Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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And only Communism can save them

Your doesn't say what you think it says

QFT it says paying people to be unemployed lowers income for the middle class.

No, it says if you break up unions, make American workers compete with child labor in third world countries, shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the working class, then, yes, yes, you are going to reduce the wages and size of the middle class.

QFT it says paying people to be unemployed lowers income for the middle class.

No, it says if you break up unions, make American workers compete with child labor in third world countries, shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the working class, then, yes, yes, you are going to reduce the wages and size of the middle class.

Ah, yes...Progressives..."protectors" of the Middle Class! Funny how you people keep going on about how you've got the Middle Classes' back yet your policies always end up hurting them!

Take ObamaCare...

Barry said it would lower the average Middle Class family's healthcare premiums by about $2,500 a year. He said ObamaCare was all about "protecting" the Middle Class! So fast forward four years and what's happening? The healthcare premiums for the average Middle Class family have gone up dramatically with more increases on the way. Why? Because the ACA was NEVER about protecting the Middle was always about getting another entitlement program in place.

Democrat way of protecting the middle class is by splitting the country up into two classes, poor and rich, where the poor get paid to do nothing and the rich are democrat elites.

Ah, yes...Progressives..."protectors" of the Middle Class! Funny how you people keep going on about how you've got the Middle Classes' back yet your policies always end up hurting them!

Take ObamaCare...

Barry said it would lower the average Middle Class family's healthcare premiums by about $2,500 a year. He said ObamaCare was all about "protecting" the Middle Class! So fast forward four years and what's happening? The healthcare premiums for the average Middle Class family have gone up dramatically with more increases on the way. Why? Because the ACA was NEVER about protecting the Middle was always about getting another entitlement program in place.

Um, yeah, guy, but here's the thing...

If the Middle CLass' health care is based on the whims of hteir employers, that's not much more secure, is it?

Despite the worst roll-out conceivable, the Affordable Care Act seems to be working. With less than two weeks remaining before the March 31 deadline for coverage this year, five million people have already signed up. After decades of rising percentages of Americans’ lacking health insurance, the uninsured rate has dropped to its lowest levels since 2008.

Meanwhile, the rise in health care costs has slowed drastically. No one knows exactly why, but the new law may well be contributing to this slowdown by reducing Medicare overpayments to medical providers and private insurers, and creating incentives for hospitals and doctors to improve quality of care.

Robert Reich (The Real Truth About ObamaCare)

Now that's we've dispelled your bullshit again, how about addressing my point about how the 1%ers have been making war on the middle class for 30 years with union busting and free trade?
QFT it says paying people to be unemployed lowers income for the middle class.

No, it says if you break up unions, make American workers compete with child labor in third world countries, shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the working class, then, yes, yes, you are going to reduce the wages and size of the middle class.


What the fuck are you talking about?

Reagan INCREASED the tax burden on the middle class. The bottom rate for FICA went up from 11 to 15% on his watch, while the top rate dropped from 70% to 35%.

On top of that, he increased the amount paid in Medicare and Social Security Tax from 11% to 14%.

Ah, yes...Progressives..."protectors" of the Middle Class! Funny how you people keep going on about how you've got the Middle Classes' back yet your policies always end up hurting them!

Take ObamaCare...

Barry said it would lower the average Middle Class family's healthcare premiums by about $2,500 a year. He said ObamaCare was all about "protecting" the Middle Class! So fast forward four years and what's happening? The healthcare premiums for the average Middle Class family have gone up dramatically with more increases on the way. Why? Because the ACA was NEVER about protecting the Middle was always about getting another entitlement program in place.

Um, yeah, guy, but here's the thing...

If the Middle CLass' health care is based on the whims of hteir employers, that's not much more secure, is it?

Despite the worst roll-out conceivable, the Affordable Care Act seems to be working. With less than two weeks remaining before the March 31 deadline for coverage this year, five million people have already signed up. After decades of rising percentages of Americans’ lacking health insurance, the uninsured rate has dropped to its lowest levels since 2008.

Meanwhile, the rise in health care costs has slowed drastically. No one knows exactly why, but the new law may well be contributing to this slowdown by reducing Medicare overpayments to medical providers and private insurers, and creating incentives for hospitals and doctors to improve quality of care.

Robert Reich (The Real Truth About ObamaCare)

Now that's we've dispelled your bullshit again, how about addressing my point about how the 1%ers have been making war on the middle class for 30 years with union busting and free trade?

Robert Reich? LOL Now THAT'S funny! Robert Reich hasn't told the truth about ObamaCare for years now...what makes you think he's telling the truth now?

If it's the 1% "making war" on the Middle Class...then why has the Middle Class continued to lose ground with their net income under the Obama Administration's policies? The truth is that under Barry the rich have gotten much richer and the Middle Class have gotten much poorer yet all you hear from Obama and the rest of you liberal shills is how much you want to "help" the Middle Class!
No, it says if you break up unions, make American workers compete with child labor in third world countries, shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the working class, then, yes, yes, you are going to reduce the wages and size of the middle class.


What the fuck are you talking about?

Reagan INCREASED the tax burden on the middle class. The bottom rate for FICA went up from 11 to 15% on his watch, while the top rate dropped from 70% to 35%.

On top of that, he increased the amount paid in Medicare and Social Security Tax from 11% to 14%.

That's a complete falsehood on your part...Reagan raised some taxes...Reagan lowered some taxes...Reagan reworked the tax codes. Some ignorant people think Reagan increased taxes when the truth is that he cut taxes SUBSTANTIALLY!

Ah, yes...Progressives..."protectors" of the Middle Class! Funny how you people keep going on about how you've got the Middle Classes' back yet your policies always end up hurting them!

Take ObamaCare...

Barry said it would lower the average Middle Class family's healthcare premiums by about $2,500 a year. He said ObamaCare was all about "protecting" the Middle Class! So fast forward four years and what's happening? The healthcare premiums for the average Middle Class family have gone up dramatically with more increases on the way. Why? Because the ACA was NEVER about protecting the Middle was always about getting another entitlement program in place.

Um, yeah, guy, but here's the thing...

If the Middle CLass' health care is based on the whims of hteir employers, that's not much more secure, is it?

Despite the worst roll-out conceivable, the Affordable Care Act seems to be working. With less than two weeks remaining before the March 31 deadline for coverage this year, five million people have already signed up. After decades of rising percentages of Americans’ lacking health insurance, the uninsured rate has dropped to its lowest levels since 2008.

Meanwhile, the rise in health care costs has slowed drastically. No one knows exactly why, but the new law may well be contributing to this slowdown by reducing Medicare overpayments to medical providers and private insurers, and creating incentives for hospitals and doctors to improve quality of care.

Robert Reich (The Real Truth About ObamaCare)

Now that's we've dispelled your bullshit again, how about addressing my point about how the 1%ers have been making war on the middle class for 30 years with union busting and free trade?

Robert Reich? LOL Now THAT'S funny! Robert Reich hasn't told the truth about ObamaCare for years now...what makes you think he's telling the truth now?

If it's the 1% "making war" on the Middle Class...then why has the Middle Class continued to lose ground with their net income under the Obama Administration's policies? The truth is that under Barry the rich have gotten much richer and the Middle Class have gotten much poorer yet all you hear from Obama and the rest of you liberal shills is how much you want to "help" the Middle Class!

ummm..... you can't reduce the harm done to the middle class by the Repubs and their paymasters for the last 40 rys in one-term :thup:

Also, having a tea tard held House & McConnell obstructing anything & everything for cheap political points only further makes my point more obvious

Glad to help :)
Um, yeah, guy, but here's the thing...

If the Middle CLass' health care is based on the whims of hteir employers, that's not much more secure, is it?

Robert Reich (The Real Truth About ObamaCare)

Now that's we've dispelled your bullshit again, how about addressing my point about how the 1%ers have been making war on the middle class for 30 years with union busting and free trade?

Robert Reich? LOL Now THAT'S funny! Robert Reich hasn't told the truth about ObamaCare for years now...what makes you think he's telling the truth now?

If it's the 1% "making war" on the Middle Class...then why has the Middle Class continued to lose ground with their net income under the Obama Administration's policies? The truth is that under Barry the rich have gotten much richer and the Middle Class have gotten much poorer yet all you hear from Obama and the rest of you liberal shills is how much you want to "help" the Middle Class!

ummm..... you can't reduce the harm done to the middle class by the Repubs and their paymasters for the last 40 rys in one-term :thup:

Also, having a tea tard held House & McConnell obstructing anything & everything for cheap political points only further makes my point more obvious

Glad to help :)

If the House hadn't stopped Barry's agenda in 2010 the next two things he had lined up for passage were Cap & Trade legislation and Card Check legislation...two things that would have seriously hurt an already weak economy. The GOP House victory in 2010 kept Obama from screwing thing up far worse than he already had with the most poorly written law ever...the Affordable Care Act.
Robert Reich? LOL Now THAT'S funny! Robert Reich hasn't told the truth about ObamaCare for years now...what makes you think he's telling the truth now?

If it's the 1% "making war" on the Middle Class...then why has the Middle Class continued to lose ground with their net income under the Obama Administration's policies? The truth is that under Barry the rich have gotten much richer and the Middle Class have gotten much poorer yet all you hear from Obama and the rest of you liberal shills is how much you want to "help" the Middle Class!

You mean why did the 1% use the oppurtunity of the Great Recession to fuck over the Middle CLass even further?

Hey, guy, guess what. Obama Won, the 1% and Romney lost.

Deal with it.
Robert Reich? LOL Now THAT'S funny! Robert Reich hasn't told the truth about ObamaCare for years now...what makes you think he's telling the truth now?

If it's the 1% "making war" on the Middle Class...then why has the Middle Class continued to lose ground with their net income under the Obama Administration's policies? The truth is that under Barry the rich have gotten much richer and the Middle Class have gotten much poorer yet all you hear from Obama and the rest of you liberal shills is how much you want to "help" the Middle Class!

You mean why did the 1% use the oppurtunity of the Great Recession to fuck over the Middle CLass even further?

Hey, guy, guess what. Obama Won, the 1% and Romney lost.

Deal with it.

How exactly did the 1% "lose"? Wealth among the extremely wealthy has gone up more under Obama than any other sector of the population. Obama's economic policies have hurt the Middle Class more than any other sector of the population. Yes, Obama "won" but his victories have cost Middle Class Americans dearly...something that they are now figuring out as the true costs of the ACA slowly are revealed. There is a REASON why major parts of that law have been delayed. Obama and the Democrats don't want the Middle Class to know how badly they've been fucked over until AFTER the next mid-term election. After that takes place...Barry won't care because dealing with voter anger will be the problem of someone else while he's out hitting the links on our dime.
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That's a complete falsehood on your part...Reagan raised some taxes...Reagan lowered some taxes...Reagan reworked the tax codes. Some ignorant people think Reagan increased taxes when the truth is that he cut taxes SUBSTANTIALLY!

Yes, he cut them for Rich People and increased them on working people.

That's the point.

Reagan cut income taxes for everyone...not just the rich.
Robert Reich? LOL Now THAT'S funny! Robert Reich hasn't told the truth about ObamaCare for years now...what makes you think he's telling the truth now?

If it's the 1% "making war" on the Middle Class...then why has the Middle Class continued to lose ground with their net income under the Obama Administration's policies? The truth is that under Barry the rich have gotten much richer and the Middle Class have gotten much poorer yet all you hear from Obama and the rest of you liberal shills is how much you want to "help" the Middle Class!

You mean why did the 1% use the oppurtunity of the Great Recession to fuck over the Middle CLass even further?

Hey, guy, guess what. Obama Won, the 1% and Romney lost.

Deal with it.

Kinda like how HE lies in all his posts.:cuckoo: what a dumbfuck idiot trollstyle is.:lol: Yes the middle class has continued to lose ground with their net income under the Obama administration,but they did under the Bush administration as well and thats because both of them just like every president since then, were following the foosteps of their father and his policys that got started by Reagan.

what a fucking always,the reaganuts retreat to the potus now when they are cornered with facts about reagans betrayal of the middle class.:cuckoo:

everything he described Obama doing to the middle class -which nobody here is denying,is what Reagan STARTED.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

anybody else here notice how the reaganut worshippers always retreat to what Obozo is doing in office now when confronted with pesky facts about reagan? its like clockwork.

Obama has done an excellent job of doing what he said he wanted to do when first got inagurated and said he wanted to do in his speech-follow the policys of reagan-leaving out the part how reagans policys betrayed the american middle class famlys of course.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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That's a complete falsehood on your part...Reagan raised some taxes...Reagan lowered some taxes...Reagan reworked the tax codes. Some ignorant people think Reagan increased taxes when the truth is that he cut taxes SUBSTANTIALLY!

Yes, he cut them for Rich People and increased them on working people.

That's the point.

pesky facts like that are a little bit too complicated for Trollstyle and the reaganuts to comprehend.:D
What an asskicking thread this was for those of you still clinging to the REAGAN myths.

Facts have an annoying way of not going away, not even after decades of lies trying to cover them up.

Now I know both DEMS and REPS are gonna hate me for saying this but REAGAN was just one more TOOL in a line of Presidents who are tools for the masters.

This nation has NOT had a real change of administrations since CARTER left office.

Oh the puppets change, but the puppet-masters are the same shadowy figures as always.

When did these people grow so bold?

I'm guessing after they managed to off JFK and get away with it.

Looks like all the reaganut worshippers all missed THIS post.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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