Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

Leftist babble never changes...always the same stupid.
in short,translation-yes you are correct,i never learned how to debate evidence facts and cant stand toe to toe in a debate when i am proven wrong.:yes_text12:
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What debate? There can be no debate with you lying scum.
Like the juvenile child you are,you attack the MESSENGER instead of the source presenting the evidence,debunk the evidence in the videos or you are fucking coward which you have proven in spades here.

you call ME the lying scum as though i produced those videos child.sorry child,i was not the one that put together all those documentaty videos.:laughing0301:

attack the messenger when you cant refute evidence that researchers have documented. great debater you are.LOL
well time to move on and put a child on ignore.i dont have time for children who just insult and dont debate facts and then run off and do THIS-:scared1: everytime they are challeneged to refute the evidence and then call ME the liar knowing they got chekmated and KNOWING i was not the one who put the videos evidence together what a stupid fag child i been wasting my time on,

thank god for ignore.
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well time to move on and put a child on ignore.i dont have time for children who just insult and dont debate facts and then run off and do THIS-:scared1: everytime they are challeneged to refute the evidence and then call ME the liar knowing they got chekmated and KNOWING i was not the one who put the videos evidence together what a stupod fajg child i been wasting my time on,

thank god for ignore.
No have no facts, liar. You're a legend in what's left of your own mind.
You the vermin lies out his loose ass.
how shiny is that mirror you are looking at child?

again trollboy you keep proving you have no credibility attacking the messenger instead of the evidence presented loser. :itsok:

well i am obviously dealing with a child with special needs from special ed here who gets angry over evidence he cant counter so time to make good on my post and use ignore, i only debate adults.
how shiny is that mirror you are looking at child?

again trollboy you keep proving you have no credibility attacking the messenger instead of the evidence presented loser. :itsok:

well i am obviously dealing with a child with special needs from special ed here who gets angry over evidence he cant counter so time to make good on my post and use ignore, i only debate adults.
You vermin don't accept evidence. You run from it and spew lies.
Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe (5000 estimated dead) when he was literally caught with his pants down and the history impaired crazy angry left thinks Reagan was a killer. Go figure.
trollboy here who has me on ignore because he cant refute my facts on Reagan deflects by bringing up the corruption of Clinton instead of addressing the evidence of the op here on what a mass murderer reagan was.he ALWAYS deflects from the corruption of the republicans like reagan and bush.:auiqs.jpg:comical that he is talking about the corruption of clinton here when NOBODY has even come on this thread and said he was a good president and was not a mass murderer,he just wants to talk about clinton to deflect from reagans corruption. :auiqs.jpg:nobody is saying clinton was not a mass murderer here so WHY did he bring that up here?:cuckoo: go make a thread about clintons corruption if you want to talk about clinton,i will be happy to go there and agree with you,but someone tell this troll for me stay on the TOPIC of reagan here and stop deflecting from his corruption.:cuckoo: someone please tell him that sense he has ME on ignore which is what i have done with all reagan apologists sense they wont address evidence.
Are you saying that Reagan didn't make a deal with Iranian hostage takers to hold the hostages till after the election for weapons and airplane parts?

Are you saying that Reagan then didn't use the funds from those deals to secretly fund the Contras, explicitly violating an act of Congress?

Not sure..just want to be clear here.
sallow here totally nailed it. :thup:
Greg Palast

"In 1987, I found myself stuck in a crappy little town in Nicaragua named Chaguitillo. The people were kind enough, though hungry, except for one surly young man. His wife had just died of tuberculosis.

People don't die of TB if they get some antibiotics. But Ronald Reagan, big-hearted guy that he was, had put a lock-down embargo on medicine to Nicaragua because he didn't like the government that the people there had elected.

Ronnie grinned and cracked jokes while the young woman's lungs filled up and she stopped breathing. Reagan flashed that B-movie grin while they buried the mother of three."
He was a real piece of shit.
He was a real piece of shit.
Yeah kinda like you who lumps a patriotic American like trump in there with a mass murderer like Reagan only because the name Republican is attached to it,we both know if Reagan had been a Demonrat you would be kissing his ass on this thread and always the same with trump as well.
Yeah yeah yeah we all know
you mean your know me ? good I like your fear

n Melitopol, the occupiers are burning the bodies of Russian soldiers right in the middle of the city, the mayor said. To hide their own losses, the Russians are expanding the network of mobile crematoria. One of them smokes around the clock in the Berdyansk port, the other - on the territory of the former children's sanatorium. There, the enemy set up a military hospital a long time ago, but it is cheaper to smoke than to treat. Several areas of Melitopol suffer from the stench of burnt Russian soil. Channel 24

Sure, there aren't a shortage of businesses offering minimum wage employment, that's not the point. There are no shortage of businesses offering $100K jobs either. That's not the point. The point is regarding those not worth minimum wage. I own three businesses in the Triangle of North Carolina. Not a low wage area. Two of them hire minimum wage workers. We are inundated with applications and we let many go who aren't worth it. We'd gladly pay minimum wage and up if we could find enough people who are worth it, but so many aren't and we're not going to pay that for people who are unreliable.

You haven't answered the question, you evaded it. And that is the big lie of the minimum wage. It's not a tide, it's a hurdle. No business pays someone wages they aren't worth. The minimum wage says if you are not worth $7.25 an hour, you are prohibited from working. And lots of people were in fact laid off when it went up. So, is Obama a Criminal and a Con-Man? I can give you the names of people who don't work for me because I can find people who are worth $7.25 an hour and I'm not paying someone that who isn't worth $7.25 an hour.
Finding reliable employees has never been easier.
Yeah kinda like you who lumps a patriotic American like trump in there with a mass murderer like Reagan only because the name Republican is attached to it,we both know if Reagan had been a Demonrat you would be kissing his ass on this thread and always the same with trump as well.
I would never support reagan even if God had sent him.There wasnt a grubby dictator that he didnt wank off.
Human garbage.

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