Reagan Cut Taxes....Revenue Boomed

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.
Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...
You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.

Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.
You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
...and besides, since when do liberals give a shit about the deficit or national debt?

Answer: when you want to condemn RR...but being hypocrites, refuse to acknowledge your Messiah's heinous actions.

Please don't claim Big Ears had to double the national debt because W made him do it.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.
Can we get your take on your Messiah's enormous debt?
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.
Can we get your take on your Messiah's enormous debt?

Not until I get your take on Reagan's, Bush's, and Bush's.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.
Can we get your take on your Messiah's enormous debt?

Not until I get your take on Reagan's, Bush's, and Bush's.
Okay. I will be honest, but I know you won't.

All three deserve criticism for running deficits. However, at least Reagan got the economy booming and ended the Cold War. Your Messiah just enriched the 1% and the economy sucked for most Americans.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

PS. meant to say GW tax cuts, NOT HW. HW was read my lips, lol.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.
Can we get your take on your Messiah's enormous debt?

Not until I get your take on Reagan's, Bush's, and Bush's.
Okay. I will be honest, but I know you won't.

All three deserve criticism for running deficits. However, at least Reagan got the economy booming and ended the Cold War. Your Messiah just enriched the 1% and the economy sucked for most Americans.

The Cold war never ended.

Reagan did not 'get' the economy booming. The business cycle, lower oil prices, and Fed policy had far more to do with the expansion in the nineties.

Let's not forget that after the 1981 tax cut, the Reagan administration panicked at the threat of revenue loss and then proceeded to pass the biggest tax increase in history in 1982. Oddly enough, almost all of the growth in the Reagan years occurred AFTER that tax INCREASE.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.
Can we get your take on your Messiah's enormous debt?

Not until I get your take on Reagan's, Bush's, and Bush's.
Okay. I will be honest, but I know you won't.

All three deserve criticism for running deficits. However, at least Reagan got the economy booming and ended the Cold War. Your Messiah just enriched the 1% and the economy sucked for most Americans.

The Cold war never ended.

Reagan did not 'get' the economy booming. The business cycle, lower oil prices, and Fed policy had far more to do with the expansion in the nineties.

Let's not forget that after the 1981 tax cut, the Reagan administration panicked at the threat of revenue loss and then proceeded to pass the biggest tax increase in history in 1982. Oddly enough, almost all of the growth in the Reagan years occurred AFTER that tax INCREASE.
Let's stick to your Messiah.

Give me your summation on his actions.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.
Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Also, I would like to say------>this thread is about REAGAN TAX CUTS, and if they worked, and if revenue rose. Not everything else he did, or did NOT do.

That is like me saying that "Bill Clintons economic performance doesn't count because of a certain blue dress." That is NOT relevant to the discussion. Using such logic, should we all say that if Hitler said we had to breathe to survive, we all should hold our breath and die!?!?!?!?!?!?! Nobody is 100% correct, nor 100% wrong, we are all somewhere in % between the 2. So when someone says that during ALL of these tax cuts, from ALL of these Presidents from both party's revenue rose to the federal treasury, they are NOT lying, or misleading you. We can't throw the Democrat Presidents out because they are Democrats, nor Republicans because they are Republicans. To do so is being dishonest to create excuses for why your side is smarter.

Bottomline--------> Tax cuts from BOTH party's have worked and increased revenue to the fed. History supports this position. To say it foes NOT means----->you must provide a tax cut during a Presidency where tax revenue adjusted for inflation did NOT rise in the last century, or century and 1/2. Can't do it! I know, I checked, along with many, many, others-)
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

Except there was no 1980-1982 recession. There was a recession in 1980, the shortest recession in history, which still managed 11.6% growth in federal revenue. The Reagan Recession from July 1981 to November 1982, the longest since the Great Republican Depression, created 10.8% unemployment rather than jobs and revenue growth.

yup, employment hung over 10% for something like 11-12 months straight ...

You tax cut cultists need to burn this little graph into your eyeballs:


Take your self-financing tax cut free lunch bs and shove it up your whatever - no one is buying it.

Within sane rates, when you tax less, people pay less. It's really not rocket science.
Obama is not listed because the chart would have to be several times longer, to fit the hug deficits he ran.


Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.

Facts are facts---------> Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (capital gains tax cut) and HW tax every instance, the revenue to the federal government ROSE significantly.

I like the way lefties attempt to disprove the model by showing DEFICITS rise. That is like saying all of us get a 100,000 dollar raise, but we spend 125,000 dollars more putting us further in debt because we are stupid, which therefore translates to, "us getting the raise was somehow bad."

And to the lefty who claims that Clinton ran a surplus. As usual WRONG again, lol. He did NOT! That is not to say his economic record is bad, in my opinion, it was very good; but no, he did not run a surplus. Do a victory lap on his good policies and crow, he deserves it. But do not make your good story look bad, by insisting he did something he did not! It was an accounting trick for his legacy using the SS trust fund.

How do we know he did not? EASY-) Look at the national debt! Now you intelligent lefties tell all of us DUMB conservatives----------> In which year of Bill Clintons tenure did the National debt DROP using the governments own reporting? If he ran a surplus in any year, the national debt in that year would have dropped, yes! Ummmmmm, in NO year did the national debt drop 1 measly dollar, it rose in EVERY one of his years as President. Explain that!

For most people that can count, that is called a clue! Still, Bill Clinton did a very good job as far as economics, for whatever reason or excuse is given, and kudos to him and Reagan. Take out Bush SR, and we would have had 16 stellar years in a row!

Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and revenues increased for 7 straight years.

Reagan cut taxes in 1981 and revenue FELL in 1983.
As I expected, you can't be honest about your Messiah. You just believe.

Would you like to dispute my numbers?
As I thought, you can't bring yourself to criticize your Messiah. least you didn't claim he had to double the national debt because W made him do, you aren't as dumb as I thought.
Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed

A great advantage of having been present when history was made is that later you can sometimes recall what actually happened. Such institutional memory is important today in assessing the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, whose effect is now being relitigated in the debate on the Republicans’ proposed tax reform. To refute claims that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue, in the words of President Reagan, “well, let’s take them on a little stroll down memory lane.”

More to follow.

But, just to say Thank You President Reagan for the man and president you were.

The press was not kind to you while you were in office.

The left wing despises you because you used conservative principles to bring us back from the depression Jimmy Carter had put us in.

And these principles can still be applied today.

Bill Clinton raised taxes and revenue 'boomed'.

The difference being, deficits soared under Reagan and plummeted under Clinton.
Can we get your take on your Messiah's enormous debt?

Not until I get your take on Reagan's, Bush's, and Bush's.
Okay. I will be honest, but I know you won't.

All three deserve criticism for running deficits. However, at least Reagan got the economy booming and ended the Cold War. Your Messiah just enriched the 1% and the economy sucked for most Americans.

The Cold war never ended.

Reagan did not 'get' the economy booming. The business cycle, lower oil prices, and Fed policy had far more to do with the expansion in the nineties.

Let's not forget that after the 1981 tax cut, the Reagan administration panicked at the threat of revenue loss and then proceeded to pass the biggest tax increase in history in 1982. Oddly enough, almost all of the growth in the Reagan years occurred AFTER that tax INCREASE.

Yeah, things sucked so bad that the American people booted him out of office in 1984.

Oh...wait.....he didn't even have to campaign and things were so good none of the solid stable of dems would even consider running and getting their asses kicked.

What is funny is that you really don't see the underlying piece in all of this.


Carter had this country in a melancholy.

When Reagan took over, hope sprang and (despite a stupid congress) got things going.

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