothered to teach him how to read... but again... not sensational like "Terrorism" (a word I would TRULY like to expunge from the English language).

So these girls went to a tourist spot that millions of Europeans go to every year, and they ran into the wrong angry guys...

Islamic terrorism is just a SYMPTOM of a larger viral tendency to violence in the Arab world. Not SOLELY inspired by religion, so you're partly justified. It's the "re-mapping" of the Middle East that was done by Sikes-Picot agreement after the fall of the Ottoman empire that CREATED the tribal, sectarian, familial violence that you see in pictures of COMPLETE devastation in Syria today.

That caused the rise of "nation-states" which is a totally foreign concept in the Arab culture. They are NOT governance built around the preferred Arab system of LOCAL, tribal, sectarian, familial rule. And they REQUIRE a ruthless SOB dictator to stop the blood flow.

We become PART of those conflicts when we topple dictators or nation-build the nation-states that the Arabs don't trust because of corruption and consolidation of power. So Islamic terrorism is a large threat when Western countries take in huge influxes of folks from that Arab culture that DONT WANT TO BE French, British or American. They just don't want to DIE in totally pulverized hell hole during a war. They are NOT shark attacks. Because sharks don't commit heinous crimes. And to minimize and ACCEPT the impact of those crimes moves a nation away from security thru the rule of law.

Those girls DID NOT just visit a "tourist spot".. They went out of their way to validate their concept that "Islamic terror attacks" are as rare as lightning. And they got hoodwinked by folks like you agreeing with their conviction.. Feel free to go "camping" in the wilds of Morocco to prove your point.. Bring your "world peace" banner with you... And post a "no beheading zone" sign for your protection... :badgrin:
So despite that Morocco is many times safer than the US.
That is the idea that killed those two girls.
Can't go there with taking fatal wounds from your own hypocrisy.. Who badmouthed the toppling of Saddam and then came RIGHT BACK and toppled Khadafi in Libya? Wanted even MORE intervention in Syria? NEITHER party has EVER gotten Mid East policy right. MY party has been correct on NO Middle East intervention short of an attack on US assets for the past 30 years. You don't have that kind of principled leadership or vision to brag about..

Didn't vote for Obama in 08 and only voted for him in 12 because the GOP got hijacked by the Mormon cult. I've said on this board many times I thought getting involved in Libya's civil war was a terrible idea.

Both parties have exactly the same problem with middle east policy. We let the Zionists and Oil Companies call the shots.

Again, neither dogs nor sharks or lightning create heinous CRIMINAL attacks. When you naively accept refugees from Arab cultures and put them into societies that they FUNDAMENTALLY ABHOR -- you are an ACCOMPLICE to crime. Very few of these refugees from Arab conflict have STATED that they WANT to be British, Australian or American. They just want to escape death by war. But the culture shock reminds them how alien the rest of the world is from the Middle East.

Funny, I know a whole lot of people from the Middle East. They speak English and they assimilate just fine.

Does that means some crazy kid might read ISIS websites and do something crazy? Yup. And some white kid might read Alex Jones websites and do something crazy. Is the Domestic Crazy better somehow, I think not.

You COMPLETELY misunderstood what I said about the PREFERRED NATURAL choice for Arab governance. I wasted my time on you because you just REACT and don't think.. The WEST (largely Britain/France/Russia FORCED nation-states on the Arabs. And the only STABLE implementation of an Arab state is brutal shotgun-wielding dictator holding his people and neighbors in check.

Again, i think it's kind of arrogant for us to tell them what kind of government they should have. It's probably that kind of patronizing attitude that's gotten us the Jihadists to start with... that and all our other stupid policies.

Morocco largely is an exception because it's remote enough from the tribal, sectarian battles to have some INHERENT stability in the borders it was GIVEN.. But again, they are not totally immune from the divisions that were CAUSED by (non-USA) Western Imperialism.

again, most of the "instability" in the Middle East has been because we've tried to tell them what kind of government they should have..

Here's a crazy idea. Let's try minding our own business. This is where I kind of agree with the Orange Nazi.
Actually, the thing is, when Bin Laden was killing Russians, he was a freedom fighter. Ronnie Reagan said so. And when he started killing Americans, he became a terrorist committing henious crimes.
One of those was on afghan land, while the other was on United States land. So both of those assessments are correct.

Bin laden stated goal was to weaken the great Satan (us) to help along Muslim dominance in the world. We don't have to guess at this. He said so. So to blame us for the actions of this evil freak is truly depolrable.

And your no see about Somalia is silly. Somalia has been all but in civil war for 70 years.
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