Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Liberals AND Communists hated Reagan.


Fucking shocker.

I should "learn" about what a horrible president Reagan was by going to

That's the true story, none of this feel good stuff about Reagan revitalizing the economy and bringing down Soviet Communism!
JosefB, never in the military, never an Eisenhower Republican, never voted for Reagan, never fired from a job for getting sick.

Just another OFA guy with his "I used to be a Republican" Script and a genuine member of the US Communist Party
Actually, I voted for Reagan, twice.

And there were some things I think that he did which were pretty good. I do think that his modernization of the military was good. I think he strengthened our position internationally and yes, in some aspects, the economy improved on his watch.

The point I was making here, lost on most of you, is that by the modern standards of the Teabaggers, Reagan would be a RINO and you guys would turn on him the way you've turned on Lugar and Arlen SPectre and a lot of other sensible guys you've drummed out of the party.

He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals. Not "Path to Citizenship", outright Amnesty.

He raised taxes after he cut them.

He negotiated with terrorists.

He armed terrorists.

He appointed moderates to the courts.

He sat down and worked out deals with the Democrats.

That was the real Reagan.

What you guys want to talk about is the mythical Reagan who never comprimised his conservative priniciples and personally brought down "Communism" by shouting at the Berlin Wall.


and THAT just scratches the surface.

Here below as well is the real Reagan exposed.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

Ronald Reagan's Criminal Administration :
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

Joe you'll never get anywhere with Crusader Retard.Like clockwork,he just went into meltdown mode when you told the truth about corrupt Ronnie.:D

The guy has got to be a close cousin of his.He takes things so personally going into rant mode when you expose his idol like you did.Much more so that the others.

The others may throw childish insults when you expose him,but he takes it to the extremes going into meltdown mode denying reality refusing to look at the facts.:cuckoo:

The link is truthful in what it says exposing all the members in his administration that were corrupt.more so than any other administration.You know they wont be able to come up with more members from the other administrations like you asked Camp,thats a given.:D

But as I got done saying,Reagan isnt the most corrupt president EVER ,by any means.every president since then has been more corrupt than he was,compared to the clown we have in office now and Bush before him,Reagan doesnt look so bad.He doesnt look so bad now cause all the toehrs have been even worse expanding what he started.

Thats why people have forgotten so quickly,how bad things really were under Bush because as much as Bush recked the country,Obama has wrecked it far worse expanding what Bush got started.

But at the TIME back then,he sure was the most corrupt ever and there have been a lot of corrupt ones over the decades as well.:D those two facts cant be disputed.

It all depends on how we as individuals measure corruption. It is hard to agrue with something as non-opinionated as convictions and pardons for crimes committed in office. Sure, we can give opinions about which President fed funds to special interest or caused the most people do be killed in war or from poison in the air and water. We can argue numbers on and on and on. But in the end, the one set of numbers that can not be argued about is the very simple one that tells an easy to understand story. Convictions and pardons for crimes committed during office.
Im sure you have noticed that they never have any answers for that link despite the HUNDREDS of times I have posted it here? hee hee.

btw,they wont acknowledge it,they'll just ignore it,so i was wondering,have YOU ever seen anyone like the resident troll hre on this thread i have been referring to that always goes into meltdown mode denying reality taking and getting all worked up over someone when they expose the corruption of Reagan like whats his name? :cuckoo:

God Im a huge fan of JFK as you know ,but I dont go berserk and get worked up about it like he does when someone criticises him.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: the truth obviously hurts Reagans cousin.:D He has to be his cousin,only thing that makes any sense why he takes it so personal even far worse than the others do.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

He is such an idiot,he actually believes i read any of his b.s anymore when he replies.I only address the b.s posts that ha makes to someone like you or joe.what he has to say back to me,i dont even bother to feed the troll reading his b.s.
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Im sure you have noticed that they never have any answers for that link despite the HUNDREDS of times I have posted it here? hee hee.

btw,they wont acknowledge it,they'll just ignore it,so i was wondering,have YOU ever seen anyone like the resident troll hre on this thread i have been referring to that always goes into meltdown mode denying reality taking and getting all worked up over someone when they expose the corruption of Reagan like whats his name? :cuckoo:

God Im a huge fan of JFK as you know ,but I dont go berserk and get worked up about it like he does when someone criticises him.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: the truth obviously hurts Reagans cousin.:D He has to be his cousin,only thing that makes any sense why he takes it so personal even far worse than the others do.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

He is such an idiot,he actually believes i read any of his b.s anymore when he replies.I only address the b.s posts that ha makes to someone like you or joe.what he has to say back to me,i dont even bother to feed the troll reading his b.s.

I see him as a good soldier sticking to his post. Not important how some person on the net feels about something. Posting and debating should be fun. Maybe it gets frustrating at times, but it really isn't so serious or important. Some folks here are very reliable. You say something about a politician and you are going to get a response from a specific person. It's predictable. Have fun pushing buttons. Sometimes you get farts. That is just the way it works.
what I have learned and Im sure you have as well is that its a waste of time to reason with people on the net,they know they can hide behind the computer to avoid being called out and admitting they have been proven wrong so the first time they ignore things like that link i have posted hundreds of times,thats it,i move on and reply to the ones that listen such as yourself as well as having fun with frank with my fart jokes of course.:D
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I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
You're right...he DID give amnesty to illegals as part of a deal he worked out with Tip O'Neal and the Democrats. Reagan gave amnesty and the Democrats were supposed to strengthen border control. Guess who lived up to his end of the bargain and who didn't live up to their end?

Yeah, we know you live in some fantasy world whre the border can be secured. Sure. Actually, the biggest problem with the Amnesty that Reagan was all for was that it put employers in charge of making sure that htey weren't hiring illegals. THat was like putting the Foxes in Charge of the Henhouse.

And yes, Reagan DID appoint moderates to the Supreme Court...just as George H. W. Bush did and George W. Bush did! The truth is (despite all the bullshit you liberals like to spout about this topic!) Republicans are the ones who have appointed moderates to the Supreme Court while Democrats have ALWAYS appointed liberals to the court.

But that's the point. BUsh TRIED to appoint a moderate Harriet Myers, and you conservatards threw an absolute fit, and he appointed knuckled-dragging Alito instead.

Incidently, Breyers is pretty moderate. SO is Sotomoyor, for that matter. So that argument fails.

Reagan did work across the did H.W. did W....the one who HASN'T worked across the aisle is Barack (elections have consequences!) Obama!

Um, how exactly do you work across the ailse with people who have said they'd rather destroy the country than let you run it? I'm just curious about this.

As for taxes? Overall Reagan cut taxes dramatically. It's what led to the economic recovery...a concept that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and yourself can't seem to grasp...even after nearly six years of stagnant economic growth!!!

Actually, what it lead to was a tripling of the National Debt in 8 years.

What lead to a recovery is that he spent a trillion dollars on new defense stuff. In short, Reagan was a military Keynesian.

We have the World's #1 economy and we got there through capitalism. China is growing now-- from Capitalism

Capitalism recently moved 1 billion people out of poverty. I know how much you hate that JosefB. You want to crush people under your heel so they are grateful for the 2 grains of rice you dole out to them but that's just too fucking bad for you

China will never "own" us, that's your nipply schoolgirl fantasy of an unarmed America that is the latest Communist failure

Oh, and go fuck yourself in the process

Actually, the Chinese pretty much own us now.

But what they are doing isn't capitalism or even an inbred relative. It fascism.

INcidently, I have no problem with Capitalism as long as the rights of workers are protected.

THAT'S what moved 1 billion people from poverty to a comfortable life. When reform-minded leaders like FDR and Teddy Roosevelt had crazy ideas like making sure you had a minimum wage, child labor laws, workplace safety.

And here was the the thing. Republicans used to get it. Harding, Eisenhower, Nixon- all kind of understood, a middle class was the sign of strong economy.
A final thought on Mythic Reagan.

Why do the Republicans need to believe in this Legendary Reagan who bears little resemblance to the actual man (who actually did some okay stuff?)

Well, mostly because they don't have much else to work with.

Hoover pretty much watched the economy burn on his watch (although mostly due to Coolidge's neglect and indifference.

Ike was a great President, but he pretty much admitted that on the role of Government, FDR had it pretty much right, and did civil rights and public works projects FDR would have envied in his first two terms.

Nixon was actually a pretty decent president, except that Watergate thing. But you take away Watergate, you still have a moderate, government is okay sometimes President who gave us OSHA and the EPA.

Ford is remembered as a buffoon. (Not fairly, but he is.)

Bush-41 was a guy who wrecked the economy and got us into a pointless war.

Bush-43 was a guy who destroyed the economy and got us into two pointless wars.

SO, really, it's not so much about what Reagan did. It's that he's really all they have.
I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:
I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

Yes, the Middle Class did take an ass-whomping.

Check out this chart.

I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

Yes, the Middle Class did take an ass-whomping.

Check out this chart.


And only Communism can save them

Your doesn't say what you think it says
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JosefB, never in the military, never an Eisenhower Republican, never voted for Reagan, never fired from a job for getting sick.

Just another OFA guy with his "I used to be a Republican" Script and a genuine member of the US Communist Party

Sorry, man MOS 76Y30. you can look that up.

If you even know what an MOS is.

No idea, but I know you're a fake
I like it when they call you names like idiot, libtard, moron, nutjob, etc. They are the ones that are the most fun to mess with. Once on this thread I just kept posting dates followed by "FUCK RONALD REAGAN". Talk about button pushing. I finaly had to explain to the really slow ones that I was posting dates of terrorist attacks on Ameician citizens during the Reagan administration. Dumb ass's never tried to google the dates. Probably pissed off the Benghazi heads without even trying.
Must have been one hell of an ass whomping to be biting down on the pillow so hard after 25 years!:lol:

Yes, the Middle Class did take an ass-whomping.
Really wasn't meant for you. You've taken so many ass whompings that I couldn't possibly attribute your pillow biting to anything singular.
JosefB, never in the military, never an Eisenhower Republican, never voted for Reagan, never fired from a job for getting sick.

Just another OFA guy with his "I used to be a Republican" Script and a genuine member of the US Communist Party

Sorry, man MOS 76Y30. you can look that up.

If you even know what an MOS is.

No idea, but I know you're a fake

Okay, guy, if you don't know what an MOS is, it's pretty easy to tell you don't know much about the military.
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