Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.
The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians
where did we leave off?

Oh yeah, that old southern comfort....

Jim Crow

Hey asswipe,

White liberals from the North created Jim Crow. Google Plessy vs. Ferguson. The Supreme Court created the separate but equal doctrine. The lead justice who wrote the main opinion was some asshole from Massachusetts.

Educate yourself. Moron. Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously flawed, but knowledgable...

You must have been worthy in your prime, but as decrepit as your mind has become...

So sad.

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