reading about slavery enrages me

Every time that I think or read about American slavery it makes me white-hot mad. I’m not sure if that healthy, but it happens. And, I think about American slavery ALL THE TIME.

What about white slaves? Do you think about them? Do you know if any of your ancestors were slaves?
Whites were never slaves here in the americas. Stop being a dumbass.

Stop being a ignorant ass....research it.

The Forgotten White Slaves Of America – by – Nehesy | Rasta Livewire

I have researched it retard. Indentured servants arent slaves. Go get a fucking dictionary if you dont know the difference.

You have the politically correct version.

The truth is that the only real difference between the two forms of chattel bondage is that unlike slaves, indentured servants expected to be in bondage for a set number of years, and then freed. Reality stepped on this difference because most indentured servants died within the first few years of service, and only a minority ever finished their term and received their “freedom dues.”

If you want the truth do not use google to research it....they filter out the real truth.

If you want the truth use epic privacy browser.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves. Urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields, where life expectancy was no more than two years. Brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for Virginia. Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock.

Drawing on letters crying for help, diaries, and court and government archives, Don Jordan and Michael Walsh demonstrate that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended with American independence, but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies, which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history.

This is a saga of exploration and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory of black slavery. White Cargo brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface

View attachment 382973

No I have the correct version. The only time whites were enslaved is when Arabs took you for slaves and you enslaved each other. Thats where the word slave comes from. Its from the Slavic you retard.

nonsense....get off google and you might find some truth.

Blacks usually prefer the political correct b.s. because they think they have a monopoly on victim-hood or want to maintain their monoply on victimhood and of course the msm helps keep them in ignorance.

Now some might none of this is important....but it is very important...especially today as while we speak blacks and their running dogs....white liberals and the media are trying to ignite a race war based on myths.

Many people have suffered much worse than blacks.....most especially American Blacks.

Communists slaughtered millions of whites....and chinese communists slaughtered millions of asians.

Nazis slaughtered millions of Jews.

In africa ...africans have slaughtered millions of their fellows.

Yet American blacks constantly whine about being victims....ridiculous.
I didnt get this from google I got it from reading books on the subject from experts so try again.

There is a reason it was called indentured servitude. Thats because it wasnt slavery you silly white boy. I dont know what white boy fables you have been told but you better educate yourself. It may be your instinctive fear of Blacks that makes you want to believe that silly shit but we all know it is no where near the truth. I dont care what communists did to whites. They had it coming. Whites have slaughter millions of other non white people so they get zero sympathy from me. Your kind are violent, bellicose, and savages. Youre like chimps dressing up trying to play human. Spare me your white boy bullshit. I know better.

You are full of have only read black propaganda.

Now for some more truth...............Africa’s Forever (Black on Black) Wars – Black on Black violence AFTER THE WHITES LEFT – My Comments
That silly shit isn't truth. Its a Storm Front copy. Thats insecure white boy propaganda. You inbreds crack me up. You are a violent savage people but you are funny when you try to rationalize things among yourself. :lol:

The truth is where you find will find very little of it from msm or any other politically correct organization.

Some wonder why Negroes are so sensitive about being called monkeys.....the following explains why

Obviously you have been brainwashed by other weak minded whites. Black people were the first humans on the planet for eons until some migrated out of Africa.

There is a reason whites like to call Blacks monkeys. Its an act of insecure projection. If you notice you whites are furry like monkeys, you smell like monkeys, and you attract hair lice like monkeys. Go to any zoo and you will observe the close similarity to monkeys. You even have small genitals like monkeys.

So you see you can post as many weak white boy fable links as you like. We both know the truth. You are a recessive sub human and we are the original melinated humans. The sun hates you and your genes are weak. You are not long for this earth and your women instinctively know this. Thats why they love procreating with us Black men.

Every time that I think or read about American slavery it makes me white-hot mad. I’m not sure if that healthy, but it happens. And, I think about American slavery ALL THE TIME.

What about white slaves? Do you think about them? Do you know if any of your ancestors were slaves?
Whites were never slaves here in the americas. Stop being a dumbass.

Stop being a ignorant ass....research it.

The Forgotten White Slaves Of America – by – Nehesy | Rasta Livewire

I have researched it retard. Indentured servants arent slaves. Go get a fucking dictionary if you dont know the difference.

You have the politically correct version.

The truth is that the only real difference between the two forms of chattel bondage is that unlike slaves, indentured servants expected to be in bondage for a set number of years, and then freed. Reality stepped on this difference because most indentured servants died within the first few years of service, and only a minority ever finished their term and received their “freedom dues.”

If you want the truth do not use google to research it....they filter out the real truth.

If you want the truth use epic privacy browser.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves. Urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields, where life expectancy was no more than two years. Brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for Virginia. Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock.

Drawing on letters crying for help, diaries, and court and government archives, Don Jordan and Michael Walsh demonstrate that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended with American independence, but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies, which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history.

This is a saga of exploration and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory of black slavery. White Cargo brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface

View attachment 382973

No I have the correct version. The only time whites were enslaved is when Arabs took you for slaves and you enslaved each other. Thats where the word slave comes from. Its from the Slavic you retard.

nonsense....get off google and you might find some truth.

Blacks usually prefer the political correct b.s. because they think they have a monopoly on victim-hood or want to maintain their monoply on victimhood and of course the msm helps keep them in ignorance.

Now some might none of this is important....but it is very important...especially today as while we speak blacks and their running dogs....white liberals and the media are trying to ignite a race war based on myths.

Many people have suffered much worse than blacks.....most especially American Blacks.

Communists slaughtered millions of whites....and chinese communists slaughtered millions of asians.

Nazis slaughtered millions of Jews.

In africa ...africans have slaughtered millions of their fellows.

Yet American blacks constantly whine about being victims....ridiculous.
I didnt get this from google I got it from reading books on the subject from experts so try again.

There is a reason it was called indentured servitude. Thats because it wasnt slavery you silly white boy. I dont know what white boy fables you have been told but you better educate yourself. It may be your instinctive fear of Blacks that makes you want to believe that silly shit but we all know it is no where near the truth. I dont care what communists did to whites. They had it coming. Whites have slaughter millions of other non white people so they get zero sympathy from me. Your kind are violent, bellicose, and savages. Youre like chimps dressing up trying to play human. Spare me your white boy bullshit. I know better.

You are full of have only read black propaganda.

Now for some more truth...............Africa’s Forever (Black on Black) Wars – Black on Black violence AFTER THE WHITES LEFT – My Comments
That silly shit isn't truth. Its a Storm Front copy. Thats insecure white boy propaganda. You inbreds crack me up. You are a violent savage people but you are funny when you try to rationalize things among yourself. :lol:

The truth is where you find will find very little of it from msm or any other politically correct organization.

Some wonder why Negroes are so sensitive about being called monkeys.....the following explains why

Obviously you have been brainwashed by other weak minded whites. Black people were the first humans on the planet for eons until some migrated out of Africa.

There is a reason whites like to call Blacks monkeys. Its an act of insecure projection. If you notice you whites are furry like monkeys, you smell like monkeys, and you attract hair lice like monkeys. Go to any zoo and you will observe the close similarity to monkeys. You even have small genitals like monkeys.

So you see you can post as many weak white boy fable links as you like. We both know the truth. You are a recessive sub human and we are the original melinated humans. The sun hates you and your genes are weak. You are not long for this earth and your women instinctively know this. Thats why they love procreating with us Black men.

Youre making me laugh. Thats very old weak white boy fables you just posted there. Can you at least come with something I havent already shot down convincingly? :lol:
Every time that I think or read about American slavery it makes me white-hot mad. I’m not sure if that healthy, but it happens. And, I think about American slavery ALL THE TIME.
It certainly should. Slavery exploits and degrades human beings for financial gain. The concept of race as we know it today did not exist before the 17th century. Prior to that time race referred to kinship. In order to justify slavery, we began looking at physical features of African slaves versus their masters. Thus we began associating characteristics with African slaves, low intelligence, lack of morals, and physical similarities to animals such as monkeys an gorillas. So it became easy to think of them as non-human, just beasts of field to be bought and sold.

Our forefathers viewed them as not quite human savages.

Our forefathers were much wiser than we.
So I assume you believe blacks today are no quite human.

Blacks are more human today than they were back when they were slaves due to all of the inbreeding with whites....the average black today has about 25% white genes.

Many a lot of the first things a negro does today if he gains some wealth is to look for a white woman to marry. Look at all the black celebrities that have white wives and obama of course was half right.

The human genome is 99.9% the same for all humans, regardless of race and has been for thousands of years with the exception of mutations. Genetic research has revealed two deep truths about people. The first is that all humans are closely related—more closely related than all chimps, even though there are many more humans around today. Everyone has the same collection of genes, but with the exception of identical twins, everyone has slightly different versions of some of them. Studies of this genetic diversity have allowed scientists to reconstruct a kind of family tree of human populations. That has revealed the second deep truth: In a very real sense, all people alive today are Africans.

So Whites or more human than Blacks? How about Asians, and Native Americans?

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Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
Every time that I think or read about American slavery it makes me white-hot mad. I’m not sure if that healthy, but it happens. And, I think about American slavery ALL THE TIME.
It certainly should. Slavery exploits and degrades human beings for financial gain. The concept of race as we know it today did not exist before the 17th century. Prior to that time race referred to kinship. In order to justify slavery, we began looking at physical features of African slaves versus their masters. Thus we began associating characteristics with African slaves, low intelligence, lack of morals, and physical similarities to animals such as monkeys an gorillas. So it became easy to think of them as non-human, just beasts of field to be bought and sold.

Our forefathers viewed them as not quite human savages.

Our forefathers were much wiser than we.
So I assume you believe blacks today are no quite human.

Blacks are more human today than they were back when they were slaves due to all of the inbreeding with whites....the average black today has about 25% white genes.

Many a lot of the first things a negro does today if he gains some wealth is to look for a white woman to marry. Look at all the black celebrities that have white wives and obama of course was half right.

The human genome is 99.9% the same for all humans, regardless of race and has been for thousands of years with the exception of mutations. Genetic research has revealed two deep truths about people. The first is that all humans are closely related—more closely related than all chimps, even though there are many more humans around today. Everyone has the same collection of genes, but with the exception of identical twins, everyone has slightly different versions of some of them. Studies of this genetic diversity have allowed scientists to reconstruct a kind of family tree of human populations. That has revealed the second deep truth: In a very real sense, all people alive today are Africans.

So Whites or more human than Blacks? How about Asians, and Native Americans?

Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.

The black dude has read a lot of liberal and black propaganda and taken it to heart.

Anyhow...................What Science Says About Race and Genetics - American Renaissance
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Every time that I think or read about American slavery it makes me white-hot mad. I’m not sure if that healthy, but it happens. And, I think about American slavery ALL THE TIME.
It certainly should. Slavery exploits and degrades human beings for financial gain. The concept of race as we know it today did not exist before the 17th century. Prior to that time race referred to kinship. In order to justify slavery, we began looking at physical features of African slaves versus their masters. Thus we began associating characteristics with African slaves, low intelligence, lack of morals, and physical similarities to animals such as monkeys an gorillas. So it became easy to think of them as non-human, just beasts of field to be bought and sold.

Our forefathers viewed them as not quite human savages.

Our forefathers were much wiser than we.
So I assume you believe blacks today are no quite human.

Blacks are more human today than they were back when they were slaves due to all of the inbreeding with whites....the average black today has about 25% white genes.

Many a lot of the first things a negro does today if he gains some wealth is to look for a white woman to marry. Look at all the black celebrities that have white wives and obama of course was half right.

The human genome is 99.9% the same for all humans, regardless of race and has been for thousands of years with the exception of mutations. Genetic research has revealed two deep truths about people. The first is that all humans are closely related—more closely related than all chimps, even though there are many more humans around today. Everyone has the same collection of genes, but with the exception of identical twins, everyone has slightly different versions of some of them. Studies of this genetic diversity have allowed scientists to reconstruct a kind of family tree of human populations. That has revealed the second deep truth: In a very real sense, all people alive today are Africans.

So Whites or more human than Blacks? How about Asians, and Native Americans?

Those who understand genetics know that a very small difference in genetics has huge, huge ramifications.

i.e. chimps and humans share approx 97% of the same dna but look how different we are.

............... Good things can be said of virtually every group or civilization on earth. This is unsurprising, given the fact that everyone on earth is descended from the same small tribe that left africa 100,000 years ago. East Asians are such decent, advanced people they are comparable to whites. Unsurprisingly, they only diverged from the White race 40,000 years ago. There is only one group nothing good can be said about, there is only one group completely unrelated to the rest of the human race, and that is the black African. There is enough genetic variation between blacks and non-blacks that any objective scientist, classifying us like they would classify various animal species, would label us different species. On one side humans, on the other blacks. There is enough phenotypic, common sense variation, that again it is an insult to categorize blacks among the human race. They are nothing like us and they never will be, they are worse in every way. Call them orcs, or trolls, devils, or whatever you like–they are not human.

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Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."
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Every time that I think or read about American slavery it makes me white-hot mad. I’m not sure if that healthy, but it happens. And, I think about American slavery ALL THE TIME.
It certainly should. Slavery exploits and degrades human beings for financial gain. The concept of race as we know it today did not exist before the 17th century. Prior to that time race referred to kinship. In order to justify slavery, we began looking at physical features of African slaves versus their masters. Thus we began associating characteristics with African slaves, low intelligence, lack of morals, and physical similarities to animals such as monkeys an gorillas. So it became easy to think of them as non-human, just beasts of field to be bought and sold.

Our forefathers viewed them as not quite human savages.

Our forefathers were much wiser than we.
So I assume you believe blacks today are no quite human.

Blacks are more human today than they were back when they were slaves due to all of the inbreeding with whites....the average black today has about 25% white genes.

Many a lot of the first things a negro does today if he gains some wealth is to look for a white woman to marry. Look at all the black celebrities that have white wives and obama of course was half right.

The human genome is 99.9% the same for all humans, regardless of race and has been for thousands of years with the exception of mutations. Genetic research has revealed two deep truths about people. The first is that all humans are closely related—more closely related than all chimps, even though there are many more humans around today. Everyone has the same collection of genes, but with the exception of identical twins, everyone has slightly different versions of some of them. Studies of this genetic diversity have allowed scientists to reconstruct a kind of family tree of human populations. That has revealed the second deep truth: In a very real sense, all people alive today are Africans.

So Whites or more human than Blacks? How about Asians, and Native Americans?

Those who understand genetics know that a very small difference in genetics has huge, huge ramifications.

i.e. chimps and humans share approx 97% of the same dna but look how different we are.

............... Good things can be said of virtually every group or civilization on earth. This is unsurprising, given the fact that everyone on earth is descended from the same small tribe that left africa 100,000 years ago. East Asians are such decent, advanced people they are comparable to whites. Unsurprisingly, they only diverged from the White race 40,000 years ago. There is only one group nothing good can be said about, there is only one group completely unrelated to the rest of the human race, and that is the black African. There is enough genetic variation between blacks and non-blacks that any objective scientist, classifying us like they would classify various animal species, would label us different species. On one side humans, on the other blacks. There is enough phenotypic, common sense variation, that again it is an insult to categorize blacks among the human race. They are nothing like us and they never will be, they are worse in every way. Call them orcs, or trolls, devils, or whatever you like–they are not human.

The only genetic difference between whites and Blacks are that you as a white boy are full of bad genes and recessive mutations. Without an infusion of African DNA your kind will be extinct or dead of multiple horrible diseases.
Every time that I think or read about American slavery it makes me white-hot mad. I’m not sure if that healthy, but it happens. And, I think about American slavery ALL THE TIME.
You need some professional mental help then----your brain isn't functioning correctly.

I also suggest laying off the drugs as they do tend to make nuts obsessive and clueless.
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.
No stupid. You've been brainwashed. It was the other way around. The Egyptians didnt get lighter until they mixed with Arabs. If your claim was true then Herodotus wouldnt have said the Egyptians were Black skinned with woolly hair. If you think thats just a one off, there are other Greeks who also said the Egyptians were Black.
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.

Now who are you going to believe? Someone that never laid eyes on the Egyptians or someone who actually saw them in person? Either the Greeks were brilliant or they were too retarded to know what a Black person looked like but you cant have it both ways. In case you didnt realize it the Greeks called all Africans Ethiopians. More specifically this was in reference to the Kushites. Its not the name of present day Ethiopia. That was called Axum.

"Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness as it were crookedness of hair."

- Aristotle (or Aristolian), circa Third BCE

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. "
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.

Now who are you going to believe? Someone that never laid eyes on the Egyptians or someone who actually saw them in person? Either the Greeks were brilliant or they were too retarded to know what a Black person looked like but you cant have it both ways. In case you didnt realize it the Greeks called all Africans Ethiopians. More specifically this was in reference to the Kushites. Its not the name of present day Ethiopia. That was called Axum.

"Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness as it were crookedness of hair."

- Aristotle (or Aristolian), circa Third BCE

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. "

The ancient Egyptians were not black.

That which historians of language have long known and understood has been fully confirmed by a recent study of ancient Egyptian genomes.

Over the past many years, there has been a great deal of debate, almost always among those who want to further various political or racialist agendas, as to who the ancient Egyptians actually were.

Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.

Now who are you going to believe? Someone that never laid eyes on the Egyptians or someone who actually saw them in person? Either the Greeks were brilliant or they were too retarded to know what a Black person looked like but you cant have it both ways. In case you didnt realize it the Greeks called all Africans Ethiopians. More specifically this was in reference to the Kushites. Its not the name of present day Ethiopia. That was called Axum.

"Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness as it were crookedness of hair."

- Aristotle (or Aristolian), circa Third BCE

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. "

The ancient Egyptians were not black.

That which historians of language have long known and understood has been fully confirmed by a recent study of ancient Egyptian genomes.

Over the past many years, there has been a great deal of debate, almost always among those who want to further various political or racialist agendas, as to who the ancient Egyptians actually were.

"The ancient Egyptians were not black."

Of course they were Black you retarded white boy. If they werent Black why did the Greeks say they were Black? The Ethiopians said so. The bible says so and the Egyptians called themselves Black. I think I will believe the people that saw them, the people themselves and the pictures they left behind before they were over ran by other countries. Your white boy fables are amusing but lack any shred of proof.

Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.
No stupid. You've been brainwashed. It was the other way around. The Egyptians didnt get lighter until they mixed with Arabs. If your claim was true then Herodotus wouldnt have said the Egyptians were Black skinned with woolly hair. If you think thats just a one off, there are other Greeks who also said the Egyptians were Black.
No idiot----------

"Mainstream scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a black (or white) civilization; they maintain that, despite the phenotypic diversity of Ancient and present day Egyptians, applying modern notions of black or white races to ancient Egypt is anachronistic.[22][23][24] They reject the notion that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia, who in various eras rose to power in Ancient Egypt. At the UNESCO "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic script" in Cairo in 1974, the Black hypothesis was met with profound disagreement.[25] Nearly all participants concluded that the ancient Egyptian population was indigenous to the Nile Valley, and was made up of people from north and south of the Sahara who were differentiated by their color.[26] Moreover, "Most scholars believe that Egyptians in antiquity looked pretty much as they look today, with a gradation of darker shades toward the Sudan".[27]?....


The Black African model relied heavily on the interpretation of the writings of Classical historians.[20]:1–5,241–242,278,288[55] Some of the most often quoted historians are Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus.[19]:15–60[56]:242,542 According to advocates, Herodotus states the Egyptians were "black skinned with woolly hair"[20]:1, (about Oracles) "by calling the bird black, they indicated that the woman was Egyptian"[20]:1, and "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision"[57][20]:1–5,241–245,288. Lucian observes an Egyptian boy and notices that he is not merely black, but has thick lips.[19]:21,38 Diodorus Siculus mentioned that "the majority of Nile dwelling Ethiopians were black, flat nosed.." and Ethiopians were "originators of many customs practiced in Egypt, for the Egyptians were colonists of the Ethiopians."[58][20]:1–2},56–57 Apollodorus calls Egypt the country of the black footed ones.[19]:15–60 Aeschylus, a Greek poet, wrote that Egyptian seamen had "black limbs."[19]:26

Critics of they hypothesis have noted, Flavius Philostratus said that the inhabitants of the area near the Nubian boundary were "not as black as Ethiopians but darker than Egyptians".[59] Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus used the adjective "subfusculi" (somewhat dark) to describe Egyptians in contrast to the pure Ethiopians around Meroe.[60] Roman poet Marcus Manilius classified dark and black skinned peoples as follows: "Ethiopians, the blackest; Indians, less sunburned; Egyptians, mildly dark; and Moors, the lightest".[59] Greek historian Arrian emphasized the differences between Ethiopians, Egyptians and Indians: "southern Indians resemble Ethiopians in that they are black, but not so flat-nosed or woolly-haired; whereas northern Indians are physically more like Egyptians".[60]

Herodotus has been called both the "father of history"[61] and "the father of lies".[62][63] Writing between the 450s and 420s BC, Herodotus lived at a time when Egypt was a colony of Persia, and had previously experienced nine decades under the rule of the Kushite 25th Dynasty. There is dispute about the historical accuracy of the works of Herodotus – some scholars support the reliability of Herodotus[20]:2–5[64]:1[65][66][67] while other scholars regard his works as being unreliable as historical sources, particularly those relating to Ancient Egypt.[68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79]"

OH and I should have explained the KUSHITE empire reference---they were black---very black---very very black. ONce they took over---Egypts skin tone got darker and it wasn't do to all that extra sun light either. Then you also had the Greek Ptolemy line inbreeding which also affected things..
Last edited:
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.
No stupid. You've been brainwashed. It was the other way around. The Egyptians didnt get lighter until they mixed with Arabs. If your claim was true then Herodotus wouldnt have said the Egyptians were Black skinned with woolly hair. If you think thats just a one off, there are other Greeks who also said the Egyptians were Black.
No idiot----------

"Mainstream scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a black (or white) civilization; they maintain that, despite the phenotypic diversity of Ancient and present day Egyptians, applying modern notions of black or white races to ancient Egypt is anachronistic.[22][23][24] They reject the notion that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia, who in various eras rose to power in Ancient Egypt. At the UNESCO "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic script" in Cairo in 1974, the Black hypothesis was met with profound disagreement.[25] Nearly all participants concluded that the ancient Egyptian population was indigenous to the Nile Valley, and was made up of people from north and south of the Sahara who were differentiated by their color.[26] Moreover, "Most scholars believe that Egyptians in antiquity looked pretty much as they look today, with a gradation of darker shades toward the Sudan".[27]?....


The Black African model relied heavily on the interpretation of the writings of Classical historians.[20]:1–5,241–242,278,288[55] Some of the most often quoted historians are Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus.[19]:15–60[56]:242,542 According to advocates, Herodotus states the Egyptians were "black skinned with woolly hair"[20]:1, (about Oracles) "by calling the bird black, they indicated that the woman was Egyptian"[20]:1, and "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision"[57][20]:1–5,241–245,288. Lucian observes an Egyptian boy and notices that he is not merely black, but has thick lips.[19]:21,38 Diodorus Siculus mentioned that "the majority of Nile dwelling Ethiopians were black, flat nosed.." and Ethiopians were "originators of many customs practiced in Egypt, for the Egyptians were colonists of the Ethiopians."[58][20]:1–2},56–57 Apollodorus calls Egypt the country of the black footed ones.[19]:15–60 Aeschylus, a Greek poet, wrote that Egyptian seamen had "black limbs."[19]:26

Critics of they hypothesis have noted, Flavius Philostratus said that the inhabitants of the area near the Nubian boundary were "not as black as Ethiopians but darker than Egyptians".[59] Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus used the adjective "subfusculi" (somewhat dark) to describe Egyptians in contrast to the pure Ethiopians around Meroe.[60] Roman poet Marcus Manilius classified dark and black skinned peoples as follows: "Ethiopians, the blackest; Indians, less sunburned; Egyptians, mildly dark; and Moors, the lightest".[59] Greek historian Arrian emphasized the differences between Ethiopians, Egyptians and Indians: "southern Indians resemble Ethiopians in that they are black, but not so flat-nosed or woolly-haired; whereas northern Indians are physically more like Egyptians".[60]

Herodotus has been called both the "father of history"[61] and "the father of lies".[62][63] Writing between the 450s and 420s BC, Herodotus lived at a time when Egypt was a colony of Persia, and had previously experienced nine decades under the rule of the Kushite 25th Dynasty. There is dispute about the historical accuracy of the works of Herodotus – some scholars support the reliability of Herodotus[20]:2–5[64]:1[65][66][67] while other scholars regard his works as being unreliable as historical sources, particularly those relating to Ancient Egypt.[68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79]"
So you expect me to belive some racists white boys with an agenda that werent there over some Greeks that were there as well as the Kushites and the Egyptians themselves? Yeah thats not going to happen. Sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree. You must be a fucking fool if you believe all those people were conspiring to say the Egyptians were Black. :lol:
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.
No stupid. You've been brainwashed. It was the other way around. The Egyptians didnt get lighter until they mixed with Arabs. If your claim was true then Herodotus wouldnt have said the Egyptians were Black skinned with woolly hair. If you think thats just a one off, there are other Greeks who also said the Egyptians were Black.
No idiot----------

"Mainstream scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a black (or white) civilization; they maintain that, despite the phenotypic diversity of Ancient and present day Egyptians, applying modern notions of black or white races to ancient Egypt is anachronistic.[22][23][24] They reject the notion that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia, who in various eras rose to power in Ancient Egypt. At the UNESCO "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic script" in Cairo in 1974, the Black hypothesis was met with profound disagreement.[25] Nearly all participants concluded that the ancient Egyptian population was indigenous to the Nile Valley, and was made up of people from north and south of the Sahara who were differentiated by their color.[26] Moreover, "Most scholars believe that Egyptians in antiquity looked pretty much as they look today, with a gradation of darker shades toward the Sudan".[27]?....


The Black African model relied heavily on the interpretation of the writings of Classical historians.[20]:1–5,241–242,278,288[55] Some of the most often quoted historians are Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus.[19]:15–60[56]:242,542 According to advocates, Herodotus states the Egyptians were "black skinned with woolly hair"[20]:1, (about Oracles) "by calling the bird black, they indicated that the woman was Egyptian"[20]:1, and "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision"[57][20]:1–5,241–245,288. Lucian observes an Egyptian boy and notices that he is not merely black, but has thick lips.[19]:21,38 Diodorus Siculus mentioned that "the majority of Nile dwelling Ethiopians were black, flat nosed.." and Ethiopians were "originators of many customs practiced in Egypt, for the Egyptians were colonists of the Ethiopians."[58][20]:1–2},56–57 Apollodorus calls Egypt the country of the black footed ones.[19]:15–60 Aeschylus, a Greek poet, wrote that Egyptian seamen had "black limbs."[19]:26

Critics of they hypothesis have noted, Flavius Philostratus said that the inhabitants of the area near the Nubian boundary were "not as black as Ethiopians but darker than Egyptians".[59] Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus used the adjective "subfusculi" (somewhat dark) to describe Egyptians in contrast to the pure Ethiopians around Meroe.[60] Roman poet Marcus Manilius classified dark and black skinned peoples as follows: "Ethiopians, the blackest; Indians, less sunburned; Egyptians, mildly dark; and Moors, the lightest".[59] Greek historian Arrian emphasized the differences between Ethiopians, Egyptians and Indians: "southern Indians resemble Ethiopians in that they are black, but not so flat-nosed or woolly-haired; whereas northern Indians are physically more like Egyptians".[60]

Herodotus has been called both the "father of history"[61] and "the father of lies".[62][63] Writing between the 450s and 420s BC, Herodotus lived at a time when Egypt was a colony of Persia, and had previously experienced nine decades under the rule of the Kushite 25th Dynasty. There is dispute about the historical accuracy of the works of Herodotus – some scholars support the reliability of Herodotus[20]:2–5[64]:1[65][66][67] while other scholars regard his works as being unreliable as historical sources, particularly those relating to Ancient Egypt.[68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79]"
So you expect me to belive some racists white boys with an agenda that werent there over some Greeks that were there as well as the Kushites and the Egyptians themselves? Yeah thats not going to happen. Sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree. You must be a fucking fool if you believe all those people were conspiring to say the Egyptians were Black. :lol:

Oh brother---if you want to ignore the facts--help yourself You are more than welcome to prove that you are a fool.

OH fyi idgit---I'm a woman as well. But don't let the facts slow you down as you prove that you are a fool.
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.
No stupid. You've been brainwashed. It was the other way around. The Egyptians didnt get lighter until they mixed with Arabs. If your claim was true then Herodotus wouldnt have said the Egyptians were Black skinned with woolly hair. If you think thats just a one off, there are other Greeks who also said the Egyptians were Black.
No idiot----------

"Mainstream scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a black (or white) civilization; they maintain that, despite the phenotypic diversity of Ancient and present day Egyptians, applying modern notions of black or white races to ancient Egypt is anachronistic.[22][23][24] They reject the notion that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia, who in various eras rose to power in Ancient Egypt. At the UNESCO "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic script" in Cairo in 1974, the Black hypothesis was met with profound disagreement.[25] Nearly all participants concluded that the ancient Egyptian population was indigenous to the Nile Valley, and was made up of people from north and south of the Sahara who were differentiated by their color.[26] Moreover, "Most scholars believe that Egyptians in antiquity looked pretty much as they look today, with a gradation of darker shades toward the Sudan".[27]?....


The Black African model relied heavily on the interpretation of the writings of Classical historians.[20]:1–5,241–242,278,288[55] Some of the most often quoted historians are Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus.[19]:15–60[56]:242,542 According to advocates, Herodotus states the Egyptians were "black skinned with woolly hair"[20]:1, (about Oracles) "by calling the bird black, they indicated that the woman was Egyptian"[20]:1, and "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision"[57][20]:1–5,241–245,288. Lucian observes an Egyptian boy and notices that he is not merely black, but has thick lips.[19]:21,38 Diodorus Siculus mentioned that "the majority of Nile dwelling Ethiopians were black, flat nosed.." and Ethiopians were "originators of many customs practiced in Egypt, for the Egyptians were colonists of the Ethiopians."[58][20]:1–2},56–57 Apollodorus calls Egypt the country of the black footed ones.[19]:15–60 Aeschylus, a Greek poet, wrote that Egyptian seamen had "black limbs."[19]:26

Critics of they hypothesis have noted, Flavius Philostratus said that the inhabitants of the area near the Nubian boundary were "not as black as Ethiopians but darker than Egyptians".[59] Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus used the adjective "subfusculi" (somewhat dark) to describe Egyptians in contrast to the pure Ethiopians around Meroe.[60] Roman poet Marcus Manilius classified dark and black skinned peoples as follows: "Ethiopians, the blackest; Indians, less sunburned; Egyptians, mildly dark; and Moors, the lightest".[59] Greek historian Arrian emphasized the differences between Ethiopians, Egyptians and Indians: "southern Indians resemble Ethiopians in that they are black, but not so flat-nosed or woolly-haired; whereas northern Indians are physically more like Egyptians".[60]

Herodotus has been called both the "father of history"[61] and "the father of lies".[62][63] Writing between the 450s and 420s BC, Herodotus lived at a time when Egypt was a colony of Persia, and had previously experienced nine decades under the rule of the Kushite 25th Dynasty. There is dispute about the historical accuracy of the works of Herodotus – some scholars support the reliability of Herodotus[20]:2–5[64]:1[65][66][67] while other scholars regard his works as being unreliable as historical sources, particularly those relating to Ancient Egypt.[68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79]"
So you expect me to belive some racists white boys with an agenda that werent there over some Greeks that were there as well as the Kushites and the Egyptians themselves? Yeah thats not going to happen. Sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree. You must be a fucking fool if you believe all those people were conspiring to say the Egyptians were Black. :lol:

Oh brother---if you want to ignore the facts--help yourself You are more than welcome to prove that you are a fool.

OH fyi idgit---I'm a woman as well. But don't let the facts slow you down as you prove that you are a fool.
I'm not ignoring the facts. The facts are that multiple Greeks said the Egyptians were Black. The Kushites said the egypticans were Black. The Egyptians said they were Black and came from the beginning of the Nile in central Africa. Only a retarded white boy tied to believing racists would actually disregard all those facts and support this wild white boy fable you are trying to push. :lol:
Dear white people in interracial marriages: Please stop saying you can’t be racist because you have “Biracial Children”

You know who else had Biracial Children ?

Slave owners

This is a pretty stupid thing to say since biracial children today are born of couples who fell in love and got married. How you can say this is the same as some slave owner raping his cook or having an illicit affair with a black female he most likely didn't give a shit about is beyond me.

Jesus Christ man, get real.

First of all please refrain from using the name of my Savior in vain.

You are ignorant of history....plantation owners rarely had sexual relations with their female was frowned upon by the society of that time....though it did happen but the mastahs did not have to rape the female slave if they wanted was a badge of honor for the slave woman to have a relationship with the mastah.

Rape was very was more common for black slaves to rape white women back was quite common because the black knew that white women would not report it....because it would disgrace them.
you're an intellectual and a revisionist

You cannot refute anything I have said in a legitimate manner.

In essence you are talking about something of which you have little or no knowledge.....on the other hand I have studied and researched this topic for years.
Youre a retarded white boy. You havent researched anything. If you had actually done some research you would realize Black people are responsible for you being able to read, write, tell time and a number of other things. The Greeks correctly identified you inbreds as savages. If not for Black people you would still be living in caves and snacking on your neighbor to supplement your protein intake.

The ancient Greeks considered everyone barbarians that didn’t speak Greek. And blacks didn't invent writing. The first writing system was invented in Sumer about 3500 BC. And there was no ancient indigenous writing system developed south of the Sahara and Ethiopia.
No the Greeks went and studied in Africa. They didnt consider Africans as barbarians. We can look at their quotes and see they admired Black people specifically the Kushites. Of course Blacks invented writing. The Egyptians invented writing prior to the Sumerians but it doesnt make a difference because the Sumerians were Black as well. The Kushites told the Greeks that the Egyptians were one of their colonies. Yes there were writing systems developed south of the Sahara you moron. Even if there wasnt what does that have to do with the point that Blacks invented writing?

"They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. 2 For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; 3 for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the p95 colonists still preserving their ancient manners. 4 For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; 5 for of the two kinds of writing5 which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"6 is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. 6 Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean7 who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.8 7 Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

No darling----you are confused.. Way back when ....egyptians were far lighter skin---they didn't darken up till after they were invaded from nations further in the African continent. Greeks went in and CONQUERED AFRICA---And my gawd---most all people thought that their king was a god or chosen by their god......Religion has always been used to justify who is in charge because the question always comes up---who made you king? And always the answer for all rulers is my father the god.
No stupid. You've been brainwashed. It was the other way around. The Egyptians didnt get lighter until they mixed with Arabs. If your claim was true then Herodotus wouldnt have said the Egyptians were Black skinned with woolly hair. If you think thats just a one off, there are other Greeks who also said the Egyptians were Black.
No idiot----------

"Mainstream scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a black (or white) civilization; they maintain that, despite the phenotypic diversity of Ancient and present day Egyptians, applying modern notions of black or white races to ancient Egypt is anachronistic.[22][23][24] They reject the notion that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia, who in various eras rose to power in Ancient Egypt. At the UNESCO "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic script" in Cairo in 1974, the Black hypothesis was met with profound disagreement.[25] Nearly all participants concluded that the ancient Egyptian population was indigenous to the Nile Valley, and was made up of people from north and south of the Sahara who were differentiated by their color.[26] Moreover, "Most scholars believe that Egyptians in antiquity looked pretty much as they look today, with a gradation of darker shades toward the Sudan".[27]?....


The Black African model relied heavily on the interpretation of the writings of Classical historians.[20]:1–5,241–242,278,288[55] Some of the most often quoted historians are Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus.[19]:15–60[56]:242,542 According to advocates, Herodotus states the Egyptians were "black skinned with woolly hair"[20]:1, (about Oracles) "by calling the bird black, they indicated that the woman was Egyptian"[20]:1, and "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision"[57][20]:1–5,241–245,288. Lucian observes an Egyptian boy and notices that he is not merely black, but has thick lips.[19]:21,38 Diodorus Siculus mentioned that "the majority of Nile dwelling Ethiopians were black, flat nosed.." and Ethiopians were "originators of many customs practiced in Egypt, for the Egyptians were colonists of the Ethiopians."[58][20]:1–2},56–57 Apollodorus calls Egypt the country of the black footed ones.[19]:15–60 Aeschylus, a Greek poet, wrote that Egyptian seamen had "black limbs."[19]:26

Critics of they hypothesis have noted, Flavius Philostratus said that the inhabitants of the area near the Nubian boundary were "not as black as Ethiopians but darker than Egyptians".[59] Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus used the adjective "subfusculi" (somewhat dark) to describe Egyptians in contrast to the pure Ethiopians around Meroe.[60] Roman poet Marcus Manilius classified dark and black skinned peoples as follows: "Ethiopians, the blackest; Indians, less sunburned; Egyptians, mildly dark; and Moors, the lightest".[59] Greek historian Arrian emphasized the differences between Ethiopians, Egyptians and Indians: "southern Indians resemble Ethiopians in that they are black, but not so flat-nosed or woolly-haired; whereas northern Indians are physically more like Egyptians".[60]

Herodotus has been called both the "father of history"[61] and "the father of lies".[62][63] Writing between the 450s and 420s BC, Herodotus lived at a time when Egypt was a colony of Persia, and had previously experienced nine decades under the rule of the Kushite 25th Dynasty. There is dispute about the historical accuracy of the works of Herodotus – some scholars support the reliability of Herodotus[20]:2–5[64]:1[65][66][67] while other scholars regard his works as being unreliable as historical sources, particularly those relating to Ancient Egypt.[68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79]"
So you expect me to belive some racists white boys with an agenda that werent there over some Greeks that were there as well as the Kushites and the Egyptians themselves? Yeah thats not going to happen. Sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree. You must be a fucking fool if you believe all those people were conspiring to say the Egyptians were Black. :lol:

Oh brother---if you want to ignore the facts--help yourself You are more than welcome to prove that you are a fool.

OH fyi idgit---I'm a woman as well. But don't let the facts slow you down as you prove that you are a fool.
I'm not ignoring the facts. The facts are that multiple Greeks said the Egyptians were Black. The Kushites said the egypticans were Black. The Egyptians said they were Black and came from the beginning of the Nile in central Africa. Only a retarded white boy tied to believing racists would actually disregard all those facts and support this wild white boy fable you are trying to push. :lol:

Again you are a FOOL....I just showed you what the experts have to say on this subject---I thought the article quit clear----but fools just cant accept when they are wrong

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