Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

It was.

23 OCT 1983

Ronald Reagan - Commander in Chief
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to Beirut. Lebanon
United States Marines ordered to carry UNLOADED WEAPONS
United States Marines ordered to not carry or be issued ammunition
United States Marine securtiy force and sentries unable to attempt the
stopping of suicide bomber charging through barricades towards barracks
Over 243 United States Marines killed when unhindered bomber
detonates bomb upon crashing into barracks

Attack carried out by Hezbollah
No military response is attempted or made
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to withdraw
Commander in Chief allows negotiations and arms sales to Iran
Iran is main supplier of munitions, weapons, support and backer of Hezbollah

Terrorist attacks on American citizens continue

Now show a link that shows one line of the above to be not 100% FACT AND TRUE. FUCK RONALD REAGAN!!!
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I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

It was.

18 April 1983

Ronald Reagan - Commander in Chief
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to Beirut. Lebanon
United States Marines ordered to carry UNLOADED WEAPONS
United States Marines ordered to not carry or be issued ammunition
United States Marine securtiy force and sentries unable to attempt the
stopping of suicide bomber charging through barricades towards barracks
Over 243 United States Marines killed when unhindered bomber
detonates bomb upon crashing into barracks

Attack carried out by Hezbollah
No military response is attempted or made
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to withdraw
Commander in Chief allows negotiations and arms sales to Iran
Iran is main supplier of munitions, weapons, support and backer of Hezbollah

Terrorist attacks on American citizens continue

Now show a link that shows one line of the above to be not 100% FACT AND TRUE. FUCK RONALD REAGAN!!!
We both know that's not why you're biting down on your pillow 25 years hence. Even for a light weight, that's pretty disingenuous.
What an asskicking thread this was for those of you still clinging to the REAGAN myths.

Facts have an annoying way of not going away, not even after decades of lies trying to cover them up.

Now I know both DEMS and REPS are gonna hate me for saying this but REAGAN was just one more TOOL in a line of Presidents who are tools for the masters.

This nation has NOT had a real change of administrations since CARTER left office.

Oh the puppets change, but the puppet-masters are the same shadowy figures as always.

When did these people grow so bold?

I'm guessing after they managed to off JFK and get away with it.
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Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

It was.

18 April 1983

Ronald Reagan - Commander in Chief
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to Beirut. Lebanon
United States Marines ordered to carry UNLOADED WEAPONS
United States Marines ordered to not carry or be issued ammunition
United States Marine securtiy force and sentries unable to attempt the
stopping of suicide bomber charging through barricades towards barracks
Over 243 United States Marines killed when unhindered bomber
detonates bomb upon crashing into barracks

Attack carried out by Hezbollah
No military response is attempted or made
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to withdraw
Commander in Chief allows negotiations and arms sales to Iran
Iran is main supplier of munitions, weapons, support and backer of Hezbollah

Terrorist attacks on American citizens continue

Now show a link that shows one line of the above to be not 100% FACT AND TRUE. FUCK RONALD REAGAN!!!
We both know that's not why you're biting down on your pillow 25 years hence. Even for a light weight, that's pretty disingenuous.

Oops, one of the facts is wrong. I listed the date of the Embassy attack in Beirut that killed 63, includeing 17 Americans. So many dates of Americans getting killed by the terrorist during the Reagan years it is hard to keep them straight and easy to confuse.
Sorry, man MOS 76Y30. you can look that up.

If you even know what an MOS is.

No idea, but I know you're a fake

Okay, guy, if you don't know what an MOS is, it's pretty easy to tell you don't know much about the military.

I never said I did know much about the military, but I know you're a fake

If I were a fake like you, I'd Google some military designation like you (and other Progressives) have done and claim that I served. But I don't need to pretend I was in the military or that I was a Republican until <insert inciting incident> as you've done
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No idea, but I know you're a fake

Okay, guy, if you don't know what an MOS is, it's pretty easy to tell you don't know much about the military.

I never said I did know much about the military, but I know you're a fake

If I were a fake like you, I'd Google some military designation like you (and other Progressives) have done and claim that I served. But I don't need to pretend I was in the military or that I was a Republican until <insert inciting incident> as you've done

The problem with doing that is that you can't fake it. Either you know it or you don't.

ANd obviously, when you don't know something as pretty basic as "What's your MOS" (something that I use to quickly separate the fakers from the real vets) then that becomes obvious.

Incidently for future reference, MOS is "Military Occupational SPecialty"

The first two numbers are general category. The letter in the middle is specialty, the last two are level of rank.

So 76Y30 - Supply specialist, NCO.

Now, after I left in 1992, they changed all the designations, and the Supply Designations are all in the 90's for some reason I don't quite get.
Okay, guy, if you don't know what an MOS is, it's pretty easy to tell you don't know much about the military.

I never said I did much about the military, but I know you're a fake

"I'm reasonably sure that you weren't a part of something I know nothing about!"

Seriously, guy, that's what you are going with?


JosefB, you're a total fake and fraud.

I don't know what MOS but I know you're a genuine Communist who likes to post here pretending to have been a Republican

Again, your imaginary military service is as big a fraud as you are. That I don't know what your imaginary designation means, doesn't mean anything.
Okay, guy, if you don't know what an MOS is, it's pretty easy to tell you don't know much about the military.

I never said I did know much about the military, but I know you're a fake

If I were a fake like you, I'd Google some military designation like you (and other Progressives) have done and claim that I served. But I don't need to pretend I was in the military or that I was a Republican until <insert inciting incident> as you've done

The problem with doing that is that you can't fake it. Either you know it or you don't.

ANd obviously, when you don't know something as pretty basic as "What's your MOS" (something that I use to quickly separate the fakers from the real vets) then that becomes obvious.

Incidently for future reference, MOS is "Military Occupational SPecialty"

The first two numbers are general category. The letter in the middle is specialty, the last two are level of rank.

So 76Y30 - Supply specialist, NCO.

Now, after I left in 1992, they changed all the designations, and the Supply Designations are all in the 90's for some reason I don't quite get.

They changed it because you're a fake
I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.

yeah I know.I remember you doing that.they always ignore the TOPIC of this thread and switch gears ignoring how reagan funded terrorists and then start saying he was nothing like the clown we have in office now who has only been doing the same thing reagan got started,the father of them all who all have contiuned what he got started i.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

they only want to talk about what the children os his since then have done with their terrorism.they dismiss what their father who got the ball rolling on it started.thats when they go into meltdown mode taking it personal with their name calling.:D

We have the World's #1 economy and we got there through capitalism. China is growing now-- from Capitalism

Capitalism recently moved 1 billion people out of poverty. I know how much you hate that JosefB. You want to crush people under your heel so they are grateful for the 2 grains of rice you dole out to them but that's just too fucking bad for you

China will never "own" us, that's your nipply schoolgirl fantasy of an unarmed America that is the latest Communist failure

Oh, and go fuck yourself in the process

Actually, the Chinese pretty much own us now.

But what they are doing isn't capitalism or even an inbred relative. It fascism.

INcidently, I have no problem with Capitalism as long as the rights of workers are protected.

THAT'S what moved 1 billion people from poverty to a comfortable life. When reform-minded leaders like FDR and Teddy Roosevelt had crazy ideas like making sure you had a minimum wage, child labor laws, workplace safety.

And here was the the thing. Republicans used to get it. Harding, Eisenhower, Nixon- all kind of understood, a middle class was the sign of strong economy.

and dont forget the last great republican president that we had understood it as well-Coolidge.
A final thought on Mythic Reagan.

Why do the Republicans need to believe in this Legendary Reagan who bears little resemblance to the actual man (who actually did some okay stuff?)

Well, mostly because they don't have much else to work with.

Hoover pretty much watched the economy burn on his watch (although mostly due to Coolidge's neglect and indifference.

Ike was a great President, but he pretty much admitted that on the role of Government, FDR had it pretty much right, and did civil rights and public works projects FDR would have envied in his first two terms.

Nixon was actually a pretty decent president, except that Watergate thing. But you take away Watergate, you still have a moderate, government is okay sometimes President who gave us OSHA and the EPA.

Ford is remembered as a buffoon. (Not fairly, but he is.)

Bush-41 was a guy who wrecked the economy and got us into a pointless war.

Bush-43 was a guy who destroyed the economy and got us into two pointless wars.

SO, really, it's not so much about what Reagan did. It's that he's really all they have.

actually Coolidge was probably the best president we have had the last 100 years right after JFK.Coolidge was the last great republican president we had.The economy was actually flourishing under Coolidge and then Hoover came in and wrecked it. and dont even mention Nixon as a decent president,watergate is just the tip of the iceberg,it wasnt the NVA or the vietcong that murdered 58,000 americans,it was Johnson and Nixon that murdered them.

That bastard Nixon lied to the american people saying he would end the war immediately but behind the scenes,he was sabotoging Johnsons paris peace talks to end the war and did so successfully expaning the war and letting it go on for another four more years.

that fucking bastard sacrificed thousands of american lives for his own selfish need to get elected president.:mad: just liek johnson,he was a fucking mass murderer of americans.:mad:
I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

Yes, the Middle Class did take an ass-whomping.

Check out this chart.


remember pesky facts like that are too complicated for a MEATHEAD brain to comprehend.:lol::D

they keep playing dodgeball with these facts that unemployment and the recession was far worse under reagan than carter.They ignore facts that you mentioend earlier that Reagan got rid of the inflation that was going on under carter which the fed created it,that he got rid of it by shipping jobs overseas and getting rid of jobs. they ignore these pesky facts here that you mentioned earlier below on the left where it shows inflation was higher under carter than reagan,but the more important one that affected americans much worse,is that unemployment was much worse under reagan than it was under carter.

you tried to spell that out to them earlier dummies style,but since they only see what they want to see,it did no good.:cuckoo:

carter created the recession,Reagan saved it.
Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it

Year Inflation Unemployment (1)
1961 1.0% 6.7%
1962 1.0 5.6
1963 1.3 5.6
1964 1.3 5.2
1965 1.6 4.5 < Vietnam war spending increases
1966 2.9 3.8
1967 3.1 3.8
1968 4.2 3.5
1969 5.5 3.5
1970 5.7 5.0
1971 4.4 6.0
1972 3.2 5.6
1973 6.2 4.9
1974 11.0 5.6 < First oil crisis
1975 9.1 8.5
1976 5.8 7.7
1977 6.5 7.1
1978 7.6 6.1
1979 11.3 5.9 < Second oil crisis
1980 13.5 7.2
1981 10.3 7.6
1982 6.2 9.7
1983 3.2 9.6
1984 4.3 7.5


REAGAN CAME IN,AND UNEMPLOYMENT WAS FAR WORSE UNDER HIM IN HIS FIRST TERM THAN CARTER AS THE FACTS SHOW.1983 ESPECIALLY IT WENT UPON HIS WATCH. Until 1984,an election year as this graph proves,Reagan took no action to create jobs.

they cant handle the truth that Reagan was only able to lower the inflation that was high under carter,by shipping jobs overseas ruining the economy and betraying the american people especially the middle class.:cuckoo:

These pesky little facts prove the middle class familys and the economy was much better off under carter than it was under reagan and his first term and that we were actually worse off with reagan in his first term economic wise than with carter.:cuckoo::D:lol::lol:
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I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

It was.

23 OCT 1983

Ronald Reagan - Commander in Chief
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to Beirut. Lebanon
United States Marines ordered to carry UNLOADED WEAPONS
United States Marines ordered to not carry or be issued ammunition
United States Marine securtiy force and sentries unable to attempt the
stopping of suicide bomber charging through barricades towards barracks
Over 243 United States Marines killed when unhindered bomber
detonates bomb upon crashing into barracks

Attack carried out by Hezbollah
No military response is attempted or made
Commander in Chief orders United States Marines to withdraw
Commander in Chief allows negotiations and arms sales to Iran
Iran is main supplier of munitions, weapons, support and backer of Hezbollah

Terrorist attacks on American citizens continue

Now show a link that shows one line of the above to be not 100% FACT AND TRUE. FUCK RONALD REAGAN!!!

you will be waiting for eternity for that .:lol::lol::lol::lol:

just like you are still wating for them to refute my facts that more reagan officials that served under him were indicted than any other administration for carrying out HIS policys.:D
What an asskicking thread this was for those of you still clinging to the REAGAN myths.

Facts have an annoying way of not going away, not even after decades of lies trying to cover them up.

Now I know both DEMS and REPS are gonna hate me for saying this but REAGAN was just one more TOOL in a line of Presidents who are tools for the masters.

This nation has NOT had a real change of administrations since CARTER left office.

Oh the puppets change, but the puppet-masters are the same shadowy figures as always.

When did these people grow so bold?

I'm guessing after they managed to off JFK and get away with it.

edit out.
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What an asskicking thread this was for those of you still clinging to the REAGAN myths.

Facts have an annoying way of not going away, not even after decades of lies trying to cover them up.

Now I know both DEMS and REPS are gonna hate me for saying this but REAGAN was just one more TOOL in a line of Presidents who are tools for the masters.

This nation has NOT had a real change of administrations since CARTER left office.

Oh the puppets change, but the puppet-masters are the same shadowy figures as always.

When did these people grow so bold?

I'm guessing after they managed to off JFK and get away with it.

Best damn post on this thread going several pages back.



your making way too much sense for the trolls to are going to overload their brains so much with all this logic and common sense and pesky facts ,they are going to have a nervous breakdown.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol:

one more so much needs to be repeated.


This is easily the best post on this thread that I will have to keep referring back to it since the reaganuts all have memory and reading comprehension problems.:D

wont do any good though of course since as you well know,they only see what they WANT to see.
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What an asskicking thread this was for those of you still clinging to the REAGAN myths.

Facts have an annoying way of not going away, not even after decades of lies trying to cover them up.

Now I know both DEMS and REPS are gonna hate me for saying this but REAGAN was just one more TOOL in a line of Presidents who are tools for the masters.

This nation has NOT had a real change of administrations since CARTER left office.

Oh the puppets change, but the puppet-masters are the same shadowy figures as always.

When did these people grow so bold?

I'm guessing after they managed to off JFK and get away with it.

these two links below that they never have any answers for, backs up everything you say as well. Good to see so many others out there that are aware of reagans betrayal of the middle class like we are.:eusa_clap: as you can tell from all the replys to that link,they are all aware of those facts as well.:eusa_clap: How Ronald Reagan Unwittingly Laid the Groundwork for the Death of Capitalism

Like they talked about in that article,he got credit for soemthing he had nothing to do with, the collapse of the USSR.

Like that article said,the military industrial complex more than anything,wanted the cold war to continue.Had Reagan caused the collapse of the USSR like they want to believe here on this thread,he would have ended up like JFK for not being their willing puppet like he was for them.:cuckoo: they never would have allowed him to cause the collapse of the USSR.only an idiot would believe otherwise.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

that was why they had an assassination attempt on him because the first couple months while in office,he was talking about things like hinting to the american people that there were UFO'S out there with other life forms from other worlds watching us.

He was hinting at exposing that to the world obviously but after his asssassination attempt ,he stopped making speeches like that and his policys drastically changed as well after that seving wall street in the corporations instead of the people.:cuckoo:

Reagan didnt betray the middle class and the american people,thats why he fired 13,000 air traffic controllers his first year in office.:cuckoo: :lol::lol::lol::lol::D

as my graph proved and as Joe said earlier,reagan only got cut the inflation that we had under carter by getting rid of jobs shipping manufacturing jobs overseas.:cuckoo:

as myself,someone else mentioned earlier, and you just did pretty much-Reagan was the father who got the ball rolling in jobs being shipped overseas which every president since then has expanded.the presidents after Reagan were their children following his lead.He was the FATHER of them all that set the example for the future we have right now though.
Yes, the Middle Class did take an ass-whomping.

Check out this chart.


And only Communism can save them

Your doesn't say what you think it says

QFT it says paying people to be unemployed lowers income for the middle class.

No, it says if you break up unions, make American workers compete with child labor in third world countries, shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the working class, then, yes, yes, you are going to reduce the wages and size of the middle class.
And only Communism can save them

Your doesn't say what you think it says

QFT it says paying people to be unemployed lowers income for the middle class.

No, it says if you break up unions, make American workers compete with child labor in third world countries, shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the working class, then, yes, yes, you are going to reduce the wages and size of the middle class.

Ah, yes...Progressives..."protectors" of the Middle Class! Funny how you people keep going on about how you've got the Middle Classes' back yet your policies always end up hurting them!

Take ObamaCare...

Barry said it would lower the average Middle Class family's healthcare premiums by about $2,500 a year. He said ObamaCare was all about "protecting" the Middle Class! So fast forward four years and what's happening? The healthcare premiums for the average Middle Class family have gone up dramatically with more increases on the way. Why? Because the ACA was NEVER about protecting the Middle was always about getting another entitlement program in place.
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