Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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We all know that liberals are given to excessive whining, but one can only be flabbergasted by Reagan's success in that the whining continues to this day; 25 years after he was last president.

Now that's a incredible legacy befitting America's last great leader.

Busted middle class
Tripled the national debt
Enabled Jihadist terrorists.

We are still paying for Reagan's ineptitude.

enormous expansion of the middle class
largest increase in the African American Middle class in history at that point
saved us from the Carter Depression
gave help to people fighting an army that killed ONE MILLION Afghanis

still gives left-wing nutjobs Irritable Bowel Syndrome

oh and couldnt have spent a penny without the democrats that held the purse strings FOR ALL 8 REAGAN YEARS

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Don't forget he brought communism down to its knees and crippled the American left for a generation. Those are the kinds of things a Stalinist like JoeB can never forgive.

enormous expansion of the middle class

Sorry, man, the middle class DECLINED under Reagan.

Reagan's Real Legacy | The Nation


largest increase in the African American Middle class in history at that point

saved us from the Carter Depression

When Carter left office, unemployment was at 7.4%. Under reagan, it hit 11.3% before Reagan changed the counting rules to include people in the military as "employed". When Reagan got re-elected, unemployment was at 7.2%. Reagan intentionally continued Carter's policy of using unemployment to curb inflation.

gave help to people fighting an army that killed ONE MILLION Afghanis

What killed 1 million Afghanis is that we kept pouring gasoline on that fire. A fire that eventually turned around and burned us when those same "Freedom fighters" flew planes into buildings on 9/11.
[Don't forget he brought communism down to its knees and crippled the American left for a generation. Those are the kinds of things a Stalinist like JoeB can never forgive.

You know what, I think the Jihadists are a lot worse than the Communists were.

The Communists weren't going to fly planes into buildings because they thought they were going to get to boink 72 virgins in the afterlife.

enormous expansion of the middle class

Sorry, man, the middle class DECLINED under Reagan.

Reagan's Real Legacy | The Nation


largest increase in the African American Middle class in history at that point

saved us from the Carter Depression

When Carter left office, unemployment was at 7.4%. Under reagan, it hit 11.3% before Reagan changed the counting rules to include people in the military as "employed". When Reagan got re-elected, unemployment was at 7.2%. Reagan intentionally continued Carter's policy of using unemployment to curb inflation.

gave help to people fighting an army that killed ONE MILLION Afghanis

What killed 1 million Afghanis is that we kept pouring gasoline on that fire. A fire that eventually turned around and burned us when those same "Freedom fighters" flew planes into buildings on 9/11.

you would tink you'd know when to shut up; but you seem to ENJOY embarrassing yourself; standing there with your faded Che Guevara t-shirt; waving your hammer and sickle glag

you would tink you'd know when to shut up; but you seem to ENJOY embarrassing yourself; standing there with your faded Che Guevara t-shirt; waving your hammer and sickle glag

Sorry, I think that the Cresent and black flag of Al Qaeda is a lot more serious.

Guys Reagan called "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians who were trying to teach girls how to read in Afghanistan.
sorry moron leftist; but there is no escaping it. if Reagan was a success you had nothing to do with it IN YOUR OPINION because you are clearly implying the other side opposed his policies; and if he is a failure there is the FACT OF THE HISTORICAL RECORD of support for Reagans policies; and so much support from the other side a whole new term was coined to describe them

you're a loser who lies to himself Joe

you would tink you'd know when to shut up; but you seem to ENJOY embarrassing yourself; standing there with your faded Che Guevara t-shirt; waving your hammer and sickle glag

Sorry, I think that the Cresent and black flag of Al Qaeda is a lot more serious.

Guys Reagan called "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians who were trying to teach girls how to read in Afghanistan.

when they were killing russians they WERE FREEDOM fighters you dolt.

where is your brain idiot?
so you are saying that cops who kill people are all killers? and our soldiers are murderers?

you're moronic moral relativism is embarrassing
russians killed a million Afghanis; just because they wanted little girls to read huh Joe?

you get dumber by the post.

then again in left-wing circles mass slaughter IS acceptable when spreading left-wing ideology

what was it Mao said?
actually it was Stalin that said " the death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic"

there isnt anything leftists wont do to other people to "help" them

when they were killing russians they WERE FREEDOM fighters you dolt.

where is your brain idiot?
so you are saying that cops who kill people are all killers? and our soldiers are murderers?

you're moronic moral relativism is embarrassing

Uh, no, they were terrorists when they were killing Russians just like they were terrorists when they were killing Americans.

They were fighting against the legally and internationally recognized Afghan government. Most of the guys fighting, like Bin Laden, weren't even Afghanis. And we kept pouring gas on the fire by providing weapons, not realizing that these guys weren't just against "communism", they were against Christianity, democracy, western thought and modernity in general.

And they are a much bigger threat to the US than the Communists ever were.
russians killed a million Afghanis; just because they wanted little girls to read huh Joe?

you get dumber by the post.

then again in left-wing circles mass slaughter IS acceptable when spreading left-wing ideology

what was it Mao said?

Sorry, the only reason why a million Afghanis died was because there was a war we funded.

The Pakistanis sold us a bill of goods about how these guys they were arming were "Freedom Fighters" and we bought it.
russians killed a million Afghanis; just because they wanted little girls to read huh Joe?

you get dumber by the post.

then again in left-wing circles mass slaughter IS acceptable when spreading left-wing ideology

what was it Mao said?

Sorry, the only reason why a million Afghanis died was because there was a war we funded.

The Pakistanis sold us a bill of goods about how these guys they were arming were "Freedom Fighters" and we bought it.

ur right goober; we made Russia invade Afghanistan; and they should have just let their country be taken over; because russians only wanted the little girls to read

what an idiot
russians killed a million Afghanis; just because they wanted little girls to read huh Joe?

you get dumber by the post.

then again in left-wing circles mass slaughter IS acceptable when spreading left-wing ideology

what was it Mao said?

Sorry, the only reason why a million Afghanis died was because there was a war we funded.

The Pakistanis sold us a bill of goods about how these guys they were arming were "Freedom Fighters" and we bought it.

ur right goober; we made Russia invade Afghanistan; and they should have just let their country be taken over; because russians only wanted the little girls to read

what an idiot

The Russians didn't "invade" Afghanistan.

They were invited in by the legitimate government of Afghanistan. This is what you clowns don't get.

Legally, under international law, what they did was just as fine as when the US sent troops to Saudi Arabia in 1990 (which by the way, was one of the justifications Bin Laden used to excuse 9/11.)

So Legitimate GOvenrment invites in help from a larger country, Jihadists don't like that, they turn into terrorists and start murdering people.

Describes the problem both we and the Russians had with Bin Laden.

One man's "Terrorist" is anther man's "Freedom Fighter", but sometimes, they are the same man.

Of course, The Russians must be looking at us in Afghanistan and laughing their asses off.
a silly person wrote:

FACT: so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them.

That is not what the term Reagan Democrat meant. Had nothing to do with how Congress voted.
a silly person wrote:

FACT: so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them.

That is not what the term Reagan Democrat meant. Had nothing to do with how Congress voted.

Bedwetter is kind of dumb.

The Reagan Democrat was used to describe people like my parents, who voted for Democrats in local and state elections, but voted for Reagan.

The question is, why did they vote for Reagan?

Well, unfortunately, it was because the Democrats went all in with the counterculture in the 1970's.
a silly person wrote:

FACT: so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them.

That is not what the term Reagan Democrat meant. Had nothing to do with how Congress voted.

Bedwetter is kind of dumb.

The Reagan Democrat was used to describe people like my parents, who voted for Democrats in local and state elections, but voted for Reagan.

The question is, why did they vote for Reagan?

Well, unfortunately, it was because the Democrats went all in with the counterculture in the 1970's.

you are simply an idiot; lying to himself. that is exactly what the term reagan Democrat meant. but IF it refers to democrats who voted for Reagan for President; the point remains the same; because the same people who voted for reagan as president would vote for representatives who also agreed with reagan's policies
a silly person wrote:

FACT: so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them.

That is not what the term Reagan Democrat meant. Had nothing to do with how Congress voted.

read it and weep leftard. then again you probably arent man enough to admit you're wrong:


The term can also be used to describe moderate Democrats who are more conservative than liberal on certain issues like national security and immigration. The term Reagan Democrat also refers to the vast sway that Reagan held over the House of Representatives during his presidency, even though the house had a Democratic majority during both of his terms.[1] The term also hearkens back to Richard Nixon's Silent Majority; a concept that Ronald Reagan himself used during his political campaigns in the 1970s.
a silly person wrote:

FACT: so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them.

That is not what the term Reagan Democrat meant. Had nothing to do with how Congress voted.

Bedwetter is kind of dumb.

The Reagan Democrat was used to describe people like my parents, who voted for Democrats in local and state elections, but voted for Reagan.

The question is, why did they vote for Reagan?

Well, unfortunately, it was because the Democrats went all in with the counterculture in the 1970's.

My take is that we were fed up with getting pushed around. The loss of Vietnam followed by hostage taking in Iran and getting pushed around by OPEC made us want someone who would stand up and fight. We needed and wanted a cowboy, a guy who could and would bring back some American pride.

Folks who weren't around back in that era can't even imagine Rep's and Dem's respecting each other and putting the country ahead of the party. They comprimised and worked to get things done. When a Dem was elected by the people to be President the Rep's in congress respected that and respected that the people had spoken with their votes. Likewise, when a Repub was elected, like Reagan, the Dem's respected the wishs of the voters and supported the elected President whenever they could, which was very often. There were plenty of battles about legislation, but Reagan and later Bush 41 were given certain levels of respect and support by Democrats, just as previous Democratic Presidents were given respect and certain levels of support by Republican's in congress.
Sorry, the only reason why a million Afghanis died was because there was a war we funded.

The Pakistanis sold us a bill of goods about how these guys they were arming were "Freedom Fighters" and we bought it.

ur right goober; we made Russia invade Afghanistan; and they should have just let their country be taken over; because russians only wanted the little girls to read

what an idiot

The Russians didn't "invade" Afghanistan.

They were invited in by the legitimate government of Afghanistan. This is what you clowns don't get.

Legally, under international law, what they did was just as fine as when the US sent troops to Saudi Arabia in 1990 (which by the way, was one of the justifications Bin Laden used to excuse 9/11.)

So Legitimate GOvenrment invites in help from a larger country, Jihadists don't like that, they turn into terrorists and start murdering people.

Describes the problem both we and the Russians had with Bin Laden.

One man's "Terrorist" is anther man's "Freedom Fighter", but sometimes, they are the same man.

Of course, The Russians must be looking at us in Afghanistan and laughing their asses off.

WHEN You're invited in; and that implies the people; not just the government; agreed with the "invitation"; yo ugenerally have to kill a million citizens who "invited" you

Sorry, the only reason why a million Afghanis died was because there was a war we funded.

The Pakistanis sold us a bill of goods about how these guys they were arming were "Freedom Fighters" and we bought it.

ur right goober; we made Russia invade Afghanistan; and they should have just let their country be taken over; because russians only wanted the little girls to read

what an idiot

The Russians didn't "invade" Afghanistan.

They were invited in by the legitimate government of Afghanistan. This is what you clowns don't get.

Legally, under international law, what they did was just as fine as when the US sent troops to Saudi Arabia in 1990 (which by the way, was one of the justifications Bin Laden used to excuse 9/11.)

So Legitimate GOvenrment invites in help from a larger country, Jihadists don't like that, they turn into terrorists and start murdering people.

Describes the problem both we and the Russians had with Bin Laden.

One man's "Terrorist" is anther man's "Freedom Fighter", but sometimes, they are the same man.

Of course, The Russians must be looking at us in Afghanistan and laughing their asses off.

the puppet government installed by soviets "invited" Russians in. you're simply an idiot twisting things to fit your narrative.
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