Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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translation fo oldstlyes last post-yeah 9/11 you're right.I have lauhgable debating skills and like you have said before,I would be laughed out of a debating hall withing a minute if i debated there the same way I do here cowardly running away from links and videos like i do never addressing them because it proves I am too arrogant to admit when I am wrong. post this:

"someone farted in here."

And then declare that "I" have laughable debating skills? Seriously?

Before you make anymore absurd statements about Japan? Why don't you read up on it's recovery? The combination of having about a billion and a half dollars pumped into it's economy by us coupled with the fact that it wasn't allowed to put any money into it's military led to Japan having one of the most modern industrial infrastructures in the world. It's something that happened at an incredible rate due in large part to Japan's rather unique position of having trade with both sides of the "Cold War" at a time when most countries did not. Japan was exporting so much stuff (just like China now) that their economy was booming. THAT is not a Third World Country situation.

Actually, Japan did very little trade with China or Russia during the early cold war. What made Japan strong was that it actually followed the kind of FDR economics that the Republicans never let happen in the US.

Not that you are capable of being educated, but you really need to read up on a fellow named William Deming and his role in Japan's re-industrialization. When The Japanese were eating our lunches in the 1980's, a whole bunch of Americans were amazed that it was an American who taught them how to do it.

As for Kennedy's attitude about Cuba? Funny how the very same Mafia thugs that JFK used to steal the election to MAKE him President were the ones that were so instrumental in turning Cuba into the corrupt nation it became in the 1950's. Battista isn't "my boy". He was one more dictator who took power by force and abused his people. He SHOULD have been overthrown by the people and he was. The problem is that the person who replaced him was even worse than Battista was. It's the exact same thing that happened in Russia when the Czar was overthrown by the people. Stalin consolidates power and becomes far worse than the Czar ever was. What the Cuban people needed were democratically elected leaders. What they got was another dictator.

A wise PolSci professor of mine points out that NO government exists without the tacit acceptence of its people.

That's why Batista and the Tsar were toppled, but Stalin and persumeably Castro will die peacefully in their beds.
And I note that you once again don't seem to want to attribute the site of the posts you cut and pasted from somewhere, Joe. Was it THAT bad of a source?

I do links when I feel like them... when I think the person I am talking to is capable of being educated.

consider my lack of taking the time to do so a measure of disrespect towards you and your lazy thinking.
And I note that you once again don't seem to want to attribute the site of the posts you cut and pasted from somewhere, Joe. Was it THAT bad of a source?

I do links when I feel like them... when I think the person I am talking to is capable of being educated.

consider my lack of taking the time to do so a measure of disrespect towards you and your lazy thinking.

I consider it to be evidence of your lack of ethics, Joe. Unless YOU wrote owe whoever DID the respect of crediting them for their work. That's the kind of thing you learn when you HAVE an education!

Before you make anymore absurd statements about Japan? Why don't you read up on it's recovery? The combination of having about a billion and a half dollars pumped into it's economy by us coupled with the fact that it wasn't allowed to put any money into it's military led to Japan having one of the most modern industrial infrastructures in the world. It's something that happened at an incredible rate due in large part to Japan's rather unique position of having trade with both sides of the "Cold War" at a time when most countries did not. Japan was exporting so much stuff (just like China now) that their economy was booming. THAT is not a Third World Country situation.

Actually, Japan did very little trade with China or Russia during the early cold war. What made Japan strong was that it actually followed the kind of FDR economics that the Republicans never let happen in the US.

Not that you are capable of being educated, but you really need to read up on a fellow named William Deming and his role in Japan's re-industrialization. When The Japanese were eating our lunches in the 1980's, a whole bunch of Americans were amazed that it was an American who taught them how to do it.

As for Kennedy's attitude about Cuba? Funny how the very same Mafia thugs that JFK used to steal the election to MAKE him President were the ones that were so instrumental in turning Cuba into the corrupt nation it became in the 1950's. Battista isn't "my boy". He was one more dictator who took power by force and abused his people. He SHOULD have been overthrown by the people and he was. The problem is that the person who replaced him was even worse than Battista was. It's the exact same thing that happened in Russia when the Czar was overthrown by the people. Stalin consolidates power and becomes far worse than the Czar ever was. What the Cuban people needed were democratically elected leaders. What they got was another dictator.

A wise PolSci professor of mine points out that NO government exists without the tacit acceptence of its people.

That's why Batista and the Tsar were toppled, but Stalin and persumeably Castro will die peacefully in their beds.

Ah, Stalin died back in 1953, Joe...didn't get that memo either?
And I note that you once again don't seem to want to attribute the site of the posts you cut and pasted from somewhere, Joe. Was it THAT bad of a source?

I do links when I feel like them... when I think the person I am talking to is capable of being educated.

consider my lack of taking the time to do so a measure of disrespect towards you and your lazy thinking.

I consider it to be evidence of your lack of ethics, Joe. Unless YOU wrote owe whoever DID the respect of crediting them for their work. That's the kind of thing you learn when you HAVE an education!

Not really. This isn't an acedemic paper...

Instead of whining about "Where's the link", how about refuting the points made.

In short- Batista was a dictator, his management of Cuba's economy was incompetent and corrupt to a point where George W. Bush would have said, "Damn!" and even our own officials admitted that supporting him was a mistake.

Because you wingnuts keep trying to scream about what a paradise Cuba was (for rich people) when clearly it wasn't if the people rose up and threw those fuckers out.

Before you make anymore absurd statements about Japan? Why don't you read up on it's recovery? The combination of having about a billion and a half dollars pumped into it's economy by us coupled with the fact that it wasn't allowed to put any money into it's military led to Japan having one of the most modern industrial infrastructures in the world. It's something that happened at an incredible rate due in large part to Japan's rather unique position of having trade with both sides of the "Cold War" at a time when most countries did not. Japan was exporting so much stuff (just like China now) that their economy was booming. THAT is not a Third World Country situation.

Actually, Japan did very little trade with China or Russia during the early cold war. What made Japan strong was that it actually followed the kind of FDR economics that the Republicans never let happen in the US.

Not that you are capable of being educated, but you really need to read up on a fellow named William Deming and his role in Japan's re-industrialization. When The Japanese were eating our lunches in the 1980's, a whole bunch of Americans were amazed that it was an American who taught them how to do it.

As for Kennedy's attitude about Cuba? Funny how the very same Mafia thugs that JFK used to steal the election to MAKE him President were the ones that were so instrumental in turning Cuba into the corrupt nation it became in the 1950's. Battista isn't "my boy". He was one more dictator who took power by force and abused his people. He SHOULD have been overthrown by the people and he was. The problem is that the person who replaced him was even worse than Battista was. It's the exact same thing that happened in Russia when the Czar was overthrown by the people. Stalin consolidates power and becomes far worse than the Czar ever was. What the Cuban people needed were democratically elected leaders. What they got was another dictator.

A wise PolSci professor of mine points out that NO government exists without the tacit acceptence of its people.

That's why Batista and the Tsar were toppled, but Stalin and persumeably Castro will die peacefully in their beds.

Ah, Stalin died back in 1953, Joe...didn't get that memo either?

Reading comprehension a problem for you? I think you can clearly read that sentence and understand exactly what I was saying.

But when you are losing an argument, harp on grammar.

You did lose the argument, by the way, in case no one bothers to tell you, Corky.

In order to have "rational" discussion, 9/11...first you have to start with two rational people. You don't fit that description unfortunately. You're one of those conspiracy nuts that wears tin foil hats and babbles about fake planes flying into the towers.

Joe thinks Castro and communism have been an improvement for the Cuban people. I've actually visited Cuba and know about the conditions that the people there live under. To say that it sucks would be an understatement. Was Battista a thug? Yes he was! But to try and paint Fidel Castro as any less of a thug is laughable. It's like saying that Stalin was better for the Russian people than Czar Nicolas II.

Well, let's look at that, Troll boy-

Stalin won World War II. He saved Russia for complete Annihlation at the hands of Hitler. As opposed to that fuckwad, inbred Czar who lost World War I and had to give up half of Russia's European Territories. Stalin got those territories back and then some. Russians look back at Stalin as the good old days when their power was unrivaled. He was recently voted the third greatest figure in Russian History. (This is despite the efforts of the Soviet and Russian governments to downplay him.)

Now, for Cuba. Does life in Cuba suck because Castro is evil, or because for 50 years, the US Government has threatened to sanction any company that does business there? Any rational person who doesn't look at the Cold War as their great High School Football game would say, definitely the latter.

So the Asshole Exile Community in Miami all rubbed their hands together (and maybe rubbed one out) when the USSR fell and said, "Oh, boy, when the checks stop coming from Moscow, the Cuban People will welcome us back with open arms!!!!"

And that didn't happen, for some reason. I wonder why.
JoeB did your love of Communism and Communist dictators begin before or after you were a Republican?
JoeB did your love of Communism and Communist dictators begin before or after you were a Republican?

Guy, pointing out facts of history isn't a political t hing.

As a wise man said, you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Our Cuba Policy couldn't be worse if it was written by an angry retard.

If anything, our policies have probalby perpetuated Castro in power.

Because your average Cuban looks at the way a wealthy country punishes them and says, "Well, Castro might be a jerk, but he's OUR Jerk".
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Now, for Cuba. Does life in Cuba suck because Castro is evil, or because for 50 years, the US Government has threatened to sanction any company that does business there? Any rational person who doesn't look at the Cold War as their great High School Football game would say, definitely the latter.

"Capitalism is evil. And we fail at socialism because the evil capitalists won't do business with us."

And the leftists say this with a straight face.
Now, for Cuba. Does life in Cuba suck because Castro is evil, or because for 50 years, the US Government has threatened to sanction any company that does business there? Any rational person who doesn't look at the Cold War as their great High School Football game would say, definitely the latter.

"Capitalism is evil. And we fail at socialism because the evil capitalists won't do business with us."

And the leftists say this with a straight face.

Progressives reject ownership of everything, including their failed ideology
"Reagan was a Keynesian"

David Stockman

Read your history kiddies.

Reagan was big government spender and a tax increaser, too!

Now, for Cuba. Does life in Cuba suck because Castro is evil, or because for 50 years, the US Government has threatened to sanction any company that does business there? Any rational person who doesn't look at the Cold War as their great High School Football game would say, definitely the latter.

"Capitalism is evil. And we fail at socialism because the evil capitalists won't do business with us."

And the leftists say this with a straight face.

No, I say this as a centrist who is honest.

No matter what kind of system you have, if you put brutal sanctions on it, you are going to have misery.

For instance, we put 10 years of sanctions on Iraq because they wouldn't throw out Saddam for us. 450,000 Iraqis- mostly children- died as a result. Saddam stayed in power.

So if we were going to really put it the right way, the expression should be, "Corporatism is evil, and to prove it, if you DARE reject what we tell you to do, we will impose sanctions on you and starve your Children. Because that's what JESUS would do!!!"

And Corporatists say that with a straight face. And then try to get you upset about abortion or guns.
Actually, Japan did very little trade with China or Russia during the early cold war. What made Japan strong was that it actually followed the kind of FDR economics that the Republicans never let happen in the US.

Not that you are capable of being educated, but you really need to read up on a fellow named William Deming and his role in Japan's re-industrialization. When The Japanese were eating our lunches in the 1980's, a whole bunch of Americans were amazed that it was an American who taught them how to do it.

A wise PolSci professor of mine points out that NO government exists without the tacit acceptence of its people.

That's why Batista and the Tsar were toppled, but Stalin and persumeably Castro will die peacefully in their beds.

Ah, Stalin died back in 1953, Joe...didn't get that memo either?

Reading comprehension a problem for you? I think you can clearly read that sentence and understand exactly what I was saying.

But when you are losing an argument, harp on grammar.

You did lose the argument, by the way, in case no one bothers to tell you, Corky.


as he has in ALL of his arguments.whats really funny about his ramblings is as always,he only got it half It was his FATHER jOE kENNEDY that used the mob to get him elected.there is no shread of evidence that the Kennedy brothers themselves had ties to the mob.:lol: sure he dated Judith Exner,the girlfriend of mob boss sam giancana and was friends with Frank Sinatra but that hardly proves mob ties.:lol:

He also ignores that JFK double crossed the mob after getting elected.Giancana was instrumental in him getting elected rigging the elections in Illinois for him so he natually thought the kennedy brothers would let them run amok but he did the unthinkable,going after the big inchiladas prosecuting key mob figures having Bobby do most the dirty work.They hated Bobby with a passion especially since again,he went after key mobsters like Santos Trafficanta deporting him from florida to another country.:lol:
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