Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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I note that nobody is still attempting to defend the GOP's mythology about Reagan.

This is a good thing.

I presume it means those of you who had been mislead about Reagan being a conservative, checked the history to discover that he was the exact OPPOSITE.

Good for ya'll
I note that nobody is still attempting to defend the GOP's mythology about Reagan.

This is a good thing.

I presume it means those of you who had been mislead about Reagan being a conservative, checked the history to discover that he was the exact OPPOSITE.

Good for ya'll
Reagan was a conservative and a very successful one. Thus the liberal revisionism of history and the endless whining.
I note that nobody is still attempting to defend the GOP's mythology about Reagan.

This is a good thing.

I presume it means those of you who had been mislead about Reagan being a conservative, checked the history to discover that he was the exact OPPOSITE.

Good for ya'll
Reagan was a conservative and a very successful one. Thus the liberal revisionism of history and the endless whining.

Yes, most of us m iss the nice middle class this senile old fuck destroyed.
I note that nobody is still attempting to defend the GOP's mythology about Reagan.

This is a good thing.

I presume it means those of you who had been mislead about Reagan being a conservative, checked the history to discover that he was the exact OPPOSITE.

Good for ya'll

What’s remarkable is that so many bought into the myth to begin with, and for so long.
What we don't have is any evidence ever that Alger Hiss was a spy. He was never convicted of spying. And most of the so-called evidence turned out to be bogus.

Alger Hiss lost a civil suit for defamation over Chamber's claim he was a spy, AND lost 2 perjury trials over the question as to whether he was a spy. The only reason he wasn't convicted of spying is that the statute of limitations had expired for bringing that charge.

And, as for your claim that the Soviets said Hiss wasn't one of theirs, Volkogonov left "wiggle room". "Later, the general admitted that the search had not been thorough, that it could not be complete because files had been destroyed, and that he could not speak for other intelligence agencies, just the KGB. He did not offer to check again, and the old Soviet warhorse was quoted as saying Hiss’s attorney had pressured him into giving his client the clearance."

AIM Report: Media Won?t Give Up on Red Spy Alger Hiss ? July B

So, obviously the issue is still not settled.

It is to me. McCarthyism ruined hundreds of lives because we all shat ourselves for a decade.

First, Name one life ruined by McCarthy

Second, Your Soviet pals tried to start WWIII with the Berlin Blockade in 1948, McCarthy gave his Wheeling WV Speech in Feb 1950 and then your ChiCom Pals started the Korean War 4 months later
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First, Name one life ruined by McCarthy

Secind, Your Soviet pals tried to start WWIII with the Berlin Blockade in 1948, McCarthy gave his Wheeling WV Speech in Feb 1950 and then your ChiCom Pals started the Korean War 4 months later

Not seeing how an incident where neither side used violence was going to start WWIII.

The Soviets told us to get out of Berlin because they were the ones who took it...

We could talk about the Hollywood blacklist, where dozens of people were denied work because of false accusations they were communists or just because they wouldn't testify in front of their co-workers.
I note that nobody is still attempting to defend the GOP's mythology about Reagan.

This is a good thing.

I presume it means those of you who had been mislead about Reagan being a conservative, checked the history to discover that he was the exact OPPOSITE.

Good for ya'll
Reagan was a conservative and a very successful one. Thus the liberal revisionism of history and the endless whining.

Yes, most of us m iss the nice middle class this senile old fuck destroyed.
You destroyed yourself Joe. Stop trying to pawn it off. It reeks of desperation.
Reagan was a conservative and a very successful one. Thus the liberal revisionism of history and the endless whining.

Yes, most of us m iss the nice middle class this senile old fuck destroyed.
You destroyed yourself Joe. Stop trying to pawn it off. It reeks of desperation.

I'm doing okay... I'm talking about everyone else, dumbass.

We had it pretty good before dumbfuck bedtime for Bonzo got there.
Yes, most of us m iss the nice middle class this senile old fuck destroyed.
You destroyed yourself Joe. Stop trying to pawn it off. It reeks of desperation.

I'm doing okay... I'm talking about everyone else, dumbass.

We had it pretty good before dumbfuck bedtime for Bonzo got there.
Yeah, right Joe. You've got failure, bitterness and envy written all over you. Others succeeded where you failed and you've channeled all you frustrations on the rich and successful, like Reagan. That much is obvious.
ENOUGH w/ the gipper fluffing!!! :eusa_wall: So he gave a mediocre speech & ran the debt up & the other empire got bankrupted first? BFD :dunno: Their probs started before Ronnie got into office. He was a "Johnny come lately" to the game :funnyface: :laugh:

Awww is the socialist feeling bad because all his heroes are evil murderers that can't run a country?

what an Ironic post since the reaganut worshippers hero is reagan, an evil murderer who couldnt run the country.:lol::lol:
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I note that nobody is still attempting to defend the GOP's mythology about Reagan.

This is a good thing.

I presume it means those of you who had been mislead about Reagan being a conservative, checked the history to discover that he was the exact OPPOSITE.

Good for ya'll


It was these facts here below about him that made them wise up and stop defending him.:D

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers

so now that they see he has been exposed,thats why they have changed the subject and are talking about something else now.:D
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You destroyed yourself Joe. Stop trying to pawn it off. It reeks of desperation.

I'm doing okay... I'm talking about everyone else, dumbass.

We had it pretty good before dumbfuck bedtime for Bonzo got there.
Yeah, right Joe. You've got failure, bitterness and envy written all over you. Others succeeded where you failed and you've channeled all you frustrations on the rich and successful, like Reagan. That much is obvious.

Actually, I'm more successful thanmost of my peer group, thanks.

But the fact the middle class has been gutted in this country and we have obscene wealth inequality is not a problem erased by slinging personal insults.

It just shows your inability to make a point.
one of these days, the middle class are no longer going to be able to afford any of the imported goods that the corporatists and their water-carriers (the politicians) are pushing on us because there won't be any middle-class left.
You fucking idiots do know the middle class is just a label invented by Karl Marx a right? God you communists are pathetic.

Oh.. Karl Marx, right.

Actually, the term is a lot older than that. You might want to look up the origin of the word "Bourgeusis" (sp).

Fact is, we had a middle class of laborers who had good paychecks because they had unions making sure they got a fair cut and a Federal Government who looked out for them instead of the rich.

And the country was kind of awesome to live in (at least if you were white) up until the point where that senile old fuck of an actor decided the rich just didn't have enough, the poor dears.

We totally need to fix that.
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