Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Nobody argued that genocide only occurs under communism, but communism has caused genocide because of its ideology. That populations have been brutalized and its leaders inured to it doesn't change the fact the communists thought it necessary to wipe out a population to implement their ideology, or when they implemented their ideology, it wiped out millions of people because of their ideology.

NK can't feed itself not because its mountainous. It's because they can't produce anything of any value that anyone wants to trade for food.

In the USSR, the most productive parts of farming in the Ukraine were the small plots of land farmers owned outside of the collectivized farms. Production was 4x to 5x higher than on the state-run farms.

Yeah, guy, we know you shit your pants at the thought of fairly sharing anything.

But come on, repeating lame ass Cold War Propaganda most of us didn't really believe during the COld War is kind of silly.


IOW "I have nothing, so I whine about something irrelevant."

As usual.

Oh they are back... nothing like a two term limp wrist-ed democrat to bring on the commies.

Come on, admit it, you Wingnuts miss the Commies. It was the only time in your lives people trusted you with grown-up decisions.

Again, I'd like president who stopped trying to solve everyone else's problems and just worked onsolving ours. That'd be a novel approach.

Yeah if you forget the mass graves and wretched poverty and oppression you Commies were great

Are you really trying to claim that Tsarist Russia or Warlord Infested China were fucking Disneyland?

There's a reason why the Communists won in those countries. The alternatives were generally a lot worse.

Nobody argued that genocide only occurs under communism, but communism has caused genocide because of its ideology. That populations have been brutalized and its leaders inured to it doesn't change the fact the communists thought it necessary to wipe out a population to implement their ideology, or when they implemented their ideology, it wiped out millions of people because of their ideology.

NK can't feed itself not because its mountainous. It's because they can't produce anything of any value that anyone wants to trade for food.

In the USSR, the most productive parts of farming in the Ukraine were the small plots of land farmers owned outside of the collectivized farms. Production was 4x to 5x higher than on the state-run farms.

Yeah, guy, we know you shit your pants at the thought of fairly sharing anything.

But come on, repeating lame ass Cold War Propaganda most of us didn't really believe during the COld War is kind of silly.


IOW "I have nothing, so I whine about something irrelevant."

As usual.

No, guy, you are repeating- uncritically- cold war era propaganda.

Which maybe just fine if you were PoliticalChic or CrusaderFwank, because mindless 'God I miss the Cold War" slogans are all they have.

I really kind of expected better of you... but find myself disappointed.
Come on, admit it, you Wingnuts miss the Commies. It was the only time in your lives people trusted you with grown-up decisions.

Again, I'd like president who stopped trying to solve everyone else's problems and just worked onsolving ours. That'd be a novel approach.

Yeah if you forget the mass graves and wretched poverty and oppression you Commies were great

Are you really trying to claim that Tsarist Russia or Warlord Infested China were fucking Disneyland?

There's a reason why the Communists won in those countries. The alternatives were generally a lot worse.

I know you're a genuine Communist. And no, nothing is worse than Communism
Yeah if you forget the mass graves and wretched poverty and oppression you Commies were great

Are you really trying to claim that Tsarist Russia or Warlord Infested China were fucking Disneyland?

There's a reason why the Communists won in those countries. The alternatives were generally a lot worse.

I know you're a genuine Communist. And no, nothing is worse than Communism

NO, actually, there was, because those people CHOSE Communism.

A wise political science professor once told me, no government endures without the tacit consent of it's people.

The USSR endured for the reason the British Empire Endured. For a while, it made sense for the people involved. The Russian/British got resources and the laundry list of conquered peoples got security and technology and infrastructure they'd have never been able to produce on their own.

The Tsar was overthrown because he was incompetent. Because he plunged the country into a war it had no business fighting.

Much the same with China. The Warlords and Kuomotang made people's lives fairly miserable, and the Japanese just made it a little worse.

Now, here's the funny thing. BOth of those countries have decided that Communism doesn't really work. And they're right, it doesn't, for reasons a simpleton like you wouldn't understand even after having it explained to you.

But you know what, they recently voted Stalin the third greatest figure in Russian History. Putin is popular because he's a strong leader in the same mold. Meanwhile in China, they aren't reading from the Little Red Book, but they still revere Mao the way we revere George Washington.
Are you really trying to claim that Tsarist Russia or Warlord Infested China were fucking Disneyland?

There's a reason why the Communists won in those countries. The alternatives were generally a lot worse.

I know you're a genuine Communist. And no, nothing is worse than Communism

NO, actually, there was, because those people CHOSE Communism.

A wise political science professor once told me, no government endures without the tacit consent of it's people.

The USSR endured for the reason the British Empire Endured. For a while, it made sense for the people involved. The Russian/British got resources and the laundry list of conquered peoples got security and technology and infrastructure they'd have never been able to produce on their own.

The Tsar was overthrown because he was incompetent. Because he plunged the country into a war it had no business fighting.

Much the same with China. The Warlords and Kuomotang made people's lives fairly miserable, and the Japanese just made it a little worse.

Now, here's the funny thing. BOth of those countries have decided that Communism doesn't really work. And they're right, it doesn't, for reasons a simpleton like you wouldn't understand even after having it explained to you.

But you know what, they recently voted Stalin the third greatest figure in Russian History. Putin is popular because he's a strong leader in the same mold. Meanwhile in China, they aren't reading from the Little Red Book, but they still revere Mao the way we revere George Washington.

The only choice unarmed people get under Communism is: Death or slavery

You keep talking it up though, it says a lot about you
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The only choice unarmed people get under Communism is: Death or slavery

You keep talking it up thought, it says a lot about you

Guy, most people did just fine under communism. They did the same things we did. They went totheir jobs, they went home to their famiies. I met people from Russia and China, and you know what, all those things we scared ourselves with during the Cold War just weren't true.

NOw, are they good ways to run a country. Meh, not really. Are they the Hell on Earth you make it out to be? No, not really.

The only choice unarmed people get under Communism is: Death or slavery

You keep talking it up thought, it says a lot about you

Guy, most people did just fine under communism. They did the same things we did. They went totheir jobs, they went home to their famiies. I met people from Russia and China, and you know what, all those things we scared ourselves with during the Cold War just weren't true.

NOw, are they good ways to run a country. Meh, not really. Are they the Hell on Earth you make it out to be? No, not really.

You're under 40 aren't you? Because if you are not then you are just full of shit instead of ignorant.

The only choice unarmed people get under Communism is: Death or slavery

You keep talking it up thought, it says a lot about you

Guy, most people did just fine under communism. They did the same things we did. They went totheir jobs, they went home to their famiies. I met people from Russia and China, and you know what, all those things we scared ourselves with during the Cold War just weren't true.

NOw, are they good ways to run a country. Meh, not really. Are they the Hell on Earth you make it out to be? No, not really.

You're under 40 aren't you? Because if you are not then you are just full of shit instead of ignorant.

How many people from China do you know/

How many people from Russia do you know?

The only choice unarmed people get under Communism is: Death or slavery

You keep talking it up thought, it says a lot about you

Guy, most people did just fine under communism. They did the same things we did. They went totheir jobs, they went home to their famiies. I met people from Russia and China, and you know what, all those things we scared ourselves with during the Cold War just weren't true.

NOw, are they good ways to run a country. Meh, not really. Are they the Hell on Earth you make it out to be? No, not really.

You're not fooling anyone JoeB, I know you're a Communist and trying to give us your sales pitch. The reality is you Communists are the biggest mass murderers in history because you're truly evil. You murder your own citizens in the tens of millions, that's entire US States worth of people executed. Evil. Truly fucking evil.

We all know it, Josef

You fooled FDR and the Democrats, but you're not fooling us.
Guy, most people did just fine under communism. They did the same things we did. They went totheir jobs, they went home to their famiies. I met people from Russia and China, and you know what, all those things we scared ourselves with during the Cold War just weren't true.

NOw, are they good ways to run a country. Meh, not really. Are they the Hell on Earth you make it out to be? No, not really.

You're under 40 aren't you? Because if you are not then you are just full of shit instead of ignorant.

How many people from China do you know/

How many people from Russia do you know?
Actually quiet a few....I know many times many from old soviet Ukraine seeing as they are family as for Chinese I do know some. Marxism is a cancer and only fools believe otherwise. It doesn't enrich your life is imprisons it .
NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

The only choice unarmed people get under Communism is: Death or slavery

You keep talking it up thought, it says a lot about you

Guy, most people did just fine under communism. They did the same things we did. They went totheir jobs, they went home to their famiies. I met people from Russia and China, and you know what, all those things we scared ourselves with during the Cold War just weren't true.

NOw, are they good ways to run a country. Meh, not really. Are they the Hell on Earth you make it out to be? No, not really.

You're not fooling anyone JoeB, I know you're a Communist and trying to give us your sales pitch. The reality is you Communists are the biggest mass murderers in history because you're truly evil. You murder your own citizens in the tens of millions, that's entire US States worth of people executed. Evil. Truly fucking evil.

We all know it, Josef

You fooled FDR and the Democrats, but you're not fooling us.

Uh, you have a deluded view of history.

The Communists did more of the fighting in World War II than the USSR did.

There were single battles onthe Eastern front that were bigger than the entire western front.

For all our accomplishments, the world doesn't rotate around America.
NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

Yawn, ho-hum.

Frankly you guys talking about the Cold War is like a fat old middle aged factory worker talking about that year he was the star running-back on his HS football team.

It gets boring after a while.
NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

But it was for their own good! Right, Josef?
NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

But it was for their own good! Right, Josef?

You mean bullshit numbers that have never been verified and are largely dismissed as propaganda today?
NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

Yawn, ho-hum.

Frankly you guys talking about the Cold War is like a fat old middle aged factory worker talking about that year he was the star running-back on his HS football team.

It gets boring after a while.

comical from a moron always crying and pining for the FDR era

you're an idiot engaging in projection
NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

Yawn, ho-hum.

Frankly you guys talking about the Cold War is like a fat old middle aged factory worker talking about that year he was the star running-back on his HS football team.

It gets boring after a while.

comical from a moron always crying and pining for the FDR era

you're an idiot engaging in projection

you want public works projects like they had 80 years ago

tax rates like they had 60 years ago

union power to be what it was 50 years ago

and you have the gall to accuse others of living in the past?

you're a joke man
NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

Yawn, ho-hum.

Frankly you guys talking about the Cold War is like a fat old middle aged factory worker talking about that year he was the star running-back on his HS football team.

It gets boring after a while.

comical from a moron always crying and pining for the FDR era

you're an idiot engaging in projection

When did I "pine" for the FDR era?

I just pointed out that when the rich paid their fair share, the country tends to work better.
Yawn, ho-hum.

Frankly you guys talking about the Cold War is like a fat old middle aged factory worker talking about that year he was the star running-back on his HS football team.

It gets boring after a while.

comical from a moron always crying and pining for the FDR era

you're an idiot engaging in projection

When did I "pine" for the FDR era?

I just pointed out that when the rich paid their fair share, the country tends to work better.

because you're a narrow-minded dolt. there are hundreds of reasons our economy was better then; actually billions; over one billion reasons just in China

like i say you're a joke
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