Ready for the Trump Job Surge? It's a Comin'!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump has not even taken office and he is already turning hte economy around with just his can-do attitude and giving people realistic hope for a growing economy.

The American people understand what happens when you reduce needless government regulations, end crippling taxes and spur the banks to be more lender friendly.

It results in an economic BOOM, and the Dimocrats cant do anything other than bitch about it merely because they have lost all power, lol.

Get Ready for the Trump Jobs Rally

The National Federation of Independent Business monthly employment survey for November will show that owners of small firms are preparing for a better future. “A seasonally adjusted net 15 percent plan to create new jobs, up 5 points from October and the strongest reading in the recovery,” NFIB Chief Economist William Dunkelberg tells us. “Not seasonally adjusted, 17 percent plan to increase employment at their firm (up 3 points), and 9 percent plan reductions (down 1 point),” he adds.

This doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll see a big job surge when the Labor Department reports on November employment across the economy tomorrow morning. Mr. Dunkelberg says that among the small businesses in the NFIB survey, “Reported job creation remained weak in November with the seasonally adjusted average employment change per firm posting a gain of 0.02 workers per firm”—just barely positive. He expects that the official government unemployment rate could fall slightly for November.

It is the signal on future hiring from NFIB that is most encouraging. The owners of public corporations and the owners of small private firms are now both expecting faster growth under Trumponomics.

Dumb....A bunch of religious assholes like in Iran or Saudi Arabia that will tell people how to live their lives but will than say no to helping anyone.....

Why are religious assholes such hypocrites? Jesus wouldn't be like this.
Dumb....A bunch of religious assholes like in Iran or Saudi Arabia that will tell people how to live their lives but will than say no to helping anyone.....
Why are religious assholes such hypocrites? Jesus wouldn't be like this.
Wow, you havent found your meds yet, Matthew?

Have you considered calling 9-11 for assistance?
Dumb....A bunch of religious assholes like in Iran or Saudi Arabia that will tell people how to live their lives but will than say no to helping anyone.....

Why are religious assholes such hypocrites? Jesus wouldn't be like this.
Well dummy if they followed Jesus they wouldn't be fucking muslims now would they?
Dumb....A bunch of religious assholes like in Iran or Saudi Arabia that will tell people how to live their lives but will than say no to helping anyone.....

Why are religious assholes such hypocrites? Jesus wouldn't be like this.
Well dummy if they followed Jesus they wouldn't be fucking muslims now would they?
Sssshhhh! Dont trigger Matthew, he might not be near a safe zone.
By the way, silly little ass, until 20Jan17, the credit for the economy goes to President Obama. After 20Jan17, you can start thanking Trump.
By the way, silly little ass, until 20Jan17, the credit for the economy goes to President Obama. After 20Jan17, you can start thanking Trump.

Credit for the economy?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

What economy?:spinner:1% GDP = JOKE OF AN ECONOMY. Everybody knows that..........well, most anyway!!

Trump takes office in 45 days precisely because of the sucky economy!:up:
Trump is working on a deal to have companies bring trillions of dollars into the country without being double taxed. That infusion of cash will have a dramatic impact.
Trump is working on a deal to have companies bring trillions of dollars into the country without being double taxed. That infusion of cash will have a dramatic impact.
The day the 'OJ jury' elected the First AA President literally billions of potential investment REAL dollars began fleeing the Obama Socialist grasp. That money has been happily invested in every fucking non-Socialist country on the planet.
Anyone notice what happened to the worldwide stock markets when Trump won???????????????????
Now for some 'inner tennis' for those with a fucking brain to comprehend. Thousands of corporations with trillions of dollars want to send a message worldwide: Elect a capitalist who understands that successful businesses AKA those who have happy secure employees and the entire world is better off.
Elect a fucking Socialist and watch the country financially collapse.
These corporations are going to be investing in America again!
That means REAL jobs for millions of people who had almost given up hope. The entire EU is collapsing b/c too many 'Taker' AKA Socialist countries like Spain Portugal Greece were expecting the Maker countries to support them.
It didn't take long before the Maker countries refused to give the Takers any more money.
Micro classic: I once visited a hippie commune with a few families living in it.
Two of the families had couples who went to fucking work every day and brought back their hard earned paychecks to essentially support the other three families who thought the perfect day was sitting around and smoking dope and playing their homemade drums.
Margaret Thatcher famously said: "Spending other people's money is great until you run out of it".
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