Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

Ah yes when capitalized it is

You are a moron. Don't you even know what a noun is?[/QUOTE="surada, post: 28323655, member: 77344"]
Hannity is working on a short film of Kyle's life.

Justice hasn't served this boy. He'll do this again.
I believe it was a Duramax truck the yahoo demafascist were starting

You don't know that proper nouns are capitalized?

yahoo_1 noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and ...
noun. /ˈjɑːhuː/. /ˈjɑːhuː/. (plural yahoos) (disapproving) jump to other results. a rude, noisy or violent person. Culture. The Yahoos are an imaginary race of creatures in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.
Not clear. But it may be that Chief Shitting Bull is expressing some inchoate objection to a political commentator speaking to a kid charged with a crime because ….

Wait. Because …. There is no reason. Lakota is just a plodding would-be thread derailer.

Hannity is exploiting Kyle.
You don't know that proper nouns are capitalized?

yahoo_1 noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and ...
noun. /ˈjɑːhuː/. /ˈjɑːhuː/. (plural yahoos) (disapproving) jump to other results. a rude, noisy or violent person. Culture. The Yahoos are an imaginary race of creatures in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.

Hannity is exploiting Kyle.
i didn’t realize you were using it to refer to the fictional race from a novel
You are a moron. Don't you even know what a noun is?[/QUOTE="surada, post: 28323655, member: 77344"]
Hannity is working on a short film of Kyle's life.

Justice hasn't served this boy. He'll do this again.
It has served him and done so correctly.

He acted in self defense which is all justice is concerned with. His future is not subject to justice.

You could be right about what he will do then again maybe not. It is entirely plausible that this whole experience will shock and change him.
The people that are upset about the verdict are the same people that turn a blind eye to burning, looting, beating, and murdering. It doesn’t matter how many livelihoods are destroyed, innocent drivers dragged and beaten, Molotov cocktails thrown, or even people gunned down for protecting their property, all of this really boils down to the Left does not like people who don’t think like them to use guns for protection and self defense. It’s that simple.
The left ALWAYS finds a way to justify the ACTUAL criminal activity of burning and looting and beating people........but never EVER find their way to understand the REAL activity of defending ones self against all that criminal activity.

They cant be reasoned with. Its futile to try.
The left ALWAYS finds a way to justify the ACTUAL criminal activity of burning and looting and beating people........but never EVER find their way to understand the REAL activity of defending ones self against all that criminal activity.

They cant be reasoned with. Its futile to try.

That's why we have police to arrest vandals, looters and arsonists. That's why we have curfews.. Vigilantism is illegal.
That would be illegal, the police have to return it to him.

I think it is being used in evidence in the Dominic Black case. If Black is found guilty of a straw purchase then they will (unfortunately) have the right to confiscate it.

As far as the law is concerned Black is the legal owner of the firearm since he is the one that bought it from the firearms dealer.
If you were educated you'd know that Swift coined the word in Gulliver's Travels.
oh yeah i know, i’ve read the normal. The word has also gone on and is used in other context since then.

It can happen with words
You could not be more wrong. This verdict says that any yahoo can go out with a deadly weapon and intimidate others, and if those people try to defend themselves against such an attacker, he can claim "self defense" when in fact, he put himself and others in danger.

This is the George Zimmerman case all over again. Kyle pursued trouble until he created the danger himself and then killed those seeking to defend themselves against HIM.

This isn't justice, and I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse will end up any better place than Zimmerman.

You are an idiot.........Kyle standing there peacefully with a rifle wasn't attacking anyone.....when he went to put out fires, and the child rapist attacked him, after chasing him......he defended himself...

Nothing you posted is even close to being accurate or true.
The riot/demonstration was about the police shooting Blake, a Black person, half a dozens times, at close range, for no reason.
So Rittenhouse was a bout preserving slavery, and doing it by intimidating people with a rifle.
That is identical to the intimidation of a lynch mob or cross burners.

But what is worst about this insane verdict, is that now it will be impossible to prevent gun control.
My argument against gun control was always that they guns are not the problem, and instead we simply have to incarcerate those who would abuse firearms.
But now I can not use that argument any more,
The case against Kyle was about as air tight as any case can be, any yet racism made it fail, so then the argument against gun control then fails as well.
If a 17 year old kid who could not even legally possess a rifle on his own, can beat these murders and shootings, then there is no argument left to defend gun possession at all.
The reaction is going to be assured gun control now, and there is nothing we now can do to stop it.
OMG. Are you really this ignorant? You should really follow a news source that actually reports factual news rather than opinion. Blake was not shot for "no reason". Rittenhouse shot white people. We fought a war ending slavery in the USA in the 1860's. Rittenhouse was legally in possession of his gun, unlike the man who was trying to kill him. Get some facts dude.
The riot/demonstration was about the police shooting Blake, a Black person, half a dozens times, at close range, for no reason.
So Rittenhouse was a bout preserving slavery, and doing it by intimidating people with a rifle.
That is identical to the intimidation of a lynch mob or cross burners.

But what is worst about this insane verdict, is that now it will be impossible to prevent gun control.
My argument against gun control was always that they guns are not the problem, and instead we simply have to incarcerate those who would abuse firearms.
But now I can not use that argument any more,
The case against Kyle was about as air tight as any case can be, any yet racism made it fail, so then the argument against gun control then fails as well.
If a 17 year old kid who could not even legally possess a rifle on his own, can beat these murders and shootings, then there is no argument left to defend gun possession at all.
The reaction is going to be assured gun control now, and there is nothing we now can do to stop it.

You need to stop mixing your meds with your booze, cause you used to make a lot of sense with your have developed Rittenhouse syndrome.......

They shot Blake because...he had violated a restraining order, raped a woman, attempted to drive off with her children, refused lawful orders to stop resisting arrest by police officers and brandished a knife at close range to a police officer...who then shot him before he could use the knife.....

How the fuck do you get to Rittenhouse preserving are bordering on complete and utter lunacy.....

Are you okay? Do you have someone we can contact to check on you?

Racism had no part in this shooting...........get help.

He shot 3 white guys...what part of that is too hard for you to understand?

He was in fact, in legal possession of that rifle, according to Wisconsin law....even the prosecution had to admit that, in court.

The left is always going to push gun control..........any fig leaf will do.....
The minute I saw the video it was clear that the protesters or rioters threatened his life and also went after him, so to me even though I'm anti gun and anti racists which most of those that were armed are clearly far right nutjobs. I think he had every right to defend himself, that been said he should've been prosecuted for owning a gun at 17 and also defying a curfew.

I also agree that there should be racial justice and the racists should be shunned and prosecuted, but also those that burn loot and destroy properties should also prosecuted.

But here is something that most of you won't understand and will probably never enjoy, is the beauty of living in a gun free country...many of us the rest of the world did and guess what? We also had demonstrations, clashes and riots but hardly any end up with killings because simply we didn't have deadly weapons available to use, so few bruises and cuts here and there and everyone gets to go home. But I know to deaf ears, love your guns but count your bodies !!!
Hardly any killings?? We had 30 people killed during the BLM rampage across the country. You don’t know any of their names - well, maybe the police captain killed by the black looter - because leftists excuse, downplay, or simply don’t talk about these murders because they were done as part of the BLM movevent, and many by blacks.

Instead, the whole country knows the name of an innocent white teenager who defended himself against BLM savages ready to kill him.
There is an old saw: are you rooting for one particular verdict or are you rooting for justice. I was rooting for justice and therefore was hoping for the acquittal.

Since the evidence was quite clear that Kyle was engaged in self defense, the people who were rooting for a conviction necessarily didn’t give a damn about “justice.”

Our society is very lucky that so many juries take their duties seriously and don’t cave in to mob pressure.
And even the President of the United States showed this by calling the kid a white supremacist.
As if everyone who wasn't totally behind BLM is, of course, a white supremacist. And to almost the entire left political spectrum started off with this trial as assigning the kid as a monster.
And even the President of the United States showed this by calling the kid a white supremacist.
As if everyone who wasn't totally behind BLM is, of course, a white supremacist. And to almost the entire left political spectrum started off with this trial as assigning the kid as a monster.
The left has done everything short of declaring war on whites who don’t go along with their anti-white narrative.

The bias in favor of blacks and against whites was made clear by the lead-up to this trial and the statements from politicians outraged that an innocent white kid isn’t going to prison.

You’re going to see anti-white racism ramp up even more this coming year as the left realizes they are going to lose the next election, and they will accelerate their hate and destruction.
That's why we have police to arrest vandals, looters and arsonists. That's why we have curfews.. Vigilantism is illegal.
Vigilantism is a term, that you leftists are ascribing to Kyle...HE saw himself there to help....He even made it known to the rioters that if any were in need of 1st aid he would help them...

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