Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Again, Cuba is in such bad shape because we've been waging a 50 year economic war against them.

Which is why the British company I work for won't sell to Cuba if it still wants to do business in the US.

It seems to me that the wealthy are punishing Cubans for just not putting up with it anymore.

Yeah, it's not there's never been a single thriving Marxist economy in human history, it's cause we're mean to Fidel

Depends what you mean by "Thriving".

Cuba was better off under Fidel than Batista (except for the rich).

China is better off now than it was under the Warlords and Nationalists.

The USSR was better than life under the Tsars...

How to prove in one post that you don't know dick about Cuba or the USSR
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Marxist Joe making excuses for Marxisms failures since 1917

The only "Failure" that bothers me is the Failure of Corporatism in 2008, where I lost tens of thousands of dollars in my property and asset values....

And the people who caused it got bailouts I paid for.

Poor Joe.

He lost money.

People should have a right that their house price always goes up! Why didn't the 18th century slave-rapists put that in the Constitution?

I feel bad.

Life's not fair.

Well, the good news is if his side wins, he won't be allowed to own anything
The only "Failure" that bothers me is the Failure of Corporatism in 2008, where I lost tens of thousands of dollars in my property and asset values....

And the people who caused it got bailouts I paid for.

Poor Joe.

He lost money.

People should have a right that their house price always goes up! Why didn't the 18th century slave-rapists put that in the Constitution?

I feel bad.

Life's not fair.

No, but the people who manipulatd the markets and wrecked the economy need to go to big boy jail.

Not get bonuses.

BINGO!!! :lol:
Actually, despite our bad behavior, Cubans live far better today than they did under our puppet Batista.

Once again, show yourself to be utterly CLUELESS about Cuba. Before the revolution Cuba's GDP was higher than Japan's and the average Cuban was far better off economically than they are now. When the Soviet Union collapsed and billions in subsidies stopped coming to Cuba the GDP in Cuba fell by almost a third.

"Today the Cuban worker's average monthly salary is 203 Cuban pesos-around $9.25. That means an average hourly wage of five cents. A Cuban worker has to toil twenty-six hours for a can of evaporated milk ($1.30); seven hours for an ounce of coffee ($0.33); forty-four hours for a tube of toothpaste ($2.20); two hundred hours for a ten-dollar pair of trousers; one hundred sixty hours for an eight-dollar shirt; sixty hours for a three-dollar pair of panties and fifty hours for a $2.50 bra.

I want to take a minute to dwell on that bit of intelectual dishonesty.

Before the Cuban Revolution, Japan looked like THIS...


Because we had bombed the SHIT out of it. Besides the fact I kind of doubt your figures, I think the very fact you cherry picked that comparison speaks volumes.

And again, the reason why life in Cuba is so miserable is because we've been spending 50 years economically punishing them for rejecting us.

It's like saying you ex-girlfriend is a loser after you slashed her tires, called her boss and said she had AIDS, and burned down her house.


Jesus, Joe...just when I thought you were clueless about come roaring back to prove that you're even MORE clueless about Japan! By the mid 50's, Japan was already back to it's pre-war production levels. That's what Cuba at the time of Battista is being compared to...not some bombed out shell of a country. We studied Japan's economy following WWII in college because it recovered so dramatically.

I'm curious, Joe...where is it that you're getting your "take" on places like Cuba? I ask that because it's SO off the charts wrong that I'd like to know if it's just you not knowing about the country or some stupid left wing site that's pushing this nonsense.

I noted that you posted a rather lengthy bit of information that you obviously got from somewhere but you didn't attribute it's source so I'm guessing it's someplace you're not proud of?
Yeah, it's not there's never been a single thriving Marxist economy in human history, it's cause we're mean to Fidel

Depends what you mean by "Thriving".

Cuba was better off under Fidel than Batista (except for the rich).

China is better off now than it was under the Warlords and Nationalists.

The USSR was better than life under the Tsars...

Your a idiot

I'd be more impressed with your arguments if you understood the difference between "your" and "you're".

Jesus, Joe...just when I thought you were clueless about come roaring back to prove that you're even MORE clueless about Japan! By the mid 50's, Japan was already back to it's pre-war production levels. That's what Cuba at the time of Battista is being compared to...not some bombed out shell of a country. We studied Japan's economy following WWII in college because it recovered so dramatically.

I'm curious, Joe...where is it that you're getting your "take" on places like Cuba? I ask that because it's SO off the charts wrong that I'd like to know if it's just you not knowing about the country or some stupid left wing site that's pushing this nonsense.

I noted that you posted a rather lengthy bit of information that you obviously got from somewhere but you didn't attribute it's source so I'm guessing it's someplace you're not proud of?

Guy, in the 1950's Japan was pretty much a third world country. It was kind of what China was like in the 1990's, known for cheap, knock off stuff you buy in a dime store. They had nowhere near cleaned up the mess.

Batista was a cocksucker and his people hated him, and even our own offiicials, including JFK, admitted it was a HUGE mistake to support him as long as we did.

Oh, bugwit, the parts bout your boy batista were linked in the first post. Learn to fucking read, you moron. Because I'm honestly tired of wasting time on you.

There's a reason why Americans are called "Gringos" and hated in most of Latin America. It's because we pull shit like this.

Jesus, Joe...just when I thought you were clueless about come roaring back to prove that you're even MORE clueless about Japan! By the mid 50's, Japan was already back to it's pre-war production levels. That's what Cuba at the time of Battista is being compared to...not some bombed out shell of a country. We studied Japan's economy following WWII in college because it recovered so dramatically.

I'm curious, Joe...where is it that you're getting your "take" on places like Cuba? I ask that because it's SO off the charts wrong that I'd like to know if it's just you not knowing about the country or some stupid left wing site that's pushing this nonsense.

I noted that you posted a rather lengthy bit of information that you obviously got from somewhere but you didn't attribute it's source so I'm guessing it's someplace you're not proud of?

Guy, in the 1950's Japan was pretty much a third world country. It was kind of what China was like in the 1990's, known for cheap, knock off stuff you buy in a dime store. They had nowhere near cleaned up the mess.

Batista was a cocksucker and his people hated him, and even our own offiicials, including JFK, admitted it was a HUGE mistake to support him as long as we did.

Oh, bugwit, the parts bout your boy batista were linked in the first post. Learn to fucking read, you moron. Because I'm honestly tired of wasting time on you.

There's a reason why Americans are called "Gringos" and hated in most of Latin America. It's because we pull shit like this.

Before you make anymore absurd statements about Japan? Why don't you read up on it's recovery? The combination of having about a billion and a half dollars pumped into it's economy by us coupled with the fact that it wasn't allowed to put any money into it's military led to Japan having one of the most modern industrial infrastructures in the world. It's something that happened at an incredible rate due in large part to Japan's rather unique position of having trade with both sides of the "Cold War" at a time when most countries did not. Japan was exporting so much stuff (just like China now) that their economy was booming. THAT is not a Third World Country situation.

As for Kennedy's attitude about Cuba? Funny how the very same Mafia thugs that JFK used to steal the election to MAKE him President were the ones that were so instrumental in turning Cuba into the corrupt nation it became in the 1950's. Battista isn't "my boy". He was one more dictator who took power by force and abused his people. He SHOULD have been overthrown by the people and he was. The problem is that the person who replaced him was even worse than Battista was. It's the exact same thing that happened in Russia when the Czar was overthrown by the people. Stalin consolidates power and becomes far worse than the Czar ever was. What the Cuban people needed were democratically elected leaders. What they got was another dictator.
And I note that you once again don't seem to want to attribute the site of the posts you cut and pasted from somewhere, Joe. Was it THAT bad of a source?

Jesus, Joe...just when I thought you were clueless about come roaring back to prove that you're even MORE clueless about Japan! By the mid 50's, Japan was already back to it's pre-war production levels. That's what Cuba at the time of Battista is being compared to...not some bombed out shell of a country. We studied Japan's economy following WWII in college because it recovered so dramatically.

I'm curious, Joe...where is it that you're getting your "take" on places like Cuba? I ask that because it's SO off the charts wrong that I'd like to know if it's just you not knowing about the country or some stupid left wing site that's pushing this nonsense.

I noted that you posted a rather lengthy bit of information that you obviously got from somewhere but you didn't attribute it's source so I'm guessing it's someplace you're not proud of?

Guy, in the 1950's Japan was pretty much a third world country. It was kind of what China was like in the 1990's, known for cheap, knock off stuff you buy in a dime store. They had nowhere near cleaned up the mess.

Batista was a cocksucker and his people hated him, and even our own offiicials, including JFK, admitted it was a HUGE mistake to support him as long as we did.

Oh, bugwit, the parts bout your boy batista were linked in the first post. Learn to fucking read, you moron. Because I'm honestly tired of wasting time on you.

There's a reason why Americans are called "Gringos" and hated in most of Latin America. It's because we pull shit like this.

You're discovering the same thing I did when I tried to have a rational discussion with him.He has reading comprehension problems.a familiar trait among the Reaganuts.

Anytime you post links to him exposing the corruption that went on during Reagans adminsitration,he dismisses it calling it a cut and paste job even though the links you give him are from ACTUAL news broadcasts from the 80's exposing how Reagans policys benefittted only the rich but hurt the poor.:cuckoo: He runs off with his tail between his legs changing the subject and evading the facts acting like you never posted those actual live broadcasts from the 80's.:lol:

He is a cowardly total hypocrite troll.Thats all his fellow trolls do is post cut and past jobs yet like the hypocrite he is,he pats them on the back.He sees things that arent there as well saying you posted something you never posted.:cuckoo:

Then when you tell him that he has been brainwashed and taken in by the myth of reagan by the CIA comtrolled media,he then laughs at you for saying the media is controlled by them even though you show him a video of congress having a hearing about it exposing it back then and of course he acts like you never posted the video and plays dodgeball with it evading the facts since it proves him wrong so he changes the subject.Ignoring facts like Harry Truman regretted the fact that he created the CIA.:cuckoo:

you found out what everyone does that trys to have a rational discussion with him,that you cant,that its a complete waste of time.same with all the reagnuts.they are just here to troll.I discovered that several pages back the hypocrite is a complete waste of time.
Depends what you mean by "Thriving".

Cuba was better off under Fidel than Batista (except for the rich).

China is better off now than it was under the Warlords and Nationalists.

The USSR was better than life under the Tsars...

Your a idiot

I'd be more impressed with your arguments if you understood the difference between "your" and "you're".

I personally would be alot more impressed with Crusader Retard and the other reaganut trolls arguments if they would actually watch videos you post to them that expose reagans corruption commenting on what they talked about in the videos instead of being a chickenshit coward cowardly running off from them evading the facts and changing the subject.:lol:
Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101
1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

This is why the GOP lost in 2008 and 2012: They are living in a past that never existed, just like Reagan did. Reagan raised taxes, grew government, backed socialist programs, and more. When a political party lives on myth, sooner or later it all just collapses into a warm pile of shit

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives
George Will

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After), the summits with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev (see November 16-19, 1985 and October 11-12, 1986), and the recent arms treaties with the Soviets (see Early 1985 and December 7-8, 1987) have soured them on Reagan.

Hardliners had once held considerable power in the Reagan administration (see January 1981 and After and Early 1981 and After), but their influence has steadily waned, and their attempts to sabotage and undermine arms control negotiations (see April 1981 and After, September 1981 through November 1983, May 1982 and After, and April 1983-December 1983), initially quite successful, have grown less effective and more desperate (see Before November 16, 1985). Attempts by administration hardliners to get “soft” officials such as Secretary of State George Shultz fired do not succeed. Conservative pundits such as George Will and William Safire lambast Reagan, with Will accusing him of “moral disarmament” and Safire mocking Reagan’s rapport with Gorbachev: “He professed to see in Mr. Gorbachev’s eyes an end to the Soviet goal of world domination.” It will not be until after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (see November 9, 1989 and After) that conservatives will revise their opinion of Reagan, in the process revising much of history in the process. [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 143-145]

Entity Tags: George Will, George Shultz, William Safire, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan

So it was Reagan's becoming more liberal towards the Soviets, that brought about Reagan's deals with the Soviets, that led to a warming of the cold war and the end of the Soviets' hostility distrust of the west and the USA

great unintentional thread
Stop living that rw fantasy Frank. :eusa_hand: Reagan was no angel. :eusa_naughty:

Crusader Retard wants to live in denial that Reagan was no different than any of the other presidents we have had since Hoover.All of them being evil corrupt bastards the likes of Hitler,Stalin,pol pot,ect ect,with the exception of one who's name i wont mention since they already know who it is im talking about.

Jesus, Joe...just when I thought you were clueless about come roaring back to prove that you're even MORE clueless about Japan! By the mid 50's, Japan was already back to it's pre-war production levels. That's what Cuba at the time of Battista is being compared to...not some bombed out shell of a country. We studied Japan's economy following WWII in college because it recovered so dramatically.

I'm curious, Joe...where is it that you're getting your "take" on places like Cuba? I ask that because it's SO off the charts wrong that I'd like to know if it's just you not knowing about the country or some stupid left wing site that's pushing this nonsense.

I noted that you posted a rather lengthy bit of information that you obviously got from somewhere but you didn't attribute it's source so I'm guessing it's someplace you're not proud of?

Guy, in the 1950's Japan was pretty much a third world country. It was kind of what China was like in the 1990's, known for cheap, knock off stuff you buy in a dime store. They had nowhere near cleaned up the mess.

Batista was a cocksucker and his people hated him, and even our own offiicials, including JFK, admitted it was a HUGE mistake to support him as long as we did.

Oh, bugwit, the parts bout your boy batista were linked in the first post. Learn to fucking read, you moron. Because I'm honestly tired of wasting time on you.

There's a reason why Americans are called "Gringos" and hated in most of Latin America. It's because we pull shit like this.

You're discovering the same thing I did when I tried to have a rational discussion with him.He has reading comprehension problems.a familiar trait among the Reaganuts.

Anytime you post links to him exposing the corruption that went on during Reagans adminsitration,he dismisses it calling it a cut and paste job even though the links you give him are from ACTUAL news broadcasts from the 80's exposing how Reagans policys benefittted only the rich but hurt the poor.:cuckoo: He runs off with his tail between his legs changing the subject and evading the facts acting like you never posted those actual live broadcasts from the 80's.:lol:

He is a cowardly total hypocrite troll.Thats all his fellow trolls do is post cut and past jobs yet like the hypocrite he is,he pats them on the back.He sees things that arent there as well saying you posted something you never posted.:cuckoo:

Then when you tell him that he has been brainwashed and taken in by the myth of reagan by the CIA comtrolled media,he then laughs at you for saying the media is controlled by them even though you show him a video of congress having a hearing about it exposing it back then and of course he acts like you never posted the video and plays dodgeball with it evading the facts since it proves him wrong so he changes the subject.Ignoring facts like Harry Truman regretted the fact that he created the CIA.:cuckoo:

you found out what everyone does that trys to have a rational discussion with him,that you cant,that its a complete waste of time.same with all the reagnuts.they are just here to troll.I discovered that several pages back the hypocrite is a complete waste of time.

In order to have "rational" discussion, 9/11...first you have to start with two rational people. You don't fit that description unfortunately. You're one of those conspiracy nuts that wears tin foil hats and babbles about fake planes flying into the towers.

Joe thinks Castro and communism have been an improvement for the Cuban people. I've actually visited Cuba and know about the conditions that the people there live under. To say that it sucks would be an understatement. Was Battista a thug? Yes he was! But to try and paint Fidel Castro as any less of a thug is laughable. It's like saying that Stalin was better for the Russian people than Czar Nicolas II.
translation of oldstlyes last post-yeah 9/11 you're right.I have lauhgable debating skills and like you have said before,I would be laughed out of a debating hall withing a minute if i debated there the same way I do here cowardly running away from links and videos like i do never addressing them because it proves I am too arrogant to admit when I am wrong.I am too afraid to admit i have been conditioned and brainwashed my whole life so I live in denial about Reagan only seeing what I want to see just like you have said before.
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