Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Didn't hear much about the terrorist promoter on Presidents day. Does this mean the revisionist Reagan fad is burned out?

You mean Obama's Muslim Brotherhood?

No, I meant Hezbollah, Syria, Iran and those segments of the Muhjahideen that went on to become Taliban and al Qaeda. I quess you could include the Muslim Brotherhood, weren't they in business when Reagan was giving all the other groups a pass?

All Muslims look alike, got it
Bill Clinton gave away nuclear technology to the NK which allowed them to build a freaking Bomb and he sold ICBM technology to China through his big campaign contributor "Loral".
Reagan traded weapons with the enemy:confused:

Obama gave weapons away that killed Americans

tapatalk post[/QUOTE [MENTION=18909]thanatos144[/MENTION] :cuckoo:


and Reagan traded with the enemy, traded weapons. Sold them weapons. Armed America's enemies


^ Brian Terry, killed by weapons Obama and Holder gave to violent Mexican drug gang
Obama gave weapons away that killed Americans

tapatalk post
[MENTION=18909]thanatos144[/MENTION] :cuckoo:


and Reagan traded with the enemy, traded weapons. Sold them weapons. Armed America's enemies]

^ Brian Terry, killed by weapons Obama and Holder gave to violent Mexican drug gang[/QUOTE]

Funny, I thought a member of the NRA sold those weapons. licensed firearms dealers sold weapons to illegal straw buyers

go figure
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Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in helping the late Kim Jong-Il develop North Korea’s nuclear prowess from the mid 1990′s onwards.

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld presided over a $200 million dollar contract to deliver equipment and services to build two light water reactor stations in North Korea in January 2000 when he was an executive director of ABB (Asea Brown Boveri).

In April 2002, the Bush administration announced that it would release $95 million of American taxpayer’s dollars to begin construction of the ‘harmless’ light water reactors in North Korea. Bush argued that arming the megalomaniac dictator Kim Jong-Il with the potential to produce a hundred nukes a year was, “vital to the national security interests of the United States.” Bush released even more money for the same purpose in January 2003.

even the nuts know more than you do » Who Gave North Korea Nukes In The First Place? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I'm am actually witness to a partisan debate over what acts of scuminess are scummier.
How about the realization of what it take to be a politician...Only scum need apply.
[MENTION=18909]thanatos144[/MENTION] :cuckoo:


and Reagan traded with the enemy, traded weapons. Sold them weapons. Armed America's enemies]

^ Brian Terry, killed by weapons Obama and Holder gave to violent Mexican drug gang[/QUOTE]

Funny, I thought a member of the NRA sold those weapons. licensed firearms dealers sold weapons to illegal straw buyers

go figure[/QUOTE]

It was Holder and Obama who were the Masterminds of the Plot that got Brian terry killed; they could and should be indicted as co-conspirators
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I don't think there's much doubt left that we now know Reagan was a communist. Ample evidence has been shown on these boards the truth of the matter. Reagan was a Democrat and voted for FDR, he was in the movie business and made propaganda films, he was divorced, he was a union man, he lived in Chicago quite near Obama's house, which put him close to the University of Chicago. Chicago is where Obama taught. Reagan touted the SDI, spending millions and it never worked, Reagan never expected it to work. He tripled the national debt and forgot all about breaking the law with Iran Conta The biggie, however, is not all that evidence, but who made biggest deal ever with the Soviet Union? It was Reagan.
I don't think there's much doubt left that we now know Reagan was a communist. Ample evidence has been shown on these boards the truth of the matter. Reagan was a Democrat and voted for FDR, he was in the movie business and made propaganda films, he was divorced, he was a union man, he lived in Chicago quite near Obama's house, which put him close to the University of Chicago. Chicago is where Obama taught. Reagan touted the SDI, spending millions and it never worked, Reagan never expected it to work. He tripled the national debt and forgot all about breaking the law with Iran Conta The biggie, however, is not all that evidence, but who made biggest deal ever with the Soviet Union? It was Reagan.

^ Misses Uncle Joe]

^ Brian Terry, killed by weapons Obama and Holder gave to violent Mexican drug gang[/quote]

Funny, I thought a member of the NRA sold those weapons. licensed firearms dealers sold weapons to illegal straw buyers

go figure[/QUOTE]

It's was Holder and Obama who were the Masterminds of the Plot that got Brian terry killed; they could and should be indicted as co-conspirators[/QUOTE]

masterminds? plot? :eek:
In order to be considered a "mastermind" wouldn't one need to have superior intellect? One of the things that's become painfully obvious over the past five years is that neither Barack or Eric is as smart as they were held out to be and that both are shockingly unaware of most of the "goings on" around them until they hear about it from the news media.
Ronald Reagan saved the world from slavery. We were on the verge of losing the Cold War and then God saved us by giving us Ronald Wilson Reagan. He was the only man capable of being elected president that had the courage to resisted the Soviets.

The Democrats did pretty good fighting the Communist until Vietnam; they were defeated in Vietnam, but fortunately for us the Republicans, the conservatives and Ronald Reagan were not. We owe them a lot especially Ronny.

If Bill Clinton had been elected president, fortunately he was not old enough at the time, today I would be dead or in a slave labor camp.

There were some Liberal Democrats that still fought the Communists, but they were a minority.
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