Real Americans prefer freedom, liberals don't.

Oh, wait, you mean the David Duke who supports OWS?

Not Helping: David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street | TPMDC

He sounds like a liberal to me.

"As Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s, David Duke urged Klan members to "get out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." For the past 25 years, he has increasingly attempted to follow his own advice, by using code words, and increasingly disguising his ideas behind more mainstream conservative-sounding rhetoric. "
In an October 20th video posted on his Youtube channel, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke expressed support for the Occupy Wall Street movement — or, as he calls it, the “Occupy Zionist Wall Street” movement.

“The Zionist media has their paid whores condemning the demonstrations across America against these criminal banks,” says Duke, citing Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly as specific examples.

He's a liberal. No doubt.

Now THERE'S a match made in heaven...

Oh and no Zionists at MSNBC? Even on bagel & lox Tuesdays?
What the hell does it matter of you did? Would it make you less right is you listened to Rush or hell Pavarotti?

Maybe. It definitely makes you a fucking idiot.

Only your retarded ass would think someone is wrong cause of the entertainment they listen to....Like all Progressives you are a bigot.

I didn't say it made you wrong for sure. I told you it makes you a fucking idiot.

I also told you Megadeth is just Metallica's left over jizz moppings. So there's that.
Yes, indeed.

The republicans have been equally responsible for the creation of the gargantuan tyrannical federal government.


Bush I would agree and MAYBE one or to other progressive republicans but I find you trying to paint them all with the same brush as dishonest and well bullshit.

Reagan: No Revolution

by Jacob H. Huebert

The popular perception is that Ronald Reagan ushered in a "revolution" in government — an essentially libertarian one, in which the federal government was no longer viewed as the solution to problems, but was viewed as itself a problem. This revolution was even seen as outlasting Reagan, reflected in Bill Clinton's declaration that "the era of big government is over." Only with the election of Barack Obama, pundits opined, did Americans cast off the anti-government ideology that had held sway since Reagan took office.

This popular perception is wrong. Reagan drastically escalated the war on drugs, as the percentage of inmates in federal prison for drug offenses increased from 25 percent to 44 percent during his two terms. And he pursued an interventionist foreign policy by, among other things, putting troops in Lebanon, supporting Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and meddling in Nicaragua in the Iran-Contra matter.


We already know Regan didnt support Liberal causes....Whats your point?
Maybe. It definitely makes you a fucking idiot.

Only your retarded ass would think someone is wrong cause of the entertainment they listen to....Like all Progressives you are a bigot.

I didn't say it made you wrong for sure. I told you it makes you a fucking idiot.

I also told you Megadeth is just Metallica's left over jizz moppings. So there's that.
So your retarded and have bad taste.
Oh, wait, you mean the David Duke who supports OWS?

Not Helping: David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street | TPMDC

He sounds like a liberal to me.

"As Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s, David Duke urged Klan members to "get out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." For the past 25 years, he has increasingly attempted to follow his own advice, by using code words, and increasingly disguising his ideas behind more mainstream conservative-sounding rhetoric. "
In an October 20th video posted on his Youtube channel, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke expressed support for the Occupy Wall Street movement — or, as he calls it, the “Occupy Zionist Wall Street” movement.

“The Zionist media has their paid whores condemning the demonstrations across America against these criminal banks,” says Duke, citing Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly as specific examples.

He's a liberal. No doubt.

LOL, really?

[ame=]David Duke Speaks to the Tea Party - YouTube[/ame]
Only with the election of Barack Obama, pundits opined, did Americans cast off the anti-government ideology that had held sway since Reagan took office.

I love the way lying scum, duplicitous liberals will try to brainwash us into thinking that talk of freedom or anti-government ideology started with Reagan when in fact it started with our Founders and is in fact the basic philosophy of our Constitution!!

Liberal talk is, in effect, treason or like a slow growing cancer on the body politic.
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Real American's, don't support shit like this!

[ame=]U.S. Helicopter Pilot Sings 'Bye, Bye Miss American Pie' As He BLASTS Afghan Target - YouTube[/ame]
I'm wondering why this false dichotomy is being given any credence at all.

How does "the state" committing itself to the sensible notion of preventing hunger or sickness infringe on you freedom one bit?

Where does it get the money, asshole?
I'm wondering why this false dichotomy is being given any credence at all.

How does "the state" committing itself to the sensible notion of preventing hunger or sickness infringe on you freedom one bit?

Where does it get the money, asshole?

How does that restrict your freedom?

Money isn't freedom. It's money.

If anything, the m ore you have, the less freedom you have, anyway.

The only question isn't whether we are going to let the poor starve to death or not. All the sane people have agreed we won't let that happen.

The question becomes who should pay for it.

I vote for the rich assholes.
Only with the election of Barack Obama, pundits opined, did Americans cast off the anti-government ideology that had held sway since Reagan took office.

I love the way lying scum, duplicitous liberals will try to brainwash us into thinking that talk of freedom or anti-government ideology started with Reagan when in fact it started with our Founders and is in fact the basic philosophy of our Constitution!!

Liberal talk is, in effect, treason or like a slow growing cancer on the body politic.

Conservatives did not write the Constitution, nor do they endorse freedom, liberty or equal treatment under the law.

State after state where conservatives hold power they try to suppress the vote, rollback women's rights and differ power to the rich.

Your very notion that the founders somehow wanted a small weak central government is ridiculous.
Conservatives did not write the Constitution,

too stupid but perfectly 100% liberal. The Constitution gave the Federal government very limited enumerated powers, exactly what Republicans since Jefferson have wanted and exactly what liberals oppose 100%!!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, very slow!!!!
Your very notion that the founders somehow wanted a small weak central government is ridiculous.

ok you're right it was Hitler Stalin and Mao who wanted a small weak central government and our Founders who wanted a huge powerful central government.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, very very slow???
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Do we have poor starving people in the US? We have poor fat people. We have poor obese people. The swollen bellies don't come from starvation but too many burgers and fries.
I vote for the rich assholes.

why should the rich pay when being rich means that they have already served humanity? Who's done more good Steve Jobs or a poor ghetto liberal?

The rich like Jobs got us from the stone age to here with their inventions while ghetto liberals are merely free riders.
Only with the election of Barack Obama, pundits opined, did Americans cast off the anti-government ideology that had held sway since Reagan took office.

I love the way lying scum, duplicitous liberals will try to brainwash us into thinking that talk of freedom or anti-government ideology started with Reagan when in fact it started with our Founders and is in fact the basic philosophy of our Constitution!!

Liberal talk is, in effect, treason or like a slow growing cancer on the body politic.

Conservatives did not write the Constitution, nor do they endorse freedom, liberty or equal treatment under the law.

State after state where conservatives hold power they try to suppress the vote, rollback women's rights and differ power to the rich.

Your very notion that the founders somehow wanted a small weak central government is ridiculous.

Correct. The were the ones that remained loyal to the British and only reluctantly became Americans...except the ones that took the boat back to England.

NewGOPer republiCONZ are such lying sacks of liquid shit.. or maybe they are just stupid..
I'm wondering why this false dichotomy is being given any credence at all.

How does "the state" committing itself to the sensible notion of preventing hunger or sickness infringe on you freedom one bit?

Where does it get the money, asshole?

How does that restrict your freedom?

Money isn't freedom. It's money.

If anything, the m ore you have, the less freedom you have, anyway.

The only question isn't whether we are going to let the poor starve to death or not. All the sane people have agreed we won't let that happen.

The question becomes who should pay for it.

I vote for the rich assholes.

Money is property.... It's a Fourth Amendment violation for the government to steal money....
Conservatives suppress the votes of dead people and felons. If you lose the dead vote it's pretty much all over for democrats.
Correct. The were the ones that remained loyal to the British and only reluctantly became Americans...except the ones that took the boat back to England.

the ones who wanted limited government and freedom fought the Revolution and established the American government. Republicans to this day support the Revolutionary principle, while liberals treasonously oppose!!

Why not make liberals illegal as the Constitution intended?
State after state where conservatives hold power they try to suppress the vote

what you mean is they follow the Constitution 100% which was written to create intelligent democratic government. Government is not intelligent when those who cant get ID's vote and when those who are selling their votes for welfare entitlements get to vote.

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