Reading from a Teleprompter...The KING of Hypocrisy

Because he is responsible.
I'd ask for evidence if the statement wasn't so dumb.

Well, sparky, here's some "evidence" for you...
Oh yeah, reading from a teleprompter. :right: HA HA.

Trump is probably the # 1 ad lib speech president of all time, and everyone knows that. Liberal comments and OPs getting dumber and dumber with each passing week.
Well, sparky, here's some "evidence" for you...
1. abc news link is faulty fake news. Claims Trump encouraged violence in Gianforte incident. Gianforte acted in self-defense.

2. Snopes link - faulty fake news. referring to security removing disrupters, Trump said " “Get ’em out of here” That's not encouraging violence, It is encouraging security to do their jobs,.

3. Mashable link - faulty. Noting but a collection of Trump's words, which are 100% OK. They don't encourage "violence", they encourage the use of force to maintain law and order. Whole link is liberal spin, and a show of the difference between liberals and conservatives.My favorite Trump quote is >> "In the old days, that guy would have been removed on a stretcher." And in those old days, at a 1970 anti-war protest, a Washington DC cop wacked a guy in the leg with a billy club. They didn't stand down back in those days.

4. the hill link is same as mashable. Just a collection of Trump quotes that are not "evidence" of anything other than Trump's style of tough talking, which is part of what we voted for him for. But "I'd like to" isn't an encouragement of anybody to do anything. As usual, liberals stretching the truth to conform to their mindset, and what they want to say.

5. From the liberal biased AJC and Politifact they quote Trump as saying >> "He was swinging, he was hitting people, and the audience hit back, and that’s what we need a little bit more of.” And yeah, that IS what we need more of. Trump was right.

All these collections of Trump's quotes are nothing but liberals classifying things according to THEIR wimpy and lame way of seeing things. More examples of why he's the POTUS, and not Hillary. And another example of why PolitiFact is called PolitiFARCE. Ho hum.
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Live now from Wisconsin.....Trump reading the teleprompter with the feeling of a dead fish.

He can't even talk about something this simple without reading from a teleprompter.

What a moron.

Didn't the right wingnuts used to criticize Obama for using a teleprompter???

Such a hypocrite.

A living breathing cesspool of hypocrisy.

Yup, good thing he wasn't talking about corpse men.....dumbass.
corpse men - Bing video

You poor suckers have so little to pick from when it comes to these mistakes.
You really don't want me to list Trump's verbal gaffes, do you, Covfefe?


Only if you're willing to compare them to Obama's.

Gladly. Sucker.

This is just from 2017:

"The possibility of lasting peach"

Honered to serve"

"Columbia" (Colombia)

"Thr coverage about me … gas been so false and angry"

"Secretary of Educatuon"'

"Our deepest apologizes"

"W.E.B. DeBois"

"Hearby," "here by"

"Teresa May"

"Attaker,' "San Bernadino," "Denmakr"

"No challenge is to great"

"Tapp my phones"


"W.H. Council"

Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones"]Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones[/URL]"]Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones[/URL]"]Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones[/URL]

  • Obama tells business owners and entrepreneurs “If you got a business, you didn’t build that, you didn’t make it on your own”
  • During what Obama himself calls “2nd Great Depression” and “worst recession in 70 years” he has played over 100 rounds of golf, staged 110 fundraisers and gone on 5 vacations
  • Obama proved he is out of touch when he said “Sometimes I forget the magnitude of the economy”
  • Obama Caught telling Russian leader, “”Don’t worry, after I’m elected I will have more reliability” to disarm the United States…
  • Obama press secretary says, there’s no specific reason the president hasn’t met with his jobs council” after not meeting with them once in the last year!
  • During worst recession in 70 years President Obama said, “the private sector is doing fine”
  • Obama calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”
  • Obama calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”
  • Obama says there are “57 States”
  • Obama claimed that “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”
  • Obama says that he bowled a 129 and compared it to the Special Olympics
  • Obama said, “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith”
  • On Memorial Day Obama said, “I see many of the fallen heroes in the audience here today as we celebrate Memorial Day”
  • In a speech in Kansas Obama that said, “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed,” –referring to a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. Oops, a bit overstated?
  • Major Blunder: Obama toasts the Queen of England while the Orchestra plays the UK’s national Anthem, “God Save The Queen
  • Obama Signs wrong year the London’s Westminster Abbey quest book. Off by 3 years.
  • Obama joked, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” There is no Austrian language!
  • Obama said his “Obamacare reforms we seek would bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system.” YIKES! A major Freudian slip in all its glory!
  • Obama bows to world leader

Uh...excuse me. But that's not what we're talking about.
Trump is dumb as a rock and can't spell. He abuses the official White House twitter account with his stupidity.
He's got the vocabulary of a 5th grader.
And I notice you don't have a link for what must be a bullshit blog.
Here, you obviously need this: Definition of VERBAL

you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
^ Ignorance is strength...
Oh yeah, reading from a teleprompter. :right: HA HA.

Trump is probably the # 1 ad lib speech president of all time, and everyone knows that. Liberal comments and OPs getting dumber and dumber with each passing week.

He ad libs his racist dog whistles which have become bullhorns.
His reading skills are so poor that he stumbles with a teleprompter.
He's better at making shit up and lies in a freewheeling way.
And I don't think he's read a book since high school, either.
Well, sparky, here's some "evidence" for you...
1. abc news link is faulty fake news. Claims Trump encouraged violence in Gianforte incident. Gianforte acted in self-defense.

2. Snopes link - faulty fake news. referring to security removing disrupters, Trump said " “Get ’em out of here” That's not encouraging violence, It is encouraging security to do their jobs,.

We could brand it on your ass backwards so you could read it in a mirror and you'd still deny it.
Here, you obviously need this: Definition of VERBAL

you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?
Well, sparky, here's some "evidence" for you...
1. abc news link is faulty fake news. Claims Trump encouraged violence in Gianforte incident. Gianforte acted in self-defense.

2. Snopes link - faulty fake news. referring to security removing disrupters, Trump said " “Get ’em out of here” That's not encouraging violence, It is encouraging security to do their jobs,.


Why do you idiots lie so much?

Congressman-elect Gianforte gets anger management but no jail time ...
upload_2018-10-24_20-1-4.jpeg▶ 2:56

Jun 12, 2017
Gianforte pleaded guilty to charges that he assaulted Guardian reporter ... with misdemeanor assault after ...

U.S. Rep.-elect Greg Gianforte to plead guilty to assaulting reporter ...

Jun 9, 2017
elect Greg Gianforte of Montana will plead guilty to assaulting a reporter ... Jacobs said Gianforte "body ...
you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
^ Ignorance is strength...


you're not all that strong...

You are limber tho…

have to be, the way you keep putting your foot in your mouth.

(Written word is 'verbal'? Your teachers are rolling in their graves)
you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?

The WRITTEN word.

Non vocalized words.

This board is 'non verbal', unless you have a text to speech program.
you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?
Lol, that's a very good question, and I really want to know the answer.
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?

The WRITTEN word.

Non vocalized words.

This board is 'non verbal', unless you have a text to speech program.
If this board were "non-verbal" we would be communicating in shrugs and head nods.
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?
Lol, that's a very good question, and I really want to know the answer.
Body language, visual cues, etc.
Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?

The WRITTEN word.

Non vocalized words.

This board is 'non verbal', unless you have a text to speech program.
If this board were "non-verbal" we would be communicating in shrugs and head nods.

there's a good point...

sign language is non verbal.

If you aren't speaking, and making noise, IT'S NON-VERBAL
Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?
Lol, that's a very good question, and I really want to know the answer.
Body language, visual cues, etc.

non verbal
Live now from Wisconsin.....Trump reading the teleprompter with the feeling of a dead fish.

He can't even talk about something this simple without reading from a teleprompter.

What a moron.

Didn't the right wingnuts used to criticize Obama for using a teleprompter???

Such a hypocrite.

A living breathing cesspool of hypocrisy.
once again, time for ole reliable. When you are down, and need a pick up, just watch this video...

Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?

The WRITTEN word.

Non vocalized words.

This board is 'non verbal', unless you have a text to speech program.
If this board were "non-verbal" we would be communicating in shrugs and head nods.

there's a good point...

sign language is non verbal.

If you aren't speaking, and making noise, IT'S NON-VERBAL
Speaking is oral communication. Verbal communication has to do with words and language whether it's oral or written. Sign language, as popularly portrayed, is verbal language. They are not signing nonsense, they are signing words and language.
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool
What do you consider "non-verbal" communication to be?
Lol, that's a very good question, and I really want to know the answer.
Body language, visual cues, etc.

non verbal
Correct, finally

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