Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Okay, McCarthy, there's a commie hiding under your bed.

(Did you miss the whole 1950's when we realized your sort were nuts?)

Did you miss the USSR admitting they had more spies in the FDR White House than McCarthy tried to warn us about?

Yeah, that sounds like a guy who insists he has a 12 inch dick on the internet.

It sounds more like when facts are at odds with your low-information world view you resort to insults
Okay, McCarthy, there's a commie hiding under your bed.

(Did you miss the whole 1950's when we realized your sort were nuts?)

Did you miss the USSR admitting they had more spies in the FDR White House than McCarthy tried to warn us about?

Yeah, that sounds like a guy who insists he has a 12 inch dick on the internet.
I like the one about the guy who insists he has a degree in history!:lol:
Yeah, he could totally fucked it up and the Communist Party would have won in 1932.

In any event more people in the FDR White House reported to Stalin than to FDR

Okay, McCarthy, there's a commie hiding under your bed.

(Did you miss the whole 1950's when we realized your sort were nuts?)

You claim to know history DUDE, but this post proves you do not.

Joe McCarthy was RIGHT. In fact, he was much too limited in his exposure of commie traitors in our government during the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Whitaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley exposed numerous commies, which FDR and Truman willfully ignored. The two POTUS fools even condemned the truth tellers, while doing all they could to protect the traitorous commies. The Venona Papers and FBI wire taps confirmed McCarthy, Chambers, and Bentley were right.

You should educate yourself on the issue before posting propaganda you learned in the government schools. You might start with books by Evans Stanton and Diana West.

I am betting you still believe Alger Hiss and the Rosenburgs were innocent...but then, you would not be alone. Many Americans have chosen to accept the lies feed to them by the state.

You claim to know history DUDE, but this post proves you do not.

Joe McCarthy was RIGHT. In fact, he was much too limited in his exposure of commie traitors in our government during the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Whitaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley exposed numerous commies, which FDR and Truman willfully ignored. The two POTUS fools even condemned the truth tellers, while doing all they could to protect the traitorous commies. The Venona Papers and FBI wire taps confirmed McCarthy, Chambers, and Bentley were right.

You should educate yourself on the issue before posting propaganda you learned in the government schools. You might start with books by Evans Stanton and Diana West.

I am betting you still believe Alger Hiss and the Rosenburgs were innocent...but then, you would not be alone. Many Americans have chosen to accept the lies feed to them by the state.

I just don't think we should have executed people because we don't like their politics.

Something you should probably appreciate, considering your kind of political douchebaggery is going to very soon be in the minority.

The Red Scare was exactly what it was... we all crapped ourselves when a former ally turned into a rival.
It sounds more like when facts are at odds with your low-information world view you resort to insults

No, because there's no proof of that, other than crazy Bircher crap.

The Soviets admitted they had spies in the FDR White House. Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle the last 2 decades?

No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

You claim to know history DUDE, but this post proves you do not.

Joe McCarthy was RIGHT. In fact, he was much too limited in his exposure of commie traitors in our government during the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Whitaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley exposed numerous commies, which FDR and Truman willfully ignored. The two POTUS fools even condemned the truth tellers, while doing all they could to protect the traitorous commies. The Venona Papers and FBI wire taps confirmed McCarthy, Chambers, and Bentley were right.

You should educate yourself on the issue before posting propaganda you learned in the government schools. You might start with books by Evans Stanton and Diana West.

I am betting you still believe Alger Hiss and the Rosenburgs were innocent...but then, you would not be alone. Many Americans have chosen to accept the lies feed to them by the state.

I just don't think we should have executed people because we don't like their politics.

Something you should probably appreciate, considering your kind of political douchebaggery is going to very soon be in the minority.

The Red Scare was exactly what it was... we all crapped ourselves when a former ally turned into a rival.

Again you prove you know little on this subject.

The infiltration of our government by American commie traitors is well documented. If you want to know the truth, which it would appear you do not, it is readily available to you.

And the rest of your post is complete foolishness. The Soviets were our we should just ignore their heinous actions, history, and tyrannical ideology...and their spying.

Has it ever occurred to you that the Soviets should NEVER have been our allies?

And who said anything about the death penalty? You raise straw-man arguments whenever you are proven incorrect.

Was Hiss and the Rosenbergs Soviet spies or not?
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No, because there's no proof of that, other than crazy Bircher crap.

The Soviets admitted they had spies in the FDR White House. Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle the last 2 decades?

No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

Your post is utter and complete nonsense. Please stop.

You do not know the truth about this subject.

You might want to stick to the history of the Kardashians and Jay-Z/Beyonce Knowles Carters.
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Again you prove you know little on this subject.

The infiltration of our government by American commie traitors is well documented. If you want to know the truth, which it would appear you do not, it is readily available to you.

And the rest of your post is complete foolishness. The Soviets were our we should just ignore their heinous actions, history, and tyrannical ideology...and their spying.

Actually, we should do exactly that. The USSR did more to win WWII than we did. We spied on them, they spied on us. I just can't get awfully upset about it.

Has it ever occurred to you that the Soviets should NEVER have been our allies?

No, actually, that never would have occurred to me. Hitler was determined to take over the world and exterminate everyone who wasn't an Aryan, so really, probably a good thing that he didn't. Sadly, the only way to beat him was to have a system that was equally ruthless.

This is the thing that you don't get. The USSR really won WWII. We just held their coats for them.

And who said anything about the death penalty? You raise straw-man arguments whenever you are proven incorrect.

Was Hiss and the Rosenbergs Soviet spies or not?

Hiss, probably not. The Rosenbergs- Julius was, Ethel wasn't, but we murdered her anyway.

But it's okay if WE murder people for not liking their politics. It's just bad when THEY do it.
The Soviets admitted they had spies in the FDR White House. Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle the last 2 decades?

No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

Your post is utter and complete nonsense. Please stop.

You do not know the truth about this subject.

You might want to stick to the history of the Kardashians and Jay-Z/Beyonce Knowles Carters.

Well, it does fall into the I don't give a fuck region, but there's this...

Alger Hiss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Alger Hiss petitioned General Dmitry Antonovich Volkogonov, who had become President Yeltsin's military advisor and the overseer of all the Soviet intelligence archives, to request the release of any Soviet files on the Hiss case. Both former President Nixon and the director of his presidential library, John H. Taylor, wrote similar letters, though their full contents are not yet publicly available.

Russian archivists responded by reviewing their files, and in late 1992 reported back that they had found no evidence Hiss ever engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union nor that he was a member of the Communist Party. However, Volkogonov subsequently stated he spent only two days on the search and had mainly relied on the word of KGB archivists. "What I saw gave me no basis to claim a full clarification", he said. Referring to Hiss's lawyer, he added, "John Lowenthal pushed me to say things of which I was not fully convinced."[74] General-Lieutenant Vitaly Pavlov, who ran Soviet intelligence work in North America in the late 1930s and early 1940s for the NKVD, provided some corroboration of the initial report in his memoirs, stating that Hiss never worked for the USSR as one of his agents.[75] In 2003, retired Russian intelligence official General Julius Kobyakov disclosed that it was he who had actually searched the files for Volkogonov. Kobyakov stated:

After careful study of every reference to Mr. A. Hiss in the SVR(KGB-NKVD)archives, and querying sister services, I prepared an answer to Mr. J. Lowenthal that in essence stated that Mr. A. Hiss had never had any relationship with the SVR or its predecessors.[75]

In 2007, Svetlana Chervonnaya, a Russian researcher who had been studying Soviet archives since the early 1990s, stated that Hiss' name was absent from Soviet archives.[76
No, because there's no proof of that, other than crazy Bircher crap.

The Soviets admitted they had spies in the FDR White House. Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle the last 2 decades?

No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

That's like saying George Washington claimed to be President.

At the time, the FBI had Intel on the spies that they gave to McCarthy, some of the spies admitted they were spying for the USSR, and then Moscow released the backup on their spy program.

Again, facts and your worldview are parallel lines that never cross

You claim to know history DUDE, but this post proves you do not.

Joe McCarthy was RIGHT. In fact, he was much too limited in his exposure of commie traitors in our government during the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Whitaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley exposed numerous commies, which FDR and Truman willfully ignored. The two POTUS fools even condemned the truth tellers, while doing all they could to protect the traitorous commies. The Venona Papers and FBI wire taps confirmed McCarthy, Chambers, and Bentley were right.

You should educate yourself on the issue before posting propaganda you learned in the government schools. You might start with books by Evans Stanton and Diana West.

I am betting you still believe Alger Hiss and the Rosenburgs were innocent...but then, you would not be alone. Many Americans have chosen to accept the lies feed to them by the state.

I just don't think we should have executed people because we don't like their politics.

Something you should probably appreciate, considering your kind of political douchebaggery is going to very soon be in the minority.

The Red Scare was exactly what it was... we all crapped ourselves when a former ally turned into a rival.

The facts say otherwise. The USSR tried to start WWIII with the Berlin Blockade and soon thereafter the ChiComs and NoKo started the Korean War (1948) (1950) (Feb 1950)

Fact =/= JoeB's worldview
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The Soviets admitted they had spies in the FDR White House. Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle the last 2 decades?

No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

That's like saying George Washington claimed to be President.

At the time, the FBI had Intel on the spies that they gave to McCarthy, some of the spies admitted they were spying for the USSR, and then Moscow released the backup on their spy program.

Again, facts and your worldview are parallel lines that never cross

names? :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:
No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

That's like saying George Washington claimed to be President.

At the time, the FBI had Intel on the spies that they gave to McCarthy, some of the spies admitted they were spying for the USSR, and then Moscow released the backup on their spy program.

Again, facts and your worldview are parallel lines that never cross

names? :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

Check my "blacklisted" thread
That's like saying George Washington claimed to be President.

At the time, the FBI had Intel on the spies that they gave to McCarthy, some of the spies admitted they were spying for the USSR, and then Moscow released the backup on their spy program.

Again, facts and your worldview are parallel lines that never cross

names? :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

Check my "blacklisted" thread

It is amazing how little most Americans know about the many American traitor commies who infested the administrations of FDR and Truman. Even to this day some still believe such utter foolishness as Alger Hiss' innocence.

What they know was told to them by the state, which always lies. It is very unfortunate that some Americans chose to believe lies and refuse to accept the truth. Tyrants love such people.
The Soviets admitted they had spies in the FDR White House. Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle the last 2 decades?

No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

That's like saying George Washington claimed to be President.

At the time, the FBI had Intel on the spies that they gave to McCarthy, some of the spies admitted they were spying for the USSR, and then Moscow released the backup on their spy program.

Again, facts and your worldview are parallel lines that never cross

We have documentary evidence that Geo. Washington was president.

What we don't have is any evidence ever that Alger Hiss was a spy. He was never convicted of spying. And most of the so-called evidence turned out to be bogus.

Also, after the Cold War they asked the Russians, who said, "NOpe, not one of ours!"
No, they CLAIMED they did after everyone involved was already dead and couldn't deny it.

That's not the same thing.

That's like saying George Washington claimed to be President.

At the time, the FBI had Intel on the spies that they gave to McCarthy, some of the spies admitted they were spying for the USSR, and then Moscow released the backup on their spy program.

Again, facts and your worldview are parallel lines that never cross

We have documentary evidence that Geo. Washington was president.

What we don't have is any evidence ever that Alger Hiss was a spy. He was never convicted of spying. And most of the so-called evidence turned out to be bogus.

Also, after the Cold War they asked the Russians, who said, "NOpe, not one of ours!"

So we're relying on the Soviets to confirm they had spies?
That's like saying George Washington claimed to be President.

At the time, the FBI had Intel on the spies that they gave to McCarthy, some of the spies admitted they were spying for the USSR, and then Moscow released the backup on their spy program.

Again, facts and your worldview are parallel lines that never cross

We have documentary evidence that Geo. Washington was president.

What we don't have is any evidence ever that Alger Hiss was a spy. He was never convicted of spying. And most of the so-called evidence turned out to be bogus.

Also, after the Cold War they asked the Russians, who said, "NOpe, not one of ours!"

So we're relying on the Soviets to confirm they had spies?

I thought you were? You were the one who claimed that there were more people working for Stalin than FDR in the FDR White HOuse.

It would be nice if you could prove even the most famous one actually was.
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