Reading from a Teleprompter...The KING of Hypocrisy

Yup, good thing he wasn't talking about corpse men.....dumbass.
corpse men - Bing video

You poor suckers have so little to pick from when it comes to these mistakes.
You really don't want me to list Trump's verbal gaffes, do you, Covfefe?


a text message is verbal now?

That happens to be coming from an official Twitter account assigned only to the POTUS.
Or did you not know that?
Trump went to court to try to block the millions of people who post to his stupidity on Twitter and found to his pig-eyed dismay that he couldn't.

Judge rules Trump can't block users on Twitter
Try to educate yourself if you're going to insist on humiliating yourself on my threads.

and what makes it VERBAL?
Here, you obviously need this: Definition of VERBAL

you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
You poor suckers have so little to pick from when it comes to these mistakes.
You really don't want me to list Trump's verbal gaffes, do you, Covfefe?


a text message is verbal now?

That happens to be coming from an official Twitter account assigned only to the POTUS.
Or did you not know that?
Trump went to court to try to block the millions of people who post to his stupidity on Twitter and found to his pig-eyed dismay that he couldn't.

Judge rules Trump can't block users on Twitter
Try to educate yourself if you're going to insist on humiliating yourself on my threads.

and what makes it VERBAL?
Here, you obviously need this: Definition of VERBAL

you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.

CNN just reported that Trump has not reached out to the Clintons and Obamas about these terrorist attacks against them.
Live now from Wisconsin.....Trump reading the teleprompter with the feeling of a dead fish.

He can't even talk about something this simple without reading from a teleprompter.

What a moron.

Didn't the right wingnuts used to criticize Obama for using a teleprompter???

Such a hypocrite.

A living breathing cesspool of hypocrisy.

Yup, good thing he wasn't talking about corpse men.....dumbass.
corpse men - Bing video

You poor suckers have so little to pick from when it comes to these mistakes.
You really don't want me to list Trump's verbal gaffes, do you, Covfefe?


Only if you're willing to compare them to Obama's.

Gladly. Sucker.

This is just from 2017:

"The possibility of lasting peach"

Honered to serve"

"Columbia" (Colombia)

"Thr coverage about me … gas been so false and angry"

"Secretary of Educatuon"'

"Our deepest apologizes"

"W.E.B. DeBois"

"Hearby," "here by"

"Teresa May"

"Attaker,' "San Bernadino," "Denmakr"

"No challenge is to great"

"Tapp my phones"


"W.H. Council"

Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones

CNN just reported that Trump has not reached out to the Clintons and Obamas about these terrorist attacks against them.

Of course not.
HIs comments in Wisconsin were lame and canned.
Fucking soulless piece of shit.
Live now from Wisconsin.....Trump reading the teleprompter with the feeling of a dead fish.

He can't even talk about something this simple without reading from a teleprompter.

What a moron.

Didn't the right wingnuts used to criticize Obama for using a teleprompter???

Such a hypocrite.

A living breathing cesspool of hypocrisy.

Yup, good thing he wasn't talking about corpse men.....dumbass.
corpse men - Bing video

You poor suckers have so little to pick from when it comes to these mistakes.
You really don't want me to list Trump's verbal gaffes, do you, Covfefe?


Only if you're willing to compare them to Obama's.

Gladly. Sucker.

This is just from 2017:

"The possibility of lasting peach"

Honered to serve"

"Columbia" (Colombia)

"Thr coverage about me … gas been so false and angry"

"Secretary of Educatuon"'

"Our deepest apologizes"

"W.E.B. DeBois"

"Hearby," "here by"

"Teresa May"

"Attaker,' "San Bernadino," "Denmakr"

"No challenge is to great"

"Tapp my phones"


"W.H. Council"

Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones"]Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones[/URL]

  • Obama tells business owners and entrepreneurs “If you got a business, you didn’t build that, you didn’t make it on your own”
  • During what Obama himself calls “2nd Great Depression” and “worst recession in 70 years” he has played over 100 rounds of golf, staged 110 fundraisers and gone on 5 vacations
  • Obama proved he is out of touch when he said “Sometimes I forget the magnitude of the economy”
  • Obama Caught telling Russian leader, “”Don’t worry, after I’m elected I will have more reliability” to disarm the United States…
  • Obama press secretary says, there’s no specific reason the president hasn’t met with his jobs council” after not meeting with them once in the last year!
  • During worst recession in 70 years President Obama said, “the private sector is doing fine”
  • Obama calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”
  • Obama calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”
  • Obama says there are “57 States”
  • Obama claimed that “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”
  • Obama says that he bowled a 129 and compared it to the Special Olympics
  • Obama said, “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith”
  • On Memorial Day Obama said, “I see many of the fallen heroes in the audience here today as we celebrate Memorial Day”
  • In a speech in Kansas Obama that said, “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed,” –referring to a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. Oops, a bit overstated?
  • Major Blunder: Obama toasts the Queen of England while the Orchestra plays the UK’s national Anthem, “God Save The Queen
  • Obama Signs wrong year the London’s Westminster Abbey quest book. Off by 3 years.
  • Obama joked, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” There is no Austrian language!
  • Obama said his “Obamacare reforms we seek would bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system.” YIKES! A major Freudian slip in all its glory!
  • Obama bows to world leader
a text message is verbal now?

That happens to be coming from an official Twitter account assigned only to the POTUS.
Or did you not know that?
Trump went to court to try to block the millions of people who post to his stupidity on Twitter and found to his pig-eyed dismay that he couldn't.

Judge rules Trump can't block users on Twitter
Try to educate yourself if you're going to insist on humiliating yourself on my threads.

and what makes it VERBAL?
Here, you obviously need this: Definition of VERBAL

you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Live now from Wisconsin.....Trump reading the teleprompter with the feeling of a dead fish.

He can't even talk about something this simple without reading from a teleprompter.

What a moron.

Didn't the right wingnuts used to criticize Obama for using a teleprompter???

Such a hypocrite.

A living breathing cesspool of hypocrisy.
TOTUS is back!

I can't believe the used toilet paper who call themselves Americans are still defending this human stain in the Oval Office.
Are you insane ?

1. GDP growth up to 4.2%

2. Unemployment down to 3.7% (a 16 year low)

3. Black and Hispanic unemployment down to lowest points ever.

4. Median income up to $61,400. Highest ever.

5. Stock market is at an all-time high.

6. Consumer confidence is at an all-time high.

7. Mortgage applications for new homes is at a 7 year high.

8. Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act.

9. End of the war on coal, causing a new mine for coal mining to open, that will mine clean coal. Trump also put the miners back to work.

10. Promotes buying and hiring American (in contrast to Hillary/Obama globalist policy)

11. Reduced illegal immigration by over 70%. (thereby protecting US jobs for Americans - among many other benefits)

12. Withdrawl from the Trans Pacific Partnership thus keeping jobs here.

13. Created a task force to reduce crime.

14. Signed an executive order to protect police officers and target drug cartels.

15. Signed an executive order for religious freedom.

16. Trump fixing the VA, so now vets can choose their own doctors and be covered. This also protects whistle blowers, and allows VA to terminate bad employees..

17. Authorized construction of the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. The Dakota pipeline is up and running without harming the environment.

18. Commissions on election fraud and opioid addiction.

19. Food stamp use has dropped to its lowest level in seven years

20. Reduced the White House payroll saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

21. Trump is donating his salary to various charitable causes
CNN just reported that Trump has not reached out to the Clintons and Obamas about these terrorist attacks against them.

No wonder you're clueless, CNN? LOL

He hasn't, skankarella.
He hasn't reached out to any of the people he had targeted with bombs.

Why should he? It's all fake BS you stupid bitch

Why did you abandon your other screen name? The one you used after you swore off USMB forever? :rolleyes:
That happens to be coming from an official Twitter account assigned only to the POTUS.
Or did you not know that?
Trump went to court to try to block the millions of people who post to his stupidity on Twitter and found to his pig-eyed dismay that he couldn't.

Judge rules Trump can't block users on Twitter
Try to educate yourself if you're going to insist on humiliating yourself on my threads.

and what makes it VERBAL?
Here, you obviously need this: Definition of VERBAL

you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

Hell, I don't even know if the guy you were talking to knows that and you convinced them they made a mistake. Just move along.
Trump reading the teleprompter with the feeling of a dead fish.
SERIOUSLY! Do you realize how many rallies he has spoken at (verbal) in the last few weeks and not messed up one word! SO WHAT if he is tired out after A LOT of rallies across the country back to back! Try it!
and what makes it VERBAL?
Here, you obviously need this: Definition of VERBAL

you should have read your link: "3 : spoken rather than written "
I must assume that you've decided the 3rd listed definition negates the other 4. Jesus fucking Christ.


Since WHEN are written words VERBAL?

VERBAL means SPOKEN, not WRITTEN, words.

I learned that in grade school.

Perhaps when you graduate kindergarten , you'll learn it too
Dude, I literally posted a definition for you. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words, something that is incredibly basic and you can find out about all over the internet, then I'll have to conclude there is no possible reason to ever argue with you again. I'd put you on ignore, but the site prevents it. Don't even admit it. I don't want to make you do that. Just right here and now, tell yourself you learned something new, and we can all go post about other things.

. If you can't admit that "verbal" encompasses written words,

I can't

That would make me a liar.

That you believe it does, makes you a fool

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