Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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you're the kind of idiot who whined the rich had way too much back then too; even when the top tax rates were that high.

why lie to yourself?
Yeah, guy, we know you shit your pants at the thought of fairly sharing anything.

But come on, repeating lame ass Cold War Propaganda most of us didn't really believe during the COld War is kind of silly.


IOW "I have nothing, so I whine about something irrelevant."

As usual.

No, guy, you are repeating- uncritically- cold war era propaganda.

Which maybe just fine if you were PoliticalChic or CrusaderFwank, because mindless 'God I miss the Cold War" slogans are all they have.

I really kind of expected better of you... but find myself disappointed.

Pointing out that collectivization of farms caused the deaths of millions, that Ukrainian private farms were much more productive than state owned farms, and that South Korea is rich while North Korea can't literally feed itself, aren't uncritical Cold War talking points. They are the most basic facts of history. They are why communism has been abandoned everywhere around the world.

Pointing out that collectivization of farms caused the deaths of millions, that Ukrainian private farms were much more productive than state owned farms, and that South Korea is rich while North Korea can't literally feed itself, aren't uncritical Cold War talking points. They are the most basic facts of history. They are why communism has been abandoned everywhere around the world.

Uh, actually, they are.

South Korea has a great economy because it's heavily subsidized, first by the American government, and then by big corporations that were looking for cheap labor.

Incidently, you might be getting towards a point when you say things are good when people can enjoy the fruits of their labors. We even used to do that in this country before the 1%ers managed to fuck that up.
Yawn, ho-hum.

Frankly you guys talking about the Cold War is like a fat old middle aged factory worker talking about that year he was the star running-back on his HS football team.

It gets boring after a while.

comical from a moron always crying and pining for the FDR era

you want public works projects like they had 80 years ago

Are you talking about the Grand Coulee and Bonneville Dams? If people like you have your way this great country will never do that kind of great stuff again. If we don't do great stuff we will not remain a great country. Following loosers will make this country a looser nation. Not all of us wants to live in Looserdom. We aren't all a bunch of scardy cats who fear the future and progress. All of us aren't stuck in childhood.
comical from a moron always crying and pining for the FDR era

you want public works projects like they had 80 years ago

Are you talking about the Grand Coulee and Bonneville Dams? If people like you have your way this great country will never do that kind of great stuff again. If we don't do great stuff we will not remain a great country. Following loosers will make this country a looser nation. Not all of us wants to live in Looserdom. We aren't all a bunch of scardy cats who fear the future and progress. All of us aren't stuck in childhood.
I prefer looser women for quickies, but I'm not sure that is really relevant to anything, especially in how it pertains to the most successful president of recent American history.

Pointing out that collectivization of farms caused the deaths of millions, that Ukrainian private farms were much more productive than state owned farms, and that South Korea is rich while North Korea can't literally feed itself, aren't uncritical Cold War talking points. They are the most basic facts of history. They are why communism has been abandoned everywhere around the world.

Uh, actually, they are.

South Korea has a great economy because it's heavily subsidized, first by the American government, and then by big corporations that were looking for cheap labor.

North Korea is a heavily subsidized economy by the Chinese but its dirt poor, so we know subsidies don't explain it. South Korea, like the other ASEAN Tigers, experienced the fastest wage growth in the world as it industrialized from an agrarian economy over 30 years.

But keep spewing out nonsense trying to save face on an anonymous message board!
comical from a moron always crying and pining for the FDR era

you want public works projects like they had 80 years ago

Are you talking about the Grand Coulee and Bonneville Dams? If people like you have your way this great country will never do that kind of great stuff again. If we don't do great stuff we will not remain a great country. Following loosers will make this country a looser nation. Not all of us wants to live in Looserdom. We aren't all a bunch of scardy cats who fear the future and progress. All of us aren't stuck in childhood.

you're an idiot deluding himself. there was no union labor on those projects; people are buried inside the mountainside still. hundreds died in the shantytown where the workers lived.

if people like YOU get their way it would never happen. who are you trying to fool?

Pointing out that collectivization of farms caused the deaths of millions, that Ukrainian private farms were much more productive than state owned farms, and that South Korea is rich while North Korea can't literally feed itself, aren't uncritical Cold War talking points. They are the most basic facts of history. They are why communism has been abandoned everywhere around the world.

Uh, actually, they are.

South Korea has a great economy because it's heavily subsidized, first by the American government, and then by big corporations that were looking for cheap labor.

Incidently, you might be getting towards a point when you say things are good when people can enjoy the fruits of their labors. We even used to do that in this country before the 1%ers managed to fuck that up.

So the reason that South Korea's economy is infinitely better than it's communist neighbor just to the that it's "heavily subsidized"? Dude, you show yourself to be more of a "noob" with each post you make. South Korea and North Korea are a PERFECT example of why capitalism works and communism DOESN'T! You want to know what communism brings? You get to sit in the dark at night...
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NOTHING has killed more; no ideology or religion; than goldess left-wing ideology in the last 100 years. not Islam, not Christianity

left-wing nutjobs are losers who lie to themselves

But it was for their own good! Right, Josef?

You mean bullshit numbers that have never been verified and are largely dismissed as propaganda today?


When you murder so many people on such an unimaginable scale who can say if 20 million is too small or if 60 million is too large, Josef?

My guess is it's over 60 million because that's the kind of guy you hero Stalin was

Pointing out that collectivization of farms caused the deaths of millions, that Ukrainian private farms were much more productive than state owned farms, and that South Korea is rich while North Korea can't literally feed itself, aren't uncritical Cold War talking points. They are the most basic facts of history. They are why communism has been abandoned everywhere around the world.

Uh, actually, they are.

South Korea has a great economy because it's heavily subsidized, first by the American government, and then by big corporations that were looking for cheap labor.

Incidently, you might be getting towards a point when you say things are good when people can enjoy the fruits of their labors. We even used to do that in this country before the 1%ers managed to fuck that up.

So the reason that South Korea's economy is infinitely better than it's communist neighbor just to the that it's "heavily subsidized"? Dude, you show yourself to be more of a "noob" with each post you make. South Korea and North Korea are a PERFECT example of why capitalism works and communism DOESN'T!

He's not a noob, please don't underestimate our Josef. He's a TRUE BELIEVER and is here to spread the Gospel of Communism until we're all either converted or dead

North Korea is a heavily subsidized economy by the Chinese but its dirt poor, so we know subsidies don't explain it. South Korea, like the other ASEAN Tigers, experienced the fastest wage growth in the world as it industrialized from an agrarian economy over 30 years.

But keep spewing out nonsense trying to save face on an anonymous message board!

Um, guy, South Korea isn't a member of ASEAN.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But again, I think the fact that we spent the 30 years before that dumping BILLIONS of dollars building it up, money that China didn't have to do the same for North Korea, had a lot to do with it.

Then again, we spend a lot of money building up countries that turn around and take our jobs. Funny how that works.

Now, all that said, yes, the Kim Dynasty has horribly mismanged their country.

But here's the funny thing, guess who actually is a Member of ASEAN and doing well?

Yup, Communist Vietnam.


When you murder so many people on such an unimaginable scale who can say if 20 million is too small or if 60 million is too large, Josef?

My guess is it's over 60 million because that's the kind of guy you hero Stalin was

If your numbers can't be verified and range anywhere from 20 to 60 million, that makes it questionable all by itself.

For instance we know EXACTLY how many people Hitler killed in the Holocaust. We know it was 6 million Jews, 3 million Poles and 3 million Slavs, Gypsies, Disabled, HOmosexuals, etc. We know who was killed, we know what they were killed for.

Stalin. Well he kiled 60. no maybe it was 20. Do I get to count the famines?

So the reason that South Korea's economy is infinitely better than it's communist neighbor just to the that it's "heavily subsidized"? Dude, you show yourself to be more of a "noob" with each post you make. South Korea and North Korea are a PERFECT example of why capitalism works and communism DOESN'T! You want to know what communism brings? You get to sit in the dark at night...


Well, yeah, when you punish a country for making choices you don't like, that happens.

We just never, ever are going to forive NOrth Korea and CUba for making us look bad.

But well sign free trade treaties with South Korea and let them totally undermine Ameican jobs and let them import Hyundais into this country. Yuppers....

North Korea is a heavily subsidized economy by the Chinese but its dirt poor, so we know subsidies don't explain it. South Korea, like the other ASEAN Tigers, experienced the fastest wage growth in the world as it industrialized from an agrarian economy over 30 years.

But keep spewing out nonsense trying to save face on an anonymous message board!

Um, guy, South Korea isn't a member of ASEAN.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But again, I think the fact that we spent the 30 years before that dumping BILLIONS of dollars building it up, money that China didn't have to do the same for North Korea, had a lot to do with it.

Then again, we spend a lot of money building up countries that turn around and take our jobs. Funny how that works.

Now, all that said, yes, the Kim Dynasty has horribly mismanged their country.

But here's the funny thing, guess who actually is a Member of ASEAN and doing well?

Yup, Communist Vietnam.

Vietnam isn't communist.
Oookay, Now we are getting into "No True Scotsman Fallacy".

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam, along with China, Cuba, and Laos, is one of the world's four remaining single-party socialist states officially espousing communism. Its current state constitution, which replaced the 1975 constitution in April 1992, asserts the central role of the Communist Party of Vietnam in all organs of government, politics and society. The General Secretary of the Communist Party performs numerous key administrative and executive functions, controlling the party's national organization and state appointments, as well as setting policy. Only political organizations affiliated with or endorsed by the Communist Party are permitted to contest elections in Vietnam. These include the Vietnamese Fatherland Front and worker and trade unionist parties. 91]

Wow, sounds like Vietnam is Communist to me.

North Korea is a heavily subsidized economy by the Chinese but its dirt poor, so we know subsidies don't explain it. South Korea, like the other ASEAN Tigers, experienced the fastest wage growth in the world as it industrialized from an agrarian economy over 30 years.

But keep spewing out nonsense trying to save face on an anonymous message board!

Um, guy, South Korea isn't a member of ASEAN.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But again, I think the fact that we spent the 30 years before that dumping BILLIONS of dollars building it up, money that China didn't have to do the same for North Korea, had a lot to do with it.

Then again, we spend a lot of money building up countries that turn around and take our jobs. Funny how that works.

Now, all that said, yes, the Kim Dynasty has horribly mismanged their country.

But here's the funny thing, guess who actually is a Member of ASEAN and doing well?

Yup, Communist Vietnam.

Commies never admit their failures; it's always someone else's fault
Vietnam dropped its failed Central Planning economy in favor of free enterprise. When it was JoeB's Workers Paradise it had to IMPORT rice to keep its people from starving to death. Unlike JosefB, it finally realized Communism was a failure and switched to a market farming economy. Guess who is now the second largest EXPORTER of rice on the planet?

Communism = 100% Guaranteed Fail
Vietnam dropped its failed Central Planning economy in favor of free enterprise. When it was JoeB's Workers Paradise it had to IMPORT rice to keep its people from starving to death. Unlike JosefB, it finally realized Communism was a failure and switched to a market farming economy. Guess who is now the second largest EXPORTER of rice on the planet?

Communism = 100% Guaranteed Fail

Again, Vietnam is following China's model. Let big corporations move their factories in and we'll provide you cheap labor and one morning, you'll find yourself with half your population on welfare and no industrial base.

It reminds me of Lenin's axiom, "The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him with."

Kind of a good description of "Free Trade".
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