Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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lol reagan is long gone; all we have now are left-wing nutjobs revising their own history of failure on a daily basis.


isnt "forward progress"

idiots and hypocrites
Vietnam has a stock market, actively courts private foreign investment, and the low-wage jobs you bitch about leaving for China are now going to Vietnam.

China isn't communist either.

NO, they are state sponsored capitalism...

Of course, I remember that under it's original title.


So again, totally awesome. Vietnam and China decide, "Hey, well let the Big Western Corporations evade the fair labor laws and environmental laws by letting them set up shop here. We don't give a fuck about our people."

And now China is threatening Japan with impunity, and we stand there stupidly.

Ummm... Yeah.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to Hang him!"- Vladimir Lenin.
Vietnam has a stock market, actively courts private foreign investment, and the low-wage jobs you bitch about leaving for China are now going to Vietnam.

China isn't communist either.

NO, they are state sponsored capitalism...

Of course, I remember that under it's original title.


So again, totally awesome. Vietnam and China decide, "Hey, well let the Big Western Corporations evade the fair labor laws and environmental laws by letting them set up shop here. We don't give a fuck about our people."

And now China is threatening Japan with impunity, and we stand there stupidly.

Ummm... Yeah.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to Hang him!"- Vladimir Lenin.

we have state-sponsored capitalism under obama

i guess he's a fascist
obama's brand of crony capitalism is closer to fascism; the Left is right, obama isnt a socialist
a left-wing loser who cries bout Reagan on a daily basis is trying to ridicule me for disliking obama

what an idiot
a left-wing loser who cries bout Reagan on a daily basis is trying to ridicule me for disliking obama

what an idiot

Actually, I voted for Reagan, twice.

And there were some things I think that he did which were pretty good. I do think that his modernization of the military was good. I think he strengthened our position internationally and yes, in some aspects, the economy improved on his watch.

The point I was making here, lost on most of you, is that by the modern standards of the Teabaggers, Reagan would be a RINO and you guys would turn on him the way you've turned on Lugar and Arlen SPectre and a lot of other sensible guys you've drummed out of the party.

He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals. Not "Path to Citizenship", outright Amnesty.

He raised taxes after he cut them.

He negotiated with terrorists.

He armed terrorists.

He appointed moderates to the courts.

He sat down and worked out deals with the Democrats.

That was the real Reagan.

What you guys want to talk about is the mythical Reagan who never comprimised his conservative priniciples and personally brought down "Communism" by shouting at the Berlin Wall.
a left-wing loser who cries bout Reagan on a daily basis is trying to ridicule me for disliking obama

what an idiot

Actually, I voted for Reagan, twice.

And there were some things I think that he did which were pretty good. I do think that his modernization of the military was good. I think he strengthened our position internationally and yes, in some aspects, the economy improved on his watch.

The point I was making here, lost on most of you, is that by the modern standards of the Teabaggers, Reagan would be a RINO and you guys would turn on him the way you've turned on Lugar and Arlen SPectre and a lot of other sensible guys you've drummed out of the party.

He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals. Not "Path to Citizenship", outright Amnesty.

He raised taxes after he cut them.

He negotiated with terrorists.

He armed terrorists.

He appointed moderates to the courts.

He sat down and worked out deals with the Democrats.

That was the real Reagan.

What you guys want to talk about is the mythical Reagan who never comprimised his conservative priniciples and personally brought down "Communism" by shouting at the Berlin Wall.

You're right...he DID give amnesty to illegals as part of a deal he worked out with Tip O'Neal and the Democrats. Reagan gave amnesty and the Democrats were supposed to strengthen border control. Guess who lived up to his end of the bargain and who didn't live up to their end?

And yes, Reagan DID appoint moderates to the Supreme Court...just as George H. W. Bush did and George W. Bush did! The truth is (despite all the bullshit you liberals like to spout about this topic!) Republicans are the ones who have appointed moderates to the Supreme Court while Democrats have ALWAYS appointed liberals to the court.

Reagan did work across the did H.W. did W....the one who HASN'T worked across the aisle is Barack (elections have consequences!) Obama!

As for taxes? Overall Reagan cut taxes dramatically. It's what led to the economic recovery...a concept that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and yourself can't seem to grasp...even after nearly six years of stagnant economic growth!!!
a left-wing loser who cries bout Reagan on a daily basis is trying to ridicule me for disliking obama

what an idiot

Actually, I voted for Reagan, twice.

And there were some things I think that he did which were pretty good. I do think that his modernization of the military was good. I think he strengthened our position internationally and yes, in some aspects, the economy improved on his watch.

The point I was making here, lost on most of you, is that by the modern standards of the Teabaggers, Reagan would be a RINO and you guys would turn on him the way you've turned on Lugar and Arlen SPectre and a lot of other sensible guys you've drummed out of the party.

He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals. Not "Path to Citizenship", outright Amnesty.

He raised taxes after he cut them.

He negotiated with terrorists.

He armed terrorists.

He appointed moderates to the courts.

He sat down and worked out deals with the Democrats.

That was the real Reagan.

What you guys want to talk about is the mythical Reagan who never comprimised his conservative priniciples and personally brought down "Communism" by shouting at the Berlin Wall.

JosefB, maybe the biggest fraud and liar who ever posted at USMB

Commies never admit their failures; it's always someone else's fault

I'm not worried about "communism's" failure.

I'm worried about Capitalism's failure. The one that left us with underwater mortgages and busted 401K's and the loss of a middle class.

When Communist China owns us, I have to wonder who is "failing" exactly.

We have the World's #1 economy and we got there through capitalism. China is growing now-- from Capitalism

Capitalism recently moved 1 billion people out of poverty. I know how much you hate that JosefB. You want to crush people under your heel so they are grateful for the 2 grains of rice you dole out to them but that's just too fucking bad for you

China will never "own" us, that's your nipply schoolgirl fantasy of an unarmed America that is the latest Communist failure

Oh, and go fuck yourself in the process
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a left-wing loser who cries bout Reagan on a daily basis is trying to ridicule me for disliking obama

what an idiot

Actually, I voted for Reagan, twice.

And there were some things I think that he did which were pretty good. I do think that his modernization of the military was good. I think he strengthened our position internationally and yes, in some aspects, the economy improved on his watch.

The point I was making here, lost on most of you, is that by the modern standards of the Teabaggers, Reagan would be a RINO and you guys would turn on him the way you've turned on Lugar and Arlen SPectre and a lot of other sensible guys you've drummed out of the party.

He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals. Not "Path to Citizenship", outright Amnesty.

He raised taxes after he cut them.

He negotiated with terrorists.

He armed terrorists.

He appointed moderates to the courts.

He sat down and worked out deals with the Democrats.

That was the real Reagan.

What you guys want to talk about is the mythical Reagan who never comprimised his conservative priniciples and personally brought down "Communism" by shouting at the Berlin Wall.


and THAT just scratches the surface.

Here below as well is the real Reagan exposed.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

Ronald Reagan's Criminal Administration :
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

Joe you'll never get anywhere with Crusader Retard.Like clockwork,he just went into meltdown mode when you told the truth about corrupt Ronnie.:D

The guy has got to be a close cousin of his.He takes things so personally going into rant mode when you expose his idol like you did.Much more so that the others.

The others may throw childish insults when you expose him,but he takes it to the extremes going into meltdown mode denying reality refusing to look at the facts.:cuckoo:
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a left-wing loser who cries bout Reagan on a daily basis is trying to ridicule me for disliking obama

what an idiot

Actually, I voted for Reagan, twice.

And there were some things I think that he did which were pretty good. I do think that his modernization of the military was good. I think he strengthened our position internationally and yes, in some aspects, the economy improved on his watch.

The point I was making here, lost on most of you, is that by the modern standards of the Teabaggers, Reagan would be a RINO and you guys would turn on him the way you've turned on Lugar and Arlen SPectre and a lot of other sensible guys you've drummed out of the party.

He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals. Not "Path to Citizenship", outright Amnesty.

He raised taxes after he cut them.

He negotiated with terrorists.

He armed terrorists.

He appointed moderates to the courts.

He sat down and worked out deals with the Democrats.

That was the real Reagan.

What you guys want to talk about is the mythical Reagan who never comprimised his conservative priniciples and personally brought down "Communism" by shouting at the Berlin Wall.


and THAT just scratches the surface.

Here below as well is the real Reagan exposed.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

Ronald Reagan's Criminal Administration :
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

Joe you'll never get anywhere with Crusader Retard.Like clockwork,he just went into meltdown mode when you told the truth about corrupt Ronnie.:D

The guy has got to be a close cousin of his.He takes things so personally going into rant mode when you expose his idol like you did.Much more so that the others.

The others may throw childish insults when you expose him,but he takes it to the extremes going into meltdown mode denying reality refusing to look at the facts.:cuckoo:

You're applauding a Genuine Communist you fucking tool
we got truthers here

as if his very screen name wasnt enough to convice you of his mental illness; the overuse of the smilies is too much lol!!

what a complete idiot
actually Reagan's administration was way less corrupt that Clinton's; or obama's.

left-wing losers overeached so far trying to get Reagan officials that the very left-wing ACLU stepped in on the side of the Reagan officials

libs are losers who lie to themselves
actually Reagan's administration was way less corrupt that Clinton's; or obama's.

left-wing losers overeached so far trying to get Reagan officials that the very left-wing ACLU stepped in on the side of the Reagan officials

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Cool, we get to learn something today. Can you kindly put a name with that claim so we can look it up. Which Clinton administation member(s) got convicted of a crime committed while serving during the Cllinton administration?
There are already bunchs of Reagan folks listed in this thread already. Maybe not all three dozen plus, but some of the main ones.

we have state-sponsored capitalism under obama

i guess he's a fascist

But, but, but....OOOOOOOOOBama!

I love ODS sufferers. Their lives would be completely empty with Obama to hate.

coming from a moron who lives in the past; at least im keeping it current

you're simply a joke

as are all you reagan worshippers.:lol::lol::lol::lol: yeah your not living in the past,thats why you keep coming on this thread posting lies about reagan and ignoring the FACTS about the myth concocted by the mainstream media about him:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: great logic there,you dont live in the past,thats why you come here to defend the past cause your in the present.:lol::lol:comedy gold.

you reaganut worshippers should start a comedy club.:lol::lol::lol: now whos the moron?:lol:

You need to look in the mirror when calling someone a joke.:cuckoo: Joe isnt the one ignoring facts running of from posts when cornered refusing to talk about the facts that expose reagans corruption.Now THATS someone who is a joke.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

congrats on your hypocrisy as well.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

Joe at least doesnt go into meltdown mode about critisem of a president like resident troll Crusader Retard does.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: you want to find someone who lives in the past hypocrite,look no further than your fellow worshipper Frank.:cuckoo: I have never seen someone who takes it so personal and get so worked up about a president and go into meltdown mode like he does when people talk bad about Reagan.:lol::lol::lol::D:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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actually Reagan's administration was way less corrupt that Clinton's; or obama's.

left-wing losers overeached so far trying to get Reagan officials that the very left-wing ACLU stepped in on the side of the Reagan officials

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Cool, we get to learn something today. Can you kindly put a name with that claim so we can look it up. Which Clinton administation member(s) got convicted of a crime committed while serving during the Cllinton administration?
There are already bunchs of Reagan folks listed in this thread already. Maybe not all three dozen plus, but some of the main ones.

you know that he is going to do this -:scared1: when he sees this post dont you? they always retreat and then start talking about soemthing else about reagan saying he saved the economy and stuff like that we they get cornered.:lol::lol::D

wow,they sure have memory problems,Im sure YOU rememeber how i have said that every president we have had since JFK with the exception of carter,has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one?:cuckoo: Ford was easily much worse than carter and myself,you and others have exposed how Reagan was far worse than Carter,and unlike carter,evil and corrupt as well.:cuckoo:

i have never denied every president since reagan has been more corrupt and worse than he was,I only have said many times,that at the TIME of his administration,his was the most corrupt of all time as i have proven with that link i have posted hundreds of times just to watch them ignore it.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

that just proves what I have been saying ALL along that they only see what they WANT to see the fact they are are just NOW talking about that part of how he had more people in his administration that were corrupt than any other.its the first time i have posted that from the link but i have posted the link HUNDREDS of times,so that proves they never read it and the truth is out that what I have been saying this whole time is true,that they only see what they WANT to see.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
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a left-wing loser who cries bout Reagan on a daily basis is trying to ridicule me for disliking obama

what an idiot

Actually, I voted for Reagan, twice.

And there were some things I think that he did which were pretty good. I do think that his modernization of the military was good. I think he strengthened our position internationally and yes, in some aspects, the economy improved on his watch.

The point I was making here, lost on most of you, is that by the modern standards of the Teabaggers, Reagan would be a RINO and you guys would turn on him the way you've turned on Lugar and Arlen SPectre and a lot of other sensible guys you've drummed out of the party.

He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals. Not "Path to Citizenship", outright Amnesty.

He raised taxes after he cut them.

He negotiated with terrorists.

He armed terrorists.

He appointed moderates to the courts.

He sat down and worked out deals with the Democrats.

That was the real Reagan.

What you guys want to talk about is the mythical Reagan who never comprimised his conservative priniciples and personally brought down "Communism" by shouting at the Berlin Wall.


and THAT just scratches the surface.

Here below as well is the real Reagan exposed.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

Ronald Reagan's Criminal Administration :
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

Joe you'll never get anywhere with Crusader Retard.Like clockwork,he just went into meltdown mode when you told the truth about corrupt Ronnie.:D

The guy has got to be a close cousin of his.He takes things so personally going into rant mode when you expose his idol like you did.Much more so that the others.

The others may throw childish insults when you expose him,but he takes it to the extremes going into meltdown mode denying reality refusing to look at the facts.:cuckoo:

The link is truthful in what it says exposing all the members in his administration that were corrupt.more so than any other administration.You know they wont be able to come up with more members from the other administrations like you asked Camp,thats a given.:D

But as I got done saying,Reagan isnt the most corrupt president EVER ,by any means.every president since then has been more corrupt than he was,compared to the clown we have in office now and Bush before him,Reagan doesnt look so bad.He doesnt look so bad now cause all the toehrs have been even worse expanding what he started.

Thats why people have forgotten so quickly,how bad things really were under Bush because as much as Bush recked the country,Obama has wrecked it far worse expanding what Bush got started.

But at the TIME back then,he sure was the most corrupt ever and there have been a lot of corrupt ones over the decades as well.:D those two facts cant be disputed.
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