Reagan Cut Taxes....Revenue Boomed

Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?

You can correlate the incidence of rape and the sale of ice cream too.

Correlation does not represent causation.

Clinton got his ass handed to him in 1994 by the American people. He got the message and threw the left wing of the democratic party under the bus.

Factor those into your numbers asswipe.
Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

Total bullshit.
If I remember correctly, Reagan cut taxes one year and raised taxes seven.

Then there were the many scandals. Hundreds of young soldiers sent off to die, Iran Contra among others.

Yeah it was awful. He was so bad that he was destroyed in 1984.


Ooops sorry.

He won 525 to 13.


Just terrible.

Stupid fuckers.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?

You can correlate the incidence of rape and the sale of ice cream too.

Correlation does not represent causation.



You CORRELATED Reagan's tax cuts with rising revenues with NO demonstration of causation.

Goddam times 100 that is funny.
Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

Total bullshit.
If I remember correctly, Reagan cut taxes one year and raised taxes seven.

Then there were the many scandals. Hundreds of young soldiers sent off to die, Iran Contra among others.

Yeah it was awful. He was so bad that he was destroyed in 1984.


Ooops sorry.

He won 525 to 13.


Just terrible.

Stupid fuckers.

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and was re-elected in a landslide in 1996.

Oops, sorry.
Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?

You can correlate the incidence of rape and the sale of ice cream too.

Correlation does not represent causation.



You CORRELATED Reagan's tax cuts with rising revenues with NO demonstration of causation.

Goddam times 100 that is funny.

We could raise revenue if racist Al Sharpton paid his taxes


yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?

You can correlate the incidence of rape and the sale of ice cream too.

Correlation does not represent causation.

Clinton got his ass handed to him in 1994 by the American people. He got the message and threw the left wing of the democratic party under the bus.

Factor those into your numbers asswipe.

Republicans predict recession if Clinton tax increases are implemented:

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

See? Gingrich was just as stupid back then.
Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?

You can correlate the incidence of rape and the sale of ice cream too.

Correlation does not represent causation.

Clinton got his ass handed to him in 1994 by the American people. He got the message and threw the left wing of the democratic party under the bus.

Factor those into your numbers asswipe.

Republicans predict recession if Clinton tax increases are implemented:

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recover

See? Gingrich was just as stupid back then.

So the republicans didn't wipe out the democrats in 1994 and hold both houses for a 12 years ?
Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?

You can correlate the incidence of rape and the sale of ice cream too.

Correlation does not represent causation.



You CORRELATED Reagan's tax cuts with rising revenues with NO demonstration of causation.

Goddam times 100 that is funny.

We could raise revenue if racist Al Sharpton paid his taxes


And most of Obama's cabinet.
Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

Total bullshit.
If I remember correctly, Reagan cut taxes one year and raised taxes seven.

Then there were the many scandals. Hundreds of young soldiers sent off to die, Iran Contra among others.

Yeah it was awful. He was so bad that he was destroyed in 1984.


Ooops sorry.

He won 525 to 13.


Just terrible.

Stupid fuckers.

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and was re-elected in a landslide in 1996.

Oops, sorry.

Never disputed that one.

Of course, he wasn't following Jimmy Carter of coming off of LBJ's war in Vietnam.
Revenues continue to rise after the 2014 tax increases on the RICH! Yes, those people, the RICH!

Take your meds.

This is about Reagan.

No this is about your idiotic claims about tax cuts and revenue. It's your own thread, pay attention, and, quit trying to run away from your own idiocy.

This is about what Reagan did. I don't need to run from anything.

Reagain initiated the longest economic expansion in history after cleaning up Carter's mess.
You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
...and besides, since when do liberals give a shit about the deficit or national debt?

Answer: when you want to condemn RR...but being hypocrites, refuse to acknowledge your Messiah's heinous actions.

Please don't claim Big Ears had to double the national debt because W made him do it.

Since always

Keynesian economics (generally considered the foundation of modern liberal economics), VERY SPECIFICALLY CALLS FOR LONG TERM BALANCED BUDGETS: spending in bad economic times, paying down debts in good times.

But we do have some conservatives on record saying otherwise:

Just a periodic reminder to those who look at the 1980-1988 with rose colored glasses, and who have been seduced and are still in the afterglow of being anal raped by the cult of personality that was Ronald Reagan

Some of the lesser known facts are soursed, but no doubt the obsessed fact checkers will be blowing up the ...LOL...Wikipedia server looking for errors on the others, which I intentionally did NOT source.

They are batting .000 so far, but it's fun to watch them scramble

WARNING...this is NOT wideley discussed on Fox news and talk radio, so those who are sensitive to facts that confuse them, should proceed with caution

Reagan raised taxes (largest peace time tax increase in US history)

Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants

Reagan increased the deficit

Reagan increased spending

Reagan funded and created the entity that evolved into Al Queada, collaborating with Osama bin Laden himself

Reagan cut and ran in the face of an attack on American troops that resulted in the deaths of 241 Americans

Reagan supported a coalition that included the genocidal war criminal Pol Poth

Reagan engaged America in proxy wars in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Namibia, Angola and Burkina Faso, and Cambodia, and lost every one

Regan left office, signed on to and vested in Gorbachov’s “union treaty” , which would have assured the continued existence of the Soviet Union

Reagan professed ignorance to Iran/ Conta, meaning he was either incompetent or he committed crimes and perjury

Reagan’s approval rating dropped for 74% to 44% between 1981 and 1987

Reagan was implicated in gay prostitution
High Strangeness TV :: Page not found

Great Thoughts of Ronald Reagan
"A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?"
Ronald Reagan (Governor of California), quoted in the Sacramento Bee, opposing expansion of Redwood National Park, March 3, 1966

"All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk."
Ronald Reagan (Republican candidate for president), quoted in the Burlington (Vermont) Free Press, February 15, 1980

"It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and still be home by Christmas."
Ronald Reagan (candidate for Governor of California), interviewed in the Fresno Bee, October 10, 1965

"A faceless mass, waiting for handouts."
Ronald Reagan, 1965. (Reagan describing Medicaid recipients.)

"Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders."
California Governor Ronald Reagan, in the Sacramento Bee, April 28, 1966

"We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry every night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet."
Ronald Reagan, TV speech, October 27, 1964

"I never knew anything above Cs."
President Reagan, in a moment of truthfulness, describes his academic record to Barbara Walters, November 27, 1981

"They told stories about how inattentive and inept the President was.... They said he wouldn't come to work--all he wanted to do was to watch movies and television at the residence."
Jim Cannon (an aide to Howard Baker) reporting what Reagan's underlings told him, Landslide: The Unmaking of the President: 1984-88

"Reagan's only contribution [to the subject of the MX missile] throughout the entire hour and a half was to interrupt somewhere at midpoint to tell us he'd watched a movie the night before, and he gave us the plot from WarGames, the movie. That was his only contribution."
Lee Hamilton (Representative from Indiana) interviewed by Haynes Johnson, Sleepwalking Through History: America in the Reagan Years

"This President is treated by both the press and foreign leaders as if he were a child.... It is major news when he honors a political or economic discussion with a germane remark and not an anecdote about his Hollywood days."
Columnist Richard Cohen

"What planet is he living on?"
President Mitterand of France poses this question about Reagan to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.

"During Mr. Reagan's trip to Europe...members of the traveling press corps watched him doze off so many times--during speeches by French President Francois Mitterrand and Italian President Alessandro Pertini, as well as during a one-on-one audience with the Pope--that they privately christened the trip 'The Big Sleep.'"
Mark Hertsgaard, On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency

"He demonstrated for all to see how far you can go in this life with a smile, a shoeshine and the nerve to put your own spin on the facts."
David Nyhan, Boston Globe columnist

"An amiable dunce
Clark Clifford (former Defense Secretary)

"Poor dear, there's nothing between his ears."
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

"Like reinventing the wheel."
Larry Speakes (Reagan's former press secretary) describing what it was like preparing the President for a press conference, Speaking Out: The Reagan Presidency from Inside the White House
"The task of watering the arid desert between Reagan's ears is a challenging one for his aides."
Columnist David Broder

"He has the ability to make statements that are so far outside the parameters of logic that they leave you speechless"
Patti Davis (formerly Patricia Ann Reagan) talking about her father, The Way I See It

"This loathing for government, this eagerness to prove that any program to aid the disadvantaged is nothing but a boondoggle and a money gobbler, leads him to contrive statistics and stories with unmatched vigor."
Mark Green, Reagan's Reign of Error

Last edited by Positivly Sarah; Today at 10:38 AM. Desoto talks.

You know many of the above Reagan comments come from the truly biased MSM which let's compare creditability ratings: MSM VS Reagan!
Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.
And lies are lies, and you are a LIAR!
And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT!
Actually it is "Lefty" Gingrich who is claiming to this day that there were 4 years of surplus thanks to him.
Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.
Total bullshit.
Want to bet?

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