Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Communism killed tens of millions due to the forced collectivization of production. That happened in the USSR, China and Cambodia. Today, North Korea cannot feed itself whereas South Korea has emerged as a vibrant and wealthy economy.

Pol Pot specifically targeted killing whole swaths of the population because in their Marxist ideology, they had to exterminate the educated and land owning elite so that they could start at time zero (literally) to build a Marxist paradise.


POL POT was clearly a communist lunatic, as was Stalin, and Mao.

STill none of that changes the fact that Reagan was not the heroic conservative most of todays johnny come lately conservatives think he was.

Joe point out the obvious TAX INCREASES he imposed on the working classes.

Facts is facts.
even facts of the newsmedia broadcasting back then in the 1980's how reagans policys betrayed the middle class are never good enough for them.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

pesky facts are something they close their eyes and cover their ears to.:D

Nobody argued that genocide only occurs under communism, but communism has caused genocide because of its ideology. That populations have been brutalized and its leaders inured to it doesn't change the fact the communists thought it necessary to wipe out a population to implement their ideology, or when they implemented their ideology, it wiped out millions of people because of their ideology.

NK can't feed itself not because its mountainous. It's because they can't produce anything of any value that anyone wants to trade for food.

In the USSR, the most productive parts of farming in the Ukraine were the small plots of land farmers owned outside of the collectivized farms. Production was 4x to 5x higher than on the state-run farms.

Yeah, guy, we know you shit your pants at the thought of fairly sharing anything.

But come on, repeating lame ass Cold War Propaganda most of us didn't really believe during the COld War is kind of silly.

Joe baloney was a history major, and feels that gives him the cred to declare that not only do conservatives think Reagan was perfect, that he an he alone by making one speech forced the USSR into collapsing.

Joe, you are a joke. No one thinks Reagan was perfect. No one thinks the speech at the wall, in and of itself forced the USSR into collapse. Your strawman arguments are just plain stupid.

well, frankly, I have yet to hear one of you Wingnuts tell me what Reagan did do to hasten the collapse of the USSR.

I mean, you mealy mouth about how he funded "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, like that strapping Osama Bin Laden chap, but that had nothing to do with the collape of the USSR. (In fact, the COmmunists stayed in power in Kabul for three years longer than they did in Moscow.)

The reality is that the "REAL" Reagan would be denounced as a RINO today, while you guys have made up this legendary Reagan who was a true, blue conservative.

Translation "Conservative" means he didn't lose, get impeached, or fail miserably like every other Republican President or Presidential candidate since 1960.
POL POT was clearly a communist lunatic, as was Stalin, and Mao.

STill none of that changes the fact that Reagan was not the heroic conservative most of todays johnny come lately conservatives think he was.

Joe point out the obvious TAX INCREASES he imposed on the working classes.

Facts is facts.
Joe is insane. Lowering taxes on earners didn't come out of the pockets of the middle class. Reagan wasn't a conservative? Wow.

NO, actually, it did.

Social Security and Medicare Taxes went up by a cummulative 3%.

Middle Class deductions like Credit Card Interest vanished.

So did middle class entitlements such as payments to college students with dead parents.
POL POT was clearly a communist lunatic, as was Stalin, and Mao.

STill none of that changes the fact that Reagan was not the heroic conservative most of todays johnny come lately conservatives think he was.

Joe point out the obvious TAX INCREASES he imposed on the working classes.

Facts is facts.
Joe is insane. Lowering taxes on earners didn't come out of the pockets of the middle class. Reagan wasn't a conservative? Wow.

NO, actually, it did.

Social Security and Medicare Taxes went up by a cummulative 3%.

Middle Class deductions like Credit Card Interest vanished.

So did middle class entitlements such as payments to college students with dead parents.

SS and Medicare ARE PROGRAMS USED BY THE MIDDLE CLASS. They are simply paying for their use of the programs, which is not the same as paying into federal income taxes. SS is not the same as federal income tax you frigging retard.

Joe baloney was a history major, and feels that gives him the cred to declare that not only do conservatives think Reagan was perfect, that he an he alone by making one speech forced the USSR into collapsing.

Joe, you are a joke. No one thinks Reagan was perfect. No one thinks the speech at the wall, in and of itself forced the USSR into collapse. Your strawman arguments are just plain stupid.

well, frankly, I have yet to hear one of you Wingnuts tell me what Reagan did do to hasten the collapse of the USSR.

I mean, you mealy mouth about how he funded "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, like that strapping Osama Bin Laden chap, but that had nothing to do with the collape of the USSR. (In fact, the COmmunists stayed in power in Kabul for three years longer than they did in Moscow.)

The reality is that the "REAL" Reagan would be denounced as a RINO today, while you guys have made up this legendary Reagan who was a true, blue conservative.

Translation "Conservative" means he didn't lose, get impeached, or fail miserably like every other Republican President or Presidential candidate since 1960.

Awe... look at the poor little crybaby whining about the failures of his communist heroes. Did that mean old Reagan put your daddy out of work?
Joe is insane. Lowering taxes on earners didn't come out of the pockets of the middle class. Reagan wasn't a conservative? Wow.

NO, actually, it did.

Social Security and Medicare Taxes went up by a cummulative 3%.

Middle Class deductions like Credit Card Interest vanished.

So did middle class entitlements such as payments to college students with dead parents.

SS and Medicare ARE PROGRAMS USED BY THE MIDDLE CLASS. They are simply paying for their use of the programs, which is not the same as paying into federal income taxes. SS is not the same as federal income tax you frigging retard.

A tax is a tax.

And when the surpluses from those taxes are designed to be converted into bonds to pay for General fund activities like those $600 Toilet Seats Ronald Reagan was so fond of lavishing upon military contractors, it's really a substitute for those taxes, isn't it?

Reagan raised taxes on the Middle Class. He also increased the lowest tax bracket from 11 to 15%.

Joe baloney was a history major, and feels that gives him the cred to declare that not only do conservatives think Reagan was perfect, that he an he alone by making one speech forced the USSR into collapsing.

Joe, you are a joke. No one thinks Reagan was perfect. No one thinks the speech at the wall, in and of itself forced the USSR into collapse. Your strawman arguments are just plain stupid.

well, frankly, I have yet to hear one of you Wingnuts tell me what Reagan did do to hasten the collapse of the USSR.

I mean, you mealy mouth about how he funded "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, like that strapping Osama Bin Laden chap, but that had nothing to do with the collape of the USSR. (In fact, the COmmunists stayed in power in Kabul for three years longer than they did in Moscow.)

The reality is that the "REAL" Reagan would be denounced as a RINO today, while you guys have made up this legendary Reagan who was a true, blue conservative.

Translation "Conservative" means he didn't lose, get impeached, or fail miserably like every other Republican President or Presidential candidate since 1960.

Awe... look at the poor little crybaby whining about the failures of his communist heroes. Did that mean old Reagan put your daddy out of work?

SOrry, man, after watching the Jihadist that Reagan Armed killing so many Americans and destroying any freedom we had out of fear of them...

I think I'd rather have the Communists back. At least you could reason with them.
NO, actually, it did.

Social Security and Medicare Taxes went up by a cummulative 3%.

Middle Class deductions like Credit Card Interest vanished.

So did middle class entitlements such as payments to college students with dead parents.

SS and Medicare ARE PROGRAMS USED BY THE MIDDLE CLASS. They are simply paying for their use of the programs, which is not the same as paying into federal income taxes. SS is not the same as federal income tax you frigging retard.

A tax is a tax.

And when the surpluses from those taxes are designed to be converted into bonds to pay for General fund activities like those $600 Toilet Seats Ronald Reagan was so fond of lavishing upon military contractors, it's really a substitute for those taxes, isn't it?

Reagan raised taxes on the Middle Class. He also increased the lowest tax bracket from 11 to 15%.
Did you cheat to get your degree? Cmon admit it.

Saying a tax is a tax is like saying all living organisms are the same, cockroaches democrats, no difference.

No, paying your SS premiums is not the same as borrowing money for a toilet seat.

No, your accusation about what Reagan did to taxes are all BLATANT LIES.

Here?s the US tax rate on your income for every year since 1913 ? Quartz

Are you capable of telling even one truth? Or does your communist view require that every single statement coming out of your mouth be a laughable lie?
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well, frankly, I have yet to hear one of you Wingnuts tell me what Reagan did do to hasten the collapse of the USSR.

I mean, you mealy mouth about how he funded "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, like that strapping Osama Bin Laden chap, but that had nothing to do with the collape of the USSR. (In fact, the COmmunists stayed in power in Kabul for three years longer than they did in Moscow.)

The reality is that the "REAL" Reagan would be denounced as a RINO today, while you guys have made up this legendary Reagan who was a true, blue conservative.

Translation "Conservative" means he didn't lose, get impeached, or fail miserably like every other Republican President or Presidential candidate since 1960.

Awe... look at the poor little crybaby whining about the failures of his communist heroes. Did that mean old Reagan put your daddy out of work?

SOrry, man, after watching the Jihadist that Reagan Armed killing so many Americans and destroying any freedom we had out of fear of them...

I think I'd rather have the Communists back. At least you could reason with them.

Oh they are back... nothing like a two term limp wrist-ed democrat to bring on the commies.

Nobody argued that genocide only occurs under communism, but communism has caused genocide because of its ideology. That populations have been brutalized and its leaders inured to it doesn't change the fact the communists thought it necessary to wipe out a population to implement their ideology, or when they implemented their ideology, it wiped out millions of people because of their ideology.

NK can't feed itself not because its mountainous. It's because they can't produce anything of any value that anyone wants to trade for food.

In the USSR, the most productive parts of farming in the Ukraine were the small plots of land farmers owned outside of the collectivized farms. Production was 4x to 5x higher than on the state-run farms.

Yeah, guy, we know you shit your pants at the thought of fairly sharing anything.

But come on, repeating lame ass Cold War Propaganda most of us didn't really believe during the COld War is kind of silly.

JoeB as real a Marxist ad you'll ever meet

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
SS and Medicare ARE PROGRAMS USED BY THE MIDDLE CLASS. They are simply paying for their use of the programs, which is not the same as paying into federal income taxes. SS is not the same as federal income tax you frigging retard.

A tax is a tax.

And when the surpluses from those taxes are designed to be converted into bonds to pay for General fund activities like those $600 Toilet Seats Ronald Reagan was so fond of lavishing upon military contractors, it's really a substitute for those taxes, isn't it?

Reagan raised taxes on the Middle Class. He also increased the lowest tax bracket from 11 to 15%.
Did you cheat to get your degree? Cmon admit it.

Saying a tax is a tax is like saying all living organisms are the same, cockroaches democrats, no difference.

No, paying your SS premiums is not the same as borrowing money for a toilet seat.

No, your accusation about what Reagan did to taxes are all BLATANT LIES.

Are you capable of telling even one truth? Or does your communist view require that every single statement coming out of your mouth be a laughable lie?

Sorry, man, money going to ANY level of government, whether it be to Social Security to cover those bonds, to state government who had to raise local taxes because federal payments diminished, or the removal of a deduction people had counted on for years- those are tax increases, and most of them hit the middle class and poor.

But the important thing was, the Rich got to buy more Dressage HOrses. Got to have your priorities.
well, frankly, I have yet to hear one of you Wingnuts tell me what Reagan did do to hasten the collapse of the USSR.

I mean, you mealy mouth about how he funded "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, like that strapping Osama Bin Laden chap, but that had nothing to do with the collape of the USSR. (In fact, the COmmunists stayed in power in Kabul for three years longer than they did in Moscow.)

The reality is that the "REAL" Reagan would be denounced as a RINO today, while you guys have made up this legendary Reagan who was a true, blue conservative.

Translation "Conservative" means he didn't lose, get impeached, or fail miserably like every other Republican President or Presidential candidate since 1960.

Awe... look at the poor little crybaby whining about the failures of his communist heroes. Did that mean old Reagan put your daddy out of work?

SOrry, man, after watching the Jihadist that Reagan Armed killing so many Americans and destroying any freedom we had out of fear of them...

I think I'd rather have the Communists back. At least you could reason with them.

JoeB misses the Communists.


What a shocker

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Oh they are back... nothing like a two term limp wrist-ed democrat to bring on the commies.

Come on, admit it, you Wingnuts miss the Commies. It was the only time in your lives people trusted you with grown-up decisions.

Again, I'd like president who stopped trying to solve everyone else's problems and just worked onsolving ours. That'd be a novel approach.

Oh they are back... nothing like a two term limp wrist-ed democrat to bring on the commies.

Come on, admit it, you Wingnuts miss the Commies. It was the only time in your lives people trusted you with grown-up decisions.

Again, I'd like president who stopped trying to solve everyone else's problems and just worked onsolving ours. That'd be a novel approach.

Yeah if you forget the mass graves and wretched poverty and oppression you Commies were great

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
there goes resident troll crusader retard going into meltdown mode as always hating to hear the truth about his cousin he worships.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh they are back... nothing like a two term limp wrist-ed democrat to bring on the commies.

Come on, admit it, you Wingnuts miss the Commies. It was the only time in your lives people trusted you with grown-up decisions.

Again, I'd like president who stopped trying to solve everyone else's problems and just worked onsolving ours. That'd be a novel approach.

the last one we had that did do just that paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.
well, frankly, I have yet to hear one of you Wingnuts tell me what Reagan did do to hasten the collapse of the USSR.

I mean, you mealy mouth about how he funded "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, like that strapping Osama Bin Laden chap, but that had nothing to do with the collape of the USSR. (In fact, the COmmunists stayed in power in Kabul for three years longer than they did in Moscow.)

The reality is that the "REAL" Reagan would be denounced as a RINO today, while you guys have made up this legendary Reagan who was a true, blue conservative.

Translation "Conservative" means he didn't lose, get impeached, or fail miserably like every other Republican President or Presidential candidate since 1960.

Awe... look at the poor little crybaby whining about the failures of his communist heroes. Did that mean old Reagan put your daddy out of work?

SOrry, man, after watching the Jihadist that Reagan Armed killing so many Americans and destroying any freedom we had out of fear of them...

I think I'd rather have the Communists back. At least you could reason with them.

NO, actually, it did.

Social Security and Medicare Taxes went up by a cummulative 3%.

Middle Class deductions like Credit Card Interest vanished.

So did middle class entitlements such as payments to college students with dead parents.

SS and Medicare ARE PROGRAMS USED BY THE MIDDLE CLASS. They are simply paying for their use of the programs, which is not the same as paying into federal income taxes. SS is not the same as federal income tax you frigging retard.

A tax is a tax.

And when the surpluses from those taxes are designed to be converted into bonds to pay for General fund activities like those $600 Toilet Seats Ronald Reagan was so fond of lavishing upon military contractors, it's really a substitute for those taxes, isn't it?

Reagan raised taxes on the Middle Class. He also increased the lowest tax bracket from 11 to 15%.

The reaganut worshippers close their eyes to these little pesky facts of course.:D
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