Ready for yet another Stormy Daniels' tidbit?

Surprise!!!!!! Surprise!!!!!!!!
In related news. The Hen House investigation, chaired by a committee of foxes, has determined there was no raid on the hen house, and no foxes weren't involved, even if it did happen
The dems have no evidence to keep it going tards...or the GOP couldn't stop it...

The GOP didn't stop it dumb ass. The GOP had their own investigation, and as expected, they said Trump didn't do nuthin. Mueller continues
The GOP didn't stop it dumb ass. The GOP had their own investigation, and as expected, they said Trump didn't do nuthin. Mueller continues
It was the house investigation by the GOP because guess what? we won......
study up Gomer and learn something .
I did there was no law broken....
Matt McDermott @mattmfm
This is in direct contradiction to the assessment of the entire intelligence community that was released in January 2017. …

6:08 PM - Mar 12, 2018

Weak....funny too!
Nunes VS Mueller ...what are you kidding me LOL...Nunes is a Trump lap dog who went to meet Trump at midnight to get his marching orders
study up Gomer and learn something .
I did there was no law broken....
Matt McDermott @mattmfm
This is in direct contradiction to the assessment of the entire intelligence community that was released in January 2017. …

6:08 PM - Mar 12, 2018

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit.

Trumps lawyer broke the law -- if Trump knew about it he's guilty too.

The lawyer used Trumps campaign email acct discussing the payment twice - Trump needs to go before a grand jury and testify under oath.

The GOP didn't stop it dumb ass. The GOP had their own investigation, and as expected, they said Trump didn't do nuthin. Mueller continues
It was the house investigation by the GOP because guess what? we won......

Yes. The house investigation had no credibility from the start. It got so bad till the Senate investigation said they didn't even want to be associated with them any more because of the House's right wing partisan bias.
Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit.
If the money were for the campaign the check would have been written to the campaign and not are really stretching....
stand 500 lawyers in front of Trump Tower and ask them how many of you are willing to give Trump $130K out of your own pocket no questions asked?

0 is the answer.

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