Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Communism killed tens of millions due to the forced collectivization of production. That happened in the USSR, China and Cambodia. Today, North Korea cannot feed itself whereas South Korea has emerged as a vibrant and wealthy economy.

Pol Pot specifically targeted killing whole swaths of the population because in their Marxist ideology, they had to exterminate the educated and land owning elite so that they could start at time zero (literally) to build a Marxist paradise.

things were better in the Reagan years than they are now under obama

things were better under both Bush Presidents too than they are under obama

true story

idiots and hypocrites

That's questionable.

The highest unemployment ever got Under Obama was 10%. It got to 11.3% under Ray-gun.

Also, middle class incomes sharply declined under reagan and never really came back. so a lot of the problems we are STILL having started on his watch.

Reagan "inherited" a mess from Carter

Reagan "cleaned up" after Carter "drove the car off the cliff"

idiots and hypocrites
Communism killed tens of millions due to the forced collectivization of production. That happened in the USSR, China and Cambodia. Today, North Korea cannot feed itself whereas South Korea has emerged as a vibrant and wealthy economy.

While conceding that force collectivization is generally a bad idea, blaming it for human rights violations is a bit disingenous- in all three of those countries, there had been years of war that had desensitized them. China, for instance, had been in a nearly constant state of internal warfare and external invasion since 1911, when the Manchy Dynasty fell.

I should also point out that China had very bloody civil wars during the Taiping Rebellion of the 19th Century (20-100 million) fall of the Ming Dynasty in the 16th century (25 million) or the fall of the Yuan dynasty (20 million).

But, yeah, they would have killed each other over communism if they knew about it back then, too.

Main reason why NOrth Korea can't feed itself? The land is all mountainous and not really fit for agriculture... But, no, let's blame communism and not the crazy rulers.

Pol Pot specifically targeted killing whole swaths of the population because in their Marxist ideology, they had to exterminate the educated and land owning elite so that they could start at time zero (literally) to build a Marxist paradise.

But who did the actual exterminating, guy? Pol Pot didn't kill all those folks by his lonesome. Those folks were killed by a population that had been brutalized by a decade of warfare.

Also, interesting thing, that you guys will go on and on about the Cambodian genocide, but never mention the genocide in Nigeria, which killed just as many.

List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sad commentary is that as human beings, we need very little provocation to kill each other.

things were better in the Reagan years than they are now under obama

things were better under both Bush Presidents too than they are under obama

true story

idiots and hypocrites

That's questionable.

The highest unemployment ever got Under Obama was 10%. It got to 11.3% under Ray-gun.

Also, middle class incomes sharply declined under reagan and never really came back. so a lot of the problems we are STILL having started on his watch.

Reagan "inherited" a mess from Carter

Reagan "cleaned up" after Carter "drove the car off the cliff"

idiots and hypocrites

Actually, more like Reagan hit the accelarator like Thelma an Louise...

Reagan considered it more important to control inflation than to reduce unemployment, which is why unemployment went from 7.4 when he was elected to 11.3% at its height in 1983, and then dropped down to 7.2% when he was re-elected, and everyone said he was a "genius".
Communism killed tens of millions due to the forced collectivization of production. That happened in the USSR, China and Cambodia. Today, North Korea cannot feed itself whereas South Korea has emerged as a vibrant and wealthy economy.

While conceding that force collectivization is generally a bad idea, blaming it for human rights violations is a bit disingenous- in all three of those countries, there had been years of war that had desensitized them. China, for instance, had been in a nearly constant state of internal warfare and external invasion since 1911, when the Manchy Dynasty fell.

I should also point out that China had very bloody civil wars during the Taiping Rebellion of the 19th Century (20-100 million) fall of the Ming Dynasty in the 16th century (25 million) or the fall of the Yuan dynasty (20 million).

But, yeah, they would have killed each other over communism if they knew about it back then, too.

Main reason why NOrth Korea can't feed itself? The land is all mountainous and not really fit for agriculture... But, no, let's blame communism and not the crazy rulers.

Pol Pot specifically targeted killing whole swaths of the population because in their Marxist ideology, they had to exterminate the educated and land owning elite so that they could start at time zero (literally) to build a Marxist paradise.

But who did the actual exterminating, guy? Pol Pot didn't kill all those folks by his lonesome. Those folks were killed by a population that had been brutalized by a decade of warfare.

Also, interesting thing, that you guys will go on and on about the Cambodian genocide, but never mention the genocide in Nigeria, which killed just as many.

List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sad commentary is that as human beings, we need very little provocation to kill each other.

Nobody argued that genocide only occurs under communism, but communism has caused genocide because of its ideology. That populations have been brutalized and its leaders inured to it doesn't change the fact the communists thought it necessary to wipe out a population to implement their ideology, or when they implemented their ideology, it wiped out millions of people because of their ideology.

NK can't feed itself not because its mountainous. It's because they can't produce anything of any value that anyone wants to trade for food.

In the USSR, the most productive parts of farming in the Ukraine were the small plots of land farmers owned outside of the collectivized farms. Production was 4x to 5x higher than on the state-run farms.
Communism killed tens of millions due to the forced collectivization of production. That happened in the USSR, China and Cambodia. Today, North Korea cannot feed itself whereas South Korea has emerged as a vibrant and wealthy economy.

While conceding that force collectivization is generally a bad idea, blaming it for human rights violations is a bit disingenous- in all three of those countries, there had been years of war that had desensitized them. China, for instance, had been in a nearly constant state of internal warfare and external invasion since 1911, when the Manchy Dynasty fell.

I should also point out that China had very bloody civil wars during the Taiping Rebellion of the 19th Century (20-100 million) fall of the Ming Dynasty in the 16th century (25 million) or the fall of the Yuan dynasty (20 million).

But, yeah, they would have killed each other over communism if they knew about it back then, too.

Main reason why NOrth Korea can't feed itself? The land is all mountainous and not really fit for agriculture... But, no, let's blame communism and not the crazy rulers.

Pol Pot specifically targeted killing whole swaths of the population because in their Marxist ideology, they had to exterminate the educated and land owning elite so that they could start at time zero (literally) to build a Marxist paradise.

But who did the actual exterminating, guy? Pol Pot didn't kill all those folks by his lonesome. Those folks were killed by a population that had been brutalized by a decade of warfare.

Also, interesting thing, that you guys will go on and on about the Cambodian genocide, but never mention the genocide in Nigeria, which killed just as many.

List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sad commentary is that as human beings, we need very little provocation to kill each other.

The preceding was brought to you by JoeB, a Paid Poster, Communist Cheerleader and Marxist apologist
Reagan played a major role in the creation of modern day terrorism. He negotiated with terrorist and their supporteres, he did business deals with them and he used terrorist and terrorist acts to implement his policies. When terrorist targeted Americans he gave weak and even non-existant responses and allowed acts of terrorism to become accepted tactics on a global scale.

Incident -Oct, 28 1982

A report written by former Assistant Attorney General, New York, Reed Brody details an incident of Contra kiddnapping of Catholic activist Ricardo Bustillo and his five children from their home in El Jacaro, Nicaragua. The children were found the next day, murdered and mutilated. The father was also found murdered at a separtate location.

SOURCE - Los Angleles Times, March 8, 1985
Reagan played a major role in the creation of modern day terrorism. He negotiated with terrorist and their supporteres, he did business deals with them and he used terrorist and terrorist acts to implement his policies. When terrorist targeted Americans he gave weak and even non-existant responses and allowed acts of terrorism to become accepted tactics on a global scale.

Incident -Oct, 28 1982

A report written by former Assistant Attorney General, New York, Reed Brody details an incident of Contra kiddnapping of Catholic activist Ricardo Bustillo and his five children from their home in El Jacaro, Nicaragua. The children were found the next day, murdered and mutilated. The father was also found murdered at a separtate location.

SOURCE - Los Angleles Times, March 8, 1985

Lying fuck

U.S. bombs Libya ? This Day in History ? 4/14/1986
Reagan played a major role in the creation of modern day terrorism. He negotiated with terrorist and their supporteres, he did business deals with them and he used terrorist and terrorist acts to implement his policies. When terrorist targeted Americans he gave weak and even non-existant responses and allowed acts of terrorism to become accepted tactics on a global scale.

Incident -Oct, 28 1982

A report written by former Assistant Attorney General, New York, Reed Brody details an incident of Contra kiddnapping of Catholic activist Ricardo Bustillo and his five children from their home in El Jacaro, Nicaragua. The children were found the next day, murdered and mutilated. The father was also found murdered at a separtate location.

SOURCE - Los Angleles Times, March 8, 1985

yea Reagan also raised taxes and spent too much

well he WAS Democrat for a long time you moron

i guess old habits die hard

love the way you losers are still ranting bout Reagan more than 30 years later and pretend a whole class of people didnt exist that supported his policies; the Reagan democrats
Reagan played a major role in the creation of modern day terrorism.
No, he played a major role in the creation of modern day liberalism. He drove them insane since they opposed everything he did but was largely successful. Who knows how successful had he had some help from the left? The liberals never did regain composure and to this day haven't progressed much beyond raving lunatics drooling on their "I Hate The Right" baby bibs.

Thank you Gipper, may your soul rest in peace.
Reagan played a major role in the creation of modern day terrorism. He negotiated with terrorist and their supporteres, he did business deals with them and he used terrorist and terrorist acts to implement his policies. When terrorist targeted Americans he gave weak and even non-existant responses and allowed acts of terrorism to become accepted tactics on a global scale.

Incident -Oct, 28 1982

A report written by former Assistant Attorney General, New York, Reed Brody details an incident of Contra kiddnapping of Catholic activist Ricardo Bustillo and his five children from their home in El Jacaro, Nicaragua. The children were found the next day, murdered and mutilated. The father was also found murdered at a separtate location.

SOURCE - Los Angleles Times, March 8, 1985

Lying fuck

U.S. bombs Libya ? This Day in History ? 4/14/1986

Where is the lie? I alleged he made a weak responses. The bombing of Libya was a weak response in my opinion and if folks read your link, most will probably agree. It killed Qadaffi's infant daughter. Didn't kill Qadaffi. Now, what Qadaffi did about killing his infant daughter, that was a fucking response. Merry Christmas.
Boland Amendment

On Dec. 21, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed the Boland Amendment which forbade the use of Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency funds to finance the Contra's and any operations against the nation of Nicaragua.

INCIDENT - April 15, 1985

Contra forces entered the town of Kurka Hill, Nicaragua and preceded to blow up the school with hand granades. They broke into homes searching for food, money and valuables. During the raid, a young girl was taken from her mothers arms as the father looked on. The daughter and father were murdered. The mother survived her wounds.

SOURCE - Philadelphia Daily News Feb. 19, 1986
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Boland Amendment

On Dec. 21, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed the Boland Amendment which forbade the use of Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency funds to finance the Contra's and any operations against the nation of Nicaragua.

INCIDENT - April 15, 1985

Contra forces entered the town of Kurka Hill, Nicaragua and preceded to blow up the school with hand granades. They broke into homes searching for food, money and valuables. During the raid, a young girl was taken from her mothers arms as the father looked on. The daughter and father were murdered. The mother survived her wounds.

SOURCE - Philadelphia Daily News Feb. 19, 1986
And you know Reagan was in on it? Show us.

And did you know that the Soviets were doing a lot of funding of arms to spread communism, which is why the US got involved in the first place. Of course the real proplem is that Reagan fought against communism and the left will never forgive him for it.
Boland Amendment

On Dec. 21, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed the Boland Amendment which forbade the use of Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency funds to finance the Contra's and any operations against the nation of Nicaragua.

INCIDENT - April 15, 1985

Contra forces entered the town of Kurka Hill, Nicaragua and preceded to blow up the school with hand granades. They broke into homes searching for food, money and valuables. During the raid, a young girl was taken from her mothers arms as the father looked on. The daughter and father were murdered. The mother survived her wounds.

SOURCE - Philadelphia Daily News Feb. 19, 1986
And you know Reagan was in on it? Show us.

And did you know that the Soviets were doing a lot of funding of arms to spread communism, which is why the US got involved in the first place. Of course the real proplem is that Reagan fought against communism and the left will never forgive him for it.

What do you mean "in on it"? He was the President. He was told by the Congress to stay the fuck out of the Contra bullshit (Boland Amendment). Congress decides who we go to war with. Congress decides when to appropriate funds for war.

What the fuck does the Soviets being evil monsters have to do with it? What are you saying, because the Soviets were doing it Reagan was allowed to ignore the Constitution and conduct an illegal and secret war? Why, because you liked his economic policies or tax policies?

Want to change the subject? We could talk about how the stupid old man forbade US Marines protecting a barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, a combat zone, to load or even carry ammunition. Four dead in Benghazi, how about 250 dead Marines because Marine force security and sentries were ordered not to carry loaded weapons by some dip shit actor President.
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Reagan played a major role in the creation of modern day terrorism.
No, he played a major role in the creation of modern day liberalism. He drove them insane since they opposed everything he did but was largely successful. Who knows how successful had he had some help from the left? The liberals never did regain composure and to this day haven't progressed much beyond raving lunatics drooling on their "I Hate The Right" baby bibs.

Thank you Gipper, may your soul rest in peace.

The pathology of the left speaks volumes.
What do you mean "in on it"? He was the President. He was told by the Congress to stay the fuck out of the Contra bullshit (Boland Amendment). Congress decides who we go to war with. Congress decides when to appropriate funds for war.
So your evidence is that he was president. Go figure. It's good to hear a liberal say that the Democrat congress was responsible for the Iraq and Afghan wars though.
What the fuck does the Soviets being evil monsters have to do with it? What are you saying, because the Soviets were doing it Reagan was allowed to ignore the Constitution and conduct an illegal and secret war? Why, because you liked his economic policies or tax policies?

Want to change the subject? We could talk about how the stupid old man forbade US Marines protecting a barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, a combat zone, to load or even carry ammunition. Four dead in Benghazi, how about 250 dead Marines because Marine force security and sentries were ordered not to carry loaded weapons by some dip shit actor President.
Soviets arming communists has everything to do with it and you're the one trying to change the subject.
Communism killed tens of millions due to the forced collectivization of production. That happened in the USSR, China and Cambodia. Today, North Korea cannot feed itself whereas South Korea has emerged as a vibrant and wealthy economy.

Pol Pot specifically targeted killing whole swaths of the population because in their Marxist ideology, they had to exterminate the educated and land owning elite so that they could start at time zero (literally) to build a Marxist paradise.


POL POT was clearly a communist lunatic, as was Stalin, and Mao.

STill none of that changes the fact that Reagan was not the heroic conservative most of todays johnny come lately conservatives think he was.

Joe point out the obvious TAX INCREASES he imposed on the working classes.

Facts is facts.
I was a history major in college. Having Joe lecture others about not knowing history is always good fun since I don't think I've met many people in my long life that know LESS history than Joe does...yet that doesn't stop him from pontificating about the subject.

I was a history major, too, although at my age, what happened in Cambodia was more of a "Current Event".

So was Reagan, for that matter, which is why I am always amused by how this "RINO" is recast as this Conservative Paragon who talked the USSR into collapsing by talking to a wall.

Interesting to see how legends are born.

Joe baloney was a history major, and feels that gives him the cred to declare that not only do conservatives think Reagan was perfect, that he an he alone by making one speech forced the USSR into collapsing.

Joe, you are a joke. No one thinks Reagan was perfect. No one thinks the speech at the wall, in and of itself forced the USSR into collapse. Your strawman arguments are just plain stupid.
Boland Amendment

On Dec. 21, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed the Boland Amendment which forbade the use of Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency funds to finance the Contra's and any operations against the nation of Nicaragua.

INCIDENT - April 15, 1985

Contra forces entered the town of Kurka Hill, Nicaragua and preceded to blow up the school with hand granades. They broke into homes searching for food, money and valuables. During the raid, a young girl was taken from her mothers arms as the father looked on. The daughter and father were murdered. The mother survived her wounds.

SOURCE - Philadelphia Daily News Feb. 19, 1986
And you know Reagan was in on it? Show us.

And did you know that the Soviets were doing a lot of funding of arms to spread communism, which is why the US got involved in the first place. Of course the real proplem is that Reagan fought against communism and the left will never forgive him for it.

What do you mean "in on it"? He was the President. He was told by the Congress to stay the fuck out of the Contra bullshit (Boland Amendment). Congress decides who we go to war with. Congress decides when to appropriate funds for war.

What the fuck does the Soviets being evil monsters have to do with it? What are you saying, because the Soviets were doing it Reagan was allowed to ignore the Constitution and conduct an illegal and secret war? Why, because you liked his economic policies or tax policies?

Want to change the subject? We could talk about how the stupid old man forbade US Marines protecting a barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, a combat zone, to load or even carry ammunition. Four dead in Benghazi, how about 250 dead Marines because Marine force security and sentries were ordered not to carry loaded weapons by some dip shit actor President.

President's ignoring the wishes of Congress and conducting illegal and secret activities didn't start with Reagan...he simply carried on a long tradition that includes liberal icons like FDR.
Communism killed tens of millions due to the forced collectivization of production. That happened in the USSR, China and Cambodia. Today, North Korea cannot feed itself whereas South Korea has emerged as a vibrant and wealthy economy.

Pol Pot specifically targeted killing whole swaths of the population because in their Marxist ideology, they had to exterminate the educated and land owning elite so that they could start at time zero (literally) to build a Marxist paradise.


POL POT was clearly a communist lunatic, as was Stalin, and Mao.

STill none of that changes the fact that Reagan was not the heroic conservative most of todays johnny come lately conservatives think he was.

Joe point out the obvious TAX INCREASES he imposed on the working classes.

Facts is facts.

the working classes have it worse under obama than under Republicans; especially under Bush.

facts is facts

under obama the richer are getting richer AT A FASTER PACE; and the POOR ARE GETTING POORER AT A FASTER PACE than they did under Bush and Republicans

so if you want to rant about events 30 years ago; that reagan wasnt the heroic figure we hold him as; just know you are witnessing history now; obama is no hero.............but he has "good intentions"
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