Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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You're delusional and we heard nothing out of Kadafi for 25 yrs after Reagan bombed his house

No, you are the one that is delusional. Delusional, uninformed, propagandized and brainwashed. Reagan bombed Libya after the La Belle Disco bombing on April 5, 1986. He managed to kill the dictators infant daughter in the process. It was a token and symbolic strike that only pissed the dictator off and made him vow revenge. He mocked Reagan as he promised Reagan he would make America suffer for the murder of his daughter.

"We heard nothing from Kadafi for 25 years after Reagan bombed his house". Thats your dumb ass claim?

Look up this date you silly fool. Dec. 21, 1988. Kadafi's Christmas present to Ronald Reagan.

Speaking of lies, weren't you the dumb son do a bitch that lied earlier in another thread about veterans losing benefits during the shutdown.

Do you ever get confused when you fucking lie all the time?

When you can't make an arguement, attack the messenger.
Show how anything I said about Reagan and his policies in regards to terrorism is a lie or a mistake.
We got it already! Reagan helped topple the Soviet Union and marginalized the far left for a generation and you're whining about it. That's not going to change history, so get over it ffs!
Reagan never wanted Bush as his running mate. Reagan knew Bush was a scumbag and likely meant that the Republican Establishment was going to assassinate him, but they gave him no choice: it was either take Bush or we'll ruin you.

you mean the establishment-types wanted to keep the status quo and saw the gipper as a threat to ending the taxpayer-financed never-ending buffet in D.C.?

It's a common Reagan myth. Reagan knew he needed to reach out to the "old" group. He initially approached Gerry Ford, but for a variety of reasons settled on BushI. Reagan went on to raise taxes something like six times, all the while reducing marginal rates. But, when BushI proposes actually paying for the savings and loan bailout and keeping interest rates low, the gop abandoned him.

Reagan was a great potus, but aside from being a great leader and motivator, his one signature policy achievement was pushing private market efficiency. That policy has morphed into the notion that govt has no role in markets ... which is different from policing markets to reduce manipulation and creating inefficiency for profit.
Reagan took a bullet from Bush and the GOP establishment and he's the one who's evil


Nigga, please!

Heirheads are spoiled rotten and obsessed with their Daddies, because they all know perfectly well that they'd be nobodies without Daddy's money and connections. John Hinckley's father was the CEO of an oil company.

Reagan intimidated OPEC into lowering prices, which are completely arbitrary, despite what our self-interested Greedheads preach about their imaginary free market. These Bizz
Skule graduates are dumb jock bullies, so it's impossible that they were smart enough to organize an assassination plot. However, it is possible that Johnny overheard his father complaining about Reagan interfering with the petrocrats' fixed market and shot Reagan in order to get his father to love him. That psychotic behavior is not unusual for Heirhead scum.
What the heck are you talking about? I'm talking about how the the policies of Ronald Reagan that allowed bargaining with terrorist led to the growth of terrorism and terrorismto be an accepted tactic to be used against the United States. I have not even mentioned how the terrorism issue changed from terrorist groups to actual terrorist acts by groups supported by nations, to actual terrorist acts carried out by a nation, Libya. Reagan's ineptitude led to an actual country, Libya to launch terrorist attacts.

You're delusional and we heard nothing out of Kadafi for 25 yrs after Reagan bombed his house

No, you are the one that is delusional. Delusional, uninformed, propagandized and brainwashed. Reagan bombed Libya after the La Belle Disco bombing on April 5, 1986. He managed to kill the dictators infant daughter in the process. It was a token and symbolic strike that only pissed the dictator off and made him vow revenge. He mocked Reagan as he promised Reagan he would make America suffer for the murder of his daughter.

"We heard nothing from Kadafi for 25 years after Reagan bombed his house". Thats your dumb ass claim?

Look up this date you silly fool. Dec. 21, 1988. Kadafi's Christmas present to Ronald Reagan.


He wont.He knows how evil and corrupt reagan was.Your wasting your breath on this troll.He knows everything we been saying about reagan is the truth.

He is a paid zionist shill sent here by his handlers to post propaganda and lies and derail any kind of truth discussion on government corruption and presidents.He is so stupid he doesnt even try and hide it,he advertises that fact with his avatar.
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You're delusional and we heard nothing out of Kadafi for 25 yrs after Reagan bombed his house

Look up this date you silly fool. Dec. 21, 1988. Kadafi's Christmas present to Ronald Reagan.

Anyone who thinks Reagan was solely responsible for any increase in terrorism is delusion and you are surely that. I think you're full of crap, sitting in your room, on your computer obsessing with your stupidity :cuckoo:

He used Saddam Hussein (no relation to BHO) to flatten Iran and set back their terrorist campaign 20 years. He put the Fear of God in Allah-loving Khadaffy (not related to Daffy Duck). By putting price controls on OPEC, which is the sole sponsor of terrorism, Reagan defunded their Nazislami agents. Nice piece of work, when all this time he was putting the screws on the Soviet Union too.
How did Reagan take the bullet for Bush? And who said he was evil?

comedy gold from crusader retard as always.:lmao::lmao::lmao: I almost fell out of my chair in his comedy routine saying reagan took the bullet for Bush.:lol: Never did I ever say that Bush and the GOP establishment were not evil as well.comedy gold from crusader retard as always.:lmao:

btw,obviously you have only been reading PARTS of my posts on this thread just like the reaganuts have because i have told the truth MANY times posting facts here that they all never took the time to read proving that reagan was evil.I knew the reaganuts werent reading my entire posts or the links i posted,but i had hoped that the objective minded people like yourself at least were.:mad:

every single president since reagan COUNTING reagan,despite what reagans distant cousin crusader retard says,has been an evil corrupt bastard.that carter was our last president who WASNT evil.I have said that here MILLIONS of times.:cuckoo:

I did not see a post where you specificly referenced Reagan as evil. Bush, yes, but not Reagan. And I thought Frank was referencing me.

Ive made several posts here where I said Reagan was evil and posted many links on here that prove it.Not going to post them again,if you have any interest in the truth on how evil and corrupt reagan is,you can go back and read those links and see for yourself.If you dont want to,well thats your decison.i can only lead a horse to the water but i cant make him drink it.thats what all these reaganuts here wont do after i lead them to the water,refuse to drink it cause the truth-the water, scares them.
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You're delusional and we heard nothing out of Kadafi for 25 yrs after Reagan bombed his house

No, you are the one that is delusional. Delusional, uninformed, propagandized and brainwashed. Reagan bombed Libya after the La Belle Disco bombing on April 5, 1986. He managed to kill the dictators infant daughter in the process. It was a token and symbolic strike that only pissed the dictator off and made him vow revenge. He mocked Reagan as he promised Reagan he would make America suffer for the murder of his daughter.

"We heard nothing from Kadafi for 25 years after Reagan bombed his house". Thats your dumb ass claim?

Look up this date you silly fool. Dec. 21, 1988. Kadafi's Christmas present to Ronald Reagan.

Ya, sure Jroc, but you won't talk about what happened on Dec. 21, 1988. You made a claim that Reagan bombed Kadafi and we didn't hear from him for 25 years and maybe you looked up the date and found out what happened and maybe you didn't. My comments about you stand unless you can respond with something other than attempts at insults.

You really get a pleasure out of making us spend time, at your bidding, looking up your magic dates when you could easily tell us what happened.

Here's two for you: September 11, 1683 and February 23, 1973. Get on it, slave! It's so nice to see people jump when I say jump!
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No, you are the one that is delusional. Delusional, uninformed, propagandized and brainwashed. Reagan bombed Libya after the La Belle Disco bombing on April 5, 1986. He managed to kill the dictators infant daughter in the process. It was a token and symbolic strike that only pissed the dictator off and made him vow revenge. He mocked Reagan as he promised Reagan he would make America suffer for the murder of his daughter.

"We heard nothing from Kadafi for 25 years after Reagan bombed his house". Thats your dumb ass claim?

Look up this date you silly fool. Dec. 21, 1988. Kadafi's Christmas present to Ronald Reagan.

Speaking of lies, weren't you the dumb son do a bitch that lied earlier in another thread about veterans losing benefits during the shutdown.

Do you ever get confused when you fucking lie all the time?

When you can't make an arguement, attack the messenger.
Show how anything I said about Reagan and his policies in regards to terrorism is a lie or a mistake.

the reaganuts have demonstrated in spades they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.They would be laughed out of a debating hall withing one minute if they debated there the same way they do got to actually try and counter the facts your opponent presents when he gives you cant just dismiss them and say your lying and claim you won.:lmao:
Thye know they cant counter and refute your facts,so to fell good about themselves,they get desperate and shoot the messenger with insults when they get frustrated by pesky facts that corner them.
Anyone who thinks Reagan was solely responsible for any increase in terrorism is delusion and you are surely that. I think you're full of crap, sitting in your room, on your computer obsessing with your stupidity :cuckoo:

They are America hating apologists.... They see conspiracy everywhere because they refuse to believe people hate us for not being Muslim or for being free.

Where's your compassion for Truthies? Before getting into their cults, they were lonely and had no friends. Now, for the first time in their lives they found a place where they feel like they belong. And such Dhimmis also feel powerful, as witnessed by their bossy insistence that the rest of us are all idiots.
Im going to try and get an answer ONE LAST TIME on this question for paid zionist shill Jroc or meatbrain which I have asked at LEAST twice here but never got an answer of many posts they evaded.:lol:

whatever you say zionist paid shill troll.

Kinda like your lover fellow troll frank is who agrees with me that 9/11 was an inside job and Bush sr was involved in the JFK assassination yet you side with this relative idiot of Reagans about this issue.

as i told meathead brain,seems to me you would want to distance yourself away from that idiot.
Speaking of lies, weren't you the dumb son do a bitch that lied earlier in another thread about veterans losing benefits during the shutdown.

Do you ever get confused when you fucking lie all the time?

When you can't make an arguement, attack the messenger.
Show how anything I said about Reagan and his policies in regards to terrorism is a lie or a mistake.

the reaganuts have demonstrated in spades they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.They would be laughed out of a debating hall withing one minute if they debated there the same way they do got to actually try and counter the facts your opponent presents when he gives you cant just dismiss them and say your lying and claim you won.:lmao:
Thye know they cant counter and refute your facts,so to fell good about themselves,they get desperate and shoot the messenger with insults when they get frustrated by pesky facts that corner them.

You really want to debate facts? If so I'd be happy to oblige...but if you think that posting nonsense from the sites you've provided here constitutes an "argument" that would stand up in a debate hall then I'm sorry but you're delusional.

And anyone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job or that Bush I was behind the JFK assassination has no business in a real debate anyways.
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When you can't make an arguement, attack the messenger.
Show how anything I said about Reagan and his policies in regards to terrorism is a lie or a mistake.

the reaganuts have demonstrated in spades they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.They would be laughed out of a debating hall withing one minute if they debated there the same way they do got to actually try and counter the facts your opponent presents when he gives you cant just dismiss them and say your lying and claim you won.:lmao:
Thye know they cant counter and refute your facts,so to fell good about themselves,they get desperate and shoot the messenger with insults when they get frustrated by pesky facts that corner them.

You really want to debate facts? If so I'd be happy to oblige...but if you think that posting nonsense from the sites you've provided here constitutes an "argument" that would stand up in a debate hall then I'm sorry but you're delusional.

thats why you ran off with your tail between your legs when i took you to school that JFK was going to pull out of vietnam and LBJ reversed his policy and the CIA controls the media.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

comedy gold from you Reagan worshipping trolls as always.:lol:

the problem with your lies is that those facts are backed up by sources that quoted them all.Dante in his opening post referred you trolls to the book that documents how he did not end the cold war and that unemployment was MUCH worse under reagan than carter which i have read and that book uses sources from BACK THEN to document it all,oh and i was there so i know his sources he uses are true as well idiot.:lol:

you lost your credibility running off from those facts i used that proved jfk was going to get rid of the CIA,pull out of vietnam,that hey killed him,and they control the major media:cuckoo: you also wont anser that question either i just got done asking for the tird time here,why you listen to crusader idiot when HE agrees with me about 9/11 being an inside job and that the CIA killed JFK? YOU TROLLS KEEP PLAYING DODGEBALL WITH THAT QUESTION.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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No, you are the one that is delusional. Delusional, uninformed, propagandized and brainwashed. Reagan bombed Libya after the La Belle Disco bombing on April 5, 1986. He managed to kill the dictators infant daughter in the process. It was a token and symbolic strike that only pissed the dictator off and made him vow revenge. He mocked Reagan as he promised Reagan he would make America suffer for the murder of his daughter.

"We heard nothing from Kadafi for 25 years after Reagan bombed his house". Thats your dumb ass claim?

Look up this date you silly fool. Dec. 21, 1988. Kadafi's Christmas present to Ronald Reagan.

Ya, sure Jroc, but you won't talk about what happened on Dec. 21, 1988. You made a claim that Reagan bombed Kadafi and we didn't hear from him for 25 years and maybe you looked up the date and found out what happened and maybe you didn't. My comments about you stand unless you can respond with something other than attempts at insults.

You really get a pleasure out of making us spend time, at your bidding, looking up your magic dates when you could easily tell us what happened.

Here's two for you: September 11, 1683 and February 23, 1973. Get on it, slave! It's so nice to see people jump when I say jump!

If searching for Dec. 21, 1988 doesn't take you directly to Lockerbie bombing PAN AM FLIGHT 103 you need to find a new way to search. Take your pick or sources. Doesn't matter if it is LW, RW foriegn or domestic. Facts about it are not in dispute.
the reaganuts have demonstrated in spades they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.They would be laughed out of a debating hall withing one minute if they debated there the same way they do got to actually try and counter the facts your opponent presents when he gives you cant just dismiss them and say your lying and claim you won.:lmao:
Thye know they cant counter and refute your facts,so to fell good about themselves,they get desperate and shoot the messenger with insults when they get frustrated by pesky facts that corner them.

You really want to debate facts? If so I'd be happy to oblige...but if you think that posting nonsense from the sites you've provided here constitutes an "argument" that would stand up in a debate hall then I'm sorry but you're delusional.

thats why you ran off with your tail between your legs when i took you to school that JFK was going to pull out of vietnam and LBJ reversed his policy and the CIA controls the media.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

comedy gold from you Reagan worshipping trolls as always.:lol:

the problem with your lies is that those facts are backed up by sources that quoted them all.Dante in his opening post referred you trolls to the book that documents how he did not end the cold war and that unemployment was MUCH worse under reagan than carter which i have read and that book uses sources from BACK THEN to document it all,oh and i was there so i know his sources he uses are true as well idiot.:lol:

you lost your credibility running off from those facts i used that proved jfk was going to get rid of the CIA,pull out of vietnam,that hey killed him,and they control the major media:cuckoo: you also wont anser that question either i just got done asking for the tird time here,why you listen to crusader idiot when HE agrees with me about 9/11 being an inside job and that the CIA killed JFK? YOU TROLLS KEEP PLAYING DODGEBALL WITH THAT QUESTION.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

3 minutes later i made this post asking for an answer to my question i just posed and have now asked 4 times and STILL no answer.:lol: and i see Oldstyle did the same thing as last time when i pointed out his ignorance on the jfk assassination and how the CIA controls the media as well.Just like last time,he runs off with his tail between his legs like the chickenhot coward he is knowing he is cornered.a common trait with the reaganuts.

the problem with the reaganuts pathetic ramblings that reagan rescued the economy and their lies that it was in shambles under carter,is that those two books dante referred to in his opening post-Tearing down they myth and Reagan,the man who sold the world that I have read unlike the reaganuts here ,is those two books have referrences and actual sources of the media making all those announcements back then in that timeframe of the eightys with actual headlines form newspapers back then proving that my links are true that reagan betrayed the middle and lower class familys shipping jobs overseas.

Pesky facts like that from actual real sources printed back then in newspapers at that time is something the reaganuts cant and wont face.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

oh and there were actual polls taken back then as well published in the mainstream newspapers that reagans popularity was low the majority of the time as well which proves oldstyle and crusader retard are hypocrites since they use the NET as their sources which they criticise me for.:lol: as always,the truth hurts them. I ONLY use reliable links like th eones i have been using because hypocrites lie oldstyle and crusader retard have been using the NET for their claims.:cuckoo:

they wont read those two books i listed and dante referred everyone to in his opening post since they have pesky facts they cant refute.:lol:

I talked to dante about this and he told the truth,the people that lives through the reagan years like me and him do remember how disastrerous they really were.How he betrayed the middle and lower class familys. I for one even remember running into a bunch of people all the time back in those days with them talking about how they were unemployed thanks to reagan shipping their factory jobs overseas which happend all over america.:lol:

the ones that say they lived through it and defend him are lying trolls. again actual newspapers back then printed all these figures which proves dante is telling the truth.:cuckoo:
Why do conservatives pick the Gipper, of all Repub President's in the 20th century to choose from, to idolize

Because they have been brainwashed and conditioned by the CIA controlled media and mouthpieces full of hot air like Rush Limbaugh is why.
The last decent Repub Prez I can think of is TR.

Your close Dot Com.actually the last decent Republican president we had,you DO have to go way way way far back to find one,you're right about that,but you dont have to go quite as far to TR to find the last decent republican president we had though,almost but not quite that far.

Actually the last decent republican president we had was actually Calvin Coolidge. But you were very close though. Coolidge also was a decent president as well.very close.well said.:clap2: Cooolide was pretty good.a decent guy who served the people and followed the constitution instead of serving wall street and the bankers like every president since Hoover has done with the exception of Kennedy of course.
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the reaganuts have demonstrated in spades they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.They would be laughed out of a debating hall withing one minute if they debated there the same way they do got to actually try and counter the facts your opponent presents when he gives you cant just dismiss them and say your lying and claim you won.:lmao:
Thye know they cant counter and refute your facts,so to fell good about themselves,they get desperate and shoot the messenger with insults when they get frustrated by pesky facts that corner them.

You really want to debate facts? If so I'd be happy to oblige...but if you think that posting nonsense from the sites you've provided here constitutes an "argument" that would stand up in a debate hall then I'm sorry but you're delusional.

thats why you ran off with your tail between your legs when i took you to school that JFK was going to pull out of vietnam and LBJ reversed his policy and the CIA controls the media.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

comedy gold from you Reagan worshipping trolls as always.:lol:

the problem with your lies is that those facts are backed up by sources that quoted them all.Dante in his opening post referred you trolls to the book that documents how he did not end the cold war and that unemployment was MUCH worse under reagan than carter which i have read and that book uses sources from BACK THEN to document it all,oh and i was there so i know his sources he uses are true as well idiot.:lol:

you lost your credibility running off from those facts i used that proved jfk was going to get rid of the CIA,pull out of vietnam,that hey killed him,and they control the major media:cuckoo: you also wont anser that question either i just got done asking for the tird time here,why you listen to crusader idiot when HE agrees with me about 9/11 being an inside job and that the CIA killed JFK? YOU TROLLS KEEP PLAYING DODGEBALL WITH THAT QUESTION.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

When did you "take me to school" that JFK was about to pull out of Vietnam? I well aware that liberally leaning historians have tried to make that contention but I've never seen anything that shows Kennedy doing any such thing. It's amusing how so many now believe that they know what Kennedy's thoughts were on Vietnam. This attempt to "rehabilitate" part of the Kennedy legacy is understandable of course. Here he is this liberal "icon" and yet he was one of the primary drivers of the escalation of the Vietnam War. Liberals HATE that! It doesn't fit with the myth of JFK. The liberal myth that if Kennedy hadn't been assassinated that day in Dallas that he would unquestionably been one of the great Presidents of our nation. The truth is...we don't know how Kennedy would have fared going forward. We don't know if he would have pulled out of Vietnam. There is no indication that he was leaning that way. I'm sorry, but there simply isn't.
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