Reaganites are RINOs

Jews LIE about being others...

THAT is why someone once put STARS OF DAVID on places where JEWS were LYING about WHO THEY WERE
Your "God" doesn't exist.

And "soon" doesn't mean MORE THAN 1800 years from now....
Reagan made us feel good about the Country again after the stagnation and "misery index" of democrat Jimmy Carter. Typically the left wing media tried to bring Reagan down but when he said "there you go again" it made them look foolish. Democrats tried to impeach him over an amendment to a military appropriations bill by a left wing idiot democrat and they called it "guns to terrorists" when it was part of defending Central America against communist infiltration but it didn't stick. If there is an example of defending a failed administration you might take a look at the incredible corruption (and insanity?) of the JFK administration. Defcon#2 for God's sake.
The "media" actually turned on Reagan after he failed to wage war on Hezbo for Israel murdering our Marines and blaming Hezbo for it.
Reagan made us feel good about the Country again after the stagnation and "misery index" of democrat Jimmy Carter. Typically the left wing media tried to bring Reagan down but when he said "there you go again" it made them look foolish. Democrats tried to impeach him over an amendment to a military appropriations bill by a left wing idiot democrat and they called it "guns to terrorists" when it was part of defending Central America against communist infiltration but it didn't stick. If there is an example of defending a failed administration you might take a look at the incredible corruption (and insanity?) of the JFK administration. Defcon#2 for God's sake.
What corruption was in JFKs adminsitration?
I can prove 138 indictments/convictions/investigations from Reagans.
JFK was offed by Zionism.

This is the smoking gun....

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.["

Vietnam was just smoke for LBJ. The real objective was to run our military factories as long as possible and (steal) give the best weapons to Israel free of charge. That is why LBJ did everything possible to keep the Vietnam war going on and on.
1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.
You can always spot the commies by their attitudes toward the free market and their attempt to hide their Marxist tendencies by convincing the world they don't exists (a la Keyser Soze/the Devil).

While I am flattered by your implication that I am a supervillian level mastermind, I am just a guy who remembers how "Free Trade" was supposed to work and can see that that did not happen.
Reagan made us feel good about the Country again after the stagnation and "misery index" of democrat Jimmy Carter. Typically the left wing media tried to bring Reagan down but when he said "there you go again" it made them look foolish. Democrats tried to impeach him over an amendment to a military appropriations bill by a left wing idiot democrat and they called it "guns to terrorists" when it was part of defending Central America against communist infiltration but it didn't stick. If there is an example of defending a failed administration you might take a look at the incredible corruption (and insanity?) of the JFK administration. Defcon#2 for God's sake.
What corruption was in JFKs adminsitration?
I can prove 138 indictments/convictions/investigations from Reagans.
God help us if we ever let a president hire his own freaking brother to the top cop job. Bobby couldn't fight organized crime because the Kennedy dynasty was involved with the Mob. Instead bigot Bobby spent time illegally tapping MLK's phone and spreading salacious rumors about him. Together the Kennedy brothers illegally used the CIA to recruit, equip and train an illegal invasion army that they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. It's alleged that both brothers shared Hollywood actress Marlyn Monroe and JFK's infidelity made Harvey Weinstein look like a piker.
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.
Reagan stood up to, and defeated, communism.

Trump drops to his knees and sucks off a KGB thug.
The mask is finally off the tards.

Reagan used to be a Democrat, and explained why he left: "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me."

Well, Ron, the Republican Party has now left you. Actually, they left you a long time ago.

We're both homeless.
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.
Reagan stood up to, and defeated, communism.

Trump drops to his knees and sucks off a KGB thug.
you jealous? Bigly??
No Reaganite will ever be jealous of a cocksucker like Trump or you.
How could you? You queer commies cant keep the dick out of your mouth to begin with.
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.
I just cant buy what ifs. You have no idea if his beliefs would be different or not.
The fact is, if reagan was POTUS today, he would either be a D or be slammed by the repubs for being a RINO

no I disagree bigtime with that assessment. In the 80s you had the Reagan faction and the Bush/establishment faction. The RINOS are the Bush/establishment faction. Reagan liked to tangle, he would compromise but he wouldn't go down without a fight.
As for policy-
1) tax Cuts, he would approve and di so himself to great success
2)Amnesty- he tried it, it failed badly, I'm sure he'd be close to the build a wall/security first position that conservatives have today
3)free trade, we were all for it, until we found out it wasn't free trade. For example, the idea was we open our markets, and pick a country opens theirs, but that's not how it happened so it was a disaster, I doubt he'd redo that
4)Regulation reform, I think he'd like the Trump policy of remove 2 regs for each new one
5)repealing Obamacare, He would definitely be for that
6)Strong Military...and will go to war when necessary...but try to avoid it

So the idea is the establishmet were the Bush faction:
1) that didn't like tax cuts
2)wants amnesty...AGAIN (insanity as they say)
3)wants more free trade(aka one sided trade to our detriment)
4)I think they're for regulation reform, but you never know
5)Say they're for Obamacare repeal, but never quite get the right bill to vote for...hmmm
6)Strong military...but loves war a little too much

The only area would be foreign policy, since Reagan was in the middle of the cold war, it's hard to see where he would go, but I think he didn't like the UN much, loved Israel and that's about all I can say on foreing policy

But in the end, I think he would love the Trump agenda and he might not like all the tweets, he'd like the fighting spirit.
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.
I just cant buy what ifs. You have no idea if his beliefs would be different or not.
The fact is, if reagan was POTUS today, he would either be a D or be slammed by the repubs for being a RINO

no I disagree bigtime with that assessment. In the 80s you had the Reagan faction and the Bush/establishment faction. The RINOS are the Bush/establishment faction. Reagan liked to tangle, he would compromise but he wouldn't go down without a fight.
As for policy-
1) tax Cuts, he would approve and di so himself to great success
2)Amnesty- he tried it, it failed badly, I'm sure he'd be close to the build a wall/security first position that conservatives have today
3)free trade, we were all for it, until we found out it wasn't free trade. For example, the idea was we open our markets, and pick a country opens theirs, but that's not how it happened so it was a disaster, I doubt he'd redo that
4)Regulation reform, I think he'd like the Trump policy of remove 2 regs for each new one
5)repealing Obamacare, He would definitely be for that
6)Strong Military...and will go to war when necessary...but try to avoid it

So the idea is the establishmet were the Bush faction:
1) that didn't like tax cuts
2)wants amnesty...AGAIN (insanity as they say)
3)wants more free trade(aka one sided trade to our detriment)
4)I think they're for regulation reform, but you never know
5)Say they're for Obamacare repeal, but never quite get the right bill to vote for...hmmm
6)Strong military...but loves war a little too much

The only area would be foreign policy, since Reagan was in the middle of the cold war, it's hard to see where he would go, but I think he didn't like the UN much, loved Israel and that's about all I can say on foreing policy

But in the end, I think he would love the Trump agenda and he might not like all the tweets, he'd like the fighting spirit.
You are assuming the actions of a dead man. Fallacy central.
So thats 3 people that blame someone else for Reagans actions. Are you guys cucks by nature or something?

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