Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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he was a draft dodgin', terrist armin, debt triplin', tax raisin', etc....etc... etc....

But the Right idolizes him :dunno: They really need to find someone else to idolize BUT they know and, more importantly, we know they'd have to go back 50+ yrs to find one :rofl:

OBAMA didnt serve either;' but in chicago he learned to make a crack pipe from a Pepsi can

idiots and hypocrites

Obama served in the 1st Goatherder Battalion


he was a draft dodgin', terrist armin, debt triplin', tax raisin', etc....etc... etc....

But the Right idolizes him :dunno: They really need to find someone else to idolize BUT they know and, more importantly, we know they'd have to go back 50+ yrs to find one :rofl:

OBAMA didnt serve either;' but in chicago he learned to make a crack pipe from a Pepsi can

idiots and hypocrites

so are you or are you not a raygun fluffer? Are you even old enough? :eusa_eh: Judging from your predictable zany posts, I'd say you're about 15 yrs old. Amiright?
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he was a draft dodgin', terrist armin, debt triplin', tax raisin', etc....etc... etc....

But the Right idolizes him :dunno: They really need to find someone else to idolize BUT they know and, more importantly, we know they'd have to go back 50+ yrs to find one :rofl:

OBAMA didnt serve either;' but in chicago he learned to make a crack pipe from a Pepsi can

idiots and hypocrites

so are you or are you not a raygun fluffer. Are you even old enough? Judging from your predictable zany posts, I'd say you're about 15 yrs old. Amiright?

ur wrong leftard; but you should be used to it by now
It's simple really, we just have different heroes. Me and many other admire Reagan as a great President who broke the stranglehold the USSR had on Eastern Europe freeing hundreds of million in the process, and others admire the old USSR and Pol Pot.

it's an unbridgeable gap

It's not unbridgeable when you leave out the part about those who don't view Reagan as a hero, of admiring the old USSR and Pol Pot. Not everyone believes Reagan had the impact on the downfall of the USSR that you do. I don't know how much, if any, time you have spent in eastern Europe. I have spent lots of time in lots of countries in eastern Europe. Yesterday my home was full of east European's and Russians for a party and celebration of the safe return of a friend via a flight out of Moscow. Not everyone views Reagan the way you do.
Some think his negative impact on terrorism was far more significant than his impact on the fall of the USSR.

We can bridge the gap, once you give up your love and admiration for Soviet Communism
It's simple really, we just have different heroes. Me and many other admire Reagan as a great President who broke the stranglehold the USSR had on Eastern Europe freeing hundreds of million in the process, and others admire the old USSR and Pol Pot.

it's an unbridgeable gap

It's not unbridgeable when you leave out the part about those who don't view Reagan as a hero, of admiring the old USSR and Pol Pot. Not everyone believes Reagan had the impact on the downfall of the USSR that you do. I don't know how much, if any, time you have spent in eastern Europe. I have spent lots of time in lots of countries in eastern Europe. Yesterday my home was full of east European's and Russians for a party and celebration of the safe return of a friend via a flight out of Moscow. Not everyone views Reagan the way you do.
Some think his negative impact on terrorism was far more significant than his impact on the fall of the USSR.

We can bridge the gap, once you give up your love and admiration for Soviet Communism

Who said anything about "we". I was giving you advice about your affliction.

My first exsposure to communism was as a young child living in my immigrant grandparents huge house full of uncles and aunts, parents and siblings. In 1956 that huge house got small. With four separtate living spaces surrounding my grandparents living quarters, it filled up with Hungarian immigrants escaping communist Hungary during the revolution of that year and coming to this country for sanctuary. Some were family and some were strangers with nothing more than a slip of paper with my grandfathers name and address and instructions to find him when they got to New York City.

My first history book was THE BRIDGE AT ANDAU by James Michener. My family and I have been fighting communism and helping people escape from communism and it's effects for over a half a century. My second cousin is a Cold War MIA, a pilot, lost and still missing from a mission in the area of eastern Europe. So your misunderstanding and insinuation about my admiration for Soviet Communism is a bit incorrect.
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I was a history major, too, although at my age, what happened in Cambodia was more of a "Current Event".

So was Reagan, for that matter, which is why I am always amused by how this "RINO" is recast as this Conservative Paragon who talked the USSR into collapsing by talking to a wall.

Interesting to see how legends are born.

I know right? He was a sportscaster just like Bible Spice ;) & he dodged the Big One (WW II) by making picktures


Funding *cough* freedom fighters & looking the other way when they started terrorizing the countryside.

this has been explained to left-wing dullards repeatedly

russians killed over 1 million Afghanis
if you fought them you WERE a freedom fighter

if you then decided to fly planes into buildings full of innocent civilians you ARE A TERRORIST AT THAT POINT
what part is too much for a left-wing idiot and dullard to understand?

I think the issue was in the transition period were we apparently ignored OBL's crew training here in the states to learn how to fly commercial aircraft into buildings, ignored the active threat to fly planes into buildings, and ignored hijackings for decades by not locking up the cockpit doors. Course that had nothing to do with dullard partisanship and more a complete lack of intelligence in our intelligence organizations.
he was a draft dodgin', terrist armin, debt triplin', tax raisin', etc....etc... etc....

But the Right idolizes him :dunno: They really need to find someone else to idolize BUT they know and, more importantly, we know they'd have to go back 50+ yrs to find one :rofl:

Uhmm.. you do realize Reagan was a Democrat when he was dodging the draft, and those terrorists were our allies against the russians, and the debt was a small % of GDP at the time, and the taxes raised were for SS and the new Medicaid stuff, thus were not personal income tax but rather increases in the premiums for SS/Medicaid that the prior generations got the discount for... You do realize these very basic facts right?
It's simple really, we just have different heroes. Me and many other admire Reagan as a great President who broke the stranglehold the USSR had on Eastern Europe freeing hundreds of million in the process, and others admire the old USSR and Pol Pot.

it's an unbridgeable gap

It's not unbridgeable when you leave out the part about those who don't view Reagan as a hero, of admiring the old USSR and Pol Pot. Not everyone believes Reagan had the impact on the downfall of the USSR that you do. I don't know how much, if any, time you have spent in eastern Europe. I have spent lots of time in lots of countries in eastern Europe. Yesterday my home was full of east European's and Russians for a party and celebration of the safe return of a friend via a flight out of Moscow. Not everyone views Reagan the way you do.
Some think his negative impact on terrorism was far more significant than his impact on the fall of the USSR.

quite a few actually.
It's simple really, we just have different heroes. Me and many other admire Reagan as a great President who broke the stranglehold the USSR had on Eastern Europe freeing hundreds of million in the process, and others admire the old USSR and Pol Pot.

it's an unbridgeable gap

It's not unbridgeable when you leave out the part about those who don't view Reagan as a hero, of admiring the old USSR and Pol Pot. Not everyone believes Reagan had the impact on the downfall of the USSR that you do. I don't know how much, if any, time you have spent in eastern Europe. I have spent lots of time in lots of countries in eastern Europe. Yesterday my home was full of east European's and Russians for a party and celebration of the safe return of a friend via a flight out of Moscow. Not everyone views Reagan the way you do.
Some think his negative impact on terrorism was far more significant than his impact on the fall of the USSR.

theres quite many that feel that way actually.
he was a draft dodgin', terrist armin, debt triplin', tax raisin', etc....etc... etc....

But the Right idolizes him :dunno: They really need to find someone else to idolize BUT they know and, more importantly, we know they'd have to go back 50+ yrs to find one :rofl:

OBAMA didnt serve either;' but in chicago he learned to make a crack pipe from a Pepsi can

idiots and hypocrites

so are you or are you not a raygun fluffer? Are you even old enough? :eusa_eh: Judging from your predictable zany posts, I'd say you're about 15 yrs old. Amiright?

amen to that.
What do you mean "in on it"? He was the President. He was told by the Congress to stay the fuck out of the Contra bullshit (Boland Amendment). Congress decides who we go to war with. Congress decides when to appropriate funds for war.
So your evidence is that he was president. Go figure. It's good to hear a liberal say that the Democrat congress was responsible for the Iraq and Afghan wars though.

Gee, you seem to be catching on. Reagan was told by Congress not to get involved with the Contra forces and the war going on in Central America. Proof he was told came in the form of a formal amendment and law passed by Congress called the Bolin Amendment. Can't be any more formal about telling a President not to do something and reminding him of the Constitution and who has war poweres. Put a legal document in front of him and make him sign it. Take pictures, and publish them. Take video and show it on TV news.
Reagan ignored the Constitution, or at least his administration ignored it.

I agree you are correct about the Congress supporting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They gave approval to President Bush when he requested their approval to conduct wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Congress gave approval so they share the blame and/or credit.

wow you're right he does seem to actually be catching on.Reagan sure ingored the constitution alright. Members of congress who gave approval to Bush to invade later said they regretted doing so when they found out later that there were many things contained in the patriot act that they were not allowed to see that violate the constitution.
OBAMA didnt serve either;' but in chicago he learned to make a crack pipe from a Pepsi can

idiots and hypocrites

Obama served in the 1st Goatherder Battalion



as always,the resident troll Crusader Retard,retreats to Obama when cornered by facts about reagan deflecting the subject.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Frank is a fucking hypocrite just like Pale Retard was when he was here..Like Pale Retard always did,he worships facts about Obama not being a a us citizen but then ignores Jones when Jones talks about Reagans corruption.:cuckoo: the troll wants to have it both ways that Jones is right about Obama,but wrong about reagan.sorry troll,cant have it both ways.Jones is either wrong on both counts about Obama and reagan or right on botk counts.

cant have it both ways you want it fucking hypocrite.Frank and pale retard give the human race a bad name with their r closed minded hypocrisy.
Reagan would be voted-out of "today's Republican" Primaries in the first go- around just like Huntsman was. FACT!!! Huntsman actually had an appeal to high-info voters like me but the low-info, reactionary, rw voters didn't want anything to do w/ an edumacated repub who worked w/ a sitting POTUS. rw hate :(


and in more recent news; obama ran as a moderate when he knew he wasnt; even voted AGAINST RAISING THE DEBT CEILING as a Senator. it's laughable to watch losers like you whine bout "history revision" when left-wing nutjobs are doing the same thing RIGHT NOW

I thought you guys claimed Obama ran as a socialist. Better get your stories straight
I was a history major in college. Having Joe lecture others about not knowing history is always good fun since I don't think I've met many people in my long life that know LESS history than Joe does...yet that doesn't stop him from pontificating about the subject.

I was a history major, too, although at my age, what happened in Cambodia was more of a "Current Event".

So was Reagan, for that matter, which is why I am always amused by how this "RINO" is recast as this Conservative Paragon who talked the USSR into collapsing by talking to a wall.

Interesting to see how legends are born.

I know right? He was a sportscaster just like Bible Spice ;) & he dodged the Big One (WW II) by making picktures


Funding *cough* freedom fighters & looking the other way when they started terrorizing the countryside.
can anybody say draftdodger and mass murderer.
he was a draft dodgin', terrist armin, debt triplin', tax raisin', etc....etc... etc....

But the Right idolizes him :dunno: They really need to find someone else to idolize BUT they know and, more importantly, we know they'd have to go back 50+ yrs to find one :rofl:

OBAMA didnt serve either;' but in chicago he learned to make a crack pipe from a Pepsi can

idiots and hypocrites

so are you or are you not a raygun fluffer? Are you even old enough? :eusa_eh: Judging from your predictable zany posts, I'd say you're about 15 yrs old. Amiright?


Ronald Wilson Reagan enrolled in a series of home-study Army Extension Courses on 18 March 1935. After completing 14 of the courses, he enlisted in the Army Enlisted Reserve on 29 April 1937, as a Private assigned to Troop B, 322nd Cavalry at Des Moines, Iowa. He was appointed Second Lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps of the Cavalry on 25 May 1937. On June 18 of that year Reagan, who had just moved to Los Angeles to begin his film career, accepted his Officer’s Commission and was assigned to the 323rd Cavalry.

Lieutenant Reagan was ordered to active duty on 19 April 1942. Due to eyesight difficulties, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas. His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation at Fort Mason, California, as liaison officer of the Port and Transportation Office. Upon the request of the Army Air Forces (AAF), he applied for a transfer from the Cavalry to the AAF on 15 May 1942; the transfer was approved on 9 June 1942. He was assigned to AAF Public Relations and subsequently to the 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City, California. Reagan was promoted to First Lieutenant on 14 January 1943 and was sent to the Provisional Task Force Show Unit of This Is The Army at Burbank, California. Following this duty, he returned to the 1st Motion Picture Unit, and on 22 July 1943 was promoted to Captain.

In January 1944, Captain Reagan was ordered to temporary duty in New York City to participate in the opening of the sixth War Loan Drive. He was assigned to the 18th AAF Base Unit, Culver City, California on 14 November 1944, where he remained until the end of the war. He was recommended for promotion to Major on 2 February 1945, but this recommendation was disapproved on July 17 of that year. On 8 September 1945, he was ordered to report to Fort MacArthur, California, where he was separated from active duty on 9 December 1945.

While on active duty with the 1st Motion Picture Unit and the 18th Army Air Forces Base Unit, Captain Reagan served as Personnel Officer, Post Adjutant, and Executive Officer. By the end of the war, his units had produced some 400 training films for the Army Air Forces.

Reagan’s Reserve Commission automatically terminated on 1 April 1953. However, he became Commander-in-Chief of all U.S. Armed Forces when he became President on 20 January 1981.


My Dad didn't serve because they wouldn't take him because he had too many children, but he welded on 'Duck Boats' at Newport Florida Boatyard, the same boats that carried an Uncle to the beaches at Normandy where he was wounded twice while filming the landing. They wouldn't allow him to be in a 'fighting unit' because of an old injury, but allowed him to go ashore armed with a camera.
Draft Dodgers were hard to find those days.
I know right? He was a sportscaster just like Bible Spice ;) & he dodged the Big One (WW II) by making picktures


Funding *cough* freedom fighters & looking the other way when they started terrorizing the countryside.

this has been explained to left-wing dullards repeatedly

russians killed over 1 million Afghanis
if you fought them you WERE a freedom fighter

if you then decided to fly planes into buildings full of innocent civilians you ARE A TERRORIST AT THAT POINT
what part is too much for a left-wing idiot and dullard to understand?

Great that as a right winger you are willing to connect the FREEDOM FIGHTERS supported and trained by Reagan in Afghanistan turned into the TERRORIST from Afghanistan that attacked us on 9/11.
Ronald Reagan, father of modern terrorism. Has a ring to it.

Indeed it does.Ronald Reagan,father of modern day shipper of jobs overseas has a big ring to it as well.
he was a draft dodgin', terrist armin, debt triplin', tax raisin', etc....etc... etc....

But the Right idolizes him :dunno: They really need to find someone else to idolize BUT they know and, more importantly, we know they'd have to go back 50+ yrs to find one :rofl:

thats one great man to admire right there.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
Boland Amendment

On Dec. 21, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed the Boland Amendment which forbade the use of Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency funds to finance the Contra's and any operations against the nation of Nicaragua.

INCIDENT - April 15, 1985

Contra forces entered the town of Kurka Hill, Nicaragua and preceded to blow up the school with hand granades. They broke into homes searching for food, money and valuables. During the raid, a young girl was taken from her mothers arms as the father looked on. The daughter and father were murdered. The mother survived her wounds.

SOURCE - Philadelphia Daily News Feb. 19, 1986

careful,your making way too much sense for their minds to comprehend.You will override their minds with these pesky little facts that they have have a heart attack.look out especially for Frank to go into meltdown mode knowing he is cornered.:lol::lol::lol:
Boland Amendment

On Dec. 21, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed the Boland Amendment which forbade the use of Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency funds to finance the Contra's and any operations against the nation of Nicaragua.

INCIDENT - April 15, 1985

Contra forces entered the town of Kurka Hill, Nicaragua and preceded to blow up the school with hand granades. They broke into homes searching for food, money and valuables. During the raid, a young girl was taken from her mothers arms as the father looked on. The daughter and father were murdered. The mother survived her wounds.

SOURCE - Philadelphia Daily News Feb. 19, 1986
And you know Reagan was in on it? Show us.

And did you know that the Soviets were doing a lot of funding of arms to spread communism, which is why the US got involved in the first place. Of course the real proplem is that Reagan fought against communism and the left will never forgive him for it.

What do you mean "in on it"? He was the President. He was told by the Congress to stay the fuck out of the Contra bullshit (Boland Amendment). Congress decides who we go to war with. Congress decides when to appropriate funds for war.

What the fuck does the Soviets being evil monsters have to do with it? What are you saying, because the Soviets were doing it Reagan was allowed to ignore the Constitution and conduct an illegal and secret war? Why, because you liked his economic policies or tax policies?

Want to change the subject? We could talk about how the stupid old man forbade US Marines protecting a barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, a combat zone, to load or even carry ammunition. Four dead in Benghazi, how about 250 dead Marines because Marine force security and sentries were ordered not to carry loaded weapons by some dip shit actor President.

there they go into denial mode.somehow Reagan is not a mass murderer even though he signed it and ignored congress.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Frank i bet went into meltdown mode when he saw that.:D
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