Reaganites are RINOs

TN Harley checks "Funny" then checks and finds out the Zionist misinfo on Iran is 100% bullshit, and his pathetic birdbrain has been parroting BULLSHIT for years...

Learn to CHECK UP on "facts" from the Israeli owned "US" media....
Where the fuck do you come up with this horseshit? Good lord
Operation cyclone actually. Your guessing game sucks a big one LOL

Operation cyclone???



You likely cheered when W put Iran on the Axis of Evil, never figuring out that moderate Rafsanjani was arming and funding The Northern Alliance in Afghan when our troops arrived.

When W put Iran on Axis of Evil, that was the end of our alliance with TNA, and likely is the direct cause of 2-300 US deaths in Afghan.

Cheer on.

When US troops get killed when pols sell out, TN Harley goes right on PARROTING ZIONIST MISINFO...
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.
Reagan was mediocre at best. He just looked so good because Carter was such a shitty president, and we had been governed by high-taxing statists for 60 years.

The absolute best modern president, that non-statist, limited-government types should offer as an Icon of liberty and proper function of government is, hands down, Calvin Coolidge. I wish the right would embrace Coolidge over big-spending, statist Reagan.
Operation cyclone actually. Your guessing game sucks a big one LOL

Operation cyclone???



You likely cheered when W put Iran on the Axis of Evil, never figuring out that moderate Rafsanjani was arming and funding The Northern Alliance in Afghan when our troops arrived.

When W put Iran on Axis of Evil, that was the end of our allies with TNA, and likely is the direct cause of 2-300 US deaths in Afghan.

Cheer on.

When US troops get killed when pols sell out, TN Harley goes right on PARROTING ZIONIST MISINFO...
No you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck. Thats what i was referring to when i said he gave weapons to terrorists. Can you not follow your own conversation?
TN Harley cheered

when John Sellout McAIPAC went to Iraq and blamed Iran for supporting AQ, never noticing that was 180 degrees from "true" and that lie PISSED OFF THE IRAQI SHIAS, and cost us 1-2000 US troop lives because yet another "US pol" sold out to ISRAEL.

Reagan, on the other hand, stood firm. Hezbo did not off our US Marines in 1982 as Israel claimed. That is why you hate Reagan. You think the US exists to serve ISRAEL.
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.
I just cant buy what ifs. You have no idea if his beliefs would be different or not.
The fact is, if reagan was POTUS today, he would either be a D or be slammed by the repubs for being a RINO

Trump supporters now claim Romney, McCain, and both Bushes were RINOs all along despite supporting every one of them. They only still praise Reagan because it was far enough back that they think we'll forget that he wasn't much different than the rest. It helps them justify the dismantling of their own ideals with the election of Trump.
----------------------------------------------- 'bushes' were supported same as 'romney' and 'mccain' because there was no one else for repubs to support . I of course haven't supported any of those mentioned since 'gwb' second run and i didn't support him at that time . Trump turned me around and i woulda voted Cruz if TRUMP hadn't appeared Aaron .
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.
Reagan was mediocre at best. He just looked so good because Carter was such a shitty president, and we had been governed by high-taxing statists for 40 years.

The absolute best modern president, that non-statist, limited-government types should offer as an Icon of liberty and proper function of government is, hands down, Calvin Coolidge. I wish the right would embrace Coolidge over big-spending, statist Reagan.
Calvin is one of my favorites! He was a non-nonsense kind of guy. Soemthing we havent had in decades.
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.

Free trade should have been FAIR trade. But the big corporations did not want that, tjey just wanted their cheap labor from overseas.
1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.
You can always spot the commies by their attitudes toward the free market and their attempt to hide their Marxist tendencies by convincing the world they don't exists (a la Keyser Soze/the Devil).
Israel did

the USS Liberty
Pan Am 103
the Marines in Lebanon 1982

Iran did.... the hostages.... after we armed and funded the Shah, a Shia version of SADDAM

RIGHT about taxes and spending - the Crook/Klansman Dem Congress did the spending
RIGHT about not going to war with Hezbo over Israel's terror act
RIGHT about re-building the US military

WRONG on Drug War
No, it is 100% truth...

right down to the truth about Gaddafi...

Gaddafi Jewish - Google Search

RIGHT about taxes and spending - the Crook/Klansman Dem Congress did the spending
RIGHT about not going to war with Hezbo over Israel's terror act
RIGHT about re-building the US military

WRONG on Drug War
WRONG on Amnesty for all the illegals.
WRONG on his ridiculous spending
WRONG on his World Police interventionist foreign policy

I don't really hate Reagan, but he still left much to be desired. He was still a pretty hardcore statist.
When PARROTS get their PARROTING outed as FALSE, they usually don't learn anything.

They just attack the messenger....

Gaddafi was JEWISH. The evidence is undeniable...

Gaddafi killed anyone who discovered his mother was Jewish, aide claims

Gaddafi’s mother was born Jewish, his protocol chief says

Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel

'Qaddafi is Jewish and I'm His Cousin'

Ynetnews News - Rebels: Gaddafi using Israeli weapons

Could Muammar Gaddafi be Jewish?

Some of the Libyan rebels opposed to Muammar Gaddafi have accused the colonel of being a Jew, which is considered a heinous epithet in the rabidly anti-Semitic Arab world. But could Muammar Gaddafi actually be Jewish?

According to a new report in the Economist magazine, perhaps.

The well-respected British magazine reports that Gita Boaron, an Israeli of Libyan decent, claimed on Israeli television that she is related to the just-about-deposed Libyan strongman.

“Gaddafi’s grandmother is my grandmother’s sister,” Boaron told Israeli television. “His grandmother is my father’s grandmother. She was Jewish, became Muslim and married the town sheik. She had children and he’s her grandson, so he’s considered Jewish because his mother was born to a Jewish mother. So it means he’s Jewish.”

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